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/* Copyright (C) 2021,2022 fef <>. All rights reserved. */
#pragma once
#error "This file is not meant to be included directly, use <arch/interrupt.h>"
* @brief A hardware stack frame on i386.
* I have no idea whether x86 people are actually calling it hardware stack
* frame tbh, this is just the (ARM) terminology i'm used to. Either way,
* this is what gets pushed to the stack automatically when entering an ISR.
struct i386_hw_frame {
u32 eip;
u16 cs; u16 _pad0;
u32 eflags;
* On i386, these two are only pushed when entering from another
* (i.e. lower) privilege level (???). This effectively means they don't
* exist unless the CS above is equal to X86_32_USER_CS (arch/segment.h).
u32 user_esp;
u16 user_ss; u16 _pad1;
} __packed;