
97 lines
2.7 KiB

use actix_web::{App, HttpServer};
use sqlx::postgres::PgPoolOptions;
use sqlx::{migrate, PgPool};
/// ActivityPub stuff.
mod ap;
mod conf;
/// Core data types used throughout the entire app.
mod core;
/// Data sources for repositories.
/// Data sources are the interfaces between repositories and an underlying
/// storage layer, such as Postgres or Redis. Each data source is only
/// responsible for a single storage engine, and a repository may have multiple
/// data sources of different preferences.
mod data;
/// JSON entities for the REST API.
mod ent;
/// Asynchronous background workers.
mod job;
/// Middleware for request handlers.
mod middle;
/// Database models and validation.
mod model;
/// The central interface between data storage and the rest of the app.
/// This module contains all _Repositories_, which are the central interface
/// between the data storage/management code and the rest of the server.
/// They act as a full layer of abstraction to keep the rest of the app
/// completely agnostic to the internals of how storage, including caching,
/// is implemented.
/// Any data that the rest of the app needs access to or wishes to store must
/// travel through an interface provided by a repository. This makes them
/// perfect gatekeepers for enforcing validation, which is why APIs that store
/// data will typically be implemented as generics that require an
/// `Into<Sane<T>>` (where `T` is the model structure for that database table).
/// Internally, repositories act on several _Data Sources_.
/// See the [`data`] module for more information.
mod repo;
/// HTTP request handlers.
mod route;
mod state;
/// Miscellaneous little helpers.
mod util;
use crate::core::*;
use conf::Config;
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let config = Config::from_env();
info!("Establishing database connection");
let db_pool = init_db(&config).await.unwrap();
let bind_params = (config.bind_addr.clone(), config.bind_port.clone());
let state = state::new(config, db_pool);
info!("Starting application");
HttpServer::new(move || {
.wrap(actix_web::middleware::DefaultHeaders::new().add(("Server", "nyano")))
async fn init_db(conf: &Config) -> sqlx::Result<PgPool> {
let pool = PgPoolOptions::new()
info!("Running migrations");