Updated ssfn to latest

bzt 2 years ago
parent eb13f3b260
commit 031e1a1120

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* ssfn.h
* https://gitlab.com/bztsrc/scalable-font2
* Copyright (C) 2020 bzt (bztsrc@gitlab)
* Copyright (C) 2020 - 2022 bzt
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ typedef unsigned long int uint64_t;
#define SSFN_STYLE_USRDEF1 4 /* user defined variant 1 */
#define SSFN_STYLE_USRDEF2 8 /* user defined variant 2 */
#define SSFN_STYLE_USRDEF1 4 /* user defined variant 1 */
#define SSFN_STYLE_USRDEF2 8 /* user defined variant 2 */
/* contour commands */
@ -103,87 +103,88 @@ typedef unsigned long int uint64_t;
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct {
uint8_t magic[4]; /* SSFN magic bytes */
uint32_t size; /* total size in bytes */
uint8_t type; /* font family and style */
uint8_t features; /* format features and revision */
uint8_t width; /* overall width of the font */
uint8_t height; /* overall height of the font */
uint8_t baseline; /* horizontal baseline in grid pixels */
uint8_t underline; /* position of under line in grid pixels */
uint16_t fragments_offs; /* offset of fragments table */
uint32_t characters_offs; /* characters table offset */
uint32_t ligature_offs; /* ligatures table offset */
uint32_t kerning_offs; /* kerning table offset */
uint32_t cmap_offs; /* color map offset */
uint8_t magic[4]; /* SSFN magic bytes */
uint32_t size; /* total size in bytes */
uint8_t type; /* font family and style */
uint8_t features; /* format features and revision */
uint8_t width; /* overall width of the font */
uint8_t height; /* overall height of the font */
uint8_t baseline; /* horizontal baseline in grid pixels */
uint8_t underline; /* position of under line in grid pixels */
uint16_t fragments_offs; /* offset of fragments table */
uint32_t characters_offs; /* characters table offset */
uint32_t ligature_offs; /* ligatures table offset */
uint32_t kerning_offs; /* kerning table offset */
uint32_t cmap_offs; /* color map offset */
} _pack ssfn_font_t;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma pack(pop)
/***** renderer API *****/
#define SSFN_FAMILY_ANY 0xff /* select the first loaded font */
#define SSFN_FAMILY_BYNAME 0xfe /* select font by its unique name */
#define SSFN_FAMILY_ANY 0xff /* select the first loaded font */
#define SSFN_FAMILY_BYNAME 0xfe /* select font by its unique name */
/* additional styles not stored in fonts */
#define SSFN_STYLE_UNDERLINE 16 /* under line glyph */
#define SSFN_STYLE_STHROUGH 32 /* strike through glyph */
#define SSFN_STYLE_NOAA 64 /* no anti-aliasing */
#define SSFN_STYLE_NOKERN 128 /* no kerning */
#define SSFN_STYLE_NODEFGLYPH 256 /* don't draw default glyph */
#define SSFN_STYLE_NOCACHE 512 /* don't cache rasterized glyph */
#define SSFN_STYLE_NOHINTING 1024 /* no auto hinting grid (not used as of now) */
#define SSFN_STYLE_RTL 2048 /* render right-to-left */
#define SSFN_STYLE_ABS_SIZE 4096 /* scale absoulte height */
#define SSFN_STYLE_NOSMOOTH 8192 /* no edge-smoothing for bitmaps */
#define SSFN_STYLE_UNDERLINE 16 /* under line glyph */
#define SSFN_STYLE_STHROUGH 32 /* strike through glyph */
#define SSFN_STYLE_NOAA 64 /* no anti-aliasing */
#define SSFN_STYLE_NOKERN 128 /* no kerning */
#define SSFN_STYLE_NODEFGLYPH 256 /* don't draw default glyph */
#define SSFN_STYLE_NOCACHE 512 /* don't cache rasterized glyph */
#define SSFN_STYLE_NOHINTING 1024 /* no auto hinting grid (not used as of now) */
#define SSFN_STYLE_RTL 2048 /* render right-to-left */
#define SSFN_STYLE_ABS_SIZE 4096 /* scale absoulte height */
#define SSFN_STYLE_NOSMOOTH 8192 /* no edge-smoothing for bitmaps */
#define SSFN_STYLE_A 16384 /* keep original alpha channel */
/* error codes */
#define SSFN_OK 0 /* success */
#define SSFN_ERR_ALLOC -1 /* allocation error */
#define SSFN_ERR_BADFILE -2 /* bad SSFN file format */
#define SSFN_ERR_NOFACE -3 /* no font face selected */
#define SSFN_ERR_INVINP -4 /* invalid input */
#define SSFN_ERR_BADSTYLE -5 /* bad style */
#define SSFN_ERR_BADSIZE -6 /* bad size */
#define SSFN_ERR_NOGLYPH -7 /* glyph (or kerning info) not found */
#define SSFN_SIZE_MAX 192 /* biggest size we can render */
#define SSFN_ITALIC_DIV 4 /* italic angle divisor, glyph top side pushed width / this pixels */
#define SSFN_PREC 4 /* precision in bits */
#define SSFN_OK 0 /* success */
#define SSFN_ERR_ALLOC -1 /* allocation error */
#define SSFN_ERR_BADFILE -2 /* bad SSFN file format */
#define SSFN_ERR_NOFACE -3 /* no font face selected */
#define SSFN_ERR_INVINP -4 /* invalid input */
#define SSFN_ERR_BADSTYLE -5 /* bad style */
#define SSFN_ERR_BADSIZE -6 /* bad size */
#define SSFN_ERR_NOGLYPH -7 /* glyph (or kerning info) not found */
#define SSFN_SIZE_MAX 192 /* biggest size we can render */
#define SSFN_ITALIC_DIV 4 /* italic angle divisor, glyph top side pushed width / this pixels */
#define SSFN_PREC 4 /* precision in bits */
/* destination frame buffer context */
typedef struct {
uint8_t *ptr; /* pointer to the buffer */
int16_t w; /* width (positive: ARGB, negative: ABGR pixels) */
int16_t h; /* height */
uint16_t p; /* pitch, bytes per line */
int16_t x; /* cursor x */
int16_t y; /* cursor y */
uint32_t fg; /* foreground color */
uint32_t bg; /* background color */
uint8_t *ptr; /* pointer to the buffer */
int w; /* width (positive: ARGB, negative: ABGR pixels) */
int h; /* height */
uint16_t p; /* pitch, bytes per line */
int x; /* cursor x */
int y; /* cursor y */
uint32_t fg; /* foreground color */
uint32_t bg; /* background color */
} ssfn_buf_t;
/* cached bitmap struct */
typedef struct {
uint16_t p; /* data buffer pitch, bytes per line */
uint8_t h; /* data buffer height */
uint8_t o; /* overlap of glyph, scaled to size */
uint8_t x; /* advance x, scaled to size */
uint8_t y; /* advance y, scaled to size */
uint8_t a; /* ascender, scaled to size */
uint8_t d; /* descender, scaled to size */
uint8_t data[SSFN_DATA_MAX]; /* data buffer */
uint16_t p; /* data buffer pitch, bytes per line */
uint8_t h; /* data buffer height */
uint8_t o; /* overlap of glyph, scaled to size */
uint8_t x; /* advance x, scaled to size */
uint8_t y; /* advance y, scaled to size */
uint8_t a; /* ascender, scaled to size */
uint8_t d; /* descender, scaled to size */
uint8_t data[SSFN_DATA_MAX]; /* data buffer */
} ssfn_glyph_t;
/* character metrics */
typedef struct {
uint8_t t; /* type and overlap */
uint8_t n; /* number of fragments */
uint8_t w; /* width */
uint8_t h; /* height */
uint8_t x; /* advance x */
uint8_t y; /* advance y */
uint8_t t; /* type and overlap */
uint8_t n; /* number of fragments */
uint8_t w; /* width */
uint8_t h; /* height */
uint8_t x; /* advance x */
uint8_t y; /* advance y */
} ssfn_chr_t;
@ -194,29 +195,29 @@ typedef struct {
/* renderer context */
typedef struct {
const ssfn_font_t *fnt[5][16]; /* static font registry */
const ssfn_font_t *fnt[5][16]; /* static font registry */
const ssfn_font_t **fnt[5]; /* dynamic font registry */
const ssfn_font_t **fnt[5]; /* dynamic font registry */
const ssfn_font_t *s; /* explicitly selected font */
const ssfn_font_t *f; /* font selected by best match */
ssfn_glyph_t ga; /* glyph sketch area */
ssfn_glyph_t *g; /* current glyph pointer */
const ssfn_font_t *s; /* explicitly selected font */
const ssfn_font_t *f; /* font selected by best match */
ssfn_glyph_t ga; /* glyph sketch area */
ssfn_glyph_t *g; /* current glyph pointer */
uint16_t p[SSFN_MAXLINES*2];
ssfn_glyph_t ***c[17]; /* glyph cache */
ssfn_glyph_t ***c[17]; /* glyph cache */
uint16_t *p;
char **bufs; /* allocated extra buffers */
char **bufs; /* allocated extra buffers */
ssfn_chr_t *rc; /* pointer to current character */
ssfn_chr_t *rc; /* pointer to current character */
int numbuf, lenbuf, np, ap, ox, oy, ax;
int mx, my, lx, ly; /* move to coordinates, last coordinates */
int len[5]; /* number of fonts in registry */
int family; /* required family */
int style; /* required style */
int size; /* required size */
int line; /* calculate line height */
int mx, my, lx, ly; /* move to coordinates, last coordinates */
int len[5]; /* number of fonts in registry */
int family; /* required family */
int style; /* required style */
int size; /* required size */
int line; /* calculate line height */
uint64_t lookup, raster, blit, kern;/* profiling accumulators */
@ -224,23 +225,23 @@ typedef struct {
/***** API function protoypes *****/
uint32_t ssfn_utf8(char **str); /* decode UTF-8 sequence */
uint32_t ssfn_utf8(char **str); /* decode UTF-8 sequence */
/* normal renderer */
int ssfn_load(ssfn_t *ctx, const void *data); /* add an SSFN to context */
int ssfn_select(ssfn_t *ctx, int family, const char *name, int style, int size); /* select font to use */
int ssfn_render(ssfn_t *ctx, ssfn_buf_t *dst, const char *str); /* render a glyph to a pixel buffer */
int ssfn_bbox(ssfn_t *ctx, const char *str, int *w, int *h, int *left, int *top); /* get bounding box */
ssfn_buf_t *ssfn_text(ssfn_t *ctx, const char *str, unsigned int fg); /* renders text to a newly allocated buffer */
int ssfn_mem(ssfn_t *ctx); /* return how much memory is used */
void ssfn_free(ssfn_t *ctx); /* free context */
#define ssfn_error(err) (err<0&&err>=-7?ssfn_errstr[-err]:"Unknown error") /* return string for error code */
int ssfn_load(ssfn_t *ctx, const void *data); /* add an SSFN to context */
int ssfn_select(ssfn_t *ctx, int family, const char *name, int style, int size); /* select font to use */
int ssfn_render(ssfn_t *ctx, ssfn_buf_t *dst, const char *str); /* render a glyph to a pixel buffer */
int ssfn_bbox(ssfn_t *ctx, const char *str, int *w, int *h, int *left, int *top); /* get bounding box */
ssfn_buf_t *ssfn_text(ssfn_t *ctx, const char *str, unsigned int fg); /* renders text to a newly allocated buffer */
int ssfn_mem(ssfn_t *ctx); /* return how much memory is used */
void ssfn_free(ssfn_t *ctx); /* free context */
#define ssfn_error(err) (err<0&&err>=-7?ssfn_errstr[-err]:"Unknown error") /* return string for error code */
extern const char *ssfn_errstr[];
/* simple renderer */
extern ssfn_font_t *ssfn_src; /* font buffer */
extern ssfn_buf_t ssfn_dst; /* destination frame buffer */
int ssfn_putc(uint32_t unicode); /* render console bitmap font */
extern ssfn_font_t *ssfn_src; /* font buffer */
extern ssfn_buf_t ssfn_dst; /* destination frame buffer */
int ssfn_putc(uint32_t unicode); /* render console bitmap font */
/***** renderer implementations *****/
@ -930,7 +931,7 @@ int ssfn_select(ssfn_t *ctx, int family, const char *name, int style, int size)
if((style & ~0x3FFF)) return SSFN_ERR_BADSTYLE;
if((style & ~0x5FFF)) return SSFN_ERR_BADSTYLE;
if(size < 8 || size > SSFN_SIZE_MAX) return SSFN_ERR_BADSIZE;
if(family == SSFN_FAMILY_BYNAME) {
@ -982,7 +983,7 @@ int ssfn_render(ssfn_t *ctx, ssfn_buf_t *dst, const char *str)
#define PUTPIXEL O = *Ol;bR = (O >> (16 - cs)) & 0xFF; bG = (O >> 8) & 0xFF; bB = (O >> cs) & 0xFF;\
bB += ((fB - bB) * fA) >> 8; bG += ((fG - bG) * fA) >> 8; bR += ((fR - bR) * fA) >> 8;\
*Ol = (fA << 24) | (bR << (16 - cs)) | (bG << 8) | (bB << cs);
*Ol = (ctx->style & SSFN_STYLE_A ? O & 0xFF000000 : ((uint32_t)fA << 24)) | (bR << (16 - cs)) | (bG << 8) | (bB << cs);
if(!ctx || !str) return SSFN_ERR_INVINP;
if(!*str) return 0;
@ -1254,7 +1255,7 @@ again: if(p >= SSFN_FAMILY_BYNAME) { n = 0; m = 4; } else n = m = p;
fR = (dst->fg >> 16) & 0xFF; fG = (dst->fg >> 8) & 0xFF; fB = (dst->fg >> 0) & 0xFF; fA = (dst->fg >> 24) & 0xFF;
bR = (dst->bg >> 16) & 0xFF; bG = (dst->bg >> 8) & 0xFF; bB = (dst->bg >> 0) & 0xFF;
bR = (dst->bg >> 16) & 0xFF; bG = (dst->bg >> 8) & 0xFF; bB = (dst->bg >> 0) & 0xFF; O = 0xFF000000;
Op = (uint32_t*)(dst->ptr + dst->p * (dst->y - oy) + ((dst->x - ox) << 2));
for (y = 0; y < h && dst->y + y - oy < dst->h; y++, Op += dst->p >> 2) {
if(dst->y + y - oy < 0) continue;
@ -1303,8 +1304,8 @@ again: if(p >= SSFN_FAMILY_BYNAME) { n = 0; m = 4; } else n = m = p;
if(m) { sR /= m; sG /= m; sB /= m; sA /= m; } else { sR >>= 8; sG >>= 8; sB >>= 8; sA >>= 8; }
if(ctx->style & SSFN_STYLE_NOAA) sA = sA > 127 ? 255 : 0;
if(sA > 15) {
*Ol = ((sA > 255 ? 255 : sA) << 24) | ((sR > 255 ? 255 : sR) << (16 - cs)) |
((sG > 255 ? 255 : sG) << 8) | ((sB > 255 ? 255 : sB) << cs);
*Ol = (ctx->style & SSFN_STYLE_A ? O & 0xFF000000 : ((sA > 255 ? 255 : sA) << 24)) |
((sR > 255 ? 255 : sR) << (16 - cs)) | ((sG > 255 ? 255 : sG) << 8) | ((sB > 255 ? 255 : sB) << cs);
if(y == n) { if(uix > x) { uix = x; } if(uax < x) { uax = x; } }
@ -1405,8 +1406,8 @@ int ssfn_bbox(ssfn_t *ctx, const char *str, int *w, int *h, int *left, int *top)
ssfn_buf_t buf;
int ret, f = 1, l = 0, t = 0;
if(!ctx || !str || !w || !h || !top || !left) return SSFN_ERR_INVINP;
*w = *h = *top = *left = 0;
if(!ctx || !str) return SSFN_ERR_INVINP;
if(w) {*w = 0;} if(h) {*h = 0;} if(top) {*top = 0;} if(left) {*left = 0;}
if(!*str) return SSFN_OK;
SSFN_memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(ssfn_buf_t)); ctx->line = 0;
while((ret = ssfn_render(ctx, &buf, str))) {
@ -1422,8 +1423,8 @@ int ssfn_bbox(ssfn_t *ctx, const char *str, int *w, int *h, int *left, int *top)
if((ctx->style & SSFN_STYLE_ITALIC) && !(SSFN_TYPE_STYLE(ctx->f->type) & SSFN_STYLE_ITALIC))
buf.x += ctx->size / SSFN_ITALIC_DIV - l;
if(ctx->g->x) { *w = buf.x; *h = ctx->line; *left = l; *top = t; }
else { *w = buf.w; *h = buf.y; *top = *left = 0; }
if(ctx->g->x) { if(w) {*w = buf.x;} if(h) {*h = ctx->line;} if(left) {*left = l;} if(top) {*top = t;} }
else { if(w) {*w = buf.w;} if(h) {*h = buf.y;} if(top) {*top = 0;} if(left) {*left = 0;} }
return SSFN_OK;
@ -1449,6 +1450,7 @@ ssfn_buf_t *ssfn_text(ssfn_t *ctx, const char *str, unsigned int fg)
return buf;
buf->ptr = (uint8_t*)SSFN_realloc(NULL, buf->w * buf->h * sizeof(uint32_t));
SSFN_memset(buf->ptr, 0, buf->w * buf->h * sizeof(uint32_t));
ctx->style &= ~SSFN_STYLE_A;
while((ret = ssfn_render(ctx, buf, str)) > 0)
str += ret;
if(ret != SSFN_OK) { SSFN_free(buf->ptr); SSFN_free(buf); return NULL; }
@ -1610,6 +1612,5 @@ namespace SSFN {
/* */
/* */
/* */
#endif /* _SSFN_H_ */
