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mod download;
mod query;
mod list;
mod remove;
mod repository;
mod install;
mod package;
mod config;
use crate::repository::find_package_in_repositories;
fn main() {
let operation = std::env::args().nth(1).expect("too few arguments!"); // Get the operation
match operation.as_str() {
"upgrade" | "u" => { // Will upgrade the selected package(s).
"install" | "i" => { // Install the selected package(s).
if std::env::args().nth(2).expect("too few arguments!") == "--archive" { // Indicates that the package(s) are archives instead of folders.
} else {
let package_name = std::env::args().nth(2).expect("too few arguments!"); // Get the first package name
find_package_in_repositories(&package_name, None); // Go through and find the package
println!("Reading package list");
let package_list = sled::open(crate::config::read_config().installation_path + "packages").expect("Failed to open package list");
if package_list.contains_key(&package_name).expect("Unexpected error") {
println!("Package was found in package list, checking for updates");
"remove" | "r" => {
"list" | "l" => {
"query" | "q" => {
"config" | "c" => {
"repository" | "repo" => {
_ => {
panic!("Unknown operation: {}", operation);