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synced 2025-01-01 05:16:05 +01:00
update; in particular enable new style completion from ex. startup file (14283)
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 75 additions and 35 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
2001-05-09 Oliver Kiddle <opk@zsh.org>
* 14266, 14283: Etc/FEATURES, StartupFiles/zshrc: update; in
particular to use new style completion in example startup file.
* 14282: Completion/Unix/Command/_chown: complete only files
that can be chowned.
@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ ZSH FEATURES
very close to ksh/sh grammar, with csh additions
most features of ksh, bash, and tcsh
can emulate ksh or POSIX sh
81 builtins, 102 options, 162 key bindings
100 builtins, 145 options, 166 key bindings
short for loops, ex: for i (*.c) echo $i
shell functions
conditional expressions (test builtin, [ ... ], and ksh-style [[ ... ]])
global aliases (may be expanded anywhere on the line)
directory stack access with =num
directory stack access with ~num
process substitution (vi =(cmd) edits the output of cmd)
generalized pipes (ls foo >>(cmd1) 2>>(cmd2) pipes stdout to cmd1
and stderr to cmd2)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Generic .zshrc file for zsh 2.7
# Example .zshrc file for zsh 4.0
# .zshrc is sourced in interactive shells. It
# should contain commands to set up aliases, functions,
@ -41,20 +41,20 @@ alias lsd='ls -ld *(-/DN)'
alias lsa='ls -ld .*'
# Shell functions
setenv() { export $1=$2 } # csh compatibility
setenv() { typeset -x "${1}${1:+=}${(@)argv[2,$#]}" } # csh compatibility
freload() { while (( $# )); do; unfunction $1; autoload -U $1; shift; done }
# Where to look for autoloaded function definitions
fpath=($fpath ~/.zfunc)
# Autoload all shell functions from all directories
# in $fpath that have the executable bit on
# (the executable bit is not necessary, but gives
# you an easy way to stop the autoloading of a
# particular shell function).
for dirname in $fpath
autoload $dirname/*(.x:t)
# Autoload all shell functions from all directories in $fpath (following
# symlinks) that have the executable bit on (the executable bit is not
# necessary, but gives you an easy way to stop the autoloading of a
# particular shell function). $fpath should not be empty for this to work.
for func in $^fpath/*(N-.x:t); autoload $func
# automatically remove duplicates from these arrays
typeset -U path cdpath fpath manpath
# Global aliases -- These do not have to be
# at the beginning of the command line.
@ -65,10 +65,7 @@ alias -g T='|tail'
manpath=($X11HOME/man /usr/man /usr/lang/man /usr/local/man)
export MANPATH
# Filename suffixes to ignore during completion
fignore=(.o .c~ .old .pro)
# Hosts to use for completion
# Hosts to use for completion (see later zstyle)
hosts=(`hostname` ftp.math.gatech.edu prep.ai.mit.edu wuarchive.wustl.edu)
# Set prompts
@ -85,7 +82,7 @@ HISTSIZE=200
# Watch for my friends
#watch=($(cat ~/.friends)) # watch for people in .friends file
#watch=( $(<~/.friends) ) # watch for people in .friends file
watch=(notme) # watch for everybody but me
LOGCHECK=300 # check every 5 min for login/logout activity
WATCHFMT='%n %a %l from %m at %t.'
@ -97,28 +94,68 @@ setopt autoresume histignoredups pushdsilent noclobber
setopt autopushd pushdminus extendedglob rcquotes mailwarning
unsetopt bgnice autoparamslash
# Setup some basic programmable completions. To see more examples
# of these, check Misc/compctl-examples in the zsh distribution.
compctl -g '*(-/)' cd pushd
compctl -g '*(/)' rmdir dircmp
compctl -j -P % -x 's[-] p[1]' -k signals -- kill
compctl -j -P % fg bg wait jobs disown
compctl -A shift
compctl -caF type whence which
compctl -F unfunction
compctl -a unalias
compctl -v unset typeset declare vared readonly export integer
compctl -e disable
compctl -d enable
# Autoload zsh modules when they are referenced
zmodload -a zsh/stat stat
zmodload -a zsh/zpty zpty
zmodload -a zsh/zprof zprof
zmodload -ap zsh/mapfile mapfile
# Some nice key bindings
#bindkey '^X^Z' universal-argument ' ' magic-space
#bindkey '^X^A' vi-find-prev-char-skip
#bindkey '^Xa' _expand_alias
#bindkey '^Z' accept-and-hold
#bindkey -s '\M-/' \\\\
#bindkey -s '\M-=' \|
# bindkey -v # vi key bindings
# bindkey -v # vi key bindings
bindkey -e # emacs key bindings
bindkey ' ' magic-space # also do history expansino on space
bindkey -e # emacs key bindings
bindkey ' ' magic-space # also do history expansion on space
bindkey '^I' complete-word # complete on tab, leave expansion to _expand
# Setup new style completion system. To see examples of the old style (compctl
# based) programmable completion, check Misc/compctl-examples in the zsh
# distribution.
autoload -U compinit
# Completion Styles
# list of completers to use
zstyle ':completion:*::::' completer _expand _complete _ignored _approximate
# allow one error for every three characters typed in approximate completer
zstyle -e ':completion:*:approximate:*' max-errors \
'reply=( $(( ($#PREFIX+$#SUFFIX)/3 )) numeric )'
# insert all expansions for expand completer
zstyle ':completion:*:expand:*' tag-order all-expansions
# formatting and messages
zstyle ':completion:*' verbose yes
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '%B%d%b'
zstyle ':completion:*:messages' format '%d'
zstyle ':completion:*:warnings' format 'No matches for: %d'
zstyle ':completion:*:corrections' format '%B%d (errors: %e)%b'
zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
# match uppercase from lowercase
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}'
# offer indexes before parameters in subscripts
zstyle ':completion:*:*:-subscript-:*' tag-order indexes parameters
# command for process lists, the local web server details and host completion
#zstyle ':completion:*:processes' command 'ps -o pid,s,nice,stime,args'
#zstyle ':completion:*:urls' local 'www' '/var/www/htdocs' 'public_html'
zstyle '*' hosts $hosts
# Filename suffixes to ignore during completion (except after rm command)
zstyle ':completion:*:*:(^rm):*:*files' ignored-patterns '*?.o' '*?.c~' \
'*?.old' '*?.pro'
# the same for old style completion
#fignore=(.o .c~ .old .pro)
# ignore completion functions (until the _ignored completer)
zstyle ':completion:*:functions' ignored-patterns '_*'
Reference in a new issue