Mirror of PrivateBin, for IPv6 reasons
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El RIDO 7526856570
Merge pull request #1281 from PrivateBin/dependabot/composer/phpunit/phpunit-9.6.19
Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.18 to 9.6.19
3 weeks ago
.devcontainer Update .devcontainer/postCreateCommand.sh 5 months ago
.github Bump slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0 1 month ago
.vscode add workspace settings with config files treated as INI 5 months ago
bin incrementing version 3 months ago
cfg Update conf.sample.php 1 month ago
css incrementing version 3 months ago
doc doc: Fix (direct) link to SLSA verifier 2 months ago
i18n New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) 1 month ago
img updating change log and optimizing png 5 years ago
js Update all instances of text in language files 1 month ago
lib Merge pull request #1275 from PrivateBin/legacy-php-cleanup 1 month ago
tpl Merge branch 'cloudrac3r-patch-1' 1 month ago
tst inputs sanitation & remove some obsolete version checks 1 month ago
vendor allow composer to run at scrutinizer, explicitly telling it about our minimum supported PHP version 9 months ago
.codeclimate.yml removing PHPCS from CodeClimate, since it can't be configured and contradicts our code style enforced by other checkers 6 years ago
.csslintrc add codeclimate settings 8 years ago
.editorconfig Force JSON request for getting paste data 7 years ago
.eslintignore implementing ESlint suggestions 6 years ago
.eslintrc eslint env cleanup 5 years ago
.gitattributes composer fixes #1222 3 months ago
.gitignore new phpdoc temp file location 5 months ago
.htaccess.disabled Allow to upload bigger files 5 years ago
.jshintrc addressing issues found by codacy 6 years ago
.nsprc add Node Security configuration and enabling it in CodeClimate 6 years ago
.php_cs Add missing fixers from PHP CS 8 years ago
.scrutinizer.yml remove broken scrutinizer CI PHP Code Sniffer integration - they ship a buggy release and the upgrade is ignored 10 months ago
.styleci.yml limit files of StyleCI scan 2 years ago
BADGES.md adding browserstack badge in order to be elegible for their OpenSource program (https://www.browserstack.com/open-source?ref=pricing) 5 years ago
CHANGELOG.md inputs sanitation & remove some obsolete version checks 1 month ago
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md document the applicability of RFC 1855 / Netiquette 5 years ago
CREDITS.md document & attribute changes from #1267 1 month ago
LICENSE.md document change, update composer, dropping obsolete library with polyfill for random_bytes function on PHP < 7 9 months ago
Makefile incrementing version 3 months ago
Procfile Create Procfile 2 years ago
README.md incrementing version 3 months ago
SECURITY.md incrementing version 3 months ago
browserconfig.xml moved images to img folder 7 years ago
codacy-analysis.yml Let's try Codacy code scanning again 3 years ago
composer.json post-release cleanup 3 months ago
composer.lock Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.18 to 9.6.19 3 weeks ago
crowdin.yml Update Crowdin configuration file 4 years ago
index.php incrementing version 3 months ago
manifest.json moved images to img folder 7 years ago
robots.txt adding an example to opt-out of the privatebin directory 4 years ago



Current version: 1.7.1

PrivateBin is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data.

Data is encrypted and decrypted in the browser using 256bit AES in Galois Counter mode.

This is a fork of ZeroBin, originally developed by Sébastien Sauvage. PrivateBin was refactored to allow easier and cleaner extensions and has many additional features. It is, however, still fully compatible to the original ZeroBin 0.19 data storage scheme. Therefore, such installations can be upgraded to PrivateBin without losing any data.

What PrivateBin provides

  • As a server administrator you don't have to worry if your users post content that is considered illegal in your country. You have plausible deniability of any of the pastes content. If requested or enforced, you can delete any paste from your system.

  • Pastebin-like system to store text documents, code samples, etc.

  • Encryption of data sent to server.

  • Possibility to set a password which is required to read the paste. It further protects a paste and prevents people stumbling upon your paste's link from being able to read it without the password.

What it doesn't provide

  • As a user you have to trust the server administrator not to inject any malicious code. For security, a PrivateBin installation has to be used over HTTPS! Otherwise you would also have to trust your internet provider, and any jurisdiction the traffic passes through. Additionally the instance should be secured by HSTS. It can use traditional certificate authorities and/or use a DNSSEC protected DANE record.

  • The "key" used to encrypt the paste is part of the URL. If you publicly post the URL of a paste that is not password-protected, anyone can read it. Use a password if you want your paste to remain private. In that case, make sure to use a strong password and share it privately and end-to-end-encrypted.

  • A server admin can be forced to hand over access logs to the authorities. PrivateBin encrypts your text and the discussion contents, but who accessed a paste (first) might still be disclosed via access logs.

  • In case of a server breach your data is secure as it is only stored encrypted on the server. However, the server could be abused or the server admin could be legally forced into sending malicious code to their users, which logs the decryption key and sends it to a server when a user accesses a paste. Therefore, do not access any PrivateBin instance if you think it has been compromised. As long as no user accesses this instance with a previously generated URL, the content can't be decrypted.


Some features are optional and can be enabled or disabled in the configuration file:

  • Password protection

  • Discussions, anonymous or with nicknames and IP based identicons or vizhashes

  • Expiration times, including a "forever" and "burn after reading" option

  • Markdown format support for HTML formatted pastes, including preview function

  • Syntax highlighting for source code using prettify.js, including 4 prettify themes

  • File upload support, image, media and PDF preview (disabled by default, size limit adjustable)

  • Templates: By default there are bootstrap CSS, darkstrap and "classic ZeroBin" to choose from and it is easy to adapt these to your own websites layout or create your own.

  • Translation system and automatic browser language detection (if enabled in browser)

  • Language selection (disabled by default, as it uses a session cookie)

  • QR code for paste URLs, to easily transfer them over to mobile devices

Further resources

Run into any issues? Have ideas for further developments? Please report them!