1.45 -> 1.46 includes.sgml 1.2 -> 1.4 includes.xsl 1.62 -> 1.64 releases/index.sgml
123 lines
4.9 KiB
123 lines
4.9 KiB
<!-- $FreeBSD: www/ja/includes.sgml,v 1.32 2001/09/29 21:59:40 hrs Exp $ -->
<!-- The FreeBSD Japanese Documentation Project -->
<!-- Original revision: 1.46 -->
Base is the absolute URL for the given page, minus the actual page
part. It should either be specified as a fully qualified URL, or
relative to the server root. It should be defined in the prolog
<em>before</em> including this file if the page does not live at the
default location below.
When making a link, use <a href="&base;/mypage.html">foo</a> and
&base; will be expanded appropriately. Base is also used in the
definition of standard boilerplate entities in this file, so be sure
base is correct!
<!ENTITY base CDATA ".">
<!-- Images -->
<!ENTITY i.daemon '<img src="&enbase;/gifs/daemon.gif" alt="" align="left" width="80" height="76">'>
<!ENTITY i.new '<img src="&enbase;/gifs/new.gif" alt="[New!]" width="28" height="11">'>
<!-- Components making up the standard headers and footers. -->
<!-- Override in the prolog <em>before</em> including this -->
<!-- file if necessary. -->
<!ENTITY copyright 'Copyright (c) 1995-2001 The FreeBSD Inc.
All rights reserved.'>
<!ENTITY email 'freebsd-questions'>
<!ENTITY author '<a href="&base;/mailto.html">&email@FreeBSD.ORG</a><br>
<!ENTITY date ''>
<!ENTITY home '<a href="&base;/"><img src="&enbase;/gifs/home.gif"
alt="FreeBSD Home Page" border="0" align="right" width="101" height="33"></a>'>
<!-- Revision checking -->
<!ENTITY % rev.diff "IGNORE">
<![ %rev.diff; [
<!ENTITY cvsweb 'http://www.jp.FreeBSD.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/'>
<!ENTITY rev.msg '
(訳注: 最新の <a href="&file.orgbase;.html">原文</a> とは
<a href="&cvsweb;&file.cvsweb;.diff?r1=&rev.target;&r2=&rev.latest;">
ずれ</a> があります.)
<!ENTITY rev.msg ''>
<!-- Standard headers and footers -->
<!ENTITY header '<head><title>&title;</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=EUC-JP">
<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="TRUE"></head><body
text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFCC33"><img
src="&enbase;/gifs/bar.gif" alt="メニュー" width="565" height="33" border="0" usemap="#bar">
<h1 align="left"><font color="#660000">&title;</font></h1><br clear="all">
<map name="bar">
<area shape="rect" coords="1,1,111,31" href="&base;/index.html" alt="トップページ">
<area shape="rect" coords="112,11,196,31" href="&base;/ports/index.html" alt="アプリケーション">
<area shape="rect" coords="196,12,257,33" href="&base;/support.html" alt="サポート">
<area shape="rect" coords="256,12,365,33" href="&base;/docs.html" alt="ドキュメント">
<area shape="rect" coords="366,13,424,32" href="&base;/commercial/commercial.html" alt="ベンダ">
<area shape="rect" coords="425,16,475,32" href="&base;/search/search.html" alt="検索">
<area shape="rect" coords="477,16,516,33" href="&base;/search/index-site.html" alt="索引">
<area shape="rect" coords="516,15,562,33" href="&base;/index.html" alt="トップページ">
<area shape="rect" href="&base;/index.html" coords="0,0,564,32" alt="トップページ">
<a href="mailto:doc-jp@jp.FreeBSD.org">doc-jp@jp.FreeBSD.org</a>
<!-- XXX rel.current and u.rel.* should be available in doc/ -->
<!-- The currently released version of FreeBSD. This value is used to
create some links on web sites and such, so do NOT change it until
it's really release time. When you update this, you should also
update (at least) the following:
- similar entity in the Handbook
- similar entity in the Relnotes
- releases/index.sgml has the date of the current release
- the FAQ has links to the release FTP url
- "versions supported" in security.sgml
(If you're the release engineer, feel free to update this list with
other doc-related things you had to do. It'll save you time and
trouble the next time around :-).)
<!ENTITY rel.current '4.4'>
<!-- URLs to information on the latest release -->
<!ENTITY u.rel.notes '&base;/releases/&rel.current;R/notes.html'>
<!ENTITY u.rel.announce '&base;/releases/&rel.current;R/announce.html'>
<!ENTITY u.rel.errata '&base;/releases/&rel.current;R/errata.html'>
<!ENTITY u.rel.hardware '&base;/releases/&rel.current;R/hardware.html'>
<!-- macro for webbuild paper -->
<!ENTITY webbuild '
<p>この文書は, FreeBSD Web ページを手動で CVS リポジトリから構築して
<!-- avoid replacing etc. with hardcoded Latin1 values -->
<!ENTITY nbsp SDATA "[nbsp ]">
<!ENTITY copy SDATA "[copy ]">
<!ENTITY reg SDATA "[reg ]">
<!ENTITY deg SDATA "[deg ]">
<!ENTITY middot SDATA "[middot ]">
<!ENTITY raquo SDATA "[raquo ]">
<!ENTITY laquo SDATA "[laquo ]">
Local Variables:
mode: sgml
sgml-indent-data: t
sgml-omittag: nil
sgml-always-quote-attributes: t