#!/usr/bin/env bats load test_helper export RUBY_BUILD_SKIP_MIRROR=1 export RUBY_BUILD_CACHE_PATH= setup() { export RUBY_BUILD_BUILD_PATH="${TMP}/source" mkdir -p "${RUBY_BUILD_BUILD_PATH}" } @test "failed download displays error message" { stub curl false install_fixture definitions/without-checksum assert_failure assert_output_contains "error: failed to download package-1.0.0.tar.gz" } @test "no download tool" { export -n RUBY_BUILD_HTTP_CLIENT clean_path="$(remove_commands_from_path curl wget aria2c)" PATH="$clean_path" install_fixture definitions/without-checksum assert_failure assert_output_contains 'error: install `curl`, `wget`, or `aria2c` to download packages' } @test "using aria2c if available" { export RUBY_BUILD_ARIA2_OPTS= export -n RUBY_BUILD_HTTP_CLIENT stub aria2c "--allow-overwrite=true --no-conf=true --console-log-level=warn --stderr -o * http://example.com/* : cp $FIXTURE_ROOT/\${7##*/} \$6" install_fixture definitions/without-checksum assert_success assert_output_contains "Downloading package-1.0.0.tar.gz..." unstub aria2c } @test "fetching from git repository" { stub git "clone --depth 1 --branch master http://example.com/packages/package.git package-dev : mkdir package-dev" run_inline_definition <