- Fix build errors from the next change Approved by: doceng (implicit)
56 lines
1.9 KiB
56 lines
1.9 KiB
The FreeBSD Polish Documentation Project
Original revision: 1.22
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(define ($email-footer$)
(make sequence
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attributes: (list (list "align" "center"))
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(literal "Ten i inne dokumenty mo¿na pobraæ z ")
(list (list "HREF" "ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/doc/"))
(literal "ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/doc/"))
(literal ".")))
(make element gi: "p"
attributes: (list (list "align" "center"))
(make element gi: "small"
(literal "W przypadku pytañ o FreeBSD prosimy przeczytaæ dostêpn± ")
(list (list "HREF" "http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html"))
(literal "dokumentacjê"))
(literal " przed kontaktem z <")
(list (list "HREF" "mailto:questions@FreeBSD.org"))
(literal "questions@FreeBSD.org"))
(literal ">.")
(make empty-element gi: "br")
(literal "W sprawie zapytañ o tê dokumentacjê prosimy o kontakt z <")
(create-link (list (list "HREF" "mailto:doc@FreeBSD.org"))
(literal "doc@FreeBSD.org"))
(literal ">.")))))
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