You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
692 B

require '';
require '';
$newloc = "";
print &html_header("FTP Download");
open (MIRRORS, "ftp.mirrors");
print "<h2>Download <em>$ARGV[0]</em> from one of the following mirror sites:</h2>\n";
$oldplace = "";
while (<MIRRORS>) {
if (/.*:.*:/ && !/^#/) {
($place, $site, $root) = split(':',$_);
chop $root; $root =~ s/ *$//;
if ($place ne $oldplace) {
if ($oldplace ne "") {
print "</ul>\n";
print "<strong>$place</strong>\n<ul>\n";
$oldplace = $place;
print "<li><a href='ftp://${site}${root}/$ARGV[0]'>$site</a></li>\n";
close (MIRRORS);
print "</ul>\n";
print &html_footer;