Default to "IGNORE", you should set them to "INCLUDE" by whatever
mechanism your SGML parser supports as necessary (i.e., Jade's -i
Added redefinitions for some ISO entities that aren't understood by
most web browsers. Since this is for HTML output only, wrap it in a
%output.html; marked section.
Use these marked sections to put both print and HTML stylesheets in one
.dsl file (freebsd.dsl). The print stylesheet now understands about the
elements that have been added to DocBook (and won't try and render them
in red).
Updated Makefile to use output.html and output.print on the command
line to Jade, instead of the earlier "html" and "print.
Note: producing .tex (and thence .ps and .pdf) versions of the Handbook
is broken. The Handbook tickles several bugs in the JadeTeX macros.
Sebastian Rahz, the JadeTeX author, knows about this, and is working on
fixing them.
Extends DocBook v3.0, with (currently) the following additions.
1. <hostid>, <username>, <devicename>, <makevar>, and <maketarget> have
been added. Sample uses would be be.
<para>By convention, the the local machine can always be referred
to as <hostid>localhost</hostid>, with the IP address
<hostid role="ipaddr"></hostid>.</para>
<para>The most powerful account on the system is
<username>root</username>, able to leap tall buildings in a single
<para>Some devices have an entry in <filename>/dev</filename>. For
example, <filename>/dev/cuaa0</filename> corresponds to
<devicename>sio0</devicename>. Other devices, such as
<devicename>ed0</devicename> do not have entries in
<para>To rebuild the system, use the <maketarget>world</maketarget>
target. If you do not want to build profiled libraries then ensure
that <makevar>NOPROFILE</makevar> is set.</para>
2. <FAQList> has been added as a new list type, with its own listitem.
Use like so;
<para>I have bad blocks on my hard drive!</para>
<!-- Nothing restricting a question to one paragraph -->
<para>With SCSI drives, the drive should be capable…</para>
Long winded, but comprehensive, and in keeping with the rest of DocBook.
As I convert the handbook from LinuxDoc to DocBook I'm working on an
extensive markup guide for the project, where constructs like these will be
fully documented.