<filename role="package">. The <port> tag as it was had two major defects: (a) the name is ambiguous (does "port" mean "architecture"? how about "TCP/UDP port"?), and (b) it introduces a non-standard (to DocBook) tag, which is generally assumed to be evil. Moral support by: bmah, keramida, mwlucas, roam
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<!-- FreeBSD Documentation Project, Extended DocBook DTD
This DTD builds upon the DocBook 4.1 DTD. It extends it in order to
add some new elements.
The comment style and section headings are drawn from the DocBook DTD.
The FPI for this DTD is "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook V4.1-Based Extension//EN"
<!-- ..................................................................... -->
<!-- Parameter entities .................................................. -->
<!-- These parameter entities have specific meanings, and default to
"IGNORE". The SGML parser is free to redefine them to "INCLUDE" to
cause special processing. -->
<!ENTITY % output.html "IGNORE"> <!-- HTML output is being generated -->
<!ENTITY % output.html.images "IGNORE"> <!-- HTML with images -->
<!ENTITY % output.print "IGNORE"> <!-- Print output is being generated -->
<!ENTITY % output.print.pdf "IGNORE"> <!-- PDF output -->
<!-- ..................................................................... -->
<!-- Entities for element classes and mixtures ........................... -->
<!-- Character level classes -->
<!ENTITY % local.tech.char.class "|HostID|Username|Groupname|Devicename|MakeTarget|MakeVar">
<!ENTITY % local.cptr.char.mix "|CO">
<!-- OS Version attributes ...............................................
Each element has three attributes which specify which version(s) of
FreeBSD the element's content applies to. It is up to the
pre-processor to include or exclude elements based on the value of
these attributes. -->
<!ENTITY % local.common.attrib
<!-- Altered general entities ............................................
The HTML 4.0 DTD includes some new ISO entities. Most browsers don't
support them yet. Change the definition of some of these entities to
character strings that the browsers will support.
This does not apply when generating printed output, so these are
contained within a %output.html; marked section.
As browser technology improves, these definitions can be removed. -->
<![ %output.html; [
<!ENTITY bdquo ",,">
<!ENTITY ldquo "``">
<!ENTITY rdquo "''">
<!ENTITY lsquo "`">
<!ENTITY rsquo "'">
<!ENTITY mdash "--">
<!ENTITY ndash "-">
<!ENTITY hellip "...">
<!ENTITY dollar "$">
<!ENTITY % filename.element "IGNORE">
<!-- Pull in the original DTD -->
<!ENTITY % orig-docbook PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN">
<!-- ...................................................................... -->
<!-- Inline, link, and ubiquitous elements ................................ -->
<!-- Technical and computer terms ......................................... -->
<!ELEMENT HostID - - ((%cptr.char.mix;)+)>
Role: More specific information about this hostname.
If not specified then the default is 'hostname'.
Role (Hostname
<!ELEMENT Username - - ((%cptr.char.mix;)+)>
<!ATTLIST Username
<!ELEMENT Groupname - - ((%cptr.char.mix;)+)>
<!ATTLIST Groupname
<!ELEMENT Devicename - - ((%cptr.char.mix;)+)>
<!ATTLIST Devicename
<!ELEMENT MakeTarget - - ((%cptr.char.mix;)+)>
<!ATTLIST MakeTarget
<!ELEMENT MakeVar - - ((%cptr.char.mix;)+)>
<!-- The content model for <filename> was changed between DocBook 3.1 and
4.1. Specifically, <envar> was disallowed. There's a suggestion from
the DocBook maintainers that this may have been a mistake. In the
meantime, explicitly allow it here.
In addition, allow our custom addition, <makevar> -->
<!ELEMENT Filename - - (%smallcptr.char.mix;|Envar|MakeVar)+>
<!-- ...................................................................... -->
<!-- General entities for reuse ........................................... -->
<!ENTITY prompt.root "<prompt>#</prompt>">
<!ENTITY prompt.user "<prompt>%</prompt>">