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Merge of unposted (based on users/10881,10884): add auto-previous zstyle, update

smart-insert-last-word to use auto-suffix-retain, "always" block, etc.
plus users/11424: don't embed a comment inside a math expression.
This commit is contained in:
Paul Ackersviller 2007-11-11 23:11:38 +00:00
parent fc20475e59
commit c68317f5eb
2 changed files with 126 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -897,6 +897,11 @@ different widgets to use different patterns:
example(zle -N insert-last-assignment smart-insert-last-word
zstyle :insert-last-assignment match '[[:alpha:]][][[:alnum:]]#=*'
bindkey '\e=' insert-last-assignment)
If no interesting word is found and the tt(auto-previous) style is set to
a true value, the search continues upward through the history. When
tt(auto-previous) is unset or false (the default), the widget must be
invoked repeatedly in order to search earlier history lines.
@ -956,13 +961,13 @@ For example, a user-defined widget containing the following code
converts the characters in the argument under the cursor into all upper
example(modify-current-word '${(U)ARG}')
example(modify-current-argument '${(U)ARG}')
The following strips any quoting from the current word (whether backslashes
or one of the styles of quotes), and replaces it with single quoting
example(modify-current-word '${(qq)${(Q)ARG}}')
example(modify-current-argument '${(qq)${(Q)ARG}}')

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@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
# smart-insert-last-word
# Inspired by Christoph Lange <langec@gmx.de> from zsh-users/3265;
# rewritten to correct multiple-call behavior after zsh-users/3270;
# modified to work with copy-earlier-word after zsh-users/5832.
# Edited further per zsh-users/10881 and zsh-users/10884.
# This function as a ZLE widget can replace insert-last-word, like so:
# zle -N insert-last-word smart-insert-last-word
# With a numeric prefix, behaves like insert-last-word, except that words
# in comments are ignored when interactive_comments is set.
# Otherwise, the rightmost "interesting" word from any previous command is
# found and inserted. The default definition of "interesting" is that the
# word contains at least one alphabetic character, slash, or backslash.
# This definition can be overridden by use of a style like so:
# zstyle :insert-last-word match '*[[:alpha:]/\\]*'
# For example, you might want to include words that contain spaces:
# zstyle :insert-last-word match '*[[:alpha:][:space:]/\\]*'
# Or include numbers as long as the word is at least two characters long:
# zstyle :insert-last-word match '*([[:digit:]]?|[[:alpha:]/\\])*'
# That causes redirections like "2>" to be included.
# Note also that the style is looked up based on the widget name, so you
# can bind this function to different widgets to use different patterns:
# zle -N insert-last-assignment smart-insert-last-word
# zstyle :insert-last-assignment match '[[:alpha:]][][[:alnum:]]#=*'
# bindkey '\e=' insert-last-assignment
# The "auto-previous" style, if set to a true value, causes the search to
# proceed upward through the history until an interesting word is found.
# If auto-previous is unset or false and there is no interesting word, the
# last word is returned.
emulate -L zsh
setopt extendedglob nohistignoredups
# Begin by preserving completion suffix if any
zle auto-suffix-retain
# Not strictly necessary:
# (($+_ilw_hist)) || integer -g _ilw_hist _ilw_count _ilw_cursor _ilw_lcursor
integer cursor=$CURSOR lcursor=$CURSOR
local lastcmd pattern numeric=$NUMERIC
# Save state for repeated calls
if (( HISTNO == _ilw_hist && cursor == _ilw_cursor )); then
# Handle the up to three arguments of .insert-last-word
if (( $+1 )); then
if (( $+3 )); then
((NUMERIC = -($1)))
((NUMERIC = _ilw_count - $1))
(( NUMERIC )) || LBUFFER[lcursor+1,cursor+1]=''
if [[ -z "$numeric" ]]
zstyle -s :$WIDGET match pattern || pattern='*[[:alpha:]/\\]*'
# Note that we must use .up-history for navigation here because of
# possible "holes" in the $history hash (the result of dup expiry).
# We need $history because $BUFFER retains edits in progress as the
# user moves around the history, but we search the unedited lines.
zmodload -i zsh/parameter
zle .end-of-history # Start from final command
zle .up-history || return 1 # Retrieve previous command
local buffer=$history[$HISTNO] # Get unedited history line
lastcmd=( ${${(z)buffer}:#\;} ) # Split into shell words
if [[ -n "$pattern" ]]
# This is the "smart" part -- search right-to-left and
# latest-to-earliest through the history for a word.
integer n=0 found=$lastcmd[(I)$pattern]
if zstyle -t :$WIDGET auto-previous
while (( found == 0 && ++n ))
zle .up-history || return 1
lastcmd=( ${${(z)buffer}:#\;} )
# The following accounts for 1-based index
(( found-- > 0 && (numeric = $#lastcmd - found) ))
} always {
HISTNO=$_ilw_hist # Return to current command
CURSOR=$cursor # Restore cursor position
NUMERIC=${numeric:-1} # In case of fall-through
(( NUMERIC > $#lastcmd )) && return 1