Restore German language.

Restore the German language in the website.

PR:             253132
Submitted by:   wosch@
Sergio Carlavilla Delgado 3 years ago
parent 4023bd3f77
commit 66d14b00e5

@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
# Global
other = "FreeBSD"
other = "The FreeBSD Project"
other = "FreeBSD The Power to Serve"
other = "The FreeBSD Foundation"
other = "Download FreeBSD"
other = "Produktion"
# Header
other = "An FreeBSD spenden"
other = "Donate to the FreeBSD Foundation"
other = "Suche"
# Navigation
other = "Startseite"
other = "Über FreeBSD"
other = "Für Einsteiger"
other = "Eigenschaften"
other = "Advocacy"
other = "Marketing"
other = "Privacy Policy"
other = "Bezugsquellen"
other = "Release Information"
other = "Release Engineering"
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other = "FAQ"
other = "Handbuch"
other = "Porter-Handbuch"
other = "Entwickler-Handbuch"
other = "Manualpages"
other = "Documentation Project Primer"
other = "Alle Bücher und Artikel"
other = "Community"
other = "Mailinglisten"
other = "Forums"
other = "User Groups"
other = "Events"
other = "FreeBSD Journal"
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other = "Entwicklung"
other = "Projektideen"
other = "Subversion-Repository"
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other = "GitHub Mirror"
other = "Phabricator (Code Review)"
other = "Wiki"
other = "Continuous Integration Service"
other = "Hilfe"
other = "Kommerzieller Support"
other = "Sicherheit"
other = "Problemberichte"
other = "Problembericht erstellen"
other = "Foundation"
other = "Geldspende"
other = "Hardwarespende"
other = "FreeBSD® ist ein Betriebssystem für Server, Desktops und eingebettete Systeme, das auf zahlreichen"
other = "Plattformen"
other = "läuft. Der Quellcode von FreeBSD wird von einer"
other = " großen Entwicklergruppe"
other = "seit mehr als 30 Jahren kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt, verbessert und optimiert. Seine leistungsfähigen und beeindruckenden Netzwerk-, Sicherheits- und Speicherfunktionen machen FreeBSD zum Betriebssystem der Wahl für einige der größten"
other = "Internet-Seiten"
other = "und für zahlreiche Anbieter eingebetteter Netzwerk- und Speichergeräte."
other = "Mehr Informationen"
other = "Lesen Sie das"
other = "FreeBSD Journal!"
other = "25th Anniversary Logo"
other = "Unterstützte Versionen:"
other = "FreeBSD Supportzyklus"
other = "Test"
other= "FreeBSD-Einsteiger?"
other = "SHORTCUTS"
other = "Reporting Problems"
other = "Ports"
other = "AUS DER PRESSE"
other = "Weitere Neuigkeiten"
other = "Weitere Veranstaltungen"
other = "Weitere Berichte"
other = "Mehr"
other = "Mehr"
other = "News RSS Feed"
other = "Security Advisories and Errata Notices RSS Feed"
other = "Page not found."
other = "We could not find the page you requested."
other = "Please try your request again, use one of the links in the navigation menu, or the search box at the top of the page."
# Footer
other = "Alle Rechte vorbehalten."
other = "Die Marke FreeBSD ist eine eingetragene Marke der FreeBSD Foundation und wird vom FreeBSD Project mit freundlicher Genehmigung der"
other = "Kontakt"
other = "Rechtliches"
# Ports form
other = "Search ports for:"
other = "All"
other = "Package Name"
other = "Description"
other = "Long description"
other = "Maintainer"
other = "Requires"
other = "Submit"
# Months
other = "Januar"
other = "Februar"
other = "März"
other = "April"
other = "Mai"
other = "Juni"
other = "Juli"
other = "August"
other = "September"
other = "Oktober"
other = "November"
other = "Dezember"
# Security section
other = "Data"
other = "Errata Notice name"
other = "Advisory name"
# Events section
other = "Current/Upcoming Events:"
other = "Past Events:"
other = "Upcoming FreeBSD Events"
# Continents, countries
other = "Europe"
other = "Africa"
other = "Australia"
other = "New Zealand"
other = "North America"
other = "Asia"
other = "South America"
other = "Oceania"
other = "Global"
# Commercial software
other = "Databases"
other = "Development Tools"
other = "E-Commerce Solutions and Tools"
other = "Electronic Mail Software"
other = "Miscellaneous"
other = "Network Systems and Applications"
other = "Scientific and Language Tools"
other = "Security"
other = "System Administration / ISP"
# sidenav
other = "Anwendungen"
other = "Administration"
other = "Neuigkeiten"
other = "Aus der Presse"
other = "Multimedia"
other = "Kunst"
other = "Logo"
other = "Spenden"
other = "Privacy Policy"
other = "Mailinglisten"
other = "Newsgroups"
other = "User Groups"
other = "Source code repositories"
other = "Release Engineering"
other = "Platforms"
other = "Project Ideas"
other = "Contributing"
other = "FAQ"
other = "Manual Pages"
other = "Presentations and Papers"
other = "Bücher und Artikel (Online)"
other = "Publikationen"
other = "Für Einsteiger"
other = "Documentation Project"
other = "Archiv"
other = "Release Informationen"
other = "Produktiv-Version"
other = "Testversion"
other = "Snapshot"
other = "Anwendungen (Ports)"
other = "GNOME"
other = "Installation Instructions"
other = "Upgrade Instructions"
other = "Available Applications"
other = "How to Help"
other = "Reporting a Bug"
other = "Screenshots"
other = "Contact Us"
other = "HAL FAQ"
other = "2.30 to 2.32 Upgrade FAQ"
other = "Development Branch FAQ"
other = "Creating Ports"
other = "Known Issues"
other = "Allgemeines"
other = "Installing"
other = "Aktualisierung"
other = "Durchsuchen"
other = "Kategorien"
other = "alphabetisch sortiert"
other = "logisch gruppiert"
other = "Alle Ports"
other = "Weitere Informationen"
other = "Software"
other = "Hardware"
other = "Consulting"
other = "Internet Service Providers"
other = "Security Information"
other = "Advisories"
other = "Errata Notices"
other = "Unsupported Releases"
other = "How to read FreeBSD Security Advisories"
other = "Charter for the Security Officer and Team"
other = "Bug Reports"
other = "Submit a Problem Report"
other = "Internet-Ressourcen"