You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

82 lines
3.2 KiB

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { useCallback } from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import spring from 'react-motion/lib/spring';
import CloseIcon from '@/material-icons/400-20px/close.svg?react';
import EditIcon from '@/material-icons/400-24px/edit.svg?react';
import WarningIcon from '@/material-icons/400-24px/warning.svg?react';
import { undoUploadCompose, initMediaEditModal } from 'mastodon/actions/compose';
import { Blurhash } from 'mastodon/components/blurhash';
import { Icon } from 'mastodon/components/icon';
import Motion from 'mastodon/features/ui/util/optional_motion';
export const Upload = ({ id, onDragStart, onDragEnter, onDragEnd }) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const media = useSelector(state => state.getIn(['compose', 'media_attachments']).find(item => item.get('id') === id));
const sensitive = useSelector(state => state.getIn(['compose', 'spoiler']));
const handleUndoClick = useCallback(() => {
}, [dispatch, id]);
const handleFocalPointClick = useCallback(() => {
}, [dispatch, id]);
const handleDragStart = useCallback(() => {
}, [onDragStart, id]);
const handleDragEnter = useCallback(() => {
}, [onDragEnter, id]);
if (!media) {
return null;
const focusX = media.getIn(['meta', 'focus', 'x']);
const focusY = media.getIn(['meta', 'focus', 'y']);
const x = ((focusX / 2) + .5) * 100;
const y = ((focusY / -2) + .5) * 100;
const missingDescription = (media.get('description') || '').length === 0;
return (
<div className='compose-form__upload' draggable onDragStart={handleDragStart} onDragEnter={handleDragEnter} onDragEnd={onDragEnd}>
<Motion defaultStyle={{ scale: 0.8 }} style={{ scale: spring(1, { stiffness: 180, damping: 12 }) }}>
{({ scale }) => (
<div className='compose-form__upload__thumbnail' style={{ transform: `scale(${scale})`, backgroundImage: !sensitive ? `url(${media.get('preview_url')})` : null, backgroundPosition: `${x}% ${y}%` }}>
{sensitive && <Blurhash
<div className='compose-form__upload__actions'>
<button type='button' className='icon-button compose-form__upload__delete' onClick={handleUndoClick}><Icon icon={CloseIcon} /></button>
<button type='button' className='icon-button' onClick={handleFocalPointClick}><Icon icon={EditIcon} /> <FormattedMessage id='upload_form.edit' defaultMessage='Edit' /></button>
<div className='compose-form__upload__warning'>
<button type='button' className={classNames('icon-button', { active: missingDescription })} onClick={handleFocalPointClick}>{missingDescription && <Icon icon={WarningIcon} />} ALT</button>
Upload.propTypes = {
id: PropTypes.string,
onDragEnter: PropTypes.func,
onDragStart: PropTypes.func,
onDragEnd: PropTypes.func,