2002-01-08 13:29:12 +00:00

149 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable file

# A CGI form processor for FreeBSD Gallery submissions
# John Fieber <>
# Modified for new gallery.db format by Nate Johnson <>
# $FreeBSD: www/en/cgi/gallery.cgi,v 1.19 2001/10/24 17:29:39 phantom Exp $
$curator = "gallery\";
$subject = "Another gallery submission...";
require '';
$hsty_date = '$FreeBSD: www/en/cgi/gallery.cgi,v 1.19 2001/10/24 17:29:39 phantom Exp $';
# Replace Id string with commit date and time.
$hsty_date =~ s%\$FreeBSD. .* (.* .*) .* .* \$%Last modified: $1%;
#$h_base = "..";
#$d_author = "
require '';
# Construct the gallery entry in HTML form
$entry = "<li><a href=\"$in{'url'}\"><strong>$in{'organization'}</strong></a> " .
"-- $in{'description'}</li>";
# Try and figure out where the person came from so we can provide
# links back to the correct place.
$return = "";
if ($in{'return'} eq "") {
if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} ne "") {
$in{'return'} = $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'};
if ($in{'return'} ne "") {
$return = "<a href=\"$in{'return'}\">Return to the Gallery</a>";
# This is the form where the user enters the information.
$forma = &html_header("Gallery Submission") .
"<form action=\"gallery.cgi\" method=\"POST\">
<input type=hidden name=action value=\"preview\">
<input type=hidden name=return value=\"$in{'return'}\">
<td right>Organization:</td>
<td><input type=text name=organization size=\"50\"></td>
<td right>Description:</td>
<td><input type=text name=description size=\"50\"></td>
<td right>URL:</td>
<td><input type=text name=url size=\"50\"></td>
<td right>Category:</td>
<input type=radio name=category value=\"Commercial\" checked> Commercial<br>
<input type=radio name=category value=\"NonProfit\"> Non-Profit<br>
<input type=radio name=category value=\"Personal\"> Personal
<td right>Email Contact:</td>
<td><input type=text name=\"contact\" size=\"50\"></td>
<td right><b>NOTE: all non-english submissions are going to be rejected.
Please use english language only<b/>.</td>
<td colspan=\"2\" right><input type=submit value=\" Preview Entry \"></td>
" . &html_footer();
# This is the form where the user CHECKS the information they typed
$formb = &html_header("Your Gallery Submission") .
"<P>Here is your entry as it will appear in the
FreeBSD Gallery page.</p>
<p>Please check that the category and your e-mail
address are correct, and that the link actually works.
If anything is wrong, use your
browser's <em>back</em> button and correct it.
If everything is okay, press the <em>submit</em> button
<p>Contact person: <strong>$in{'contact'}</strong></p>
<form method=\"POST\" action=\"gallery.cgi\">
<input type=hidden name=action value=submit>
<input type=hidden name=organization value=\"$in{'organization'}\">
<input type=hidden name=description value=\"$in{'description'}\">
<input type=hidden name=url value=\"$in{'url'}\">
<input type=hidden name=category value=\"$in{'category'}\">
<input type=hidden name=contact value=\"$in{'contact'}\">
<input type=hidden name=return value=\"$in{'return'}\">
<input type=submit value=\" Submit this \">
" . &html_footer();
# And this is where we thank them for submitting an entry.
$formc = &html_header("Thank You!") .
"<P>Thank you for your entry! Please allow a few days for your
entry to be added to the Gallery.</p>
" . &html_footer();
if ($in{'action'} eq "preview") {
print $formb;
elsif ($in{'action'} eq "submit") {
print $formc;
# close(STDOUT);
open(M, "| mail -s \"$subject\" $curator");
# print M "\"$in{'category'}\" gallery entry:\n\n";
# print M "<!-- from $in{'contact'} ($ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}) on $timestamp -->\n";
# print M "$entry\n";
$category = $in{'category'};
$category =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$category =~ tr/ //;
($mo,$da,$year) = $timestamp =~ m/(\d\d?)-(\d\d?)-(\d\d\d\d)/;
$year -= 2000;
$mo = join('','0',$mo) if ($mo =~ /^\d$/);
$da = join('','0',$da) if ($da =~ /^\d$/);
$date = join("",$year,$mo,$da);
print M "$category\t$in{'organization'}\t$in{'url'}\t$in{'description'}\t$in{'contact'}\t$date\t000000\n";
else {
print $forma;
exit 0;