2022-09-30 20:17:25 +02:00

43 lines
1.2 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Usage: script/release
# - checks out the master branch
# - changes version in `bin/ruby-build` to current date
# - commits and tags the change
# - pushes master & the new tag to GitHub
# - creates a new Release on GitHub
# - [automated] a GitHub Action will create a Homebrew PR for the new release
# TODO: handle making multiple releases on the same date
set -e
git fetch -q --tags origin master
git checkout -q master
git merge --ff-only '@{upstream}'
existing="$(git tag --points-at HEAD)"
if [ -n "$existing" ]; then
echo "Aborting: HEAD is already tagged as '${existing}'" >&2
exit 1
new_version="$(date '+%Y%m%d')"
previous_tag="$(git describe --tags HEAD --abbrev=0)"
if git diff --quiet "${previous_tag}..HEAD" -- bin share; then
echo "Aborting: No features to release since '${previous_tag}'" >&2
exit 1
sed -i.bak -E "s!^(RUBY_BUILD_VERSION=).+!\\1\"${new_version}\"!" "$binfile"
rm -f "${binfile}.bak"
git commit -m "ruby-build ${new_version}" -- "$binfile"
git tag "$version_tag"
git push origin master "${version_tag}"
gh release create "$version_tag" --title "ruby-build ${new_version}" --generate-notes