/* Copyright (C) 2021,2022 fef . All rights reserved. */ #pragma once #ifndef _ARCH_ATOM_H_ #error "This file is not meant to be included directly, use " #endif #include #include #ifndef __LP64__ #error "__LP64__ must be defined on amd64" #endif static inline void latom_init(latom_t *latom, long val) { latom->_value = val; } static inline long latom_read(const latom_t *latom) { return latom->_value; } static inline long latom_xchg(latom_t *latom, long val) { /* the intel manual says XCHG is always atomic, and you don't need a LOCK prefix */ __asm__ volatile( " xchgq %0, (%1) \n" : "+r"(val) : "r"(&latom->_value) : "memory" ); return val; } static inline long latom_cmp_xchg(latom_t *latom, long compare, long val) { long rax = compare; __asm__ volatile( X86_LOCK_PREFIX " cmpxchgq %1, (%2) \n" /* if ((rax = latom->_value) == compare) latom->_value = val */ : "+a"(rax) : "r"(val), "r"(&latom->_value) : "cc", "memory" ); return rax; } /** * @brief Perform an atomic load/add/store. * * @param atom Atom to add to * @param val Value to add * @return The value of `atom` *before* the operation */ static inline long latom_add(latom_t *latom, long val) { __asm__ volatile( X86_LOCK_PREFIX " xaddq %0, (%1) \n" : "+r"(val) : "r"(&latom->_value) : "cc", "memory" ); return val; } static inline long latom_sub(latom_t *latom, long val) { return latom_add(latom, -val); } static inline bool latom_inc(latom_t *latom) { bool nonzero = false; __asm__ volatile( X86_LOCK_PREFIX " incq (%1) \n" " setne %0 \n" : "+r"(nonzero) /* read+write to ensure the initial value isn't optimized out */ : "r"(&latom->_value) : "cc", "memory" ); return nonzero; } static inline bool latom_dec(latom_t *latom) { bool nonzero = false; __asm__ volatile( X86_LOCK_PREFIX " decq (%1) \n" " setne %0 \n" : "+r"(nonzero) /* read+write to ensure the initializer isn't optimized out */ : "r"(&latom->_value) : "cc", "memory" ); return nonzero; } static inline long latom_and(latom_t *latom, long val) { long rax; __asm__ volatile( " movq (%2), %0 \n" /* rax = latom->_value */ "1: andq %0, %1 \n" /* val &= rax */ X86_LOCK_PREFIX " cmpxchgq %1, (%2) \n" /* if (latom->_value == rax) latom->_value = val */ " pause \n" /* intel says you're supposed to do this in spin loops */ " jne 1b \n" /* else goto 1 (rax updated to new latom->_value) */ : "=a"(rax), "+r"(val) : "r"(&latom->_value) : "cc", "memory" ); return rax; } static inline long latom_or(latom_t *latom, long val) { long rax; __asm__ volatile( " movq (%2), %0 \n" /* rax = latom->_value */ "1: orq %0, %1 \n" /* val |= rax */ X86_LOCK_PREFIX " cmpxchgq %1, (%2) \n" /* if (latom->_value == rax) latom->_value = val */ " pause \n" /* intel says you're supposed to do this in spin loops */ " jne 1b \n" /* else goto 1 (rax updated to new latom->_value) */ : "=a"(rax), "+r"(val) : "r"(&latom->_value) : "cc", "memory" ); return rax; } static inline long latom_xor(latom_t *latom, long val) { long rax; __asm__ volatile( " movq (%2), %0 \n" /* rax = latom->_value */ "1: xorq %0, %1 \n" /* val ^= rax */ X86_LOCK_PREFIX " cmpxchgq %1, (%2) \n" /* if (latom->_value == rax) latom->_value = val */ " pause \n" /* intel says you're supposed to do this in spin loops */ " jne 1b \n" /* else goto 1 (rax updated to new latom->_value) */ : "=a"(rax), "+r"(val) : "r"(&latom->_value) : "cc", "memory" ); return rax; } static inline bool latom_set_bit(latom_t *latom, int pos) { bool ret = false; __asm__ volatile( X86_LOCK_PREFIX " btsq %1, (%2) \n" " setc %0 \n" : "+r"(ret) : "r"(pos), "r"(&latom->_value) : "cc", "memory" ); return ret; } static inline bool latom_clr_bit(latom_t *latom, int pos) { bool ret = false; __asm__ volatile( X86_LOCK_PREFIX " btrq %1, (%2) \n" " setc %b0 \n" : "+r"(ret) : "r"(pos), "r"(&latom->_value) : "cc", "memory" ); return ret; } static inline bool latom_flip_bit(latom_t *latom, int pos) { bool ret = false; __asm__ volatile( X86_LOCK_PREFIX " btcq %q1, (%2) \n" " setc %b0 \n" : "+r"(ret) : "r"(pos), "r"(&latom->_value) : "cc", "memory" ); return ret; }