english sub directories: cgi, commercial, gallery, gifs which are redundant and will never be translated and the spanish sub directories: doc-es, docs-es Submitted by: "Jesus Rodriguez" <jesusr@ncsa.es> Fix Makefiles errors. `Make all install' runs fine. Currently, many the links to the sub directories cgi, commercial, gallery, gifs are broken. The links should point to the English orginal files.
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# Copyright (c) May 1997 Wolfram Schneider <wosch@FreeBSD.org>, Berlin.
# atoz - create automatically an `A-Z Index' from a pre-sorted database
# (sort -uf) with the format `<titel>|<url>'
# $Id: atoz.pl,v 1999-02-08 19:26:12 wosch Exp $
if ($ARGV[0] eq '-u' && $#ARGV > 0) {
$urlprefix = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; # prefix for relative URLs
} elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { die "usage: $0 [-u urlprefix] files ...\n" }
$top = 'ruebezahl'; # HTML tag name for `go to top of page'
$hr = "<HR NOSHADE>\n\n"; $h2 = 'H2';
$table = 1; # use table output for alphabet
sub eol { "</UL>\n\n" }
$firstold = ''; @az = (); @list = ();
while(<>) {
chop; next if /^\s*#/ || /^\s*$/; # ignore comments
$first = substr($_, 0, 1); $first =~ y/a-z/A-Z/;
if ($firstold ne $first) { # a new alphabet character
push(@az, $first);
push(@list, &eol) if $#az > 0; # close previous list
qq{<$h2><A NAME="$first" HREF="#$top">$first</a></$h2>\n<UL>\n});
$firstold = $first;
($title, $url) = split('\|', $_); $url =~ s/^\s+//; $url =~ s/\s+$//;
$url = $urlprefix . $url unless
($url =~ m%^/% || $url =~ /^(news|mailto|ftp|http|telnet):/oi);
push(@list, qq{<LI><A HREF="$url">$title</A>\n});
push(@list, &eol); # close last list
# Output header, list, and copyright
print qq{<A NAME="$top"></A>\n};
print qq{<TABLE BORDER=4><TR>\n} if $table;
foreach (@az) {
if ($table) {
print qq{<TD><A HREF="#$_">$_</A></TD>\n};
} else {
print qq{<A HREF="#$_">$_</A>\n};
print "</TR></TABLE>\n" if $table;
print $hr; print @list;
#print qq{<link ref="made" href="http://www.de.freebsd.org/~wosch/">\n};