Remove old hack to indent verbatim environments, and use new, Norm Walsh
sanctioned hack to indent verbatim environments :-) Explicitly turn off formatting a <variablelist> as a table, it's still buggy. Rename "usen-*" to "en-*", as the usage changed in the underlying stylesheets. The leader to a <warning> or <caution> should now have the ":" in the correct position.
This commit is contained in:
2020-12-08 03:00:23 +00:00
svn path=/head/; revision=4604
1 changed files with 11 additions and 28 deletions
@ -46,32 +46,6 @@
(define html-manifest
;; Write a manifest?
<!-- This replaces the existing mechanism for showing verbatim
blocks of text (programlistings, screens, and so forth.
Norm's stylesheet renders these in a table, with optional
shading if %shade-verbatim% is set. Previous practice for
the LinuxDoc DTD (and John Fieber's stylesheet) was to
indent them using <blockquote>. Stick with previous practice.
Norm says he will introduce a tweakable knob to affect this
in the future. -->
(define ($verbatim-display$ line-numbers?)
(let ((content (make element gi: "BLOCKQUOTE"
attributes: (list
(list "CLASS" (gi)))
(make element gi: "PRE"
(if line-numbers?
(if %shade-verbatim%
(make element gi: "TABLE"
attributes: ($shade-verbatim-attr$)
(make element gi: "TR"
(make element gi: "TD"
<!-- Print only ................................................... -->
@ -80,6 +54,15 @@
<!-- Both sets of stylesheets .................................... -->
(define %may-format-variablelist-as-table%
(define %indent-programlisting-lines%
" ")
(define %indent-screen-lines%
" ")
<!-- Slightly deeper customisations -->
@ -123,8 +106,8 @@
(element (caution para) ($admonpara$))
(element (caution simpara) ($admonpara$))
(define usen-warning-label-title-sep ": ")
(define usen-caution-label-title-sep ": ")
(define en-warning-label-title-sep ": ")
(define en-caution-label-title-sep ": ")
<!-- Tell the stylesheet about our local customisations -->
Reference in a new issue