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Oliver Kiddle cb5f100bd3 39986, 39989: improve handling of vi-repeat-change
Save previous vi change and throw away a new change that fails.
Add zle -f vichange to allow shell widget to be a single change.
Fix repeat of command where numeric arguments were multiplied.
2016-11-20 23:59:48 +01:00

536 lines
16 KiB

* zle.h - header file for line editor
* This file is part of zsh, the Z shell.
* Copyright (c) 1992-1997 Paul Falstad
* All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
* license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and to distribute modified versions of this software for any
* purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following
* two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software.
* In no event shall Paul Falstad or the Zsh Development Group be liable
* to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
* damages arising out of the use of this software and its documentation,
* even if Paul Falstad and the Zsh Development Group have been advised of
* the possibility of such damage.
* Paul Falstad and the Zsh Development Group specifically disclaim any
* warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
* merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The software
* provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and Paul Falstad and the
* Zsh Development Group have no obligation to provide maintenance,
* support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.
typedef wchar_t ZLE_CHAR_T;
typedef wchar_t *ZLE_STRING_T;
typedef wint_t ZLE_INT_T;
#define ZLE_CHAR_SIZE sizeof(wchar_t)
/* Functions that operate on a ZLE_STRING_T. */
#define ZS_memcpy wmemcpy
#define ZS_memmove wmemmove
#define ZS_memset wmemset
#define ZS_memcmp wmemcmp
#define ZS_strlen wcslen
#define ZS_strcpy wcscpy
#define ZS_strncpy wcsncpy
#define ZS_strncmp wcsncmp
#define ZS_zarrdup wcs_zarrdup
#define ZS_width wcslen
#define ZS_strchr wcschr
#define ZS_memchr wmemchr
* Functions that operate on a metafied string.
* These versions handle multibyte characters.
#define ZMB_nicewidth(s) mb_niceformat(s, NULL, NULL, 0)
/* Functions that operate on ZLE_CHAR_T. */
#define ZC_ialpha iswalpha
#define ZC_ialnum iswalnum
#define ZC_iblank wcsiblank
#define ZC_icntrl iswcntrl
#define ZC_idigit iswdigit
#define ZC_iident(x) wcsitype((x), IIDENT)
#define ZC_ilower iswlower
#define ZC_inblank iswspace
#define ZC_iupper iswupper
#define ZC_iword(x) wcsitype((x), IWORD)
#define ZC_tolower towlower
#define ZC_toupper towupper
#define LASTFULLCHAR lastchar_wide
* We may need to handle combining character alignment.
* The following fix up the position of the cursor so that it
* never ends up over a zero-width punctuation character following
* an alphanumeric character. The first is used if we were
* moving the cursor left, the second if we were moving right or
* if something under the cursor may have changed.
#define CCLEFT() alignmultiwordleft(&zlecs, 1)
#define CCRIGHT() alignmultiwordright(&zlecs, 1)
* Same for any other position
#define CCLEFTPOS(pos) alignmultiwordleft(&pos, 1)
#define CCRIGHTPOS(pos) alignmultiwordright(&pos, 1)
* Increment or decrement the cursor position, skipping over
* combining characters.
#define INCCS() inccs()
#define DECCS() deccs()
* Same for any other position.
#define INCPOS(pos) incpos(&pos)
#define DECPOS(pos) decpos(&pos)
#else /* Not MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT: old single-byte code */
typedef char ZLE_CHAR_T;
typedef char *ZLE_STRING_T;
typedef int ZLE_INT_T;
#define ZLE_CHAR_SIZE sizeof(ZLE_CHAR_T)
#define ZLEEOF EOF
/* Functions that operate on a ZLE_STRING_T. */
#define ZS_memcpy memcpy
#define ZS_memmove memmove
#define ZS_memset memset
#define ZS_memcmp memcmp
#define ZS_zarrdup zarrdup
#define ZS_width ztrlen
#define ZS_strchr strchr
#define ZS_memchr memchr
* Functions that operate on a metafied string.
* These versions don't handle multibyte characters.
#define ZMB_nicewidth niceztrlen
#ifdef __GNUC__
static inline size_t ZS_strlen(ZLE_STRING_T s)
{ return strlen((char*)s); }
static inline ZLE_STRING_T ZS_strcpy(ZLE_STRING_T t, ZLE_STRING_T f)
{ return (ZLE_STRING_T)strcpy((char*)t, (char*)f); }
static inline ZLE_STRING_T ZS_strncpy(ZLE_STRING_T t, ZLE_STRING_T f, size_t l)
{ return (ZLE_STRING_T)strncpy((char*)t, (char*)f, l); }
static inline int ZS_strncmp(ZLE_STRING_T s1, ZLE_STRING_T s2, size_t l)
{ return strncmp((char*)s1, (char*)s2, l); }
#define ZS_strlen(s) strlen((char*)(s))
#define ZS_strcpy(t,f) strcpy((char*)(t),(char*)(f))
#define ZS_strncpy(t,f,l) strncpy((char*)(t),(char*)(f),(l))
#define ZS_strncmp(s1,s2,l) strncmp((char*)(s1),(char*)(s2),(l))
/* Functions that operate on ZLE_CHAR_T. */
#define ZC_ialpha ialpha
#define ZC_ialnum ialnum
#define ZC_iblank iblank
#define ZC_icntrl icntrl
#define ZC_idigit idigit
#define ZC_iident iident
#define ZC_ilower islower
#define ZC_inblank inblank
#define ZC_iupper isupper
#define ZC_iword iword
#define ZC_tolower tulower
#define ZC_toupper tuupper
#define LASTFULLCHAR lastchar
#define LASTFULLCHAR_T int
/* Combining character alignment: none in this mode */
#define CCLEFT()
#define CCRIGHT()
#define CCLEFTPOS(pos)
#define CCRIGHTPOS(pos)
* Increment or decrement the cursor position: simple in this case.
#define INCCS() ((void)(zlecs++))
#define DECCS() ((void)(zlecs--))
* Same for any other position.
#define INCPOS(pos) ((void)(pos++))
#define DECPOS(pos) ((void)(pos--))
typedef struct widget *Widget;
typedef struct thingy *Thingy;
/* widgets (ZLE functions) */
typedef int (*ZleIntFunc) _((char **));
struct widget {
int flags; /* flags (see below) */
Thingy first; /* `first' thingy that names this widget */
union {
ZleIntFunc fn; /* pointer to internally implemented widget */
char *fnnam; /* name of the shell function for user-defined widget */
struct {
ZleIntFunc fn; /* internal widget function to call */
char *wid; /* name of widget to call */
char *func; /* name of shell function to call */
} comp;
} u;
#define WIDGET_INT (1<<0) /* widget is internally implemented */
#define WIDGET_NCOMP (1<<1) /* new style completion widget */
#define ZLE_MENUCMP (1<<2) /* DON'T invalidate completion list */
#define ZLE_YANKAFTER (1<<3)
#define ZLE_YANKBEFORE (1<<4)
#define ZLE_LINEMOVE (1<<5) /* command is a line-oriented movement */
#define ZLE_VIOPER (1<<6) /* widget reads further keys so wait if prefix */
#define ZLE_LASTCOL (1<<7) /* command maintains lastcol correctly */
#define ZLE_KILL (1<<8)
#define ZLE_KEEPSUFFIX (1<<9) /* DON'T remove added suffix */
#define ZLE_NOTCOMMAND (1<<10) /* widget should not alter lastcmd */
#define ZLE_ISCOMP (1<<11) /* usable for new style completion */
#define WIDGET_INUSE (1<<12) /* widget is in use */
#define WIDGET_FREE (1<<13) /* request to free when no longer in use */
/* thingies */
struct thingy {
HashNode next; /* next node in the hash chain */
char *nam; /* name of the thingy */
int flags; /* TH_* flags (see below) */
int rc; /* reference count */
Widget widget; /* widget named by this thingy */
Thingy samew; /* `next' thingy (circularly) naming the same widget */
/* DISABLED is (1<<0) */
#define TH_IMMORTAL (1<<1) /* can't refer to a different widget */
/* command modifier prefixes */
struct modifier {
int flags; /* MOD_* flags (see below) */
int mult; /* repeat count */
int tmult; /* repeat count actually being edited */
int vibuf; /* vi cut buffer */
int base; /* numeric base for digit arguments (usually 10) */
#define MOD_MULT (1<<0) /* a repeat count has been selected */
#define MOD_TMULT (1<<1) /* a repeat count is being entered */
#define MOD_VIBUF (1<<2) /* a vi cut buffer has been selected */
#define MOD_VIAPP (1<<3) /* appending to the vi cut buffer */
#define MOD_NEG (1<<4) /* last command was negate argument */
#define MOD_NULL (1<<5) /* throw away text for the vi cut buffer */
#define MOD_CHAR (1<<6) /* force character-wise movement */
#define MOD_LINE (1<<7) /* force line-wise movement */
/* current modifier status */
#define zmult (zmod.mult)
/* flags to cut() and cuttext() and other front-ends */
#define CUT_FRONT (1<<0) /* Text goes in front of cut buffer */
#define CUT_REPLACE (1<<1) /* Text replaces cut buffer */
#define CUT_RAW (1<<2) /*
* Raw character counts (not used in cut itself).
* This is used when the values are offsets
* into the zleline array rather than numbers
* of visible characters directly input by
* the user.
#define CUT_YANK (1<<3) /* vi yank: use register 0 instead of 1-9 */
/* undo system */
struct change {
struct change *prev, *next; /* adjacent changes */
int flags; /* see below */
int hist; /* history line being changed */
int off; /* offset of the text changes */
ZLE_STRING_T del; /* characters to delete */
int dell; /* no. of characters in del */
ZLE_STRING_T ins; /* characters to insert */
int insl; /* no. of characters in ins */
int old_cs, new_cs; /* old and new cursor positions */
zlong changeno; /* unique number of this change */
#define CH_NEXT (1<<0) /* next structure is also part of this change */
#define CH_PREV (1<<1) /* previous structure is also part of this change */
/* vi change handling for vi-repeat-change */
* Examination of the code suggests vichgbuf is consistently tied
* to raw byte input, so it is left as a character array rather
* than turned into wide characters. In particular, when we replay
* it we use ungetbytes().
struct vichange {
struct modifier mod; /* value of zmod associated with vi change */
char *buf; /* bytes for keys that make up the vi command */
int bufsz, bufptr; /* allocated and in use sizes of buf */
/* known thingies */
#define Th(X) (&thingies[X])
/* opaque keymap type */
typedef struct keymap *Keymap;
typedef void (*KeyScanFunc) _((char *, Thingy, char *, void *));
#define invicmdmode() (!strcmp(curkeymapname, "vicmd"))
/* Standard type of suffix removal. */
#define NO_INSERT_CHAR 256
#define removesuffix() iremovesuffix(NO_INSERT_CHAR, 0)
* Cut/kill buffer type. The buffer itself is purely binary data, not
* NUL-terminated. len is a length count (N.B. number of characters,
* not size in bytes). flags uses the CUTBUFFER_* constants defined
* below.
struct cutbuffer {
size_t len;
char flags;
typedef struct cutbuffer *Cutbuffer;
#define CUTBUFFER_LINE 1 /* for vi: buffer contains whole lines of data */
#define KRINGCTDEF 8 /* default number of buffers in the kill ring */
/* Types of completion. */
#define COMP_SPELL 2
#define COMP_EXPAND 3
/* Information about one brace run. */
typedef struct brinfo *Brinfo;
struct brinfo {
Brinfo next; /* next in list */
Brinfo prev; /* previous (only for closing braces) */
char *str; /* the string to insert */
int pos; /* original position */
int qpos; /* original position, with quoting */
int curpos; /* position for current match */
/* Convenience macros for the hooks */
#define LISTMATCHESHOOK (zlehooks + 0)
#define COMPLETEHOOK (zlehooks + 1)
#define BEFORECOMPLETEHOOK (zlehooks + 2)
#define AFTERCOMPLETEHOOK (zlehooks + 3)
#define ACCEPTCOMPHOOK (zlehooks + 4)
#define INVALIDATELISTHOOK (zlehooks + 5)
/* complete hook data struct */
typedef struct compldat *Compldat;
struct compldat {
char *s;
int lst;
int incmd;
/* List completion matches. */
#define listmatches() runhookdef(LISTMATCHESHOOK, NULL)
/* Invalidate the completion list. */
#define invalidatelist() runhookdef(INVALIDATELISTHOOK, NULL)
/* Bit flags to setline */
enum {
ZSL_COPY = 1, /* Copy the argument, don't modify it */
ZSL_TOEND = 2, /* Go to the end of the new line */
/* Type arguments to addsuffix() */
enum suffixtype {
SUFTYP_POSSTR, /* String of characters to match */
SUFTYP_NEGSTR, /* String of characters not to match */
SUFTYP_POSRNG, /* Range of characters to match */
SUFTYP_NEGRNG /* Range of characters not to match */
/* Additional flags to suffixes */
enum suffixflags {
SUFFLAGS_SPACE = 0x0001 /* Add a space when removing suffix */
/* Flags for the region_highlight structure */
enum {
/* Offsets include predisplay */
* Attributes used for highlighting regions.
* and mark.
struct region_highlight {
/* Attributes turned on in the region */
int atr;
/* Start of the region */
int start;
/* Start of the region in metafied ZLE line */
int start_meta;
* End of the region: position of the first character not highlighted
* (the same system as for point and mark).
int end;
/* End of the region in metafied ZLE line */
int end_meta;
* Any of the flags defined above.
int flags;
* Count of special uses of region highlighting, which account
* for the first few elements of region_highlights.
* 0: region between point and mark
* 1: isearch region
* 2: suffix
* 3: pasted text
/* If you change this, update the documentation of zle_highlight/region_highlight
* interaction in Doc/Zsh/zle.yo. */
* We use a wint_t here, since we need an invalid character as a
* placeholder and wint_t guarantees that we can use WEOF to do this.
typedef wint_t REFRESH_CHAR;
typedef char REFRESH_CHAR;
* Description of one screen cell in zle_refresh.c
typedef struct {
* The (possibly wide) character.
* If atr contains TXT_MULTIWORD_MASK, an index into the set of multiword
* symbols (only if MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT is present).
* Its attributes. 'On' attributes (TXT_ATTR_ON_MASK) are
* applied before the character, 'off' attributes (TXT_ATTR_OFF_MASK)
* after it. 'On' attributes are present for all characters that
* need the effect; 'off' attributes are only present for the
* last character in the sequence.
int atr;
/* A string of screen cells */
#if defined(MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT) && defined(__STDC_ISO_10646__)
* With ISO 10646 there is a private range defined within
* the encoding. We use this for storing single-byte
* characters in sections of strings that wouldn't convert to wide
* characters. This allows to preserve the string when transformed
* back to multibyte strings.
/* The start of the private range we use, for 256 characters */
#define ZSH_INVALID_WCHAR_BASE (0xe000U)
/* Detect a wide character within our range */
((unsigned)(x) >= ZSH_INVALID_WCHAR_BASE && \
(unsigned)(x) <= (ZSH_INVALID_WCHAR_BASE + 255u))
/* Turn a wide character in that range back to single byte */
((char)((unsigned)(x) - ZSH_INVALID_WCHAR_BASE))
/* Turn a wide character in that range to an integer */
((int)((unsigned)(x) - ZSH_INVALID_WCHAR_BASE))
/* Turn a single byte character into a private wide character */
#ifdef DEBUG
#define METACHECK() \
DPUTS(zlemetaline == NULL, "line not metafied")
#define UNMETACHECK() \
DPUTS(zlemetaline != NULL, "line metafied")
#define METACHECK()
typedef struct watch_fd *Watch_fd;
struct watch_fd {
/* Function to call */
char *func;
/* Watched fd */
int fd;
/* 1 if func is called as a widget */
int widget;