Hiroyuki Hanai 969440c420 A new file, comments.ja, describes comments of each port.
Fix portindex command to refer comments.ja.
Reviewed by: Motoyuki Konno <>
Submitted by: Jun Kuriyama <>
1998-02-12 02:32:52 +00:00

205 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable file

# convert a ports INDEX file to HTML
# by John Fieber <>
# Mon May 13 10:31:58 EST 1996
# $Id: portindex,v 1.4 1998-02-12 02:32:52 hanai Exp $
# The FreeBSD Japanese Documentation Project
# Original revision: 1.11
# This is the base of where we ftp stuff from
$base = "";
$baseHTTP = "";
$today = &getdate;
sub getdate {
# @months = ("January", "February", "March", "April", "May","June",
# "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$year += 1900;
# return "Updated $months[$mon] $mday, $year";
return "$year 年 $mon 月 $mday 日に更新されました.";
sub header {
local ($fh, $htext) = @_;
print $fh "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN\" [\n";
print $fh "<!ENTITY base CDATA '..'>";
print $fh "<!ENTITY date \"<em>$today</em>\">\n";
print $fh "<!ENTITY title '$htext'>";
print $fh "<!ENTITY blurb SYSTEM \"\">\n";
print $fh "<!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM \"../includes.sgml\">\n";
print $fh "%includes;\n";
print $fh "]>\n";
print $fh "<html>&header;\n";
sub footer {
local ($fh, $ftext) = @_;
print $fh "\n$ftext\n";
print $fh "&footer;\n";
print $fh "</BODY>\n</HTML>\n";
sub main {
$sep = "<B>:</B>";
# 'category' translation database
if (open(CATF, "categories.ja_JP.EUC")) {
while (<CATF>) {
($a, $b) = split('\|');
next if !defined($b);
$catsLANG{$a} = $b;
# 'COMMENT' translation database
if (open(COMF, "comments.ja")) {
while (<COMF>) {
($a, $b) = split('\|');
next if !defined($b);
$b =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$b =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$b =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
$descLANG{$a} = $b;
while (<>) {
# Read a record
($name, $loc, $prefix, $desc, $ldesc, $owner, $cats,
$keys, $bdep, $rdep) = split('\|');
# Check for double hyphens in the name (--).
$name =~ s/--/-/g;
# Split the categories into an array
@cat = split("[ \t]+", $cats);
$catkey{$name} = $cat[0];
# desc translation
($lloc = $loc) =~ s@^/usr/ports/@@;
$desc = $descLANG{$lloc}
if ($descLANG{$lloc} ne '');
foreach $i (@cat) {
# figure out the FTP url
$loc =~ s/\/usr/$base/;
$ldesc =~ s/\/usr/$baseHTTP/;
# The name description and maintainer
$data{$i} .= "<DT><B><A NAME=\"$name\"></A><A HREF=\"$loc.tar\">$name</A></B> ";
$data{$i} .= "<DD>$desc<BR><I><A HREF=\"$ldesc\">詳しい説明</A></I>";
$ownerurl = $owner;
$ownerurl =~ s/&lt;/</g;
$owenrurl =~ s/&gt;/>/g;
$data{$i} .=
"<BR><I>保守担当者:</I> <A HREF=\"mailto:$ownerurl\">$owner</A>";
# If there are any dependencies, list them
if ($bdep ne "" || $rdep ne "") {
$data{$i} .= "<BR><I>必要なもの:</I> ";
@dep = split(/ /, "$bdep $rdep");
foreach $j (@dep) {
$data{$i} .= " <A HREF=\"##$j##.html#$j\">$j</A>,";
# remove the trailing comma
chop $data{$i};
# If the port is listed in more than one category, throw
# in some cross references
if ($#cat > 0) {
$data{$i} .= "<BR><EM>ここにも含まれています:</EM> ";
foreach $j (@cat) {
if ($j ne $i) {
if ($j eq $cat[0]) {
$data{$i} .= " <STRONG><A HREF=\"$j.html#$name\">\u$j</A></STRONG>,";
else {
$data{$i} .= " <A HREF=\"$j.html#$name\">\u$j</A>,";
# remove the trailing comma
$data{$i} .= "<P></P></DD>\n"
# Add an entry to the master index
$master[$portnumber] =
"<!-- $name --><STRONG><A HREF=\"$cat[0].html#$name\">$name</A></STRONG> " .
" -- <EM>$desc</EM><BR>\n";
open(MOUTF, ">index.sgml");
&header(MOUTF, "FreeBSD Ports");
# print MOUTF "<!--#include virtual=\"./\" -->\n";
print MOUTF "&blurb;";
print MOUTF "<hr><P>FreeBSD Ports コレクションには, 現時点で $portnumber 個の ports が提供されています. <br> <A HREF=\"$base/ports.tar.gz\">全ての $portnumber 個の ports を tar でまとめて gzip したもの</A> (およそ 4 メガバイト) をダウンロードするか, 以下の分類からたどってください:\n";
print MOUTF "<UL>\n";
@foos = sort(keys %stats);
foreach $key (@foos) {
# For translation
$subkey = "";
$subkey = " ($catsLANG{$key})"
if ($catsLANG{$key} ne '');
# For the master file...
print MOUTF
"<LI><A HREF=\"$key.html\">\u$key$subkey</A> <em>($stats{$key})</em></LI>";
# Create the category file
open(OUTF, ">$key.sgml");
$subkey = "";
$subkey = " / $catsLANG{$key}"
if ($catsLANG{$key} ne '');
&header(OUTF, "FreeBSD Ports: \u$key$subkey");
print OUTF "<DL>\n";
$d = join("\n", sort(split(/\n/, $data{$key})));
$d =~ s/##([^#]*)##/$catkey{$1}/g;
print OUTF $d;
print OUTF "</DL>\n";
&footer(OUTF, "<HR><A HREF=\"index.html\">Port の分類</A>" .
" -- <A HREF=\"master-index.html\">一覧</A><HR>");
print MOUTF "</UL>\n";
print MOUTF
"<UL><LI><A HREF=\"master-index.html\">$portnumber 個の ports 全てをアルファベット順に並べた一覧</A></LI></UL>\n";
&footer(MOUTF, "");
# Create the master index file
open(MINDEX, ">master-index.sgml");
&header(MINDEX, "FreeBSD Ports コレクション 一覧");
print MINDEX "<P>\n";
print MINDEX sort @master;
print MINDEX "</P>";
&footer(MINDEX, "<HR><A HREF=\"index.html\">Port の分類</A><HR>");