Nik Clayton 7d4a994791 New make(1) infrastructure. Split out into a number
of smaller doc.<foo>.mk files, reflecting the functionality they contain.
Long overdue, kudos to the submitter for the carrying out the work.

Also makes the files independent of the system include files that
normally live in /usr/share/mk, making it easier for non-FreeBSD systems
to download and build our docs (an important factor in making it easier
to share our work with other projects).

Finally, it (in theory) lets you build the docs with a r/o doc/ directory.

Changes to the submitted files:    The HTML generation depends on ${DSLHTML}, and the
                  print generation depends on ${DSLPRINT}.  Changing
                  these files will force a rebuild (which makes testing
                  changes a little easier).

                  Removed ${DOC}.doc target.  It's a hangover from when
                  I (mistakenly) thought that Jade could generate MS Word
                  .doc files.

                  Added support for using compress(1) to build .Z files
                  (been on my todo list for ages).

                  Fixed a couple of typos.

Submitted by:   Neil Blakey-Milner <>
1999-09-03 17:07:19 +00:00

362 lines
11 KiB

# $Id:,v 1.1 1999-09-03 17:07:18 nik Exp $
# This include file <> handles building and installing of
# DocBook documentation in the FreeBSD Documentation Project.
# Documentation using DOCFORMAT=docbook is expected to be marked up
# according to the DocBook DTD
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Document-specific variables
# DOC This should be set to the name of the DocBook
# marked-up file, without the .sgml or .docb suffix.
# It also determins the name of the output files -
# ${DOC}.html.
# DOCBOOKSUFFIX The suffix of your document, defaulting to .sgml
# SRCS The names of all the files that are needed to
# build this document - This is useful if any of
# them need to be generated. Changing any file in
# SRCS causes the documents to be rebuilt.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Variables used by both users and documents:
# JADEFLAGS Additional options to pass to Jade. Typically
# used to define "IGNORE" entities to "INCLUDE"
# with "-i<entity-name>"
# TIDYFLAGS Additional flags to pass to Tidy. Typically
# used to set "-raw" flag to handle 8bit characters.
# EXTRA_CATALOGS Additional catalog files that should be used by
# any SGML processing applications.
# Documents should use the += format to access these.
JADE= ${PREFIX}/bin/jade
DSLHTML= ${DOC_PREFIX}/share/sgml/freebsd.dsl
DSLPRINT= ${DOC_PREFIX}/share/sgml/freebsd.dsl
FREEBSDCATALOG= ${DOC_PREFIX}/share/sgml/catalog
DOCBOOKCATALOG= ${PREFIX}/share/sgml/docbook/catalog
JADECATALOG= ${PREFIX}/share/sgml/jade/catalog
DSSSLCATALOG= ${PREFIX}/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl/modular/catalog
KNOWN_FORMATS= html html-split html-split.tar txt rtf ps pdf tex dvi tar
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Look at ${FORMATS} and work out which documents need to be generated.
# It is assumed that the HTML transformation will always create a file
# called index.html, and that for every other transformation the name
# of the generated file is ${DOC}.format.
# ${_docs} will be set to a list of all documents that must be made
# up to date.
# ${CLEANFILES} is a list of files that should be removed by the "clean"
# target. ${COMPRESS_EXT:S/^/${DOC}.${_cf}.&/ takes the COMPRESS_EXT
# var, and prepends the filename to each listed extension, building a
# second list of files with the compressed extensions added.
# Note: ".for _curformat in ${KNOWN_FORMATS}" is used several times in
# this file. I know they could have been rolled together in to one, much
# larger, loop. However, that would have made things more complicated
# for a newcomer to this file to unravel and understand, and a syntax
# error in the loop would have affected the entire
# build/compress/install process, instead of just one of them, making it
# more difficult to debug.
# Note: It is the aim of this file that *all* the targets be available,
# not just those appropriate to the current ${FORMATS} and
# For example, if FORMATS=html and INSTALL_COMPRESSED=gz you could still
# type
# make book.rtf.bz2
# and it will do the right thing. Or
# make install-rtf.bz2
# for that matter. But don't expect "make clean" to work if the FORMATS
# and INSTALL_COMPRESSED variables are wrong.
.for _curformat in ${FORMATS}
.if ${_cf} == "html-split"
_docs+= index.html HTML.manifest
CLEANFILES+= `xargs < HTML.manifest` HTML.manifest
.elif ${_cf} == "html-split.tar"
_docs+= ${DOC}.html-split.tar
CLEANFILES+= `xargs < HTML.manifest` HTML.manifest
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.html-split.tar
.elif ${_cf} == "html"
_docs+= ${DOC}.html
.elif ${_cf} == "txt"
_docs+= ${DOC}.txt
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.html ${DOC}.txt
.elif ${_cf} == "dvi"
_docs+= ${DOC}.dvi
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.aux ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.log ${DOC}.tex
.elif ${_cf} == "ps"
_docs+= ${DOC}.ps
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.aux ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.log ${DOC}.tex ${DOC}.ps
.elif ${_cf} == "pdf"
_docs+= ${DOC}.pdf
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.aux ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.log ${DOC}.tex ${DOC}.pdf
.elif ${_cf} == "rtf"
_docs+= ${DOC}.rtf
.elif ${_cf} == "tar"
_docs+= ${DOC}.tar
.elif ${_cf} == "doc"
_docs+= ${DOC}.doc
# Build a list of install-${format}.${compress_format} targets to be
# by "make install". Also, add ${DOC}.${format}.${compress_format} to
# ${_docs} and ${CLEANFILES} so they get built/cleaned by "all" and
# "clean".
.for _curformat in ${FORMATS}
.for _curcomp in ${INSTALL_COMPRESSED}
.if ${_cf} != "html-split"
_curinst+= install-${_curformat}.${_curcomp}
_docs+= ${DOC}.${_curformat}.${_curcomp}
CLEANFILES+= ${DOC}.${_curformat}.${_curcomp}
.MAIN: all
all: ${_docs}
index.html HTML.manifest: ${SRCS}
${JADE} -V html-manifest -ioutput.html ${JADEOPTS} -d ${DSLHTML} -t sgml ${MASTERDOC}
-tidy -i -m -f /dev/null ${TIDYFLAGS} *.html
${DOC}.html: ${SRCS}
${JADE} -ioutput.html -V nochunks ${JADEOPTS} -d ${DSLHTML} -t sgml ${MASTERDOC} > ${.TARGET}
-tidy -i -m -f /dev/null ${TIDYFLAGS} ${.TARGET}
${DOC}.html-split.tar: HTML.manifest
tar cf ${.TARGET} `xargs < HTML.manifest`
${DOC}.txt: ${DOC}.html
lynx -nolist -dump ${.ALLSRC} > ${.TARGET}
${DOC}.rtf: ${SRCS}
${JADE} -Vrtf-backend -ioutput.print ${JADEOPTS} -d ${DSLPRINT} -t rtf -o ${.TARGET} ${MASTERDOC}
${DOC}.doc: ${SRCS}
${JADE} -ioutput.print ${JADEOPTS} -d ${DSLPRINT} -t doc -o ${.TARGET} ${MASTERDOC}
${DOC}.tex: ${SRCS}
${JADE} -Vtex-backend -ioutput.print ${JADEOPTS} -d ${DSLPRINT} -t tex -o ${.TARGET} ${MASTERDOC}
${DOC}.dvi: ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> TeX pass 1/3"
-tex "&jadetex" ${.ALLSRC}
@echo "==> TeX pass 2/3"
-tex "&jadetex" ${.ALLSRC}
@echo "==> TeX pass 3/3"
-tex "&jadetex" ${.ALLSRC}
${DOC}.pdf: ${DOC}.tex
@echo "==> PDFTeX pass 1/3"
-pdftex "&pdfjadetex" ${.ALLSRC}
@echo "==> PDFTeX pass 2/3"
-pdftex "&pdfjadetex" ${.ALLSRC}
@echo "==> PDFTeX pass 3/3"
pdftex "&pdfjadetex" ${.ALLSRC}
${DOC}.ps: ${DOC}.dvi
dvips -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
${DOC}.tar: ${SRCS}
tar cf ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Validation targets
# Lets you quickly check that the document conforms to the DTD without
# having to convert it to any other formats
lint validate:
nsgmls -s -c ${FREEBSDCATALOG} -c ${DOCBOOKCATALOG} ${EXTRA_CATALOGS:S/^/-c /g} ${DOC}.sgml
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compress targets
# The list of compression extensions this Makefile knows about. If you
# add new compression schemes, add to this list (which is a list of
# extensions, hence bz2, *not* bzip2) and extend the _PROG_COMPRESS_*
# targets.
KNOWN_COMPRESS= gz bz2 zip
# You can't build suffix rules to do compression, since you can't
# wildcard the source suffix. So these are defined .USE, to be tacked on
# as dependencies of the compress-* targets.
gzip -9 -c ${.ALLSRC} > ${.TARGET}
bzip2 -9 -c ${.ALLSRC} > ${.TARGET}
zip -j -9 ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
# Build a list of targets for each compression scheme and output format.
# Don't compress the html-split output format.
.for _curformat in ${KNOWN_FORMATS}
.for _curcompress in ${KNOWN_COMPRESS}
.if ${_cf} == "html-split"
${DOC}.${_cf}.tar.${_curcompress}: ${DOC}.${_cf}.tar _PROG_COMPRESS_${_curcompress}
${DOC}.${_cf}.${_curcompress}: ${DOC}.${_cf} _PROG_COMPRESS_${_curcompress}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Install targets
# Build install-* targets, one per allowed value in FORMATS. Need to
# build
# two specific targets;
# install-html-split - Handles multiple .html files being generated
# from one source. Uses the HTML.manifest file
# created by the stylesheets, which should list
# each .html file that's been created.
# install-* - Every other format. The wildcard expands to
# the other allowed formats, all of which should
# generate just one file.
# "beforeinstall" and "afterinstall" are hooks in to this process.
# Redefine them to do things before and after the files are installed,
# respectively.
# Build a list of install-format targets to be installed. These will be
# dependencies for the "realinstall" target.
_curinst+= ${FORMATS:S/^/install-/g}
realinstall: ${_curinst}
.for _curformat in ${KNOWN_FORMATS}
.if !target(install-${_cf})
.if ${_cf} == "html-split"
install-${_cf}: index.html
@[ -d ${DESTDIR} ] || mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}
${INSTALL_DOCS} `xargs < HTML.manifest` ${DESTDIR}
@if [ -f ${.OBJDIR}/${DOC}.ln ]; then \
(cd ${DESTDIR}; sh ${.OBJDIR}/${DOC}.ln); \
.for _compressext in ${KNOWN_COMPRESS}
install-${_cf}.tar.${_compressext}: ${DOC}.${_cf}.tar.${_compressext}
@[ -d ${DESTDIR} ] || mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}
install-${_cf}: ${DOC}.${_cf}
@[ -d ${DESTDIR} ] || mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}
.for _compressext in ${KNOWN_COMPRESS}
install-${_cf}.${_compressext}: ${DOC}.${_cf}.${_compressext}
@[ -d ${DESTDIR} ] || mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Package building
# realpackage is what is called in each subdirectory when a package
# target is called, or, rather, package calls realpackage in each
# subdirectory as it goes.
# packagelist returns the list of targets that would be called during
# package building.
realpackage: ${FORMATS:S/^/package-/}
@echo ${FORMATS:S/^/package-/}
# Build a list of package targets for each output target. Each package
# target depends on the corresponding install target running.
.for _curformat in ${KNOWN_FORMATS}
package-${_curformat}: install-${_curformat}
.if ${_cf} == "html-split"
@cp HTML.manifest PLIST
@echo ${DOC}.${_curformat} > PLIST
@pkg_create -v -c -"FDP ${.CURDIR:T} ${_curformat} package" \
-d -"FDP ${.CURDIR:T} ${_curformat} package" -f PLIST \
-p ${DESTDIR} ${PACKAGES}/${.CURDIR:T}.${LANGCODE}.${_curformat}.tgz