rugk 94a352e7f5
Fix eslint config and issues
Note EcmaScript 2017 looks recent amd also is, e.g. we loose suport for IE and we loose support for some Android browsers, also Android <5 built-in browser.
2018-10-08 20:36:50 +02:00

237 lines
4.2 KiB

ecmaVersion: 2017
modules: true
jsx: true
amd: true
browser: true
es6: true
jquery: true
node: true
sjcl: false
DOMPurify: false
after: true
before: true
cleanup: true
describe: false
it: false
jsc: false
jsdom: true
kjua: true
# Possible Errors
- error
- never
no-cond-assign: 2
no-console: 0
no-constant-condition: 2
no-control-regex: 2
no-debugger: 2
no-dupe-args: 2
no-dupe-keys: 2
no-duplicate-case: 2
no-empty: 2
no-empty-character-class: 2
no-ex-assign: 2
no-extra-boolean-cast: 2
no-extra-parens: 0
no-extra-semi: 2
no-func-assign: 2
- error
- functions
no-invalid-regexp: 2
no-irregular-whitespace: 2
no-negated-in-lhs: 2
no-obj-calls: 2
no-regex-spaces: 2
no-sparse-arrays: 2
no-unexpected-multiline: 2
no-unreachable: 2
use-isnan: 2
valid-jsdoc: 0
valid-typeof: 2
# Best Practices
accessor-pairs: 2
block-scoped-var: 0
- error
- 20
consistent-return: 0
curly: 0
default-case: 0
dot-location: 0
dot-notation: 0
eqeqeq: 2
guard-for-in: 2
no-alert: 0
no-caller: 2
no-case-declarations: 2
no-div-regex: 2
no-else-return: 0
no-empty-pattern: 2
no-eq-null: 2
no-eval: 2
no-extend-native: 2
no-extra-bind: 2
no-fallthrough: 2
no-floating-decimal: 0
no-implicit-coercion: 0
no-implied-eval: 2
no-invalid-this: 0
no-iterator: 2
no-labels: 0
no-lone-blocks: 2
no-loop-func: 2
no-magic-number: 0
no-multi-spaces: 0
no-multi-str: 0
no-native-reassign: 2
no-new-func: 2
no-new-wrappers: 2
no-new: 2
no-octal-escape: 2
no-octal: 2
no-proto: 2
no-redeclare: 0
no-return-assign: 2
no-script-url: 2
no-self-compare: 2
no-sequences: 0
no-throw-literal: 0
no-unused-expressions: 2
no-useless-call: 2
no-useless-concat: 2
no-void: 2
no-warning-comments: 0
no-with: 2
radix: 2
vars-on-top: 0
wrap-iife: 0
yoda: 0
# Strict
strict: 0
# Variables
init-declarations: 0
no-catch-shadow: 2
no-delete-var: 2
no-label-var: 2
no-shadow-restricted-names: 2
no-shadow: 0
no-undef-init: 2
no-undef: 0
no-undefined: 0
no-unused-vars: 0
no-use-before-define: 0
# Node.js and CommonJS
callback-return: 2
global-require: 2
handle-callback-err: 2
no-mixed-requires: 0
no-new-require: 0
no-path-concat: 2
no-process-exit: 2
no-restricted-modules: 0
no-sync: 0
# Stylistic Issues
array-bracket-spacing: 0
block-spacing: 0
brace-style: 0
camelcase: 0
comma-spacing: 0
comma-style: 0
computed-property-spacing: 0
consistent-this: 0
eol-last: 0
func-names: 0
func-style: 0
id-length: 0
id-match: 0
indent: 0
jsx-quotes: 0
key-spacing: 0
linebreak-style: 0
lines-around-comment: 0
max-depth: 0
max-len: 0
max-nested-callbacks: 0
max-params: 0
- error
- 60
new-cap: 0
new-parens: 0
newline-after-var: 0
no-array-constructor: 0
no-bitwise: 0
no-continue: 0
no-inline-comments: 0
no-lonely-if: 0
no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: 0
no-multiple-empty-lines: 0
no-negated-condition: 0
no-nested-ternary: 0
no-new-object: 0
no-plusplus: 0
no-restricted-syntax: 0
no-spaced-func: 0
no-ternary: 0
no-trailing-spaces: 0
no-underscore-dangle: 0
no-unneeded-ternary: 0
object-curly-spacing: 0
one-var: 0
operator-assignment: 0
operator-linebreak: 0
padded-blocks: 0
quote-props: 0
- error
- single
require-jsdoc: 0
semi-spacing: 0
semi: 0
sort-vars: 0
space-after-keywords: 0
space-before-blocks: 0
space-before-function-paren: 0
space-before-keywords: 0
space-in-parens: 0
space-infix-ops: 0
space-return-throw-case: 0
space-unary-ops: 0
spaced-comment: 0
wrap-regex: 0
# ECMAScript 6
arrow-body-style: 0
arrow-parens: 0
arrow-spacing: 0
constructor-super: 0
generator-star-spacing: 0
no-arrow-condition: 0
no-class-assign: 0
no-const-assign: 0
no-dupe-class-members: 0
no-this-before-super: 0
no-var: 0
object-shorthand: 0
prefer-arrow-callback: 0
prefer-const: 0
prefer-reflect: 0
prefer-spread: 0
prefer-template: 0
require-yield: 0