$FreeBSD$ 2002 10 Opera Software Releases Version for FreeBSD http://www.opera.com/pressreleases/en/2002/10/31/b/ Opera Software http://www.opera.com/ 31 October 2002 Opera Software Press Release

Opera Software proudly announces the first golden release of a new port of its software to FreeBSD.

DVD Playback on FreeBSD http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/10/03/FreeBSD_Basics.html OnLamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 03 October 2002 Dru Lavigne

Dru Lavigne delves into the world of DVD playback on FreeBSD.

9 The BSDs: Sophisticated, Powerful and (Mostly) Free http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,3973,555451,00.asp Extreme Tech http://www.extremetech.com/ 26 September 2002 Brett Glass

An article on the history and culture of the BSD projects.

Using Sound on FreeBSD http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/09/19/FreeBSD_Basics.html OnLamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 19 September 2002 Dru Lavigne

Dru Lavigne describes the process of configuring sound on a FreeBSD multimedia workstation.

BSD, An Enterprise OS? Well, Yes http://www.itworld.com/nl/unix_insider/09172002/ ITworld.com http://www.itworld.com/ 17 September 2002 UNIX in the Enterprise

A short interview with committer Michael Lucas, on using BSD in enterprise environments.

Turn FreeBSD into a Multimedia Workstation http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/09/05/FreeBSD_Basics.html OnLamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 05 September 2002 Dru Lavigne

Dru Lavigne explains how to create a multimedia workstation with FreeBSD.

8 Chasing Linux http://www.infoworld.com/articles/fe/xml/02/08/12/020812fefreebsd.xml InfoWorld http://www.infoworld.com/ 09 August 2002 Maggie Biggs

Maggie Biggs takes a look at the upcoming FreeBSD 5.0, and discovers that this open-source OS shows significant gains in available applications and tools along with beefed-up security.

6 Interview with Jordan Hubbard http://kerneltrap.org/node.php?id=278 Kerneltrap http://kerneltrap.org/ 20 June 2002 Jeremy Andrews

Kerneltrap speaks with Jordan Hubbard, one of the creators of FreeBSD, and currently manager of Apple's Darwin project.

5 Dual-Booting FreeBSD and FreeBSD http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/05/09/Big_Scary_Daemons.html OnLamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 16 May 2002 Michael Lucas

Michael Lucas explains how a machine can be made to dual-boot FreeBSD -CURRENT and -STABLE.

4 Jordan Hubbard resigns from FreeBSD core http://daily.daemonnews.org/view_story.php3?story_id=2837 Daemon News http://www.daemonnews.org/ 29 April 2002 Gregory Sutter

FreeBSD co-founder Jordan Hubbard leaves the core team.

Technology a la Carte http://www.byte.com/documents/s=7145/byt1019082849618/ Byte http://www.byte.com/ 22 April 2002 Bill Nicholls

A review of FreeBSD 4.5 with mention of the FreeBSD 5.0 "Developer Preview" release.

Testing FreeBSD-Current http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/04/18/Big_Scary_Daemons.html OnLamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 18 April 2002 Michael Lucas

Committer Michael Lucas takes a look at the FreeBSD 5.0 Developers' Preview 1.

Connecting to IPv6 with FreeBSD http://www.linuxorbit.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=524 Linux Orbit http://www.linuxorbit.com/ 18 April 2002 David LeCount

This tells how to use freenet6 from the ports collection to tunnel IPv6 over IPv4.

System Panics, Part 2: Recovering and Debugging http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/04/04/Big_Scary_Daemons.html OnLamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 04 April 2002 Michael Lucas

Michael Lucas talks about what to do when a system panic does happen. This is the second part of a two part article; part 1 dealt with preparing a FreeBSD system to deal with panics.

Configuring a FreeBSD Access Point for your Wireless Network http://www.samag.com/documents/s=7121/sam0205a/sam0205a.htm Sys Admin Magazine http://www.samag.com/ April 2002 Michael S. DeGraw-Bertsch

This has instructions for securely configuring a PC running FreeBSD as a gateway between an 802.11b network and a traditional wired network.

Anti-Unix campaign falters http://www.infoworld.com/articles/hn/xml/02/04/01/020401hnunixcamp.xml InfoWorld http://www.infoworld.com/ 01 April 2002 Matt Berger

InfoWorld reports on the use of FreeBSD to power a website built for a prominent advertising campaign.

3 A Multimedia Tutorial For FreeBSD http://www.examnotes.net/forums/default.php?ind=122 ExamNotes.net http://www.examnotes.net/ 30 March 2002 Tracey J. Rosenblath

This tells how to set up and use the audio support in FreeBSD.

System Panics, Part 1: Preparing for the Worst http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/03/21/Big_Scary_Daemons.html OnLamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 21 March 2002 Michael Lucas

Preparing a FreeBSD system to handle a panic.

Understanding CVSup, Mounting, Ports and Init on FreeBSD http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=818 OS News http://www.osnews.com/ 19 March 2002 Nathan Mace

An article on configuring and maintaining a FreeBSD install.

Want a Windows alternative? Try BSD http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1107-863169.html ZDNet http://www.zdnet.com/ 19 March 2002 Stephan Somogyi

This is a non-technical introduction to the BSD family (except BSD/OS).

Find: Part Two http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/03/14/FreeBSD_Basics.html OnLamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 14 March 2002 Dru Lavigne

Looking for your files with find.

Building a CD Bootable Firewall http://www.bsdtoday.com/2002/March/Features646.html BSD Today http://www.bsdtoday.com/ 08 March 2002 Etienne de Bruin

This article has instructions for making a FreeBSD system which boots from CD-ROM. Its use as a firewall is mentioned.

2 IPv6, Meet FreeBSD http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/02/22/ipv6.html OnLamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 22 February 2002 Mike DeGraw-Bertsch

A walk-through on configuring IPv6 on FreeBSD.

Finding Things in Unix http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/02/21/FreeBSD_Basics.html OnLamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 21 February 2002 Dru Lavigne

Getting acquainted with find.

Understanding NFS http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/02/14/Big_Scary_Daemons.html OnLamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 14 February 2002 Michael Lucas

Using NFS in FreeBSD.

1 How to Become a FreeBSD Committer http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/01/31/Big_Scary_Daemons.html OnLamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 31 January 2002 Michael Lucas

Michael documents the process of becoming a FreeBSD committer.

FreeBSD Week: Migrating from Linux to FreeBSD http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=580 OS News http://www.osnews.com/ 31 January 2002 Nathan Mace

A guide for users migrating from Linux to FreeBSD.

FreeBSD Week: Interview with Robert Watson http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=572 OS News http://www.osnews.com/ 29 January 2002 Eugenia Loli-Queru

An interview with Robert Watson, member of FreeBSD's core and security on the upcoming FreeBSD 4.5 and FreeBSD 5.0 releases.

American Megatrends Inc. Releases Latest Version of StorTrends NAS Software http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/020123/232287_1.html Yahoo! Finance http://biz.yahoo.com/ 23 January 2002 AMI Press Release

American Megatrends Inc. announced the release of StoreTrends(tm) NAS software version 1.1, which is based on FreeBSD.

Contributing to BSD http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/01/17/Big_Scary_Daemons.html OnLamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/ 17 January 2002 Michael Lucas

Michael Lucas shows what it takes for non-coders to contribute to BSD.

A basic guide to securing FreeBSD 4.x-STABLE http://draenor.org/securebsd/secure.txt draenor.org http://draenor.org/ 17 January 2002 Marc Silver

This article is for system administrators. It explains how to configure and maintain a FreeBSD system for high security.

FreeBSD to change hands http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/cn/20020114/tc/freebsd_to_change_hands_1.html Yahoo News http://dailynews.yahoo.com/ 14 January 2002 Stephen Shankland CNET

Wind River Systems announces the transfer of its FreeBSD assets to the FreeBSD Mall.

Kerneltrap Interview with Matt Dillon http://kerneltrap.com/article.php?sid=459 Kerneltrap http://kerneltrap.com/ 02 January 2002 Jeremy Andrews

Kerneltrap interviews Matt Dillon, one of FreeBSD's key developers.