50372: remove Usenet references from FAQ

Peter Stephenson 2 years ago
parent fc431b5956
commit 123497b78e

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
2022-06-16 Peter Stephenson <p.stephenson@samsung.com>
* 50372: Etc/FAQ.yo: remove redundant references from days of
Usenet posting.
2022-06-14 Jun-ichi Takimoto <takimoto-j@kba.biglobe.ne.jp>
* 50365: Etc/FAQ.yo: fix indent in FAQ (text version)

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def(myeit)(0)(\
COMMENT(-- don't want headers for text, USENET headers must come first --)\
COMMENT(-- don't want headers for text --)\
@ -63,14 +63,6 @@ IFDEF(txt)(\
myreport(Z-Shell Frequently-Asked Questions)(Peter Stephenson)(2010/02/15)
COMMENT(-- the following are for Usenet and must appear first)\
mydit(Archive-Name:) unix-faq/shell/zsh
mydit(Last-Modified:) 2020/08/08
mydit(Submitted-By:) email(coordinator@zsh.org (Peter Stephenson))
mydit(Posting-Frequency:) Monthly
mydit(Copyright:) (C) P.W. Stephenson, 1995--2020 (see end of document)
This document contains a list of frequently-asked (or otherwise
significant) questions concerning the Z-shell, a command interpreter
@ -191,23 +183,6 @@ url(https://zsh.sourceforge.io/FAQ/)(https://zsh.sourceforge.io/FAQ/) .
can be found at url(https://zsh.sourceforge.io/FAQ/zshfaq.txt)
(https://zsh.sourceforge.io/FAQ/zshfaq.txt) .
Another useful source of information is the collection of FAQ articles
posted frequently to the Usenet news groups comp.unix.questions,
comp.unix.shells and comp.answers with answers to general questions
about UNIX. The fifth of the seven articles deals with shells,
including zsh, with a brief description of differences. There is
also a separate FAQ on shell differences and how to change your
shell. Usenet FAQs are available via FTP from rtfm.mit.edu and
mirrors and also on the World Wide Web; see
mydit(USA) url(http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/top.html)
mydit(UK) url(http://www.lib.ox.ac.uk/internet/news/faq/comp.unix.shell.html)
mydit(Netherlands) url(http://www.cs.uu.nl/wais/html/na-dir/unix-faq/shell/.html)
You can also get it via email by emailing \
with, in the body of the message, mytt(send faqs/unix-faq/shell/zsh).
@ -439,8 +414,7 @@ chapter(How does zsh differ from...?)
As has already been mentioned, zsh is most similar to ksh, while many
of the additions are to please csh users. Here are some more detailed
notes. See also the article `UNIX shell differences and how to change
your shell' posted frequently to the USENET group comp.unix.shell.
sect(Differences from sh and ksh)
@ -898,10 +872,7 @@ sect(Shouldn't zsh be more/less like ksh/(t)csh?)
tt(CSH_JUNKIE) options. This argument still holds. On the other hand,
the arguments for having what is close to a plug-in replacement for ksh
are, if anything, even more powerful: the deficiencies of csh as a
programming language are well known (look in any Usenet FAQ archive, e.g.
programming language are well known (search for tt(csh-whynot)
if you are in any doubt) and zsh is able to run many standard
scripts such as /etc/rc.
@ -2517,7 +2488,7 @@ label(62)
Mail email(sympa@zsh.org?subject=help) for detailed information.
Administrative matters are best sent to
Note that this location changed in August 2020, and the
instructions to go with it are slightly different.
@ -2525,9 +2496,6 @@ label(62)
at the main zsh archive site.
Of course, you can also post zsh queries to the Usenet group
comp.unix.shell; if all else fails, you could even e-mail me.
sect(What's on the wish-list?)
The code bears the marks of the ages and many things could be done much
