Gabor Kovesdan 2e51ec7022 - Strip unnecessary trailing spaces
Approved by:	doceng (implicit)
2012-08-21 19:16:02 +00:00

714 lines
25 KiB

<!-- $FreeBSD$ -->
<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [
<!ENTITY % output.rtf.images "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % output.print "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % output.print.pdf "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % output.print.justify "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % output.print.twoside "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % output.print.niceheaders "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % freebsd.l10n PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES DocBook Language Specific Entities//EN">
<!ENTITY % freebsd.l10n-common PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES DocBook Language Neutral Entities//EN">
(declare-flow-object-class formatting-instruction
"UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Flow Object Class::formatting-instruction")
<!-- RTF with images ............................................ -->
<![ %output.rtf.images [
(define %graphic-default-extension%
(define %callout-graphics%
;; Use graphics in callouts?
<!-- Two-sided Print output ....................................... -->
<![ %output.print.twoside; [
;; From an email by Ian Castle to the DocBook-apps list
(define ($component$)
(make simple-page-sequence
page-n-columns: %page-n-columns%
page-number-restart?: (or %page-number-restart%
; (book-start?)
page-number-format: ($page-number-format$)
use: default-text-style
left-header: ($left-header$)
center-header: ($center-header$)
right-header: ($right-header$)
left-footer: ($left-footer$)
center-footer: ($center-footer$)
right-footer: ($right-footer$)
start-indent: %body-start-indent%
input-whitespace-treatment: 'collapse
quadding: %default-quadding%
(make sequence
;; From an email by Ian Castle to the DocBook-apps list
(define (first-part?)
(let* ((book (ancestor (normalize "book")))
(nd (ancestor-member (current-node)
(bookch (children book)))
(let loop ((nl bookch))
(if (node-list-empty? nl)
(if (equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "part"))
(if (node-list=? (node-list-first nl) nd)
(loop (node-list-rest nl)))))))
;; From an email by Ian Castle to the DocBook-apps list
(define (first-chapter?)
;; Returns #t if the current-node is in the first chapter of a book
(if (has-ancestor-member? (current-node) (division-element-list))
(let* ((book (ancestor (normalize "book")))
(nd (ancestor-member (current-node)
(append (component-element-list)
(bookch (children book))
(bookcomp (expand-children bookch (list (normalize "part")))))
(let loop ((nl bookcomp))
(if (node-list-empty? nl)
(if (equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "chapter"))
(if (node-list=? (node-list-first nl) nd)
(loop (node-list-rest nl))))))))
; By default, the Part I title page will be given a roman numeral,
; which is wrong so we have to fix it
(define (part-titlepage elements #!optional (side 'recto))
(let ((nodelist (titlepage-nodelist
(if (equal? side 'recto)
;; partintro is a special case...
(partintro (node-list-first
(node-list-filter-by-gi elements (list (normalize "partintro"))))))
(if (part-titlepage-content? elements side)
(make simple-page-sequence
page-n-columns: %titlepage-n-columns%
;; Make sure that page number format is correct.
page-number-format: ($page-number-format$)
;; Make sure that the page number is set to 1 if this is the first part
;; in the book
page-number-restart?: (first-part?)
input-whitespace-treatment: 'collapse
use: default-text-style
;; This hack is required for the RTF backend. If an
;; external-graphic is the first thing on the page,
;; RTF doesn't seem to do the right thing (the graphic
;; winds up on the baseline of the first line of the
;; page, left justified). This "one point rule" fixes
;; that problem.
(make paragraph
line-spacing: 1pt
(literal ""))
(let loop ((nl nodelist) (lastnode (empty-node-list)))
(if (node-list-empty? nl)
(make sequence
(if (or (node-list-empty? lastnode)
(not (equal? (gi (node-list-first nl))
(gi lastnode))))
(part-titlepage-before (node-list-first nl) side)
((equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "subtitle"))
(part-titlepage-subtitle (node-list-first nl) side))
((equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "title"))
(part-titlepage-title (node-list-first nl) side))
(part-titlepage-default (node-list-first nl) side)))
(loop (node-list-rest nl) (node-list-first nl)))))
(if (and %generate-part-toc%
(equal? side 'recto))
(make display-group
(build-toc (current-node)
(toc-depth (current-node))))
;; PartIntro is a special case
(if (and (equal? side 'recto)
(not (node-list-empty? partintro))
($process-partintro$ partintro #f)
<!-- Print with justification ..................................... -->
<![ %output.print.justify; [
(define %default-quadding%
(define %hyphenation%
;; The url.sty package is making all of the links purple/pink.
;; Someone please fix this!
(define (urlwrap)
(let ((%factor% (if %verbatim-size-factor%
(make sequence
font-family-name: %mono-font-family%
font-size: (* (inherited-font-size) %factor%)
(make formatting-instruction data:
(data (current-node))
(define (pathwrap)
(let ((%factor% (if %verbatim-size-factor%
(make sequence
font-family-name: %mono-font-family%
font-size: (* (inherited-font-size) %factor%)
(make formatting-instruction data:
(data (current-node))
;; Some others may check the value of %hyphenation% and be
;; specified below
; (element email
; (make sequence
; (literal "<")
; (urlwrap)
; (literal ">")))
(element filename
(element varname
<![ %output.print.niceheaders; [
(define niceheader-rule-spacebefore (* (HSIZE 5) %head-before-factor%))
(define niceheader-rule-spaceafter 0pt)
(define ($component-title$)
(let* ((info (cond
((equal? (gi) (normalize "appendix"))
(select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
((equal? (gi) (normalize "article"))
(node-list-filter-by-gi (children (current-node))
(list (normalize "artheader")
(normalize "articleinfo"))))
((equal? (gi) (normalize "bibliography"))
(select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
((equal? (gi) (normalize "chapter"))
(select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
((equal? (gi) (normalize "dedication"))
((equal? (gi) (normalize "glossary"))
(select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
((equal? (gi) (normalize "index"))
(select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
((equal? (gi) (normalize "preface"))
(select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
((equal? (gi) (normalize "reference"))
(select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
((equal? (gi) (normalize "setindex"))
(select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
(exp-children (if (node-list-empty? info)
(expand-children (children info)
(list (normalize "bookbiblio")
(normalize "bibliomisc")
(normalize "biblioset")))))
(parent-titles (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "title")))
(info-titles (select-elements exp-children (normalize "title")))
(titles (if (node-list-empty? parent-titles)
(subtitles (select-elements exp-children (normalize "subtitle"))))
(make sequence
(make paragraph
font-family-name: %title-font-family%
font-weight: 'bold
font-size: (HSIZE 4)
line-spacing: (* (HSIZE 4) %line-spacing-factor%)
space-before: (* (HSIZE 4) %head-before-factor%)
start-indent: 0pt
first-line-start-indent: 0pt
quadding: %component-title-quadding%
heading-level: (if %generate-heading-level% 1 0)
keep-with-next?: #t
(if (string=? (element-label) "")
(literal (gentext-element-name-space (current-node))
(gentext-label-title-sep (gi)))))
(make paragraph
font-family-name: %title-font-family%
font-weight: 'bold
font-posture: 'italic
font-size: (HSIZE 6)
line-spacing: (* (HSIZE 6) %line-spacing-factor%)
; space-before: (* (HSIZE 5) %head-before-factor%)
start-indent: 0pt
first-line-start-indent: 0pt
quadding: %component-title-quadding%
heading-level: (if %generate-heading-level% 1 0)
keep-with-next?: #t
(if (node-list-empty? titles)
(element-title-sosofo) ;; get a default!
(with-mode component-title-mode
(make sequence
(process-node-list titles)))))
(make paragraph
font-family-name: %title-font-family%
font-weight: 'bold
font-posture: 'italic
font-size: (HSIZE 3)
line-spacing: (* (HSIZE 3) %line-spacing-factor%)
space-before: (* 0.5 (* (HSIZE 3) %head-before-factor%))
space-after: (* (HSIZE 4) %head-after-factor%)
start-indent: 0pt
first-line-start-indent: 0pt
quadding: %component-subtitle-quadding%
keep-with-next?: #t
(with-mode component-title-mode
(make sequence
(process-node-list subtitles))))
(if (equal? (gi) (normalize "index"))
(make rule
length: %body-width%
display-alignment: 'start
space-before: niceheader-rule-spacebefore
space-after: niceheader-rule-spaceafter
line-thickness: 0.5pt)))))
(element authorgroup
<!-- Print only ................................................... -->
<![ %output.print; [
(define withpgpkeys
;; If a link is entered as "file://localhost/usr/ports" in the docs
;; then we only want to display "/usr/ports" in printed form.
(define (fix-url url)
(if (and (> (string-length url) 15)
(string=? (substring url 0 16) "file://localhost"))
(substring url 16 (string-length url))
(element (primaryie ulink)
(indexentry-link (current-node)))
(element (secondaryie ulink)
(indexentry-link (current-node)))
(element (tertiaryie ulink)
(indexentry-link (current-node)))
;; Override the count-footnote? definition from dbblock.dsl
;; to fix a bug. Basically, the original procedure would count
;; all ulink elements when doing %footnote-ulinks%. It's
;; actually harder than that, because ulink elements with no
;; content shouldn't generate footnotes (the ulink element
;; definition just inserts the url attribute in-line, thus there
;; is no need for a footnote with the url). So, when we figure
;; out which footnotes to count for the purpose of determining
;; footnote numbers, we only count the ulink elements containing
;; content.
(define (count-footnote? footnote)
;; don't count footnotes in comments (unless you're showing comments)
;; or footnotes in tables which are handled locally in the table
(if (or (and (has-ancestor-member? footnote (list (normalize "comment")))
(not %show-comments%))
(has-ancestor-member? footnote (list (normalize "tgroup")))
(and (has-ancestor-member? footnote (list (normalize "ulink")))
(node-list-empty? (children footnote))))
(element ulink
(make sequence
(if (node-list-empty? (children (current-node)))
(literal (fix-url (attribute-string (normalize "url"))))
(make sequence
(if %footnote-ulinks%
(if (and (equal? (print-backend) 'tex) bop-footnotes)
(make sequence
($ss-seq$ + (literal (footnote-number (current-node))))
(make page-footnote
(make paragraph
font-size: (* %footnote-size-factor% %bf-size%)
font-posture: 'upright
quadding: %default-quadding%
line-spacing: (* (* %footnote-size-factor% %bf-size%)
space-before: %para-sep%
space-after: %para-sep%
start-indent: %footnote-field-width%
first-line-start-indent: (- %footnote-field-width%)
(make line-field
field-width: %footnote-field-width%
(literal (footnote-number (current-node))
(gentext-label-title-sep (normalize "footnote"))))
(literal (fix-url (attribute-string (normalize "url")))))))
($ss-seq$ + (literal (footnote-number (current-node)))))
(if (and %show-ulinks%
(not (equal? (fix-url (attribute-string (normalize "url")))
(data-of (current-node)))))
(make sequence
(literal " (")
(if %hyphenation%
(make formatting-instruction data:
(string-append "\\url{"
(fix-url (attribute-string
(normalize "url")))
(literal (fix-url (attribute-string (normalize "url")))))
(literal ")"))
(define (toc-depth nd)
(if (string=? (gi nd) (normalize "book"))
(element programlisting
(if (and (equal? (attribute-string (normalize "role")) "pgpkey")
(not withpgpkeys))
(element legalnotice
(if (equal? (attribute-string (normalize "role")) "trademarks")
(make sequence
(define %body-start-indent%
(define (book-titlepage-verso-elements)
(list (normalize "title")
(normalize "subtitle")
(normalize "corpauthor")
(normalize "authorgroup")
(normalize "author")
(normalize "editor")
(normalize "edition")
(normalize "pubdate")
(normalize "copyright")
(normalize "abstract")
(normalize "legalnotice")
(normalize "revhistory")
(normalize "isbn")))
;; Norm's stylesheets are smart about working out what sort of
;; object to display. But this bites us. Since we know that the
;; first item is going to be displayable, always use that.
(define (find-displayable-object objlist notlist extlist)
(let loop ((nl objlist))
(if (node-list-empty? nl)
(let* ((objdata (node-list-filter-by-gi
(children (node-list-first nl))
(list (normalize "videodata")
(normalize "audiodata")
(normalize "imagedata"))))
(filename (data-filename objdata))
(extension (file-extension filename))
(notation (attribute-string (normalize "format") objdata)))
(node-list-first nl)))))
;; When selecting a filename to use, don't append the default
;; extension, instead, just use the bare filename, and let TeX
;; work it out. jadetex will use the .eps file, while pdfjadetex
;; will use the .png file automatically.
(define (graphic-file filename)
(let ((ext (file-extension filename)))
(if (or tex-backend ;; TeX can work this out itself
(not filename)
(not %graphic-default-extension%)
(member ext %graphic-extensions%))
(string-append filename "." %graphic-default-extension%))))
;; Including bitmaps in the PS and PDF output tends to scale them
;; horribly. The solution is to scale them down by 50%.
;; You could do this with 'imagedata scale="50"' in the source,
;; but that will affect all the output formats that we use (because
;; there is only one 'imagedata' per image).
;; Solution is to have the authors include the "FORMAT" attribute,
;; set to PNG or EPS as appropriate, but to omit the extension.
;; If we're using the tex-backend, and the FORMAT is PNG, and the
;; author hasn't already set a scale, then set scale to 0.5.
;; Otherwise, use the supplied scale, or 1, as appropriate.
(define ($graphic$ fileref
#!optional (display #f) (format #f)
(scale #f) (align #f))
(let* ((graphic-format (if format format ""))
(graphic-scale (if scale
(/ (string->number scale) 100)
(if (and tex-backend
(equal? graphic-format "PNG"))
0.5 1)))
(graphic-align (cond ((equal? align (normalize "center"))
((equal? align (normalize "right"))
(make external-graphic
entity-system-id: (graphic-file fileref)
notation-system-id: graphic-format
scale: graphic-scale
display?: display
display-alignment: graphic-align)))
;; Display TeX and LaTeX properly by sending direct formatting
;; commands to the TeX backend.
(element application
(if (equal? "TeX" (data (current-node)))
(make formatting-instruction data:
(if (equal? "LaTeX" (data (current-node)))
(make formatting-instruction data:
;; The special FreeBSD version of the trademark tag handling.
;; This function was more or less taken from the DocBook DSSSL
;; stylesheets by Norman Walsh.
(element trademark
(if (show-tm-symbol? (current-node))
(make sequence
((equal? (attribute-string "class") (normalize "copyright"))
(literal "\copyright-sign;"))
((equal? (attribute-string "class") (normalize "registered"))
(literal "\registered-sign;"))
((equal? (attribute-string "class") (normalize "service"))
($ss-seq$ + (literal "SM")))
(literal "\trade-mark-sign;"))))
;; Make the trademark functions think print output has chunks.
(define (chunk-parent nd)
(sgml-root-element nd))
(define minimal-section-labels #f)
(define max-section-level-labels
(if minimal-section-labels 3 10))
(define ($section-title$)
(let* ((sect (current-node))
(info (info-element))
(exp-children (if (node-list-empty? info)
(expand-children (children info)
(list (normalize "bookbiblio")
(normalize "bibliomisc")
(normalize "biblioset")))))
(parent-titles (select-elements (children sect) (normalize "title")))
(info-titles (select-elements exp-children (normalize "title")))
(titles (if (node-list-empty? parent-titles)
(subtitles (select-elements exp-children (normalize "subtitle")))
(renderas (inherited-attribute-string (normalize "renderas") sect))
(hlevel ;; the apparent section level;
(if renderas ;; if not real section level,
(string->number ;; then get the apparent level
(substring renderas 4 5)) ;; from "renderas",
(SECTLEVEL))) ;; else use the real level
(hs (HSIZE (- 4 hlevel))))
(make sequence
(make paragraph
font-family-name: %title-font-family%
font-weight: (if (< hlevel 5) 'bold 'medium)
font-posture: (if (< hlevel 5) 'upright 'italic)
font-size: hs
line-spacing: (* hs %line-spacing-factor%)
space-before: (* hs %head-before-factor%)
space-after: (if (node-list-empty? subtitles)
(* hs %head-after-factor%)
start-indent: (if (or (>= hlevel 3)
(member (gi) (list (normalize "refsynopsisdiv")
(normalize "refsect1")
(normalize "refsect2")
(normalize "refsect3"))))
first-line-start-indent: 0pt
quadding: %section-title-quadding%
keep-with-next?: #t
heading-level: (if %generate-heading-level% (+ hlevel 1) 0)
;; SimpleSects are never AUTO numbered...they aren't hierarchical
(if (> hlevel (- max-section-level-labels 1))
(if (string=? (element-label (current-node)) "")
(literal (element-label (current-node))
(gentext-label-title-sep (gi sect)))))
(element-title-sosofo (current-node)))
(with-mode section-title-mode
(process-node-list subtitles))
($section-info$ info))))
;; Expand a literal tab character to spaces in elements like
;; programlisting.
(define %default-tab-spacing% 8)
(define ($verbatim-display$ indent line-numbers?)
(let* ((width-in-chars (if (attribute-string (normalize "width"))
(attribute-string (normalize "width")))
(fsize (lambda () (if (or (attribute-string (normalize "width"))
(not %verbatim-size-factor%))
(/ (/ (- %text-width%
(* (inherited-font-size)
(vspace-before (if (INBLOCK?)
(if (INLIST?)
(vspace-after (if (INBLOCK?)
(if (INLIST?)
(make paragraph
use: verbatim-style
space-before: (if (and (string=? (gi (parent))
(normalize "entry"))
space-after: (if (and (string=? (gi (parent))
(normalize "entry"))
font-size: (fsize)
line-spacing: (* (fsize) %line-spacing-factor%)
start-indent: (if (INBLOCK?)
(+ %block-start-indent%
(if (or indent line-numbers?)
($linespecific-line-by-line$ indent line-numbers?)
(let loop ((kl (children (current-node)))
(tabsp %default-tab-spacing%)
(res (empty-sosofo)))
(if (node-list-empty? kl)
(node-list-rest kl)
((char=? (node-property
'char (node-list-first kl)
default: #\U-0000) #\U-0009)
((char=? (node-property
'char (node-list-first kl)
default: #\U-0000) #\U-000D)
(#t ;; normal char or element node
(- (if (= (modulo tabsp %default-tab-spacing%) 0)
(modulo tabsp %default-tab-spacing%))
(modulo (string-length (data (node-list-first kl)))
(let ((c (node-list-first kl)))
(if (char=? (node-property
'char c
default: #\U-0000) #\U-0009)
(sosofo-append res
(let sploop
(if (= tabsp 0)
(if (> spc 0)
(literal " ")
(sploop (- spc 1)))
(sosofo-append res
(process-node-list c)))))))))))
<![ %output.print.pdf; [