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<h2>The Machine</h2>
<img src="../gifs/powerlogo.gif" alt="" align="right"> <p>The
machine <tt>www.FreeBSD.org</tt>, otherwise known as
<tt>freefall.FreeBSD.org</tt>, is 800MHz Pentium III set up with
1024 megabytes of RAM and about 50 gigabytes of disk space. The
mail duties for the domain are handled by <tt>hub.FreeBSD.org</tt>,
a 400 MHz Pentium II with 256 megabytes RAM and about 16 gigabytes
disk space.</p>
Naturally, these systems all run FreeBSD. The hardware and network
connection have been generously provided by <a
href="http://www.bsdi.com/">BSDi</a>, <a
href="http://www.yahoo.com/">Yahoo!</a>, and other <a
href="../handbook/donors.html">contributors</a> to the FreeBSD project.
<p>A complete list of all host names in the FreeBSD.org domain
is available at the <a href="machines.html">The FreeBSD.org Network</a>
<h2>The Software</h2>
<img src="../gifs/apachepower.gif" alt="" align="right"><p>
These pages are served up by the versatile and efficient <a
href="http://www.apache.org/">Apache http server</a>. In
addition, there are a few locally crafted CGI scripts.
Indexing of these pages and the mailing list archive are
provided by freewais-sf, a derivative of the CNIDR freewais.</p>
<img src="../gifs/gourchin3.gif" alt=""
<a href="http://www.quantified.com/urchin/support/">Urchin</a>
web statistics package is used to provide <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/statistic/urchin/">
these statistics</a> on web server usage.</p>
<h2>The Pages</h2>
<img src="../gifs/lynx.gif" alt="" align="right">
<p>These Web pages have been put together by John Fieber
</a> with input from the FreeBSD community and <b>you</b>.
The Webmaster is <a href="http://wolfram.schneider.org">
The FreeBSD pages are HTML 3.2 compliant and best viewed with
your browser.</p>
See also the <a href="../docproj/docproj.html">FreeBSD Documentation Project</a>
<h2>Page Design</h2>
Original page design by <A HREF="http://www.asis.com/~meganm/">
Megan McCormack</A>
<h2><a href="http://wolfram.schneider.org/papers/webbuild.html">
Building and updating the FreeBSD Web Pages</a></h2>
<h2>Update of the FreeBSD Web Pages</h2>
The FreeBSD Web Pages are updated daily at 0800 and 2000 UTC.
<h2>Mirroring the FreeBSD Web Pages</h2>
<p>You can (and are encouraged to) <a href="mirror.html">mirror</a>
the FreeBSD web pages on www.FreeBSD.org.</p>
<p><a href="statistic.html#analog">
Usage statistics</a> for this server are updated daily.</p>
<p></p><A HREF="internal.html">FreeBSD Internal Home</a>