
410 lines
14 KiB

<!-- $FreeBSD$ -->
<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [
<!ENTITY % output.html "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % output.html.images "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % freebsd.l10n PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES DocBook Language Specific Entities//EN">
<!ENTITY % freebsd.l10n-common PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES DocBook Language Neutral Entities//EN">
(declare-flow-object-class formatting-instruction
"UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Flow Object Class::formatting-instruction")
<!-- HTML only .................................................... -->
<![ %output.html; [
<!-- Configure the stylesheet using documented variables -->
(define %hyphenation% #f) <!-- Silence a warning -->
Redefine $user-html-header$ to put </script> in a single line.
This is an ugly hack but it should work.
(define ($user-html-header$ #!optional
(home (empty-node-list))
(up (empty-node-list))
(prev (empty-node-list))
(next (empty-node-list)))
;; Add additional header tags.
(let loop ((tl %html-header-tags%))
(if (or (null? tl) (null? (car tl)))
(make sequence
((equal? (normalize "SCRIPT") (car (car tl)))
(make sequence
(make empty-element gi: (car (car tl))
attributes: (cdr (car tl)))
(make formatting-instruction data: "</")
(make formatting-instruction data: "SCRIPT>")))
(make sequence
(make empty-element gi: (car (car tl))
attributes: (cdr (car tl))))))
(loop (cdr tl))))))
<!-- Use javascript for google analytics -->
(define %html-header-script-googlejs%
(define %html-header-script%
(define %html-header-tags%
(list (quote ("META"
("HTTP-EQUIV" "Content-Type")
("CONTENT" "text/html; charset=&doc.html.charset;")))
(if %html-header-script%
(list "SCRIPT"
(list "TYPE" "text/javascript")
(list "SRC" %html-header-script-googlejs%))
(define %gentext-nav-use-tables%
;; Use tables to build the navigation headers and footers?
(define %html-ext%
;; Default extension for HTML output files
(define %shade-verbatim%
;; Should verbatim environments be shaded?
(define %use-id-as-filename%
;; Use ID attributes as name for component HTML files?
(define %root-filename%
;; Name for the root HTML document
(define html-manifest
;; Write a manifest?
(define %generate-legalnotice-link%
;; Should legal notices be a link to a separate file?
;; Naturally, this has no effect if you're building one big
;; HTML file.
(define %generate-docformat-navi-link%
;; Create docformat navi link for HTML output?
;; Taken from Norm's stylesheets; modified to add support for TITLE so
;; that we get a mouse over definition for acronyms in HTML output.
(define ($acronym-seq$ #!optional (sosofo (process-children)))
(let* ((acronym-remark (select-elements
(children (current-node))
(normalize "remark"))))
(let* ((title (if (and acronym-remark
(equal? (attribute-string (normalize "role") acronym-remark) "acronym"))
(data acronym-remark)
(make element gi: "ACRONYM"
attributes: (list
(list "CLASS" (gi))
(list "TITLE" title))
(define (book-titlepage-recto-elements)
(list (normalize "title")
(normalize "subtitle")
(normalize "graphic")
(normalize "mediaobject")
(normalize "corpauthor")
(normalize "authorgroup")
(normalize "author")
(normalize "editor")
(normalize "copyright")
(normalize "abstract")
(normalize "legalnotice")
(normalize "isbn")))
;; Create a simple navigation link
;; if %generate-docformat-navi-link% defined.
(define (make-docformat-navi tlist)
(let ((rootgi (gi (sgml-root-element))))
(make element gi: "DIV"
attributes: '(("CLASS" "DOCFORAMTNAVI"))
(literal "[ ")
(make-docformat-navi-link rootgi tlist)
(literal " ]"))))
(define (make-docformat-navi-link rootgi tlist)
(make sequence
((null? tlist) (empty-sosofo))
((null? (car tlist)) (empty-sosofo))
((not (symbol? (car tlist))) (empty-sosofo))
((equal? (car tlist) 'html-split)
(make sequence
(create-link (list (list "href" "./index.html"))
(literal "&docnavi.split-html;"))
(if (not (null? (cdr tlist)))
(make sequence
(literal " / ")
(make-docformat-navi-link rootgi (cdr tlist)))
((equal? (car tlist) 'html-single)
(make sequence
(create-link (list (list "href"
(string-append "./" (case-fold-down rootgi) ".html")))
(literal "&docnavi.single-html;"))
(if (not (null? (cdr tlist)))
(make sequence
(literal " / ")
(make-docformat-navi-link rootgi (cdr tlist)))
(else (empty-sosofo)))))
(define (article-titlepage-separator side)
(make sequence
(if %generate-docformat-navi-link%
(make-docformat-navi '(html-split html-single))
(make empty-element gi: "HR")))
(define (book-titlepage-separator side)
(if (equal? side 'recto)
(make sequence
(if %generate-docformat-navi-link%
(make-docformat-navi '(html-split html-single))
(make empty-element gi: "HR"))
<!-- This is the text to display at the bottom of each page.
Defaults to nothing. The individual stylesheets should
redefine this as necessary. -->
(define ($email-footer$)
(define html-index-filename
(if nochunks
(define %stylesheet%
<!-- This code handles displaying $email-footer$ at the bottom
of each page.
If "nochunks" is turned on then we make sure that an <hr>
is shown first.
Then create a centered paragraph ("<p>"), and reduce the font
size ("<small>"). Then run $email-footer$, which should
create the text and links as necessary. -->
(define ($html-body-end$)
(if (equal? $email-footer$ (normalize ""))
(make sequence
(if nochunks
(make empty-element gi: "hr")
(define %refentry-xref-link%
;; REFENTRY refentry-xref-link
;; PURP Generate URL links when cross-referencing RefEntrys?
;; If true, a web link will be generated, presumably
;; to an online man->HTML gateway. The text of the link is
;; generated by the $create-refentry-xref-link$ function.
;; /DESC
<!-- Specify how to generate the man page link HREF -->
(define ($create-refentry-xref-link$ #!optional (n (current-node)))
(let* ((r (select-elements (children n) (normalize "refentrytitle")))
(m (select-elements (children n) (normalize "manvolnum")))
(v (attribute-string (normalize "vendor") n))
(u (string-append ""
(data r) "&" "amp;" "sektion=" (data m))))
(case v
(("current") (string-append u "&" "amp;" "manpath=FreeBSD+9-current"))
(("xfree86") (string-append u "&" "amp;" "manpath=XFree86+4.7.0"))
(("xorg") (string-append u "&" "amp;" "manpath=X11R7.4"))
(("netbsd") (string-append u "&" "amp;" "manpath=NetBSD+5.1"))
(("openbsd") (string-append u "&" "amp;" "manpath=OpenBSD+4.7"))
(("ports") (string-append u "&" "amp;" "manpath=FreeBSD+8.2-RELEASE+and+Ports"))
(else u))))
<!-- Specify how to generate the link HREF to SVN revision commit page -->
<!-- -->
(element svnref
(let ((svnurl (string-append
"" "&" "amp;" "revision="
(data (current-node)))))
(create-link (list (list "HREF" svnurl)) ($mono-seq$))))
(element application ($bold-seq$))
(element citerefentry
(let ((href ($create-refentry-xref-link$)))
(if %refentry-xref-link%
(create-link (list (list "HREF" href))
(if %refentry-xref-italic%
(if %refentry-xref-italic%
(element filename
(let* ((class (attribute-string (normalize "role"))))
((equal? class "package")
(let* ((urlurl "")
(href (string-append urlurl "ports/head/"
(data (current-node))
(create-link (list (list "HREF" href)) ($mono-seq$))))
(else ($mono-seq$)))))
;; Do not render email with mailto: when nolink role attribute
;; is used or when the email address matches
;; @example.{com|net|org}
(element email
(let* ((class (attribute-string (normalize "role"))))
((or (equal? class "nolink")
(and (> (string-length (data (current-node)))
(substring (data (current-node))
(- (string-length (data (current-node))) 11)
(- (string-length (data (current-node))) 4))
(make sequence
(literal "&#60;")
(literal "&#62;"))))
;; Ensure that we start with no preferred mediaobject notations,
;; so that in the text-only case we don't choose any of the
;; possible images, and fallback to the most appropriate
;; textobject
(define preferred-mediaobject-notations
<!-- Convert " ... " to `` ... '' in the HTML output. -->
(element quote
(make sequence
(literal "&#8220;")
(literal "&#8221;")))
;; The special FreeBSD version of the trademark tag handling.
;; This function was more or less taken from the DocBook DSSSL
;; stylesheets by Norman Walsh.
(element trademark
(if (show-tm-symbol? (current-node))
(make sequence
((equal? (attribute-string "class") (normalize "copyright"))
(make entity-ref name: "copy"))
((equal? (attribute-string "class") (normalize "registered"))
(make entity-ref name: "reg"))
((equal? (attribute-string "class") (normalize "service"))
(make element gi: "SUP"
(literal "SM")))
(make entity-ref name: "#8482"))))
;; multiple copyright holders should be separated.
(element (copyright holder)
(make sequence
(if (not (last-sibling? (current-node)))
(literal ", ")
<!-- HTML with images ............................................ -->
<![ %output.html.images [
; The new Cascading Style Sheets for the HTML output are very confused
; by our images when used with div class="mediaobject". We can
; clear up the confusion by ignoring the whole mess and just
; displaying the image.
(element mediaobject
(make element gi: "P"
(define %graphic-default-extension%
(define %callout-graphics%
;; Use graphics in callouts?
(define %callout-graphics-ext%
;; The extension to use for callout images. This is an extension
;; to the stylesheets, they do not support this functionality
;; natively.
(define %callout-graphics-number-limit%
;; Number of largest callout graphic
(define %callout-graphics-path%
;; Path to callout graphics
;; Redefine $callout-bug$ to support the %callout-graphic-ext%
;; variable.
(define ($callout-bug$ conumber)
(let ((number (if conumber (format-number conumber "1") "0")))
(if conumber
(if %callout-graphics%
(if (<= conumber %callout-graphics-number-limit%)
(make empty-element gi: "IMG"
attributes: (list (list "SRC"
(list "HSPACE" "0")
(list "VSPACE" "0")
(list "BORDER" "0")
(list "ALT"
"(" number ")"))))
(make element gi: "B"
(literal "(" (format-number conumber "1") ")")))
(make element gi: "B"
(literal "(" (format-number conumber "1") ")")))
(make element gi: "B"
(literal "(??)")))))