Il s'agit de la seconde partie d'une série d'articles d'introduction. L'auteur explique comment mettre en place X et le serveur de courrier électronique postfix.
Apple Computer a récemment annoncé la sortie de son tant attendu Mac OS X 10.3 Panther, basé sur FreeBSD 5.
Une rétrospective de l'année 2003 sur plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation, parmi lesquels FreeBSD.
eRacks Open Source Systems annonce un portable basé sur Centrino(TM) qui supporte FreeBSD.
Le communiqué de presse de au sujet de la surprise-partie célébrant l'anniversaire des 10 ans de FreeBSD.
Dans cette première partie d'une série d'articles d'introduction, l'auteur montre comment utiliser le programme d'installation de FreeBSD.
Un guide pour générer les statistiques d'un serveur fonctionnant sous FreeBSD 4 et 5.
Un rapide compte-rendu plus quelques photos de la soirée.
Un entretien avec Greg Lehey, développeur FreeBSD.
L'auteur passe rapidement en revue FreeBSD 4.8 et le compare avec GNU/Linux.
L'auteur donne des détails quant à l'utilisation de Apsfilter pour l'impression.
L'auteur examine FreeBSD 4.9, décrit comment le mettre à jour pour corriger les problèmes de sécurité et intégrer les corrections de bugs et comment compiler un noyau sur mesure.
L'auteur explique comment améliorer sa gestion des mots de passe grâce à des mots de passe générés automatiquement.
Pawel Jakub Dawidek, un des programmeurs des jails de FreeBSD, donne son point de vue sur les jails.
L'auteur donne un court aperçu de FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE.
L'auteur examine FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE et le compare avec GNU/Linux.
L'auteur relate l'expérience de sa migration de Linux vers FreeBSD.
Dans ce papier, l'auteur décrit un sytème automatisé pour compiler et distribuer les mises à jour binaires liées à la sécurité sous FreeBSD.
La dernière étude de Netcraft révèle que sept des treize entreprises d'hébergement internet les plus fiables pour le mois de Septembre utilisent FreeBSD.
L'auteur explique comment créer et configurer les permissions d'accès uniques sur les fichiers et les répertoires en utilisant les Listes de Contrôles d'Accès (ACLs).
Trevor Blackwell a conçu son propre clone Segway sous FreeBSD. A lire pour plus de détails.
L'auteur décrit comment "nettoyer" l'arborescence des ports et comment adapter les options de compilation des ports à l'aide des outils portupgrade.
L'article montre comment, lors la dernière émission de TechTV "The Screen Savers show", FreeBSD a progressé par rapport à Linux.
Cet article explique comment installer et configurer les Jails sous FreeBSD.
L'auteur explique comment installer et utiliser portupgrage pour mettre à jour les applications d'un système FreeBSD.
L'auteur discute des bénéfices qu'apporte le support natif de Java à FreeBSD.
L'auteur explique comment utiliser Les Listes de Contrôle d'Accès, une des nouvelles fonctionnalités de FreeBSD 5.X.
Dans cette édition de FreeBSD Basics, Dru Lavigne expose ses astuces favorites concernant les ports.
Une étude comparative de systèmes d'exploitation dans leur version serveur qu'ils soient gratuits ou propriétaires. L'article recommande fortement la famille des systèmes d'exploitation BSD au regard de leurs qualités.
L'auteur recommande FreeBSD, insistant sur sa licence, sa simplicité, sa stabilité et la myriade d'applications disponibles.
Le nombre de sites utilisant FreeBSD s'accroit régulièrement. Netcraft fournit les statistiques et en donne les raisons.
Un rapport de Netcraft conclue que 5 des 10 meilleurs hébergeurs dans le monde utilisent le système d'exploitation FreeBSD.
Résumé des nouvelles caractéristiques de la branche 5.X, et notamment le nouveau service de gestion "jail".
Un guide d'installation détaillé de FreeBSD.
L'auteur recommande l'adoption de la famille des systèmes d'exploitation BSD pour les projets de logiciels libres ayant trait aux technologies internet.
L'article décrit les principales mesures à prendre concernant la sécurité des stations de travail sous FreeBSD 4.X.
Trois entreprises se rassemblent et montent un nouveau miroir du site internet FreeBSD et des services CVSup.
L'article rapporte brièvement la sortie de FreeBSD 5.1.
Un court article à propos du prochain support de la plate-forme AMD64 dans FreeBSD 5.x.
L'auteur recommande FreeBSD, faisant les louanges de sa pile TCP/IP et de sa licence libérale.
OS News donne une interview approfondie de Wes Peters, Greg Lehey et Warner M. Losh de l'équipe principale de FreeBSD ainsi que de Scott Long, développeur. L'article aborde notamment le support de Java, la compétition avec Linux et la branche 5.x de FreeBSD.
Murray Stokely, membre de l'équipe principale de FreeBSD, a fait une apparition sur TechTV avec Matt Olander de Offmyserver pour parler de FreeBSD et réaliser une installation en direct à la télévision. Le communiqué de presse inclue un lien vers un flux RealVideo de cette émission.
Linuxworld détaille les possibilités de FreeBSD 5.0 en tant que système d'exploitation d'entreprise et donne l'interview de Scott Long, développeur FreeBSD.
Article de Dru Lavigne sur les façons les plus simples pour un nouvel utilisateur de se familiariser avec FreeBSD. détaille FreeBSD 5.0 et donne l'interview de Murray Stokely, un membre de l'équipe technique en charge des nouvelles versions de FreeBSD.
"Opera Software" a le plaisir d'annoncer la première version "officielle" du port FreeBSD de son logiciel.
Dru Lavigne se plonge dans le monde de la lecture des DVD sous FreeBSD.
Un article sur l'historique et la culture des projets BSD.
Dru Lavigne décrit le processus de configuration du son sur un poste de travail multimédia FreeBSD.
Un court entretien avec Michael Lucas (un participant actif de FreeBSD) sur l'utilisation des BSD en entreprise.
Dru Lavigne explique comment créer un poste de travail multimédia avec FreeBSD.
Maggie Biggs s'intéresse au futur FreeBSD 5.0 et découvre que ce système d'exploitation open-source s'est considérablement amélioré en ce qui concerne les outils et applications disponibles ainsi que sur la sécurité.
Kerneltrap s'entretient avec Jordan Hubbard, un des créateurs de FreeBSD, et actuellement directeur du projet Darwin de Apple.
Michael Lucas décrit comment une machine peut être configurée en multi-boot avec FreeBSD -CURRENT et -STABLE.
Jordan Hubbard, co-fondateur de FreeBSD, quitte l'équipe dirigeante.
Un article sur FreeBSD 4.5 avec mention de la "pré-version développeurs" de FreeBSD 5.0.
Le committer Michael Lucas donne un aperçu de la première pré-version destinée aux développeurs de FreeBSD 5.0.
Comment utiliser freenet6 de la collection des ports pour réaliser un tunnel IPv6 sous IPv4.
Michael Lucas décrit quoi faire lorsqu'une panique système survient. C'est la seconde partie de l'article; la partie 1 décrivait comment préparer un système FreeBSD à gérer les paniques.
Des instructions pour configurer de manière sécurisée un PC sous FreeBSD en tant que passerelle entre un réseau 802.11b et un réseau cablé traditionnel.
Reportages de InfoWorld sur l'utilisation de FreeBSD pour un serveur web créé à l'occasion d'une campagne publicitaire "remarquable".
Comment configurer et utiliser le support audio sous FreeBSD.
Préparer un système FreeBSD à gérer une panique système.
Un article pour configurer et maintenir une installation FreeBSD.
Une introduction non-technique à la famille BSD (excepté BSD/OS).
A la recherche de vos fichiers avec la commande find.
Des instructions pour construire un système FreeBSD qui démarre depuis un CD-ROM. Son utilisation en tant que firewall est mentionné.
Un aperçu de la configuration IPv6 sous FreeBSD.
S'initier à la commande find.
Utiliser NFS sous FreeBSD.
Michael détaille le processus pour devenir un committer FreeBSD.
A guide for users migrating from Linux to FreeBSD.
An interview with Robert Watson, member of FreeBSD's core and security on the upcoming FreeBSD 4.5 and FreeBSD 5.0 releases.
American Megatrends Inc. announced the release of StoreTrends(tm) NAS software version 1.1, which is based on FreeBSD.
Michael Lucas shows what it takes for non-coders to contribute to BSD.
This article is for system administrators. It explains how to configure and maintain a FreeBSD system for high security.
Wind River Systems announces the transfer of its FreeBSD assets to the FreeBSD Mall.
Kerneltrap interviews Matt Dillon, one of FreeBSD's key developers.
Nearly four years after it was acquired by Microsoft, and in spite of a well-publicized effort to migrate it to Windows and IIS, Hotmail is still partly based on FreeBSD and Apache.
An article discussing FreeBSD as an workstation OS for new Unix users.
A brief introduction to portupgrade.
A short article on accessing a Windows(R) share from a FreeBSD workstation.
Byte's Moshe Bar does a comparison, through informal benchmarks, of FreeBSD 4.3 to Linux 2.4.10 running sendmail, procmail, MySQL, and Apache. The emphasis of the article is examination of the newly rewritten VM system in Linux, so the tests are conducted with only 512 MB of RAM.
An interview with Matt Dillon, a key developer in FreeBSD on the upcoming features in FreeBSD 5.0.
A short article on running Windows(R) applications under WINE in FreeBSD.
A short article on dealing with the all too common full disk.
A short article on ripping CDs on FreeBSD.
This is a review of Kaspersky Anti-Virus for FreeBSD, a product which can protect a network of Microsoft Windows hosts by scanning e-mail and SMB file shares.
How to mirror the FreeBSD CVS repository.
An article on FreeBSD's CVSup infrastructure used to distribute its source code worldwide.
An short interview with Jordan Hubbard, one of the founders of the FreeBSD project.
Using DUMMYNET to control bandwidth allocation
Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD and Windows 2000 are benchmarked for network applications. This article has a sequel where the tests were redone after tuning FreeBSD.
NAI Labs, a division of Network Associates, Inc., announced a $1.2 million contract awarded by the U.S. Navy's Space and Warfare Systems Command to develop security extensions to the Open Source FreeBSD operating system.
An article describing the ways to control user access to your FreeBSD system.
Using the functionality of newsyslog in FreeBSD.
A report on Microsoft's venture to port its C# programming language to FreeBSD.
Apple ( has recruited FreeBSD founder Jordan Hubbard to its team, in a bid to steer its Mac OS X BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) efforts.
An article which states that open-source software connected with the FreeBSD operating system is used in several places deep inside several versions of Microsoft's Windows software, and on numerous server computers that manage major functions at Microsoft's free e-mail service, Hotmail.
A report on the backfiring of the Microsoft effort to vilify open source software.
System logging in FreeBSD using syslogd.
Using CVS in client-mode.
Configuring FreeBSD for wireless operation.
A survey of the games available in the FreeBSD ports collection.
Submitting change requests to the FreeBSD project using send-pr.
A mini tutorial on DocBook and its use by the FreeBSD Documentation Project.
An introduction to the FreeBSD project.
BYTE's Linux guru finds himself wondering why he isn't running FreeBSD --- a comparision (with informal benchmarks) of FreeBSD 4.1.1 and a Linux based distribution running the v2.4.0 Linux kernel.
Howto modify a FreeBSD port.
A system administrator's view of the Ports system.
A reviewer finds FreeBSD 4.1 to be better suited for web serving than a Red Hat Linux distribution.
A report from a roundtable at the recent USENIX Security Symposium 2000, involving several prominent developers in the BSD world.
How the FreeBSD Ports collection works.
How to recover files off of FreeBSD system.
A geek's appraisal of the Apple OS X from Jordan Hubbard, one of the lead developers on the FreeBSD project.
Using a Linux install under FreeBSD's Linux compatibility mode.
Using FreeBSD on a laptop.
Using RCS for file revision control.
This column gives an overview of the different versions of BSD, with links for more information.
TeraSolutions, Inc. and Lightning Internet Services announce that the OpenSource archive at has surpassed the download milestone of two trillion bytes per day from a single server machine.
A short article on using the FreeBSD Memory Filesystem.
An interview with Robert Watson, one of the lead developers in the TrustedBSD project.
An early review of FreeBSD's SMB support.
An article on a developers experience porting software from Linux to FreeBSD.
An informative article on BSD, and where it is going.
An article evaluating various commercial OSes that contains a blurb about BSDI and FreeBSD.
With the recent hype surrounding open source software, an important project has gone unnoticed in the media. This project, FreeBSD, aims to create a rock-solid UNIX clone based on the 4BSD work from the University of California at Berkeley.
FreeBSD, a relatively unknown operating system is playing a big role on the Internet.
How Berkeley hackers built the Net's most fabled free operating system on the ashes of the '60s---and then lost the lead to Linux.
A short guide to installing FreeBSD 4.0.
Compares the merged Walnut Creek/BSDI OS offering to Linux.
Open-source software sometimes provides a better solution than expensive commerical, closed software.
PolyServe, a provider of software-based, distributed server clustering technology, announced co-marketing agreement with FreeBSD, Inc. to ship PolyServe's Understudy (TM) software program with all new versions of FreeBSD 4.0 operating system software.
Talks of the lack of awareness in the market of the strengths of the BSD operating system and of the plans afoot to change this.
BSDi will be offering technical support contracts for FreeBSD beginning in May 2000.
Commentary on the BSDI/FreeBSD merger.
The second part of a review of FreeBSD v3.4.
An interview with three BSD veterans on the past and future of BSD.
An interview with BSD veteran Keith Bostic on the BSDI/FreeBSD merger. ``BSD has always had the best technology'', says Keith.
Michael Lucas presents a guide to customizing the FreeBSD kernel, written for the Linux oriented.
This article attempts to give a System V or Linux administrator a basic grounding in FreeBSD configuration and usage.
A good description of the FreeBSD Ports collection.
Praise for FreeBSD from this article: ``FreeBSD is the system of choice because it is fast, stable, and can handle large volumes of traffic.''
An article on the BSD License.
Promotes the BSD OSes as better alternatives to Linux in the areas of performance, reliability and security.
A Linux user writes about his experiences with the FreeBSD ports system.
A review of FreeBSD 3.4.
A Jordan Hubbard Interview on Improvements, New Platforms and What's to Come.
A Linux user writes about his experiences with FreeBSD.
A report that looks at and debunks some of the myths associated with Open Source development.
About 17 percent of enterprises plan to deploy FreeBSD or Linux as a primary platform for e-commerce within two years.
Steve Jobs' Macworld Expo keynote speech mentions FreeBSD as one of the components in the new Darwin OS from Apple.
In an article on the next generation Darwin OS, Apple Inc., refers to FreeBSD as one of the ``most acclaimed OS projects of the modern era.''
FreeBSD has several options for using software from other platforms such as Linux. This article examines Linux emulation under FreeBSD.
Freei.Net is purchasing hundreds of Intel's LB440GX 2U Rack Server Platforms as the Internet service provider continues to experience explosive growth in its subscriber base. ``The LB440GX flawlessly supports our FreeBSD operating system,'' said Steve Bourg, Freei.Net's Chief Technical Officer.
Linux administrator turns to FreeBSD and finds it impressive.
Brett Glass sent this message to the FreeBSD -chat mailing list, about his experiences and perceptions at COMDEX. Of particular interest are the problems he had trying to get vendors to support the BSDs and Linux.
Discusses RedHat's acquisition of Cygnus, quotes Jordan Hubbard at length, and mentions FreeBSD.
A report on Wilfredo Sanchez's session on FreeBSD and the Apple Darwin project at the first FreeBSDCon.
In an interview with CBS MarketWatch, Bob Frankenberg, ex-CEO of Novell, praises FreeBSD for doing ``an exceptionally good job''. FreeBSD is used in his current company, Encanto.
Walnut Creek will distribute Applixware Office v4.4.2 in their FreeBSD 3.3 Power Desktop product. In addition, Walnut Creek will bundle Applix'SHELF, a visual open-source application development toolset and runtime environment with FreeBSD.
October 17, 1999 marked a milestone in the history of FreeBSD -- the first FreeBSD conference was held in the city where it all began.
Repost of IDG article about FreeBSDCon '99.
FreeBSD v3.2 is as close to the perfect Internet server operating system as it comes.
A report from the first annual FreeBSDCon held in Berkeley, California.
Entera announces a free, standards-based RTSP/RTP server to stream QuickTime from a FreeBSD platform.
This paper tries to explore links between open source software development and academic research as a better paradigm for OSS development.
Claims that the operating systems based on BSD are more reliable and secure. (requires registration with The Boston Globe prior to viewing)
An introduction to the BSD family of free operating systems.
Focusses on the BSD development model and the ease of keeping upto-date with tools like sup and CVSup.
A short (but not very accurate) introduction to FreeBSD for people who have heard about Linux.
CNN reports that the winner during the "Linux Death Match" at the Chaos Computer Camp in Germany used FreeBSD tools to win out over Linux attackers. More details are available at
Said to be the largest search engine on the Internet, FAST Web Search uses the FreeBSD operating system.
Using FreeBSD, Duke University computer science researchers have developed a system for communication at speeds higher than one billion bits per second in a local area network of personal computers. More details can be found at the Trapeze project web site.
pair Networks, Inc., the World's largest independently owned and operated paid hosting service, today announced that it has surpassed the 60,000 Web site milestone. Their web servers in their state-of-the-art data center house more than 2 Terabytes of storage, and deliver up to 100 million hits per day to site visitors. pair uses FreeBSD in order to ensure maximum uptime and reliability.
Network manager Peter McGarvey writes about his experience with a number of varieties of Unix. He sums up: FreeBSD is the greatest.
BSD is the software behind the world's most popular Web site and the world's most popular FTP site.
BSD powers some of the biggest sites, and its users are among the most jealous of Linux.
Underlines the advantages of BSD for the embedded device market. Mentions picoBSD.
Chris DiBona of VA Research and Jordan Hubbard of the FreeBSD Project give their views on Linux and FreeBSD.
A survey of thin servers, featuring products using FreeBSD as their internal operating system.
Michael Doyle, system administrator for Co-operation Ireland roots for FreeBSD in this interview. Michael is using FreeBSD and PostgreSQL as a cost-effective and ultra-reliable solution for his organization's I.T. needs.
An article comparing BSD and GPL style licenses.
In an interview with Wired News, Rob Malda, founder of Slashdot, says that he would now like to spend some more time reporting on FreeBSD.
FreeBSD: Is it the perfect Internet server operating system? As close as it comes.
It looks like Unix, it tastes like Unix but it isn't Unix. It's FreeBSD!
Rich Morin explains why FreeBSD is the superior OS for him.
Walnut Creek CDROM, Inc. announces that their popular software archive at has surpassed the one trillion bytes (one terabyte) milestone of files downloaded per day from a single server machine.
Reviews alternative PC operating systems. Includes a review of FreeBSD 3.2.
Article on Gnome and the Open Source movement. Mentions FreeBSD.
A short article introducing a few alternative OSes, including FreeBSD and OpenBSD. Aimed at the general public.
During its first full day of operation, the new NetFRAME 9201 server set a new all-time one day download record of 969GB of files, surpassing the previous record set last year of 873GB/day.
Examples of FreeBSD deployment in the real world and why some technology officers find it attractive.
Linux and BSD Unix are starting to show up on more and more corporate servers, running alongside or even replacing Netware and Windows NT.
Included with FreeBSD 3.1 is a complete, integrated SGML/XML development system that installs with a simple, easy to use command sequence.
FreeBSD is a supported operating system for a new version of Inktomi's carrier-class network cache platform.
Dual-Processor FreeBSD systems were used to generate a large number of special effects in the cutting edge Warner Brothers film, The Matrix.
A system administrator shares his views on FreeBSD.
What are the oldest free operating systems around? The answer is the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) Unix variants.
Introduces FreeBSD to Linux users.
Outside technical circles, many remain unaware of viable choices for internet servers---like the FreeBSD operating system that drives Web servers for such high-profile names as Yahoo and Best Internet Communications (now part of Verio).
A description of the Walnut Creek CDROM setup. The article is also available from SunWorld.
Discusses thin-servers, including six built using an embedded FreeBSD kernel.
See also the serial from the 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th of March, 1999.
Columnist Nathan Cochrane talks about the BSD family of open source operating systems.
An article on the open-source / free-software debate. Mentions Berkeley Unix as one of the early successes of shared source code collaboration.
There is a small but interesting FreeBSD mention in LWN in an interview with Linux's Alan Cox.
Software that has been developed by thousands of volunteers and is given away is often better than the stuff for sale. Note: The article is no longer available online without registration.
A short history of Berkeley Unix.
Here is how to set up a web server using another freely available operating system, FreeBSD, a high performance, mature, Unix-like system.
Introduces the modern BSD OSes to the general public.
While finished thin servers should be optimized in both hardware and software for the task at hand, who says the software and hardware must come from the same developer? This Perspective examines the emerging trend in the OEM market of divorcing the software layer from the hardware layer. Many operating systems are vying to be the OS of choice for thin servers. This document examines this issue in detail, particularly the differences between Linux and FreeBSD, the current de facto leaders in the market. Note: The article is no longer available online without registration.
The article describes a network management tool built on FreeBSD that has even used network connections to for performing network research.
This issue has a good article on FreeBSD and why it's worth a look by Linux folks.
A brief, business oriented introduction to the open source community.
There is a good report on the Walnut Creek booth and FreeBSD at the Linux Today website. The first half of the report is on Slackware Linux, the second half is on FreeBSD.
Larry Ellison talking about their new dedicated Oracle servers, mentions FreeBSD as one of a list of candidate OSes for the platform.
Continuation of an earlier column reviewing freely available Unix like operating systems.
An introduction to FreeBSD, and where it stands with respect to the other free OSes.
An article touting the stability and power of the Unix platform over NT.
Ryan Snedegar reviews FreeBSD 2.2.7 and finds its web-serving performance to be better than Windows NT.
About why customers prefer open source software like Linux, FreeBSD, Perl and TCL to proprietary alternatives.
Briefly reviews the BSD Unix heritage.
A short introduction to FreeBSD 2.2.7.
Desire for better security has led some ISPs to deploy FreeBSD on their servers.
Jordan compares the past of Unix with the future of Linux, outlining possible similarities and describing faults that could be prevented.
Consumer-rights advocate Ralph Nader mentions FreeBSD by name.
Practical approaches to distributing HTTP traffic at your site. Includes a section on performance tuning Apache under FreeBSD.
For smaller companies and web sites, a FreeBSD and Apache on an Intel (PC) architecture machine is more than sufficient.
Note: the article is not available online.
A collection of tips and tricks to secure your internal network.