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121 lines
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121 lines
4.1 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
BSD 2-Clause License
Copyright (c) 2020-2021, The FreeBSD Project
Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Sergio Carlavilla <carlavilla@FreeBSD.org>
This script will generate the Table of Contents of the Handbook
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys, getopt
import re
languages = []
To determine if a chapter is a chapter we are going to check if it is
anything else, an appendix, a part, the preface ... and if it is not
any of those, it will be a chapter.
It may not be the best option, but it works :)
def checkIsChapter(chapter, chapterContent):
if "part" in chapter:
return False
elif "[preface]" in chapterContent:
return False
elif "[appendix]" in chapterContent:
return False
return True
def setTOCTitle(language):
languages = {
'en': 'List of Tables',
'de': 'Tabellenverzeichnis',
'el': 'Κατάλογος Πινάκων',
'es': 'Lista de tablas',
'fr': 'Liste des tableaux',
'hu': 'A táblázatok listája',
'it': 'Lista delle tabelle',
'ja': '表の一覧',
'mn': 'Хүснэгтийн жагсаалт',
'nl': 'Lijst van tabellen',
'pl': 'Spis tabel',
'pt-br': 'Lista de Tabelas',
'ru': 'Список таблиц',
'zh-cn': '表格清单',
'zh-tw': '附表目錄'
return languages.get(language)
def main(argv):
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hl:",["language="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print('books-toc-tables-creator.py -l <language>')
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-h':
print('books-toc-tables-creator.py -l <language>')
elif opt in ("-l", "--language"):
languages = arg.split(',')
for language in languages:
with open('./content/{}/books/books.adoc'.format(language), 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as booksFile:
books = [line.strip() for line in booksFile]
for book in books:
with open('./content/{0}/books/{1}/chapters-order.adoc'.format(language, book), 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as chaptersFile:
chapters = [line.strip() for line in chaptersFile]
toc = "// Code @" + "generated by the FreeBSD Documentation toolchain. DO NOT EDIT.\n"
toc += "// Please don't change this file manually but run `make` to update it.\n"
toc += "// For more information, please read the FreeBSD Documentation Project Primer\n\n"
toc += "[.toc]\n"
toc += "--\n"
toc += '[.toc-title]\n'
toc += setTOCTitle(language) + '\n\n'
chapterCounter = 1
tableCounter = 1
for chapter in chapters:
with open('./content/{0}/books/{1}/{2}'.format(language, book, chapter), 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as chapterFile:
chapterContent = chapterFile.read().splitlines()
chapter = chapter.replace("/_index.adoc", "").replace(".adoc", "").replace("/chapter.adoc", "")
tableId = ""
tableTitle = ""
for lineNumber, chapterLine in enumerate(chapterContent, 1):
if re.match(r"^\|\=\=\=+", chapterLine) and re.match(r"^[.]{1}[^\n]+", chapterContent[lineNumber-3]) and re.match(r"^\[\[[^\n]+\]\]", chapterContent[lineNumber-4]):
tableTitle = chapterContent[lineNumber-3]
tableId = chapterContent[lineNumber-4]
if book == "handbook":
toc += "* {0}.{1} link:{2}#{3}[{4}]\n".format(chapterCounter, tableCounter, chapter, tableId.replace("[[", "").replace("]]", ""), tableTitle[1:])
toc += "* {0}.{1} link:{2}#{3}[{4}]\n".format(chapterCounter, tableCounter, "", tableId.replace("[[", "").replace("]]", ""), tableTitle[1:])
tableCounter += 1
tableId = ""
tableTitle = ""
if checkIsChapter(chapter, chapterContent):
chapterCounter += 1
tableCounter = 1 # Reset table counter
toc += "--\n"
with open('./content/{0}/books/{1}/toc-tables.adoc'.format(language, book), 'w', encoding = 'utf-8') as tocFile:
if __name__ == "__main__":