Simon L. B. Nielsen b8494fd2f5 - Use trademark entities.
- Add trademark attributions.
- Don't join trademarks with other words, e.g. using hyphens.
- Don't use trademarks as nouns (e.g. don't use "Windows NT's").
2003-09-18 15:32:54 +00:00
article.sgml - Use trademark entities. 2003-09-18 15:32:54 +00:00
extra.css Add an article on the Release Engineering / QA activities for the 2002-02-25 14:33:46 +00:00
Makefile Back out WITH_DOCFORMAT_NAVI_LINK?=YES in Makefile. The navi-link 2003-04-22 18:35:44 +00:00