# frozen_string_literal: true # == Schema Information # # Table name: settings # # id :bigint(8) not null, primary key # var :string not null # value :text # thing_type :string # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # thing_id :bigint(8) # # This file is derived from a fork of the `rails-settings-cached` gem available at # https://github.com/mastodon/rails-settings-cached/tree/v0.6.6-aliases-true, with # the original available at: # https://github.com/huacnlee/rails-settings-cached/tree/0.x # It is licensed as follows: # Copyright (c) 2006 Alex Wayne # Some additional features added 2009 by Georg Ledermann # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOa AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SaALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. class Setting < ApplicationRecord after_commit :rewrite_cache, on: %i(create update) after_commit :expire_cache, on: %i(destroy) # Settings are server-wide settings only, but they were previously # used for users too. This can be dropped later with a database # migration dropping any scoped setting. default_scope { where(thing_type: nil, thing_id: nil) } class << self # get or set a variable with the variable as the called method # rubocop:disable Style/MissingRespondToMissing def method_missing(method, *args) # set a value for a variable if method.end_with?('=') var_name = method.to_s.chomp('=') value = args.first self[var_name] = value else # retrieve a value self[method.to_s] end end # rubocop:enable Style/MissingRespondToMissing def object(var_name) find_by(var: var_name.to_s) end def cache_prefix_by_startup @cache_prefix_by_startup ||= Digest::MD5.hexdigest(default_settings.to_s) end def cache_key(var_name) "rails_settings_cached/#{cache_prefix_by_startup}/#{var_name}" end def [](key) Rails.cache.fetch(cache_key(key)) do db_val = object(key) db_val ? db_val.value : default_settings[key] end end # set a setting value by [] notation def []=(var_name, value) var_name = var_name.to_s record = object(var_name) || new(var: var_name) record.value = value record.save! end def default_settings return @default_settings if defined?(@default_settings) content = Rails.root.join('config', 'settings.yml').read hash = content.empty? ? {} : YAML.safe_load(ERB.new(content).result, aliases: true).to_hash @default_settings = hash[Rails.env] || {} end end # get the value field, YAML decoded def value YAML.safe_load(self[:value], permitted_classes: [ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, Symbol]) if self[:value].present? end # set the value field, YAML encoded def value=(new_value) self[:value] = new_value.to_yaml end def rewrite_cache Rails.cache.write(cache_key, value) end def expire_cache Rails.cache.delete(cache_key) end def cache_key self.class.cache_key(var) end def to_param var end end