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synced 2025-01-01 05:16:05 +01:00
Terminate input at the raw byte value of the delimiter. Also document and test the use of an empty string as a way to specify NUL as the delimiter.
645 lines
16 KiB
645 lines
16 KiB
if [[ -z $LANG ]]; then
ZTST_unimplemented="no UTF-8 locale or multibyte mode is not implemented"
print -u $ZTST_fd Testing multibyte with locale $LANG
mkdir multibyte.tmp && cd multibyte.tmp
for i in {1..9}; do
print ${a[i]}
for j in {$i..9}; do
print $i $j ${a[i,j]} ${a[-j,-i]}
0:Basic indexing with multibyte characters
>1 1 t x
>1 2 té ux
>1 3 tén eux
>1 4 téné reux
>1 5 ténéb breux
>1 6 ténébr ébreux
>1 7 ténébre nébreux
>1 8 ténébreu énébreux
>1 9 ténébreux ténébreux
>2 2 é u
>2 3 én eu
>2 4 éné reu
>2 5 énéb breu
>2 6 énébr ébreu
>2 7 énébre nébreu
>2 8 énébreu énébreu
>2 9 énébreux ténébreu
>3 3 n e
>3 4 né re
>3 5 néb bre
>3 6 nébr ébre
>3 7 nébre nébre
>3 8 nébreu énébre
>3 9 nébreux ténébre
>4 4 é r
>4 5 éb br
>4 6 ébr ébr
>4 7 ébre nébr
>4 8 ébreu énébr
>4 9 ébreux ténébr
>5 5 b b
>5 6 br éb
>5 7 bre néb
>5 8 breu énéb
>5 9 breux ténéb
>6 6 r é
>6 7 re né
>6 8 reu éné
>6 9 reux téné
>7 7 e n
>7 8 eu én
>7 9 eux tén
>8 8 u é
>8 9 ux té
>9 9 x t
print A${s[-2]}A B${s[-1]}B C${s[0]}C D${s[1]}D E${s[2]}E
0:Out of range subscripts with multibyte characters
print ${a[(i)é]} ${a[(I)é]} ${a[${a[(i)é]},${a[(I)é]}]}
0:Reverse indexing with multibyte characters
>2 4 éné
print ${a[(r)én,(r)éb]}
0:Subscript searching with multibyte characters
print ${a[(rb:1:)é,-1]}
print ${a[(rb:2:)é,-1]}
print ${a[(rb:3:)é,-1]}
print ${a[(rb:4:)é,-1]}
print ${a[(rb:5:)é,-1]}
0:Subscript searching with initial offset
print ${a[(rn:1:)é,-1]}
print ${a[(rn:2:)é,-1]}
print ${a[(rn:3:)é,-1]}
0:Subscript searching with count
print ${a[(R)én,(R)éb]}
0:Backward subscript searching with multibyte characters
# Starting offsets with (R) seem to be so strange as to be hardly
# worth testing.
setopt extendedglob
[[ $a = (#b)t(én)(éb)reux ]] || print "Failed to match." >&2
for i in {1..${#match}}; do
print $match[i] $mbegin[i] $mend[i] ${a[$mbegin[i],$mend[i]]}
0:Multibyte offsets in pattern tests
>én 2 3 én
>éb 4 5 éb
print $b
print ${(L)b}
desdichado="Je suis le $a, le veuf, l'inconsolé"
print ${(C)desdichado}
lxiv="l'état c'est moi"
print ${(C)lxiv}
0:Case modification of multibyte strings
>Je Suis Le Ténébreux, Le Veuf, L'Inconsolé
>L'État C'Est Moi
array=(ølaf ødd øpened án encyclopædia)
print $barray
print ${(L)barray}
print ${(C)array}
print ${(C)barray}
0:Case modification of arrays with multibyte strings
>ølaf ødd øpened án encyclopædia
>Ølaf Ødd Øpened Án Encyclopædia
>Ølaf Ødd Øpened Án Encyclopædia
print $(( ##¥ ))
print $(( #pound ))
print $(( ##α )) $(( #alpha ))
0:Conversion to Unicode in mathematical expressions
>945 945
unsetopt posix_identifiers
expr='hähä=3 || exit 1; print $hähä'
eval $expr
setopt posix_identifiers
(eval $expr)
?(eval):1: command not found: hähä=3
expr='[[ é = [[:IDENT:]] ]]'
( unsetopt posix_identifiers; eval $expr && echo ok unset )
( setopt posix_identifiers; eval $expr || echo ok set )
0:Regression test for workers/47745
>ok unset
>ok set
print -l ${(s.«.)foo}
ioh="Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος."
print -l ${=ioh}
print ${(w)#ioh}
0:Splitting with multibyte characters
read -d £ one
read -d £ two
print $one
print $two
0:read with multibyte delimiter
read -ed £
0:read with multibyte delimiter where bytes of delimiter also occur in input
read -ed $'\xa0' <<<$'first\xa0second'
0:read delimited by a byte that isn't a valid multibyte character
read -ed $'\xc2'
0:read delimited by a single byte terminates if the byte is part of a multibyte character
read -d » -A array
print -l $array)
0:read -A with multibyte IFS
read -k2 -u0 twochars
print $twochars
0:read multibyte characters
read -q -u0 mb
print $?
0:multibyte character makes read -q return false
# See if the system grokks first-century Greek...
ioh="Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος."
for (( i = 1; i <= ${#ioh}; i++ )); do
# FC3 doesn't recognise ῇ (U+1FC7: Greek small letter eta with
# perispomeni and ypogegrammeni, of course) as a lower case character.
if [[ $ioh[i] != [[:lower:]] && $i != 7 ]]; then
for tp in upper space punct invalid; do
if [[ $tp = invalid || $ioh[i] = [[:${tp}:]] ]]; then
print "$i: $tp"
0:isw* functions on non-ASCII wide characters
>1: upper
>3: space
>8: space
>11: space
>13: space
>19: punct
>20: space
>24: space
>26: space
>32: space
>35: space
>40: space
>44: space
>49: punct
>50: space
>54: space
>59: space
>62: space
>64: space
>70: punct
ioh="Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος"
print ${ioh#[[:alpha:]]##}
print ${ioh##[[:alpha:]]##}
print ${ioh%[[:alpha:]]##}
print ${ioh%%[[:alpha:]]##}
print ${(S)ioh#λ*ς}
print ${(S)ioh##λ*ς}
print ${(S)ioh%θ*ς}
print ${(S)ioh%%θ*ς}
0:Parameter #, ##, %, %% with multibyte characters
>ν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος
> ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος
>Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγο
>Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ
>Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ , καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος
>Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ
>Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ ἦν ὁ λόγος
>Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ
print ${(BEN)a#*4}
print ${(BEN)a##*ë}
print ${(BEN)a%4*}
print ${(BEN)a%%ë*}
print ${(SBEN)a#ë3}
print ${(SBEN)a%4ë}
0:Flags B, E, N and S in ${...#...} and ${...%...}
>1 5 4
>1 6 5
>4 7 3
>2 7 5
>2 4 2
>4 6 2
foo=(κατέβην χθὲς εἰς Πειραιᾶ)
print ${(l.3..¥.r.3..£.)foo}
print ${(l.4..¥.r.2..£.)foo}
print ${(l.5..¥.r.1..£.)foo}
print ${(l.4..¥..«.r.4..£..».)foo}
print ${(l.4..¥..Σωκράτης.r.4..£..Γλαύκωνος.)foo}
0:simultaneous left and right padding
>κατέβη ¥χθὲς£ ¥¥εἰς£ Πειραι
>¥κατέβ ¥¥χθὲς ¥¥¥εἰς ¥Πειρα
>¥¥κατέ ¥¥¥χθὲ ¥¥¥¥εἰ ¥¥Πειρ
>«κατέβην ¥«χθὲς»£ ¥¥«εἰς»£ «Πειραιᾶ
>ςκατέβην ηςχθὲςΓλ τηςεἰςΓλ ςΠειραιᾶ
# er... yeah, that looks right...
print ${foo:s£bar£rod£:s¥rod¥stick¥}
0:Delimiters in modifiers
# TODO: if we get paired multibyte bracket delimiters to work
# (as Emacs does, the smug so-and-so), the following should change.
print ${(r£5££X£)foo}
print ${(l«10««Y««HI«)foo}
0:Delimiters in parameter flags
printf "%4.3s\n" főobar
0:Multibyte characters in printf widths
> főo
# TODO?: POSIX requires that printf should always compute width and
# precision of '%s' conversion in bytes, while zsh computes them in
# characters if multi-byte locale is in use.
ARGV0=sh $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -c "printf '<%10s>\n' St$'\M-C\M-)'phane"
0f:POSIX: width in %s should be computed in bytes, not in characters
F:This is considered a bugfix in zsh
>< Stéphane>
ARGV0=sh $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -c "printf '<%7.5s>\n' St$'\M-C\M-)'phane"
0f:POSIX: precision should also be computed in bytes, not in characers
>< Stép>
# We ask for case-insensitive sorting here (and supply upper case
# characters) so that we exercise the logic in the shell that lowers the
# case of the string for case-insensitive sorting.
0:Multibyte characters in print sorting
# These are control characters in Unicode, so don't show up.
# We just want to check they're not being treated as tokens.
for x in {128..150}; do
print ${(#)x}
done | while read line; do
print ${#line} $(( #line ))
0:evaluated character number with multibyte characters
>1 128
>1 129
>1 130
>1 131
>1 132
>1 133
>1 134
>1 135
>1 136
>1 137
>1 138
>1 139
>1 140
>1 141
>1 142
>1 143
>1 144
>1 145
>1 146
>1 147
>1 148
>1 149
>1 150
touch ngs1txt ngs2txt ngs10txt ngs20txt ngs100txt ngs200txt
setopt numericglobsort
print -l ngs*
0:NUMERIC_GLOB_SORT option in UTF-8 locale
# Not strictly multibyte, but gives us a well-defined locale for testing.
print -r ${(q)foo}
0:Backslash-quoting of unprintable/invalid characters uses $'...'
# This also isn't strictly multibyte and is here to reduce the
# likelihood of a "cannot do character set conversion" error.
(print $'\u00e9') 2>&1 | read
if [[ $REPLY != é ]]; then
print "warning: your system can't do simple Unicode conversion." >&$ZTST_fd
print "Check you have a correctly installed iconv library." >&$ZTST_fd
# cheat
repeat 4 print OK
testfn() { (LC_ALL=C; print $'\u00e9') }
repeat 4 testfn 2>&1 | while read line; do
if [[ $line = *"character not in range"* ]]; then
print OK
elif [[ $line = "?" ]]; then
print OK
print Failed: no error message and no question mark
0:error handling in Unicode quoting
[[ glob/'()Ą'/foo == $~tmp1 ]] && print "Matched against $tmp1"
[[ glob/'()Ā'/bar == $~tmp1 ]] && print "Matched against $tmp1"
0:Backslashes and metafied characters in patterns
>Matched against glob/()Ą/*
>Matched against glob/()Ā/*
mkdir 梶浦由記 'Пётр Ильич Чайковский'
(cd 梶浦由記; print ${${(%):-%~}:t})
(cd 'Пётр Ильич Чайковский'; print ${${(%):-%~}:t})
0:Metafied characters in prompt expansion
>Пётр Ильич Чайковский
setopt nonomatch
tmpA=(Ą 'Пётр Ильич Чайковский' 梶浦由記)
print ${tmp1} ${(%)tmp1} ${(%%)tmp1}
print ${#tmp1} ${#${(%)tmp1}} ${#${(%%)tmp1}}
print ${tmpA}
print ${(%)tmpA}
print ${(%%)tmpA}
0:More metafied characters in prompt expansion
>Ą Ą Ą
>1 1 1
>Ą Пётр Ильич Чайковский 梶浦由記
>Ą Пётр Ильич Чайковский 梶浦由記
>Ą Пётр Ильич Чайковский 梶浦由記
setopt cbases
print $'\xc5' | read
print $(( [#16] #REPLY ))
0:read passes through invalid multibyte characters
print $word
print $word
print $word
print $word
0:assignment with negative indices
# The following doesn't necessarily need UTF-8, but this gives
# us the full effect --- if we parse this wrongly the \xe9
# in combination with the tokenized input afterwards looks like a
# valid UTF-8 character. But it isn't.
print $'$\xe9#``' >test_bad_param
(setopt nonomatch
. ./test_bad_param)
127:Invalid parameter name with following tokenized input
?./test_bad_param:1: command not found: $\M-i#
print -X8 -r -- $lines
0:Tab expansion with extra-wide characters
>one ZSH three
>four five six
# This doesn't look aligned in my editor because actually the characters
# aren't quite double width, but the arithmetic is correct.
# It appears just to be an effect of the font.
() {
emulate -L zsh
setopt errreturn
local cdpath=(.)
mkdir ホ
cd ホ
cd ..
cd ./ホ
cd ..
0:cd with special characters
'[[ \xcc = \xcc ]]'
'[[ \xcc != \xcd ]]'
'[[ \xcc != \ucc ]]'
'[[ \ucc = \ucc ]]'
'[[ \ucc = [\ucc] ]]'
'[[ \xcc != [\ucc] ]]'
# Not clear how useful the following is...
'[[ \xcc = [\xcc] ]]'
for test in $test_array; do
if ! eval ${(g::)test} ; then
print -rl "Test $test failed" >&2
0:Invalid characters in pattern matching
[[ $'\xe3' == [[:INCOMPLETE:]] ]] || print fail 1
[[ $'\xe3\x83' == [[:INCOMPLETE:]][[:INVALID:]] ]] || print fail 2
[[ $'\xe3\x83\x9b' != [[:INCOMPLETE:][:INVALID:]] ]] || print fail 3
[[ $'\xe3\x83\x9b' = ? ]] || print fail 4
0:Testing incomplete and invalid multibyte character components
print -r -- ${(q+):-ホ}
foo='She said "ホ". I said "You can'\''t '\''ホ'\'' me!'
print -r -- ${(q+)foo}
0:${(q+)...} with printable multibyte characters
>'She said "ホ". I said "You can'\''t '\''ホ'\'' me!'
# This will silently succeed if zsh/parameter isn't available
(zmodload zsh/parameter >/dev/null 2>&1
f() {
: $(:)
: $functions)
0:Multibyte handling of functions parameter
# c1=U+0104 (Ą) and c2=U+0120 (Ġ) are chosen so that
# u1 = utf8(c1) = c4 84 < u2 = utf8(c2) = c4 a0
# metafy(u1) = c4 83 a4 > metafy(u2) = c4 83 80
# in both UTF-8 and ASCII collations (the latter is used in macOS
# and some versions of BSDs).
local -a names=( $'\u0104' $'\u0120' )
print -o $names
mkdir -p colltest
cd colltest
touch $names
print ?
0:Sorting of metafied characters
>Ą Ġ
>Ą Ġ
printf '%q%q\n' 你你
0:printf %q and quotestring and general metafy / token madness
typeset foo
print -v foo 'ÖÓŐ'
echo $foo
printf -v foo 'ÖÓŐ'
echo $foo
0:print and printf into a variable with multibyte text
# This test is kept last as it introduces an additional
# dependency on the system regex library.
if zmodload zsh/regex 2>/dev/null; then
[[ $'\ua0' =~ '^.$' ]] && print OK
[[ $'\ua0' =~ $'^\ua0$' ]] && print OK
[[ $'\ua0'X =~ '^X$' ]] || print OK
ZTST_skip="regexp library not found."
0:Ensure no confusion on metafied input to regex module
F:A failure here may indicate the system regex library does not
F:support character sets outside the portable 7-bit range.
unset -m 'LC_*|LANG'
export LC_CTYPE=$locale
echo '\u276F' # this works
() {
local LC_ALL=C
echo '\u276F' # this doesn't work
0:locale gets restored when locale parameters go out of scope (regression test for 45772)
# Subshell for zmodload isolation
zmodload zsh/stat
typeset -A sizes
touch 50150-é 50150-Ą
# Using +size solely in order to make it easier to write the expectations
zstat +size -A sizes -nor -- 50150-*
print -r -- 50150-Ą $sizes[50150-Ą]
print -r -- 50150-é $sizes[50150-é]
0:(workers/50150) zsh/stat with Unicode and metafication
>50150-Ą 0
>50150-é 0