Sergio Carlavilla Delgado 989d921f5d Migrate doc to Hugo/AsciiDoctor
I'm very pleased to announce the release of
our new website and documentation using
the new toolchain with Hugo and AsciiDoctor.

To get more information about the new toolchain
please read the FreeBSD Documentation Project Primer[1],
Hugo docs[2] and AsciiDoctor docs[3].

Benedict Reuschling <bcr@>
Glen Barber <gjb@>
Hiroki Sato <hrs@>
Li-Wen Hsu <lwhsu@>
Sean Chittenden <seanc@>
The FreeBSD Foundation


Approved by:    doceng, core
2021-01-26 00:31:29 +01:00

196 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# $FreeBSD$
# Generate a report showing all of the active FreeBSD developers and
# all of the PGP keys registered, and whether those keys are still in
# date.
use File::Temp qw{tempdir};
use POSIX qw{strftime};
use constant {
SVNCOMMAND => '/usr/local/bin/svn',
SVNREPOURL => 'svn://',
REPOS => [qw{base ports doc}],
SVNCONF => 'svnadmin/conf',
PGPKEYPATH => 'head/share/pgpkeys',
$0 =~ s@.*/@@;
sub svn_checkout($$$)
my $repo = shift;
my $path = shift;
my $dest = shift;
my $output;
open SVN, "-|", SVNCOMMAND . " co " . SVNREPOURL . "$repo/$path $dest"
or die "$0: can't checkout $repo/$path -- $!\n";
while (<SVN>) {
$output .= $_;
close SVN;
sub read_keys($)
my $keyfile = shift;
my $pgp = [];
open PGPKEY, "<$keyfile"
or die "$0: can't open $keyfile for reading -- $!";
while (<PGPKEY>) {
&& do {
my @fields = split /\s+/;
my $thiskey = {};
$thiskey->{keyid} = $fields[1];
$thiskey->{created} = $fields[2];
# Remove the first three fields -- some times, that is all
# there are, and we don't want to read the creation date
# in place of the expiry date.
splice @fields, 0, 3;
if ( @fields && $fields[-1] =~ m/^([0-9-]{10})/ ) {
$thiskey->{expiry} = $1;
} else {
$thiskey->{expiry} = '';
push @{$pgp}, $thiskey;
close PGPKEY;
return $pgp;
sub scan_for_keys($$)
my $developers = shift;
my $pgpkeydir = shift;
my $name;
opendir( my $dh, $pgpkeydir )
or die "$0: couldn't open directory $pgpkeydir -- $!\n";
while ( my $f = readdir $dh ) {
unless $f =~ m/.key\Z/;
chomp $f;
( $name = $f ) =~ s/.key//;
$developers->{$name}->{keys} = read_keys("$pgpkeydir/$f");
closedir $dh;
return $developers;
sub active_committers($$$)
my $developers = shift;
my $repo = shift;
my $path = shift;
my $n;
my $r;
$repo =~ m/^(.)/;
$r = $1;
open ACCESS, "<$path" or die "$0: can't open access file for $repo -- $!\n";
while ( my $name = <ACCESS> ) {
if $name =~ m/^#/;
($n) = split( /\s+/, $name );
chomp $n;
$developers->{$n}->{$repo} = $r;
return $developers;
sub is_expired($)
my $date = shift;
my $year;
my $month;
my $day;
my $unixtime;
my $expired;
# Tri-state logic: we answer one of "yes", "no" or "dunno"
# Date is typically a string of form YYYY-MM-DD but we will accept
# any punctuation character as the field separator.
( $year, $month, $day ) =
( $date =~ m/^(\d{4})[[:punct:]](\d{2})[[:punct:]](\d{2})/ );
return "unknown"
unless $year && $month && $day;
$unixtime = strftime( "%s", 0, 0, 0, $day, $month - 1, $year - 1900 );
if ( $unixtime < $^T ) {
$expired = "expired";
} else {
$expired = "";
return $expired;
my $workspace;
my $developers = {};
$workspace = tempdir( ".$0.XXXXXX", TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1 )
or die "$0: can't create temporary directory -- $!\n";
svn_checkout( 'doc', PGPKEYPATH, "$workspace/pgpkeys" );
$developers = scan_for_keys( $developers, "$workspace/pgpkeys" );
for my $repo ( @{&REPOS} ) {
svn_checkout( $repo, SVNCONF, "$workspace/${repo}-conf" );
$developers = active_committers( $developers, $repo,
"$workspace/${repo}-conf/access" );
printf "#%18s %-5s %-26s %-10s %-10s %s\n", 'username', 'bits', 'keyid',
'created', 'expired', 'state';
for my $d ( sort keys %{$developers} ) {
if ( !defined $developers->{$d}->{keys} ) {
printf "%19s %1s %1s %1s No PGP key\n", $d,
$developers->{$d}->{base} // '-',
$developers->{$d}->{ports} // '-',
$developers->{$d}->{doc} // '-';
for my $k ( @{ $developers->{$d}->{keys} } ) {
my $expired = is_expired( $k->{expiry} );
printf "%19s %1s %1s %1s %-26s %-10s %-10s %s\n", $d,
$developers->{$d}->{base} // '-',
$developers->{$d}->{ports} // '-',
$developers->{$d}->{doc} // '-',
$k->{keyid} // '', $k->{created} // '',
$k->{expiry} // '', $expired;