use std::{env, ffi::OsStr, io, io::Write, path::Path, process::Command}; // We have to build stage 0 completely separately because it won't be part of // the final binary per se (it's what loads the final binary in the first place). // That's why we have this not-at-all overengineered custom build system. fn main() { let make = Make::from_env(); let stage0_srcs = ["src/boot/stage0.s"]; let stage0_objs = make.all(stage0_srcs);"config/stage0.ld"), stage0_objs, "stage0.elf"); make.objcopy("stage0.elf", "mbr.bin"); make.end(); } struct Make { /// Base directory for all source files src_base: String, /// Base directory for all generated object files obj_base: String, /// Base directory for finished, pre-linked binaries root_dir: String, /// Command to use for assembling cmd_as: String, /// Command to use for linking cmd_ld: String, } impl Make { pub fn from_env() -> Self { let manifest_dir = env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap(); let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); // XXX this will probably be removed in the final version, i'm only throwing // the finished binaries in the target root directory because that's easier // to access from gdb and various helper scripts to set up a disk image let root_dir = Path::new(&out_dir) .parent() .and_then(Path::parent) .and_then(Path::parent) .and_then(Path::to_str) .map(String::from) .unwrap(); eprintln!("=== BussyBuild starting ==="); Self { src_base: manifest_dir, obj_base: out_dir, root_dir, cmd_as: env::var("AS").unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("as")), cmd_ld: env::var("LD") .or_else(|_| env::var("RUSTC_LINKER")) .unwrap_or_else(|_| "ld".to_owned()), } } /// Build the specified source file (relative to `CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR`) /// and return the absolute path to the object file. /// The program used for building depends on the file extension: /// /// | extension | program | /// |:---------:|:-----------| /// | `*.c` | C compiler | /// | `*.s` | assembler | pub fn make(&self, src_file: &str) -> String { assert!(Path::new(src_file).is_relative()); let src_path = Path::new(&self.src_base).join(src_file); let obj_path = Path::new(&self.obj_base).join(format!("{src_file}.o")); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", src_path.to_str().unwrap()); let obj_dir = obj_path.parent().expect("output file has no parent??"); if !obj_dir.exists() { std::fs::create_dir_all(obj_dir).unwrap(); } if !obj_dir.is_dir() { panic!("invalid output path"); } let extension = src_path .extension() .expect("source file has no extension") .to_str() .expect("invalid (non-Unicode?) source file extension"); match extension { "c" => unimplemented!(), "s" => self.assemble(src_path.as_os_str(), obj_path.as_os_str()), _ => panic!("unsupported source file extension \".{extension}\""), } String::from(obj_path.to_str().unwrap()) } pub fn all(&self, src_files: I) -> Vec where I: IntoIterator, S: AsRef, { src_files .into_iter() .map(|f| self.make(f.as_ref())) .collect() } pub fn link(&self, script: Option<&str>, obj_files: I, out: &str) where I: IntoIterator, S: AsRef, { eprintln!("=> LD {out}"); let mut cmd = Command::new(&self.cmd_ld); if let Some(script) = script { let script_path = Path::new(script); let script_path = if script_path.is_relative() { Path::new(&self.src_base).join(script_path) } else { script_path.to_path_buf() }; let script = script_path.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap(); cmd.arg(format!("-T{script}")); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={script}"); } cmd.arg("-melf_i386") .arg("-static") .arg("-nostdlib") .arg("-o") .arg(Path::new(&self.root_dir).join(out)); for file in obj_files.into_iter() { cmd.arg(file.as_ref()); } eprintln!(" {cmd:?}"); let output = cmd.output().expect("failed to execute linker"); self.stdout_raw(output.stdout.as_ref()); if !output.status.success() { self.stdout_raw(output.stderr.as_ref()); self.cmd_failed(&self.cmd_ld, output.status.code()); } } pub fn objcopy(&self, elf: &str, out: &str) { eprintln!("=> OBJCOPY {elf}"); let elf = Path::new(&self.root_dir).join(elf); let bin = Path::new(&self.root_dir).join(out); let output = Command::new("objcopy") .arg("-O") .arg("binary") .arg(&elf) .arg(&bin) .output() .unwrap(); self.stdout_raw(output.stdout.as_ref()); if !output.status.success() { self.stdout_raw(output.stderr.as_ref()); self.cmd_failed(&self.cmd_ld, output.status.code()); } } pub fn end(self) { eprintln!("=== BussyBuild finished ==="); } /// Assemble a source file to an object file. fn assemble(&self, src_file: &OsStr, obj_file: &OsStr) { eprintln!("=> AS {}", obj_file.to_str().unwrap()); let mut cmd = Command::new(&self.cmd_as); cmd.arg("--32") // Without this option, the linker mysteriously appends exactly 40 bytes // of nonsense to the final output binary, even after stripping the ELF. // I have no explanation for this, other than the GNU people being sadists. .arg("-mx86-used-note=no") .arg("-g") .arg("-o") .arg(obj_file) .arg(src_file); eprintln!(" {cmd:?}"); let output = cmd.output().expect("failed to execute assembler"); self.stdout_raw(output.stdout.as_ref()); if !output.status.success() { self.stdout_raw(output.stderr.as_ref()); self.cmd_failed(&self.cmd_as, output.status.code()); } } fn cmd_failed(&self, cmd: &str, code: Option) -> ! { let code = code .map(|code| format!("{code}")) .unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_owned()); panic!("{cmd} exited with status code {code}",) } fn stdout_raw(&self, buf: &[u8]) { io::stdout().write_all(buf).unwrap(); } }