Upgrade pgpkeys related tools and committers guide new committer section

This commit is contained in:
Sergio Carlavilla Delgado 2021-02-01 22:21:57 +01:00
parent 790a769f67
commit 57930f3fd5
2 changed files with 19 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Cryptographic keys conforming to the OpenPGP (__Pretty Good Privacy__) standard
=== Creating a Key
Existing keys can be used, but should be checked with [.filename]#doc/head/shared/pgpkeys/checkkey.sh# first. In this case, make sure the key has a FreeBSD user ID.
Existing keys can be used, but should be checked with [.filename]#documentation/tools/checkkey.sh# first. In this case, make sure the key has a FreeBSD user ID.
For those who do not yet have an OpenPGP key, or need a new key to meet FreeBSD security requirements, here we show how to generate one.
@ -155,14 +155,13 @@ You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.
<.> A three year key lifespan is short enough to obsolete keys weakened by advancing computer power, but long enough to reduce key management problems.
<.> Use your real name here, preferably matching that shown on government-issued ID to make it easier for others to verify your identity. Text that may help others identify you can be entered in the `Comment` section.
After the email address is entered, a passphrase is requested. Methods of creating a secure passphrase are contentious. Rather than suggest a single way, here are some links to sites that describe various methods: http://world.std.com/~reinhold/diceware.html[], http://www.iusmentis.com/security/passphrasefaq/[], http://xkcd.com/936/[], http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passphrase[].
Protect the private key and passphrase. If either the private key or passphrase may have been compromised or disclosed, immediately notify mailto:accounts@FreeBSD.org[accounts@FreeBSD.org] and revoke the key.
Committing the new key is shown in <<commit-steps>>.
Committing the new key is shown in <<commit-steps, Steps for New Committers>>.
== Kerberos and LDAP web Password for FreeBSD Cluster
@ -1231,24 +1230,23 @@ Those who have been given commit rights to the FreeBSD repositories must follow
*Procedure 1. Steps for New Committers*
. Add an Author Entity
[.filename]#doc/head/shared/xml/authors.ent# - Add an author entity. Later steps depend on this entity, and missing this step will cause the [.filename]#doc/# build to fail. This is a relatively easy task, but remains a good first test of version control skills.
[.filename]#shared/authors.toml# - Add an author entity. Later steps depend on this entity, and missing this step will cause the [.filename]#doc/# build to fail. This is a relatively easy task, but remains a good first test of version control skills.
. Update the List of Developers and Contributors
[.filename]#doc/head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributors/contrib.committers.xml# - Add an entry to the "Developers" section of the link:{contributors}#staff-committers[Contributors List]. Entries are sorted by last name.
[.filename]#doc/en/articles/contributors/contrib-committers.adoc# - Add an entry to the "Developers" section of the link:{contributors}#staff-committers[Contributors List]. Entries are sorted by last name.
[.filename]#doc/head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributors/contrib.additional.xml# - _Remove_ the entry from the "Additional Contributors" section. Entries are sorted by first name.
[.filename]#doc/en/articles/contributors/contrib-additional.adoc# - _Remove_ the entry from the "Additional Contributors" section. Entries are sorted by first name.
. Add a News Item
[.filename]#doc/head/shared/xml/news.xml# - Add an entry. Look for the other entries that announce new committers and follow the format. Use the date from the commit bit approval email from mailto:core@FreeBSD.org[core@FreeBSD.org].
[.filename]#website/data/en/news/news.toml# - Add an entry. Look for the other entries that announce new committers and follow the format. Use the date from the commit bit approval email from mailto:core@FreeBSD.org[core@FreeBSD.org].
. Add a PGP Key
[.filename]#doc/head/shared/pgpkeys/pgpkeys.ent# and [.filename]#doc/head/shared/pgpkeys/pgpkeys-developers.xml# - Add your PGP or GnuPG key. Those who do not yet have a key should see <<pgpkeys-creating>>.
`{des}` has written a shell script ([.filename]#documentation/tools/addkey.sh#) to make this easier. See the http://svnweb.FreeBSD.org/doc/head/shared/pgpkeys/README[README] file for more information.
`{des}` has written a shell script ([.filename]#doc/head/shared/pgpkeys/addkey.sh#) to make this easier. See the http://svnweb.FreeBSD.org/doc/head/shared/pgpkeys/README[README] file for more information.
Use [.filename]#doc/head/shared/pgpkeys/checkkey.sh# to verify that keys meet minimal best-practices standards.
Use [.filename]#documentation/tools/checkkey.sh# to verify that keys meet minimal best-practices standards.
After adding and checking a key, add both updated files to source control and then commit them. Entries in this file are sorted by last name.

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@ -114,39 +114,22 @@ fi
info "Generating ${keyfile}..."
echo '<!--'
echo "sh ${progname} ${me}" ${keyids} ";"
echo '-->'
echo '<programlisting xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" role="pgpfingerprint"><![CDATA['
echo "// sh ${progname} ${me}" ${keyids} ";"
echo ''
echo '[.literal-block-margin]'
echo '....'
gpg --fingerprint ${keyids}
echo ']]></programlisting>'
echo '<programlisting xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" role="pgpkey"><![CDATA['
echo '....'
echo ''
echo '[.literal-block-margin]'
echo '....'
gpg --no-version --armor --export ${keyids}
echo ']]></programlisting>'
echo '....'
) >"${keyfile}"
info "Adding key to entity list..."
if ! grep -qwF "pgpkey.${me}" pgpkeys.ent ; then
mv pgpkeys.ent pgpkeys.ent.orig || exit 1
cat pgpkeys.ent.orig
echo "<!ENTITY pgpkey.${me} SYSTEM \"${keyfile}\">"
) | sort -u >pgpkeys.ent
cat <<EOF
Unless you are already listed there, you should now add the following
text to pgpkeys-developers.xml. Remember to keep the list sorted by
last name!
<sect2 xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xml:id="pgpkey-${me}">
If this is a role key or you are a core member, you should add it to
either pgpkeys-officers.xml or pgpkeys-core.xml instead.
Remember to move ${keyfile} to /static/pgpkeys/
If this is a new entry, don't forget to run the following commands
before committing: