Cut down the Makefile, most of the logic is now in

This commit is contained in:
Nik Clayton 1999-04-15 22:51:18 +00:00
parent bb5262c470
commit ef6157d8bc
Notes: svn2git 2020-12-08 03:00:23 +00:00
svn path=/head/; revision=4697
3 changed files with 12 additions and 1023 deletions

View file

@ -1,59 +1,18 @@
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.19 1999-04-12 21:40:25 nik Exp $
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.20 1999-04-15 22:51:18 nik Exp $
# Build the FreeBSD Handbook. Will eventually split in two, a generic .mk
# file which can be used by many Makefiles, and a much smaller Makefile
# which uses the file.
# Build the FreeBSD Handbook.
# Note: Doing all this in a Makefile is a little odd. This is because there
# is typically not a 1:1 mapping between the .sgml files and the .html,
# .rtf, .ps, and other formats. For most of them, all the .sgml files will
# become one file in the chosen output format. For HTML, many .html files
# will be produced, but they won't be named after the corresponding .sgml
# files.
# DOC is the root name of file(s) that will be generated (i.e, for
# foo.rtf,, etc, DOC=foo. HTML generation ignores this, it
# is assumed that the stylesheet names this. If not set, DOC defaults
# to the name of the current directory.
DOC?= handbook
# FORMATS lists the output formats that should be generated. Valid values
# are
# txt html html-split html-split.tar ps pdf rtf tar
# html-split is the file split into (probably) many individual HTML files,
# linked from one index.html file.
# html-split.tar is all these HTML files tarred up.
# This setting also affects which files will be removed with 'make clean'.
# If you 'make' with one setting, and 'make clean' with another, don't
# be surprised if it doesn't work.
FORMATS?= html-split.tar
FORMATS?= html-split
# INSTALL_COMPRESSED lists the compressed versions to be installed by the
# install-* targets. Valid values are
# gz zip bz2
# If left empty then no files will be installed compressed.
# INSTALL_ONLY_COMPRESSED is non-empty if you only want to install the
# compressed versions of built files.
@ -98,300 +57,4 @@ SRCS+= authors.ent
SRCS+= chapters.ent
SRCS+= mailing-lists.ent
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You shouldn't need to change definitions below here
JADE= /usr/local/bin/jade
DSLHTML= ../../share/sgml/freebsd.dsl
DSLPRINT= ../../share/sgml/freebsd.dsl
FREEBSDCATALOG= ../../share/sgml/catalog
DOCBOOKCATALOG= /usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/3.0/catalog
JADECATALOG= /usr/local/share/sgml/jade/catalog
DSSSLCATALOG= /usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl/modular/catalog
KNOWN_FORMATS= html html-split html-split.tar txt rtf ps pdf tex dvi tar
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Look at ${FORMATS} and work out which documents need to be generated.
# It is assumed that the HTML transformation will always create a file
# called index.html, and that for every other transformation the name
# of the generated file is ${DOC}.format.
# ${_docs} will be set to a list of all documents that must be made
# up to date.
# ${CLEANFILES} is a list of files that should be removed by the "clean"
# target. ${COMPRESS_EXT:S/^/${DOC}.${_cf}.&/ takes the COMPRESS_EXT var,
# and prepends the filename to each listed extension, building a second
# list of files with the compressed extensions added.
# Note: ".for _curformat in ${KNOWN_FORMATS}" is used several times in this
# file. I know they could have been rolled together in to one, much larger,
# loop. However, that would have made things more complicated for a newcomer
# to this file to unravel and understand, and a syntax error in the loop
# would have affected the entire build/compress/install process, instead
# of just one of them, making it more difficult to debug.
# Note: It is the aim of this file that *all* the targets be available,
# not just those appropriate to the current ${FORMATS} and
# For example, if FORMATS=html and INSTALL_COMPRESSED=gz you could still
# type
# make book.rtf.bz2
# and it will do the right thing. Or
# make install-rtf.bz2
# for that matter. But don't expect "make clean" to work if the FORMATS
# and INSTALL_COMPRESSED variables are wrong.
.for _curformat in ${FORMATS}
.if ${_cf} == "html-split"
_docs+= index.html HTML.manifest
CLEANFILES+= `xargs < HTML.manifest` HTML.manifest
.elif ${_cf} == "html-split.tar"
_docs+= ${DOC}.html-split.tar
CLEANFILES+= `xargs < HTML.manifest` HTML.manifest
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.html-split.tar
.elif ${_cf} == "html"
_docs+= ${DOC}.html
.elif ${_cf} == "txt"
_docs+= ${DOC}.txt
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.html ${DOC}.txt
.elif ${_cf} == "dvi"
_docs+= ${DOC}.dvi
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.aux ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.log ${DOC}.tex
.elif ${_cf} == "ps"
_docs+= ${DOC}.ps
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.aux ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.log ${DOC}.tex ${DOC}.ps
.elif ${_cf} == "pdf"
_docs+= ${DOC}.pdf
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.aux ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.log ${DOC}.tex ${DOC}.pdf
.elif ${_cf} == "rtf"
_docs+= ${DOC}.rtf
.elif ${_cf} == "tar"
_docs+= ${DOC}.tar
# Build a list of install-${format}.${compress_format} targets to be
# by "make install". Also, add ${DOC}.${format}.${compress_format} to
# ${_docs} and ${CLEANFILES} so they get built/cleaned by "all" and
# "clean".
.for _curformat in ${FORMATS}
.for _curcomp in ${INSTALL_COMPRESSED}
.if ${_cf} != "html-split"
_curinst+= install-${_curformat}.${_curcomp}
_docs+= ${DOC}.${_curformat}.${_curcomp}
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.${_curformat}.${_curcomp}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Targets
# Build Targets
# If no target is specifed then .MAIN is made
.MAIN: all
all: ${_docs}
index.html HTML.manifest: ${SRCS}
${JADE} -V html-manifest -ioutput.html ${JADEFLAGS} -d ${DSLHTML} -t sgml ${DOC}.sgml
-tidy -i -m -f /dev/null *.html
${DOC}.html: ${SRCS}
${JADE} -ioutput.html -V nochunks ${JADEFLAGS} -d ${DSLHTML} -t sgml ${DOC}.sgml > ${DOC}.html
-tidy -i -m -f /dev/null ${DOC}.html
${DOC}.html-split.tar: HTML.manifest
tar cf ${.TARGET} `xargs < HTML.manifest`
${DOC}.txt: ${DOC}.html
lynx -nolist -dump ${DOC}.html > ${DOC}.txt
${DOC}.rtf: ${SRCS}
${JADE} -Vrtf-backend -ioutput.print ${JADEFLAGS} -d ${DSLPRINT} -t rtf ${DOC}.sgml
${DOC}.tex: ${SRCS}
${JADE} -Vtex-backend -ioutput.print ${JADEFLAGS} -d ${DSLPRINT} -t tex ${DOC}.sgml
${DOC}.dvi: ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> TeX pass 1/3"
-tex "&jadetex" ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> TeX pass 2/3"
-tex "&jadetex" ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> TeX pass 3/3"
-tex "&jadetex" ${DOC}.tex
${DOC}.pdf: ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> PDFTeX pass 1/3"
-pdftex "&pdfjadetex" ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> PDFTeX pass 2/3"
-pdftex "&pdfjadetex" ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> PDFTeX pass 3/3"
pdftex "&pdfjadetex" ${DOC}.tex
${DOC}.ps: ${DOC}.dvi
dvips -o ${DOC}.ps ${DOC}.dvi
tar cf ${.TARGET} ${SRCS}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compress targets
# The list of compression extensions this Makefile knows about. If you
# add new compression schemes, add to this list (which is a list of
# extensions, hence bz2, *not* bzip2) and extend the _PROG_COMPRESS_*
# targets.
KNOWN_COMPRESS= gz bz2 zip
# You can't build suffix rules to do compression, since you can't wildcard
# the source suffix. So these are defined .USE, to be tacked on as
# dependencies of the compress-* targets.
gzip -9 -c ${.ALLSRC} > ${.TARGET}
bzip2 -9 -c ${.ALLSRC} > ${.TARGET}
zip -j -9 ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
# Build a list of targets for each compression scheme and output format.
# Don't compress the html-split output format.
.for _curformat in ${KNOWN_FORMATS}
.for _curcompress in ${KNOWN_COMPRESS}
.if ${_cf} == "html-split"
${DOC}.${_cf}.tar.${_curcompress}: ${DOC}.${_cf}.tar _PROG_COMPRESS_${_curcompress}
${DOC}.${_cf}.${_curcompress}: ${DOC}.${_cf} _PROG_COMPRESS_${_curcompress}
# Install targets
# Build install-* targets, one per allowed value in FORMATS. Need to build
# two specific targets;
# install-html-split - Handles multiple .html files being generated
# from one source. Uses the HTML.manifest file
# created by the stylesheets, which should list
# each .html file that's been created.
# install-* - Every other format. The wildcard expands to
# the other allowed formats, all of which should
# generate just one file.
# "beforeinstall" and "afterinstall" are hooks in to this process.
# Redefine them to do things before and after the files are installed,
# respectively.
install: beforeinstall realinstall afterinstall
# Build a list of install-format targets to be installed. These will be
# dependencies for the "realinstall" target.
_curinst+= ${FORMATS:S/^/install-/g}
realinstall: ${_curinst}
.for _curformat in ${KNOWN_FORMATS}
.if !target(install-${_cf})
.if ${_cf} == "html-split"
install-${_cf}: index.html
@if [ ! -f HTML.manifest ]; then \
echo "HTML.manifest file does not exist, can't install";\
exit 1; \
${INSTALL} ${COPY} -o ${DOCOWN} -g ${DOCGRP} -m ${DOCMODE} \
`xargs < HTML.manifest` ${DESTDIR}${DOCDIR}/${VOLUME}; \
if [ -f ${.OBJDIR}/${DOC}.ln ]; then \
sh ${.OBJDIR}/${DOC}.ln); \
.for _compressext in ${KNOWN_COMPRESS}
install-${_cf}.tar.${_compressext}: ${DOC}.${_cf}.tar.${_compressext}
${INSTALL} ${COPY} -o ${DOCOWN} -g ${DOCGRP} -m ${DOCMODE} \
install-${_cf}: ${DOC}.${_cf}
${INSTALL} ${COPY} -o ${DOCOWN} -g ${DOCGRP} -m ${DOCMODE} \
.for _compressext in ${KNOWN_COMPRESS}
install-${_cf}.${_compressext}: ${DOC}.${_cf}.${_compressext}
${INSTALL} ${COPY} -o ${DOCOWN} -g ${DOCGRP} -m ${DOCMODE} \
.for __target in beforeinstall afterinstall depend _SUBDIR
.if !target(${__target})
# Distribution target
# Like "install", but places the files into the correct distribution
.if !target(distribute)
.for dist in ${DISTRIBUTION}
cd ${.CURDIR}; $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=${DISTDIR}/${dist}
.include <>
.include <>
.include "../../share/mk/"

View file

@ -1,59 +1,18 @@
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.19 1999-04-12 21:40:25 nik Exp $
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.20 1999-04-15 22:51:18 nik Exp $
# Build the FreeBSD Handbook. Will eventually split in two, a generic .mk
# file which can be used by many Makefiles, and a much smaller Makefile
# which uses the file.
# Build the FreeBSD Handbook.
# Note: Doing all this in a Makefile is a little odd. This is because there
# is typically not a 1:1 mapping between the .sgml files and the .html,
# .rtf, .ps, and other formats. For most of them, all the .sgml files will
# become one file in the chosen output format. For HTML, many .html files
# will be produced, but they won't be named after the corresponding .sgml
# files.
# DOC is the root name of file(s) that will be generated (i.e, for
# foo.rtf,, etc, DOC=foo. HTML generation ignores this, it
# is assumed that the stylesheet names this. If not set, DOC defaults
# to the name of the current directory.
DOC?= handbook
# FORMATS lists the output formats that should be generated. Valid values
# are
# txt html html-split html-split.tar ps pdf rtf tar
# html-split is the file split into (probably) many individual HTML files,
# linked from one index.html file.
# html-split.tar is all these HTML files tarred up.
# This setting also affects which files will be removed with 'make clean'.
# If you 'make' with one setting, and 'make clean' with another, don't
# be surprised if it doesn't work.
FORMATS?= html-split.tar
FORMATS?= html-split
# INSTALL_COMPRESSED lists the compressed versions to be installed by the
# install-* targets. Valid values are
# gz zip bz2
# If left empty then no files will be installed compressed.
# INSTALL_ONLY_COMPRESSED is non-empty if you only want to install the
# compressed versions of built files.
@ -98,300 +57,4 @@ SRCS+= authors.ent
SRCS+= chapters.ent
SRCS+= mailing-lists.ent
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You shouldn't need to change definitions below here
JADE= /usr/local/bin/jade
DSLHTML= ../../share/sgml/freebsd.dsl
DSLPRINT= ../../share/sgml/freebsd.dsl
FREEBSDCATALOG= ../../share/sgml/catalog
DOCBOOKCATALOG= /usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/3.0/catalog
JADECATALOG= /usr/local/share/sgml/jade/catalog
DSSSLCATALOG= /usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl/modular/catalog
KNOWN_FORMATS= html html-split html-split.tar txt rtf ps pdf tex dvi tar
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Look at ${FORMATS} and work out which documents need to be generated.
# It is assumed that the HTML transformation will always create a file
# called index.html, and that for every other transformation the name
# of the generated file is ${DOC}.format.
# ${_docs} will be set to a list of all documents that must be made
# up to date.
# ${CLEANFILES} is a list of files that should be removed by the "clean"
# target. ${COMPRESS_EXT:S/^/${DOC}.${_cf}.&/ takes the COMPRESS_EXT var,
# and prepends the filename to each listed extension, building a second
# list of files with the compressed extensions added.
# Note: ".for _curformat in ${KNOWN_FORMATS}" is used several times in this
# file. I know they could have been rolled together in to one, much larger,
# loop. However, that would have made things more complicated for a newcomer
# to this file to unravel and understand, and a syntax error in the loop
# would have affected the entire build/compress/install process, instead
# of just one of them, making it more difficult to debug.
# Note: It is the aim of this file that *all* the targets be available,
# not just those appropriate to the current ${FORMATS} and
# For example, if FORMATS=html and INSTALL_COMPRESSED=gz you could still
# type
# make book.rtf.bz2
# and it will do the right thing. Or
# make install-rtf.bz2
# for that matter. But don't expect "make clean" to work if the FORMATS
# and INSTALL_COMPRESSED variables are wrong.
.for _curformat in ${FORMATS}
.if ${_cf} == "html-split"
_docs+= index.html HTML.manifest
CLEANFILES+= `xargs < HTML.manifest` HTML.manifest
.elif ${_cf} == "html-split.tar"
_docs+= ${DOC}.html-split.tar
CLEANFILES+= `xargs < HTML.manifest` HTML.manifest
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.html-split.tar
.elif ${_cf} == "html"
_docs+= ${DOC}.html
.elif ${_cf} == "txt"
_docs+= ${DOC}.txt
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.html ${DOC}.txt
.elif ${_cf} == "dvi"
_docs+= ${DOC}.dvi
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.aux ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.log ${DOC}.tex
.elif ${_cf} == "ps"
_docs+= ${DOC}.ps
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.aux ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.log ${DOC}.tex ${DOC}.ps
.elif ${_cf} == "pdf"
_docs+= ${DOC}.pdf
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.aux ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.log ${DOC}.tex ${DOC}.pdf
.elif ${_cf} == "rtf"
_docs+= ${DOC}.rtf
.elif ${_cf} == "tar"
_docs+= ${DOC}.tar
# Build a list of install-${format}.${compress_format} targets to be
# by "make install". Also, add ${DOC}.${format}.${compress_format} to
# ${_docs} and ${CLEANFILES} so they get built/cleaned by "all" and
# "clean".
.for _curformat in ${FORMATS}
.for _curcomp in ${INSTALL_COMPRESSED}
.if ${_cf} != "html-split"
_curinst+= install-${_curformat}.${_curcomp}
_docs+= ${DOC}.${_curformat}.${_curcomp}
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.${_curformat}.${_curcomp}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Targets
# Build Targets
# If no target is specifed then .MAIN is made
.MAIN: all
all: ${_docs}
index.html HTML.manifest: ${SRCS}
${JADE} -V html-manifest -ioutput.html ${JADEFLAGS} -d ${DSLHTML} -t sgml ${DOC}.sgml
-tidy -i -m -f /dev/null *.html
${DOC}.html: ${SRCS}
${JADE} -ioutput.html -V nochunks ${JADEFLAGS} -d ${DSLHTML} -t sgml ${DOC}.sgml > ${DOC}.html
-tidy -i -m -f /dev/null ${DOC}.html
${DOC}.html-split.tar: HTML.manifest
tar cf ${.TARGET} `xargs < HTML.manifest`
${DOC}.txt: ${DOC}.html
lynx -nolist -dump ${DOC}.html > ${DOC}.txt
${DOC}.rtf: ${SRCS}
${JADE} -Vrtf-backend -ioutput.print ${JADEFLAGS} -d ${DSLPRINT} -t rtf ${DOC}.sgml
${DOC}.tex: ${SRCS}
${JADE} -Vtex-backend -ioutput.print ${JADEFLAGS} -d ${DSLPRINT} -t tex ${DOC}.sgml
${DOC}.dvi: ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> TeX pass 1/3"
-tex "&jadetex" ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> TeX pass 2/3"
-tex "&jadetex" ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> TeX pass 3/3"
-tex "&jadetex" ${DOC}.tex
${DOC}.pdf: ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> PDFTeX pass 1/3"
-pdftex "&pdfjadetex" ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> PDFTeX pass 2/3"
-pdftex "&pdfjadetex" ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> PDFTeX pass 3/3"
pdftex "&pdfjadetex" ${DOC}.tex
${DOC}.ps: ${DOC}.dvi
dvips -o ${DOC}.ps ${DOC}.dvi
tar cf ${.TARGET} ${SRCS}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compress targets
# The list of compression extensions this Makefile knows about. If you
# add new compression schemes, add to this list (which is a list of
# extensions, hence bz2, *not* bzip2) and extend the _PROG_COMPRESS_*
# targets.
KNOWN_COMPRESS= gz bz2 zip
# You can't build suffix rules to do compression, since you can't wildcard
# the source suffix. So these are defined .USE, to be tacked on as
# dependencies of the compress-* targets.
gzip -9 -c ${.ALLSRC} > ${.TARGET}
bzip2 -9 -c ${.ALLSRC} > ${.TARGET}
zip -j -9 ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
# Build a list of targets for each compression scheme and output format.
# Don't compress the html-split output format.
.for _curformat in ${KNOWN_FORMATS}
.for _curcompress in ${KNOWN_COMPRESS}
.if ${_cf} == "html-split"
${DOC}.${_cf}.tar.${_curcompress}: ${DOC}.${_cf}.tar _PROG_COMPRESS_${_curcompress}
${DOC}.${_cf}.${_curcompress}: ${DOC}.${_cf} _PROG_COMPRESS_${_curcompress}
# Install targets
# Build install-* targets, one per allowed value in FORMATS. Need to build
# two specific targets;
# install-html-split - Handles multiple .html files being generated
# from one source. Uses the HTML.manifest file
# created by the stylesheets, which should list
# each .html file that's been created.
# install-* - Every other format. The wildcard expands to
# the other allowed formats, all of which should
# generate just one file.
# "beforeinstall" and "afterinstall" are hooks in to this process.
# Redefine them to do things before and after the files are installed,
# respectively.
install: beforeinstall realinstall afterinstall
# Build a list of install-format targets to be installed. These will be
# dependencies for the "realinstall" target.
_curinst+= ${FORMATS:S/^/install-/g}
realinstall: ${_curinst}
.for _curformat in ${KNOWN_FORMATS}
.if !target(install-${_cf})
.if ${_cf} == "html-split"
install-${_cf}: index.html
@if [ ! -f HTML.manifest ]; then \
echo "HTML.manifest file does not exist, can't install";\
exit 1; \
${INSTALL} ${COPY} -o ${DOCOWN} -g ${DOCGRP} -m ${DOCMODE} \
`xargs < HTML.manifest` ${DESTDIR}${DOCDIR}/${VOLUME}; \
if [ -f ${.OBJDIR}/${DOC}.ln ]; then \
sh ${.OBJDIR}/${DOC}.ln); \
.for _compressext in ${KNOWN_COMPRESS}
install-${_cf}.tar.${_compressext}: ${DOC}.${_cf}.tar.${_compressext}
${INSTALL} ${COPY} -o ${DOCOWN} -g ${DOCGRP} -m ${DOCMODE} \
install-${_cf}: ${DOC}.${_cf}
${INSTALL} ${COPY} -o ${DOCOWN} -g ${DOCGRP} -m ${DOCMODE} \
.for _compressext in ${KNOWN_COMPRESS}
install-${_cf}.${_compressext}: ${DOC}.${_cf}.${_compressext}
${INSTALL} ${COPY} -o ${DOCOWN} -g ${DOCGRP} -m ${DOCMODE} \
.for __target in beforeinstall afterinstall depend _SUBDIR
.if !target(${__target})
# Distribution target
# Like "install", but places the files into the correct distribution
.if !target(distribute)
.for dist in ${DISTRIBUTION}
cd ${.CURDIR}; $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=${DISTDIR}/${dist}
.include <>
.include <>
.include "../../share/mk/"

View file

@ -1,59 +1,18 @@
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.19 1999-04-12 21:40:25 nik Exp $
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.20 1999-04-15 22:51:18 nik Exp $
# Build the FreeBSD Handbook. Will eventually split in two, a generic .mk
# file which can be used by many Makefiles, and a much smaller Makefile
# which uses the file.
# Build the FreeBSD Handbook.
# Note: Doing all this in a Makefile is a little odd. This is because there
# is typically not a 1:1 mapping between the .sgml files and the .html,
# .rtf, .ps, and other formats. For most of them, all the .sgml files will
# become one file in the chosen output format. For HTML, many .html files
# will be produced, but they won't be named after the corresponding .sgml
# files.
# DOC is the root name of file(s) that will be generated (i.e, for
# foo.rtf,, etc, DOC=foo. HTML generation ignores this, it
# is assumed that the stylesheet names this. If not set, DOC defaults
# to the name of the current directory.
DOC?= handbook
# FORMATS lists the output formats that should be generated. Valid values
# are
# txt html html-split html-split.tar ps pdf rtf tar
# html-split is the file split into (probably) many individual HTML files,
# linked from one index.html file.
# html-split.tar is all these HTML files tarred up.
# This setting also affects which files will be removed with 'make clean'.
# If you 'make' with one setting, and 'make clean' with another, don't
# be surprised if it doesn't work.
FORMATS?= html-split.tar
FORMATS?= html-split
# INSTALL_COMPRESSED lists the compressed versions to be installed by the
# install-* targets. Valid values are
# gz zip bz2
# If left empty then no files will be installed compressed.
# INSTALL_ONLY_COMPRESSED is non-empty if you only want to install the
# compressed versions of built files.
@ -98,300 +57,4 @@ SRCS+= authors.ent
SRCS+= chapters.ent
SRCS+= mailing-lists.ent
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You shouldn't need to change definitions below here
JADE= /usr/local/bin/jade
DSLHTML= ../../share/sgml/freebsd.dsl
DSLPRINT= ../../share/sgml/freebsd.dsl
FREEBSDCATALOG= ../../share/sgml/catalog
DOCBOOKCATALOG= /usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/3.0/catalog
JADECATALOG= /usr/local/share/sgml/jade/catalog
DSSSLCATALOG= /usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl/modular/catalog
KNOWN_FORMATS= html html-split html-split.tar txt rtf ps pdf tex dvi tar
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Look at ${FORMATS} and work out which documents need to be generated.
# It is assumed that the HTML transformation will always create a file
# called index.html, and that for every other transformation the name
# of the generated file is ${DOC}.format.
# ${_docs} will be set to a list of all documents that must be made
# up to date.
# ${CLEANFILES} is a list of files that should be removed by the "clean"
# target. ${COMPRESS_EXT:S/^/${DOC}.${_cf}.&/ takes the COMPRESS_EXT var,
# and prepends the filename to each listed extension, building a second
# list of files with the compressed extensions added.
# Note: ".for _curformat in ${KNOWN_FORMATS}" is used several times in this
# file. I know they could have been rolled together in to one, much larger,
# loop. However, that would have made things more complicated for a newcomer
# to this file to unravel and understand, and a syntax error in the loop
# would have affected the entire build/compress/install process, instead
# of just one of them, making it more difficult to debug.
# Note: It is the aim of this file that *all* the targets be available,
# not just those appropriate to the current ${FORMATS} and
# For example, if FORMATS=html and INSTALL_COMPRESSED=gz you could still
# type
# make book.rtf.bz2
# and it will do the right thing. Or
# make install-rtf.bz2
# for that matter. But don't expect "make clean" to work if the FORMATS
# and INSTALL_COMPRESSED variables are wrong.
.for _curformat in ${FORMATS}
.if ${_cf} == "html-split"
_docs+= index.html HTML.manifest
CLEANFILES+= `xargs < HTML.manifest` HTML.manifest
.elif ${_cf} == "html-split.tar"
_docs+= ${DOC}.html-split.tar
CLEANFILES+= `xargs < HTML.manifest` HTML.manifest
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.html-split.tar
.elif ${_cf} == "html"
_docs+= ${DOC}.html
.elif ${_cf} == "txt"
_docs+= ${DOC}.txt
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.html ${DOC}.txt
.elif ${_cf} == "dvi"
_docs+= ${DOC}.dvi
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.aux ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.log ${DOC}.tex
.elif ${_cf} == "ps"
_docs+= ${DOC}.ps
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.aux ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.log ${DOC}.tex ${DOC}.ps
.elif ${_cf} == "pdf"
_docs+= ${DOC}.pdf
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.aux ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.log ${DOC}.tex ${DOC}.pdf
.elif ${_cf} == "rtf"
_docs+= ${DOC}.rtf
.elif ${_cf} == "tar"
_docs+= ${DOC}.tar
# Build a list of install-${format}.${compress_format} targets to be
# by "make install". Also, add ${DOC}.${format}.${compress_format} to
# ${_docs} and ${CLEANFILES} so they get built/cleaned by "all" and
# "clean".
.for _curformat in ${FORMATS}
.for _curcomp in ${INSTALL_COMPRESSED}
.if ${_cf} != "html-split"
_curinst+= install-${_curformat}.${_curcomp}
_docs+= ${DOC}.${_curformat}.${_curcomp}
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.${_curformat}.${_curcomp}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Targets
# Build Targets
# If no target is specifed then .MAIN is made
.MAIN: all
all: ${_docs}
index.html HTML.manifest: ${SRCS}
${JADE} -V html-manifest -ioutput.html ${JADEFLAGS} -d ${DSLHTML} -t sgml ${DOC}.sgml
-tidy -i -m -f /dev/null *.html
${DOC}.html: ${SRCS}
${JADE} -ioutput.html -V nochunks ${JADEFLAGS} -d ${DSLHTML} -t sgml ${DOC}.sgml > ${DOC}.html
-tidy -i -m -f /dev/null ${DOC}.html
${DOC}.html-split.tar: HTML.manifest
tar cf ${.TARGET} `xargs < HTML.manifest`
${DOC}.txt: ${DOC}.html
lynx -nolist -dump ${DOC}.html > ${DOC}.txt
${DOC}.rtf: ${SRCS}
${JADE} -Vrtf-backend -ioutput.print ${JADEFLAGS} -d ${DSLPRINT} -t rtf ${DOC}.sgml
${DOC}.tex: ${SRCS}
${JADE} -Vtex-backend -ioutput.print ${JADEFLAGS} -d ${DSLPRINT} -t tex ${DOC}.sgml
${DOC}.dvi: ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> TeX pass 1/3"
-tex "&jadetex" ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> TeX pass 2/3"
-tex "&jadetex" ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> TeX pass 3/3"
-tex "&jadetex" ${DOC}.tex
${DOC}.pdf: ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> PDFTeX pass 1/3"
-pdftex "&pdfjadetex" ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> PDFTeX pass 2/3"
-pdftex "&pdfjadetex" ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> PDFTeX pass 3/3"
pdftex "&pdfjadetex" ${DOC}.tex
${DOC}.ps: ${DOC}.dvi
dvips -o ${DOC}.ps ${DOC}.dvi
tar cf ${.TARGET} ${SRCS}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compress targets
# The list of compression extensions this Makefile knows about. If you
# add new compression schemes, add to this list (which is a list of
# extensions, hence bz2, *not* bzip2) and extend the _PROG_COMPRESS_*
# targets.
KNOWN_COMPRESS= gz bz2 zip
# You can't build suffix rules to do compression, since you can't wildcard
# the source suffix. So these are defined .USE, to be tacked on as
# dependencies of the compress-* targets.
gzip -9 -c ${.ALLSRC} > ${.TARGET}
bzip2 -9 -c ${.ALLSRC} > ${.TARGET}
zip -j -9 ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
# Build a list of targets for each compression scheme and output format.
# Don't compress the html-split output format.
.for _curformat in ${KNOWN_FORMATS}
.for _curcompress in ${KNOWN_COMPRESS}
.if ${_cf} == "html-split"
${DOC}.${_cf}.tar.${_curcompress}: ${DOC}.${_cf}.tar _PROG_COMPRESS_${_curcompress}
${DOC}.${_cf}.${_curcompress}: ${DOC}.${_cf} _PROG_COMPRESS_${_curcompress}
# Install targets
# Build install-* targets, one per allowed value in FORMATS. Need to build
# two specific targets;
# install-html-split - Handles multiple .html files being generated
# from one source. Uses the HTML.manifest file
# created by the stylesheets, which should list
# each .html file that's been created.
# install-* - Every other format. The wildcard expands to
# the other allowed formats, all of which should
# generate just one file.
# "beforeinstall" and "afterinstall" are hooks in to this process.
# Redefine them to do things before and after the files are installed,
# respectively.
install: beforeinstall realinstall afterinstall
# Build a list of install-format targets to be installed. These will be
# dependencies for the "realinstall" target.
_curinst+= ${FORMATS:S/^/install-/g}
realinstall: ${_curinst}
.for _curformat in ${KNOWN_FORMATS}
.if !target(install-${_cf})
.if ${_cf} == "html-split"
install-${_cf}: index.html
@if [ ! -f HTML.manifest ]; then \
echo "HTML.manifest file does not exist, can't install";\
exit 1; \
${INSTALL} ${COPY} -o ${DOCOWN} -g ${DOCGRP} -m ${DOCMODE} \
`xargs < HTML.manifest` ${DESTDIR}${DOCDIR}/${VOLUME}; \
if [ -f ${.OBJDIR}/${DOC}.ln ]; then \
sh ${.OBJDIR}/${DOC}.ln); \
.for _compressext in ${KNOWN_COMPRESS}
install-${_cf}.tar.${_compressext}: ${DOC}.${_cf}.tar.${_compressext}
${INSTALL} ${COPY} -o ${DOCOWN} -g ${DOCGRP} -m ${DOCMODE} \
install-${_cf}: ${DOC}.${_cf}
${INSTALL} ${COPY} -o ${DOCOWN} -g ${DOCGRP} -m ${DOCMODE} \
.for _compressext in ${KNOWN_COMPRESS}
install-${_cf}.${_compressext}: ${DOC}.${_cf}.${_compressext}
${INSTALL} ${COPY} -o ${DOCOWN} -g ${DOCGRP} -m ${DOCMODE} \
.for __target in beforeinstall afterinstall depend _SUBDIR
.if !target(${__target})
# Distribution target
# Like "install", but places the files into the correct distribution
.if !target(distribute)
.for dist in ${DISTRIBUTION}
cd ${.CURDIR}; $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=${DISTDIR}/${dist}
.include <>
.include <>
.include "../../share/mk/"