Hiroki Sato ab50a81819 Remove redundant LI (langage-independent) parts of freebsd.dsl in
directories for the localization.  ($email-footer$) should be
revisited later because it still involves both of its style (LI) and
content (LD).
2010-12-08 06:26:00 +00:00

71 lines
2.8 KiB

The FreeBSD Documentation Project
The FreeBSD French Documentation Project
$Id: freebsd.dsl,v 1.13 2010-12-08 06:25:59 hrs Exp $
Original revision: 1.17
<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [
<!ENTITY freebsd.dsl PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DOCUMENT DocBook Language Neutral Stylesheet//EN" CDATA DSSSL>
<!ENTITY % output.html "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % output.print "IGNORE">
<style-specification use="docbook">
<![ %output.html; [
<!-- Fix a problem with the French localisation. This should really
be a patch to the dsssl-docbook-modular port, but this gets it
more widely available sooner. A patch will be applied to the
port as well, and then this can be removed. -->
(define (gentext-fr-nav-prev prev)
(make sequence (literal "Pr\U-00E9;c\U-00E9;dent")))
(define ($email-footer$)
(make sequence
(make element gi: "p"
attributes: (list (list "align" "center"))
(make element gi: "small"
(literal "Ce document, ainsi que d'autres peut être téléchargé sur ")
(make element gi: "a"
attributes: (list (list "href" ""))
(literal ""))
(literal ".")))
(make element gi: "p"
attributes: (list (list "align" "center"))
(make element gi: "small"
(literal "Pour toutes questions à propos de FreeBSD, lisez la ")
(make element gi: "a"
attributes: (list (list "href" ""))
(literal "documentation"))
(literal " avant de contacter <")
(make element gi: "a"
attributes: (list (list "href" ""))
(literal ""))
(literal ">.")
(make empty-element gi: "br")
(literal "Pour les questions sur cette documentation, contactez <")
(make element gi: "a"
attributes: (list (list "href" ""))
(literal ""))
(literal ">.")))))
<!-- Fix a problem with the French localisation. The bug was
submitted to authors of docbook project -->
(define (local-fr-label-title-sep)
(list (normalize "warning") "\U-00A0;: ")
<external-specification id="docbook" document="freebsd.dsl">