Web pages, may I introduce you to CVS. CVS, these are the web pages.

Yes, this is supposed to be a new top level in the repository.

For the moment any changes to this area must be cleared by myself
or Jordan.  Once the kinks are worked out, the policy will probably
be relaxed.
John Fieber 28 years ago
commit 38df6f51c6
Notes: svn2git 3 years ago
svn path=/www/; revision=543

@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.

@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
[This is the first released version of the library GPL. It is
numbered 2 because it goes with version 2 of the ordinary GPL.]
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
This license, the Library General Public License, applies to some
specially designated Free Software Foundation software, and to any
other libraries whose authors decide to use it. You can use it for
your libraries, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if
you distribute copies of the library, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
code. If you link a program with the library, you must provide
complete object files to the recipients so that they can relink them
with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling
it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
Our method of protecting your rights has two steps: (1) copyright
the library, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal
permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
Also, for each distributor's protection, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
library. If the library is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original
version, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on
the original authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that companies distributing free
software will individually obtain patent licenses, thus in effect
transforming the program into proprietary software. To prevent this,
we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's
free use or not licensed at all.
Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary
GNU General Public License, which was designed for utility programs. This
license, the GNU Library General Public License, applies to certain
designated libraries. This license is quite different from the ordinary
one; be sure to read it in full, and don't assume that anything in it is
the same as in the ordinary license.
The reason we have a separate public license for some libraries is that
they blur the distinction we usually make between modifying or adding to a
program and simply using it. Linking a program with a library, without
changing the library, is in some sense simply using the library, and is
analogous to running a utility program or application program. However, in
a textual and legal sense, the linked executable is a combined work, a
derivative of the original library, and the ordinary General Public License
treats it as such.
Because of this blurred distinction, using the ordinary General
Public License for libraries did not effectively promote software
sharing, because most developers did not use the libraries. We
concluded that weaker conditions might promote sharing better.
However, unrestricted linking of non-free programs would deprive the
users of those programs of all benefit from the free status of the
libraries themselves. This Library General Public License is intended to
permit developers of non-free programs to use free libraries, while
preserving your freedom as a user of such programs to change the free
libraries that are incorporated in them. (We have not seen how to achieve
this as regards changes in header files, but we have achieved it as regards
changes in the actual functions of the Library.) The hope is that this
will lead to faster development of free libraries.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a
"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The
former contains code derived from the library, while the latter only
works together with the library.
Note that it is possible for a library to be covered by the ordinary
General Public License rather than by this special one.
0. This License Agreement applies to any software library which
contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized
party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Library
General Public License (also called "this License"). Each licensee is
addressed as "you".
A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the
Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is
included without limitation in the term "modification".)
"Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means
all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
and installation of the library.
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
and what the program that uses the Library does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
in the event an application does not supply such function or
table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
its purpose remains meaningful.
(For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
application-supplied function or table used by this function must
be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
root function must still compute square roots.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Library.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do
this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the
ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in
these notices.
Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
the Library into a program that is not a library.
4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
medium customarily used for software interchange.
If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a
work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
library". The executable is therefore covered by this License.
Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The
threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
Library will still fall under Section 6.)
Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also compile or
link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
engineering for debugging such modifications.
You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work
during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one
of these things:
a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood
that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
to use the modified definitions.)
b) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
least three years, to give the same user the materials
specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
than the cost of performing this distribution.
c) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
specified materials from the same place.
d) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception,
the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally
distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
the executable.
It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot
use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the
Sections above.
b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any
attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies,
or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Library or works based on it.
10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
written in the body of this License.
13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
versions of the Library General Public License from time to time.
Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a
license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
the Free Software Foundation.
14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is
copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our
decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
and reuse of software generally.
Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting
redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
ordinary General Public License).
To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is
safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
Ty Coon, President of Vice
That's all there is to it!

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
DOCS= about.sgml commercial.sgml daemon.sgml docproj.sgml docs.sgml
DOCS+= gallery.sgml index-site.sgml index.sgml license.sgml
DOCS+= mailto.sgml newsflash.sgml searchhints.sgml support.sgml
DOCS+= welcome.sgml where.sgml search.sgml
# These will be directly installed.
# Files or targets listed here are defined in this file.
LOCAL= stats.html stats-img.html
stats.html: /home/www/server/logs/access_log
(cd /usr/local/www/server/logs;zcat access_log.*.gz;cat access_log) | \
egrep -iv '\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|au) ' | \
/usr/local/www/bin/analog +i0 +R500 -o > ${.TARGET}
stats-img.html: /home/www/server/logs/access_log
(cd /usr/local/www/server/logs;zcat access_log.*.gz;cat access_log) | \
/usr/local/www/bin/analog +i0 +R500 -o > ${.TARGET}
SUBDIR= cgi gifs ports releases tutorials
WEBDIR= data
.include "web.mk"

@ -0,0 +1 @@
WEBBASE= /data

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
You can (and are encouraged to) mirror the pages with sup.
If you are running apache as installed from the ports collection the
following should make a copy of www.freebsd.org available from
http://yourhost/www.freebsd.org/. Of course, there are possible
variations on the method...
1) The supfile to get the WWW pages:
www release=current host=freefall.cdrom.com hostbase=/home base=/usr/local/www/data/www.freebsd.org delete old
2) Add to /usr/local/www/server/conf/access.conf:
<Directory /usr/local/www/data/www.freebsd.org/data>
Options FollowSymLinks Includes
XBitHack Full
3) Add to /usr/local/www/server/conf/srm.conf
Alias /www.freebsd.org /usr/local/www/data/www.freebsd.org/data
4) Create a directory /usr/local/www/counters that is writable by the
httpd daemon, then compile pagecount.C and install in /usr/local/www/cgi-bin.

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1996-09-24 17:45:40 $">
<!ENTITY title "About the FreeBSD WWW Server">
<!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "includes.sgml"> %includes;
<h2>The Machine</h2>
<img src="gifs/powerlogo.gif" alt="" align="right"> <p>The
machine, <tt>www.freebsd.org</tt>, otherwise known as
<tt>freefall.cdrom.com</tt>, is 90MHz Pentium machine with
a PCI motherboard, 48 megabytes of RAM and about 5.4
gigabytes of disk space. Naturally, the system runs under
the FreeBSD operating system. The hardware and network
connection have been generously provided by <a
href="http://www.cdrom.com/">Walnut Creek CDROM</a>.</p>
<h2>The Software</h2>
<img src="gifs/apachepower.gif" alt="" align="right"><p>
These pages are served up by the versatile and efficient <a
href="http://www.apache.org/">Apache http server</a>. In
addition, there are a few locally crafted CGI scripts.
Indexing of these pages and the mailing list archive are
provided by freewais-sf, a derivative of the CNIDR freewais.
<h2>The Pages</h2>
<p>These Web pages have been put together by John Fieber
with input from the FreeBSD community and <b>you</b>.
<p>Usage statistics for this server are updated daily:</p>
<li><a href="stats.html">Excluding graphics</a>
-- indicates document use</li>
<li><a href="stats-img.html">Including graphics</a>
-- indicates server load</li>

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
DATA= ftp.mirrors
CGI= ftp.cgi gallery.cgi mirror.cgi cgi-lib.pl cgi-style.pl
CGI+= search.cgi
.SUFFIXES: .C .cgi
.include "../web.mk"

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -- -*- C -*-
# Perl Routines to Manipulate CGI input
# S.E.Brenner@bioc.cam.ac.uk
# $Header: /home/ncvs/www/data/cgi/cgi-lib.pl,v 1996-09-24 17:45:57 jfieber Exp $
# Copyright 1994 Steven E. Brenner
# Unpublished work.
# Permission granted to use and modify this library so long as the
# copyright above is maintained, modifications are documented, and
# credit is given for any use of the library.
# Thanks are due to many people for reporting bugs and suggestions
# especially Meng Weng Wong, Maki Watanabe, Bo Frese Rasmussen,
# Andrew Dalke, Mark-Jason Dominus and Dave Dittrich.
# For more information, see:
# http://www.bio.cam.ac.uk/web/form.html
# http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~mengwong/forms/
# Minimalist http form and script (http://www.bio.cam.ac.uk/web/minimal.cgi):
# require "cgi-lib.pl";
# if (&ReadParse(*input)) {
# print &PrintHeader, &PrintVariables(%input);
# } else {
# print &PrintHeader,'<form><input type="submit">Data: <input name="myfield">';
# ReadParse
# Reads in GET or POST data, converts it to unescaped text, and puts
# one key=value in each member of the list "@in"
# Also creates key/value pairs in %in, using '\0' to separate multiple
# selections
# Returns TRUE if there was input, FALSE if there was no input
# UNDEF may be used in the future to indicate some failure.
# Now that cgi scripts can be put in the normal file space, it is useful
# to combine both the form and the script in one place. If no parameters
# are given (i.e., ReadParse returns FALSE), then a form could be output.
# If a variable-glob parameter (e.g., *cgi_input) is passed to ReadParse,
# information is stored there, rather than in $in, @in, and %in.
sub ReadParse {
local (*in) = @_ if @_;
local ($i, $key, $val);
# Read in text
if (&MethGet) {
} elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST") {
@in = split(/&/,$in);
foreach $i (0 .. $#in) {
# Convert plus's to spaces
$in[$i] =~ s/\+/ /g;
# Split into key and value.
($key, $val) = split(/=/,$in[$i],2); # splits on the first =.
# Convert %XX from hex numbers to alphanumeric
$key =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
$key =~ tr/[^A-Za-z0-9\-\_\$\+\=\~\.\,]//; # allow only safe chars
$val =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
$val =~ tr/[^A-Za-z0-9\-\_\$\+\=\~\.\,]//; # allow only safe chars
# Associate key and value
$in{$key} .= "\0" if (defined($in{$key})); # \0 is the multiple separator
$in{$key} .= $val;
return length($in);
# PrintHeader
# Returns the magic line which tells WWW that we're an HTML document
sub PrintHeader {
return "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
# MethGet
# Return true if this cgi call was using the GET request, false otherwise
sub MethGet {
return ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET");
# Returns a URL to the script
sub MyURL {
return 'http://' . $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} . $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'};
# CgiError
# Prints out an error message which which containes appropriate headers,
# markup, etcetera.
# Parameters:
# If no parameters, gives a generic error message
# Otherwise, the first parameter will be the title and the rest will
# be given as different paragraphs of the body
sub CgiError {
local (@msg) = @_;
local ($i,$name);
if (!@msg) {
$name = &MyURL;
@msg = ("Error: script $name encountered fatal error");
print &PrintHeader;
print "<html><head><title>$msg[0]</title></head>\n";
print "<body><h1>$msg[0]</h1>\n";
foreach $i (1 .. $#msg) {
print "<p>$msg[$i]</p>\n";
print "</body></html>\n";
# PrintVariables
# Nicely formats variables in an associative array passed as a parameter
# And returns the HTML string.
sub PrintVariables {
local (%in) = @_;
local ($old, $out, $output);
$old = $*; $* =1;
$output .= "<DL COMPACT>";
foreach $key (sort keys(%in)) {
foreach (split("\0", $in{$key})) {
($out = $_) =~ s/\n/<BR>/g;
$output .= "<DT><B>$key</B><DD><I>$out</I><BR>";
$output .= "</DL>";
$* = $old;
return $output;

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# $Id: cgi-style.pl,v 1996-09-24 17:45:57 jfieber Exp $
# Perl routines to encapsulate various elements of HTML page style.
# For future reference, when is now?
($se,$mn,$hr,$md,$mo,$yr,$wd,$yd,$dst) = localtime(time);
$yr += 1900;
$timestamp = "$mo-$md-$yr";
# Colors for the body
$t_body = "<body text=\"#000000\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">";
if ($hsty_base eq "") {
$hsty_base = "..";
if ($hsty_author eq "") {
$hsty_author = "<a href=\"$hsty_base/mailto.html\">www\@freebsd.org</a>";
$i_daemon = "<img src=\"$hsty_base/gifs/biglogo.gif\" alt=\"\">";
if ($hsty_home eq "") {
$hsty_home = "<a href=\"$hsty_base/\"><img src=\"$hsty_base/gifs/home.gif\"
alt=\"FreeBSD Home Page\" border=\"0\" align=\"right\"></a>";
sub html_header {
local ($title) = @_;
return &PrintHeader . "<html>\n<title>$title</title>\n</head>\n$t_body\n" .
"<h1>$i_daemon $title</h1><hr noshade>\n";
sub html_footer {
return "<hr noshade>$hsty_home<address>$hsty_author<br>$hsty_date</address>\n";

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
require 'cgi-lib.pl';
require 'cgi-style.pl';
$newloc = "http://www.freebsd.org/";
print &html_header("FTP Download");
open (MIRRORS, "ftp.mirrors");
print "<h2>Download <em>$ARGV[0]</em> from one of the following mirror sites:</h2>\n";
$oldplace = "";
while (<MIRRORS>) {
if (/.*:.*:/ && !/^#/) {
($place, $site, $root) = split(':',$_);
chop $root; $root =~ s/ *$//;
if ($place ne $oldplace) {
if ($oldplace ne "") {
print "</ul>\n";
print "<strong>$place</strong>\n<ul>\n";
$oldplace = $place;
print "<li><a href='ftp://${site}${root}/$ARGV[0]'>$site</a></li>\n";
close (MIRRORS);
print "</ul>\n";
print &html_footer;

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
Czech Republic:sunsite.mff.cuni.cz:/OS/FreeBSD
Hong Kong:ftp.hk.super.net:/pub/FreeBSD
South Africa:ftp.za.freebsd.org:/pub/FreeBSD
South Africa:ftp2.za.freebsd.org:/pub/FreeBSD
United States:ftp.freebsd.org:/pub/FreeBSD
United States:ftp2.freebsd.org:/pub/FreeBSD
United States:ftp3.freebsd.org:/pub/FreeBSD
United States:ftp4.freebsd.org:/pub/FreeBSD
United States:ftp5.freebsd.org:/pub/FreeBSD
United States:ftp6.freebsd.org:/pub/FreeBSD
United Kingdom:ftp.uk.freebsd.org:/packages/unix/FreeBSD
United Kingdom:ftp2.uk.freebsd.org:/pub/walnut.creek/FreeBSD
United Kingdom:ftp3.uk.freebsd.org:/pub/BSD/FreeBSD

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
# A CGI form processor for FreeBSD Gallery submissions
# John Fieber <jfieber@indiana.edu>
# August 9 1996
$curator = "jfieber@indiana.edu";
#$curator = "jkh@freebsd.org";
$subject = "Another gallery submission...";
require 'cgi-lib.pl';
#$d_date = "$Date: 1996-09-24 17:45:57 $";
#$h_base = "..";
#$d_author = "
require 'cgi-style.pl';
# Construct the gallery entry in HTML form
$entry = "<li><a href=\"$in{'url'}\"><strong>$in{'organization'}</strong> " .
"-- $in{'description'}</a></li>";
# Try and figure out where the person came from so we can provide
# links back to the correct place.
$return = "";
if ($in{'return'} eq "") {
if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} ne "") {
$in{'return'} = $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'};
if ($in{'return'} ne "") {
$return = "<a href=\"$in{'return'}\">Return to the Gallery</a>";
# This is the form where the user enters the information.
$forma = &html_header("Gallery Submission") .
"<form action=\"gallery.cgi\" method=\"POST\">
<input type=hidden name=action value=\"preview\">
<input type=hidden name=return value=\"$in{'return'}\">
<td right>Organization:</td>
<td><input type=text name=organization size=\"50\"></td>
<td right>Description:</td>
<td><input type=text name=description size=\"50\"></td>
<td right>URL:</td>
<td><input type=text name=url size=\"50\"></td>
<td right>Category:</td>
<input type=radio name=category value=\"Commercial\" checked> Commercial<br>
<input type=radio name=category value=\"Non Profit\"> Non-Profit<br>
<input type=radio name=category value=\"Personal\"> Personal
<td right>Email Contact:</td>
<td><input type=text name=\"contact\" size=\"50\"></td>
<td colspan=\"2\" right><input type=submit value=\" Preview Entry \"></td>
" . &html_footer();
# This is the form where the user CHECKS the information they typed
$formb = &html_header("Your Gallery Submission") .
"<P>Here is your entry as it will appear in the
FreeBSD Gallery page.</p>
<p>Please check that the category and your e-mail
address are correct, and that the link actually works.
If anything is wrong, use your
browser's <em>back</em> button and correct it.
If everything is okay, press the <em>submit</em> button
<p>Contact person: $in{'contact'}</p>
<form method=\"POST\" action=\"gallery.cgi\">
<input type=hidden name=action value=submit>
<input type=hidden name=organization value=\"$in{'organization'}\">
<input type=hidden name=description value=\"$in{'description'}\">
<input type=hidden name=url value=\"$in{'url'}\">
<input type=hidden name=category value=\"$in{'category'}\">
<input type=hidden name=contact value=\"$in{'contact'}\">
<input type=hidden name=return value=\"$in{'return'}\">
<input type=submit value=\" Submit this \">
" . &html_footer();
# And this is where we thank them for submitting an entry.
$formc = &html_header("Thank You!") .
"<P>Please allow a few days for your entry to be added
to the Gallery.</p>
" . &html_footer();
if ($in{'action'} eq "preview") {
print $formb;
elsif ($in{'action'} eq "submit") {
print $formc;
# close(STDOUT);
open(M, "| mail -s \"$subject\" $curator");
print M "$in{'contact'} submitted the following to be added under\n";
print M "\"$in{'category'}\" in the gallery:\n\n";
print M "<-- from $in{'contact'} on $timestamp -->\n";
print M "$entry\n";
else {
print $forma;
exit 0;

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# (c) Wolfram Schneider, Berlin. June 1996. Public domain.
# FreeBSD WWW mirror redirect
# $Id: mirror.cgi,v 1996-09-24 17:45:57 jfieber Exp $
s/^[^=]+=//; # 'variable=value' -> 'value'
s/\+/ /g; # '+' -> space
s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; # '%ab' -> char ab
print "Location: $_\nContent-type: text/plain\n\n";
exit 0;

@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
# mail-archive.pl -- a CGI interface to a wais indexed maling list archive.
# Origin:
# Tony Sanders <sanders@bsdi.com>, Nov 1993
# Hacked beyond recognition by:
# John Fieber <jfieber@cs.smith.edu>, Nov 1994
# Format the mail messages a little nicer.
# Add code to check database status before searching.
# John Fieber <jfieber@indiana.eud>, Aug 1996
# Disclaimer:
# This is pretty ugly in places.
$server_root = '/usr/local/www';
$waisq = "/usr/local/www/bin/waisq";
$sourcepath = "/f/jfieber/index";
$hints = "/searchhints.html";
$myurl = "/cgi/search.cgi";
require "open2.pl";
require "cgi-lib.pl";
require "cgi-style.pl";
@months = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
sub do_wais {
@FORM_words = split(/ /, $in{"words"});
@FORM_source = split(/\0/, $in{"source"});
$FORM_max = $in{"max"};
$FORM_docnum = $in{"docnum"};
@AVAIL_source = &checksource(@FORM_source);
if ($#FORM_source != $#AVAIL_source) {
$j = 0;
$k = 0;
foreach $i (0 .. $#FORM_source) {
if ($FORM_source[$i] ne $AVAIL_source[$j]) {
$badsource[$k] = $FORM_source[$i];
} else {
$badsource = join("</em>, <em>", @badsource);
$badsource =~ s/,([^,]*)$/ and $1/;
if ($#FORM_source - $#AVAIL_source > 1) {
$availmsg = "<p>[The <em>$badsource</em> archives are currently unavailable.]</p>";
} else {
$availmsg = "<p>[The <em>$badsource</em> archive is currently unavailable.]</p>";
if ($#AVAIL_source < 0) {
$i = join("</em>, <em>", @FORM_source);
$i =~ s/,([^,]*)$/ and $1/;
print &html_header("Mail Archive Search") .
"<p>None of the archives you requested (<em>$i</em>) are available at " .
"this time.</p>\n";
print "<p>Please try again later, or return to the " .
"search page and select a different archive.</p>\n";
print &html_footer;
exit 0;
# Now we formulate the question to ask the server
foreach $i (@AVAIL_source) {
$w_sources .= "(:source-id\n :filename \"$i.src\"\n ) ";
$w_question = "\n (:question
:version 2
:seed-words \"@FORM_words\"
( )
:sourcepath \"$sourcepath/:\"
( $w_sources )
:maximum-results $FORM_max
( )
# First case, no document number so this is a regular search
if (length($FORM_docnum) == 0) {
print &html_header("Search Results");
print $availmsg;
if ($#AVAIL_source > 0) {
$src = join("</em>, <em>", @AVAIL_source);
$src =~ s/,([^,]*)$/ and $1/;
print "<p>The archives <em>$src</em> contain ";
else {
print "The archive <em>@AVAIL_source</em> contains ";
print " the following items relevant to \`@FORM_words\':\n";
print "<OL>\n";
&open2(WAISOUT, WAISIN, $waisq, "-g");
print WAISIN $w_question;
local($hits, $score, $headline, $lines, $bytes, $type, $date, $file);
while (<WAISOUT>) {
/:score\s+(\d+)/ && ($score = $1);
/:filename "(.*)"/ && ($file = $1);
/:number-of-lines\s+(\d+)/ && ($lines = $1);
/:number-of-bytes\s+(\d+)/ && ($bytes = $1);
/:type "(.*)"/ && ($type = $1);
/:headline "(.*)"/ && ($headline = $1); # XXX
/:date "(\d+)"/ && ($date = $1, $hits++, &docdone);
print "</OL>\n";
print "<hr><p>Didn't get what you expected? ";
print "<a href=\"$hints\">Look here for searching hints</a>.";
if ($hits == 0) {
print "Nothing found.\n";
print &html_footer;
# Second Case, a document number was supplied
else {
print &html_header("Search Results: Document");
&open2(WAISOUT, WAISIN, $waisq, "-g");
print WAISIN $w_question;
while (<WAISOUT>) {
s/search_word: boolean \`and\' scored//g;
$w_result .= $_;
&open2(WAISOUT, WAISIN, $waisq, "-v", $FORM_docnum);
print WAISIN $w_result;
while (<WAISOUT>) {
$foo .= $_;
print &html_footer;
# Given an array of sources (sans .src extension), this routine
# checks to see if they actually exist, and if they do, if they
# are currently available (ie, not being updated). It returns
# an array of sources that are actually available.
sub checksource {
local (@sources) = @_;
$j = 0;
foreach $i (@sources) {
if (stat("$sourcepath/$i.src")) {
if (!stat("$sourcepath/$i.update.lock")) {
$goodsources[$j] = $i;
# Print a mail message in HTML form
sub printdoc {
local ($doc) = @_;
($header, $body) = split(/\n\n/, $doc, 2);
$body = &htmlescape($body);
$header = &htmlescape($header);
$header =~ s/\n */ /g;
foreach $i (split(/\n/, $header)) {
($field, $data) = split(/ /, $i, 2);
$hdr{$field} = $data;
print "<BODY>\n<pre>\n";
if (length($hdr{'Date:'}) > 0) {
print "<strong>Date: </strong> $hdr{'Date:'}\n";
if (length($hdr{'From:'}) > 0) {
print "<strong>From: </strong> $hdr{'From:'}\n";
if (length($hdr{'To:'}) > 0) {
print "<strong>To: </strong> $hdr{'To:'}\n";
if (length($hdr{'Cc:'}) > 0) {
print "<strong>Cc: </strong> $hdr{'Cc:'}\n";
if (length($hdr{'Sender:'}) > 0) {
print "<strong>Sender: </strong> $hdr{'Sender:'}\n";
if (length($hdr{'Subject:'}) > 0) {
print "<strong>Subject: </strong> $hdr{'Subject:'}\n";
print "</pre>\n";
print "<hr>\n<pre>\n$body\n</pre>\n";
sub htmlescape {
local ($data) = @_;
$data =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$data =~ s/</&lt;/g;
return $data;
sub docdone {
$file =~ s/\.src$//;
if ($headline =~ /Search produced no result/) {
print "<p>The archive <em>$file</em> contains no relevant documents.</p>"
} else {
$headline = &htmlescape($headline);
$headline =~ s/\\"/\"/g;
print "<li><A HREF=\"${myurl}?$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}&docnum=$hits\">$headline</A>\n";
print "<br>";
# print "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"rf\" value=\"$docnum\">";
print "Score: <em>$score</em>; ";
$_ = $date;
/(..)(..)(..)/ && ($yr = $1 + 1900, $mo = $months[$2 - 1], $dy = $3);
print "Lines: <em>$lines</em>; ";
print "${dy}-${mo}-${yr}; ";
print "Archive: <em>$file</em>";
print "<p></p></li>\n";
$score = $headline = $lines = $bytes = $type = $date = $file = '';
$| = 1;
open (STDERR,"> /dev/null");
eval '&do_wais';

@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1996-09-24 17:45:41 $">
<!ENTITY title "Commercial Vendors">
<!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "includes.sgml"> %includes;
<p>In addition to the demos of commercial software available
in the FreeBSD distribution, a number of other commercial
vendors offer software products specifically for FreeBSD.
If you know of other companies supporting FreeBSD that
should be added to this page, please <a
href="mailto:www@freebsd.org">notify us</a>.</p>
Consulting, Inc.</strong></A> develops and licenses its
<em>ISP Billing and Tracking System</em> or <em>BATS</em>
for FreeBSD as well as thirteen other Operating
Systems. For more information, check out the web pages <a
send email to <a
href="mailto:elh@astroarch.com">elh@astroarch.com</A> or
call (512) 990-1064.<p></p>
<a href="http://www.comsys.com/"><strong>Communication
Systems Research Corp.</strong></a> - Business
applications and consulting for Unix systems including
BSD. Specializing in analysis and development of high
performance solutions for networking problems. Located in
Portland Oregon, consulting internationally for over 12
years. Telephone: (503) 291-1345<p></p>
<li><a href="http://www.estinc.com"><strong>BRU</strong> from
Enhanced Software Technologies</a> is a very powerful and reliable
tape backup system. It offers per-file compression, an improved
tape format with three different kinds of verification, and many safety
checks to insure data integrity. The "BSD/OS 1.1" version works well
with FreeBSD.
<li><a href="http://www.conetic.com/"><strong>Conetic
Software</strong></a> is offering a <a
copy of <em>C/BASE 4GL</em></a> for the FreeBSD 2.0.5
operating system. <em>C/BASE 4GL</em> features a
powerful application development tool and database
engine. Featuring a easy to user visual development
environment, a scripting language, and application
libraries with a C language (API) interface. The
best thing about <em>C/BASE 4GL</em> is that it is
fully portable across hardware and operating system
platforms. FreeBSD to DOS, DOS to SOLARIS, SOLARIS
to AIX, etc.... Your free copy of <em>C/BASE 4GL</em>
is set to run for a maximum of 2 concurrent users and
1,000 records. Please contact us at <a
if you'd like a taste of even more power and
programming fun.<p></p>
<a href="http://www.munich.net/inlab/scheme"><strong>
Inlab Software GmbH</strong></a> offers binaries of Inlab-Scheme
for FreeBSD and Linux which are free for personal or educational
use. Inlab-Scheme is a R4RS compliant Scheme which is capable
of reading and writing TIFF and XBM-bitmaps to and from a special
internal bitmap type. With built-in primitives for image
processing, Inlab-Scheme can be a general tool for tasks like
optical character recognition and general analysis and processing
of bitmap data.<p></p>
<a href="http://www.netcon.com"><strong>NetCon Corporation</strong></a>
established in 1985, with over 10,000 installed servers, is the leading
supplier of NetWare compatible operating systems and Internet Gateways
for standard UNIX platforms. NetCon offers a complete line of systems
for FreeBSD, SUN Solaris, SCO UNIX/ODT and IBM AIX RS6000 serving from
5 to 1000 users. Services include; Full Internet access from
NetWare/WIN95/Windows workstations over IPX/SPX, X Windows over
IPX/SPX, NetWare file and print services, NetWare Client services for
UNIX, High-performance, DOS/Windows Terminal Emulation.
<a href="http://www.perforce.com">Perforce Software</a>
produces <a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce.html">
<b>P<small>ERFORCE</small></b> -- the <i>FAST</i> Software
Configuration Management System</a> for many UNIX platforms
and NT. More capable than freeware tools, more applicable
than solutions from academia, and more usable than available
commercial products, <b>P<small>ERFORCE</small></b> manages
software projects comprising thousands of source files
shared by dozens of engineers across many heterogeneous
platforms and geographically distributed locations.
Documentation and fully functional versions (but limited
to two client workspaces) can be downloaded from the Web
pages. For non-commercial users on FreeBSD, we offer
servers with unlimited client workspaces for $1. Perforce
Software can be reached at <a href="mailto:info@perforce.com">
info@perforce.com</a> or 1 (510) 865-8720.<p></p>
<a href="http://www.realAudio.com">Progresive Networks, Inc.</A>
offers both its RealAudio
<A href="http://www.realaudio.com/products/player2.0.html">player</A>
and <A href="http://www.realaudio.com/products/server.html">server</A>
for FreeBSD.
The <B>free</B> player allows you to play live and on-demand audio
over 14.4Kps and faster connections.
All you have to do is click on a RealAudio link from your Web browser
and audio begins playing instantly. Check out
<A href="http://www.timecast.com">The RealAudio Guide</A> to access
hundreds of sites offering music, news, live radio stations, live
events etc. The server allows your website to deliver live and
on-demand audio over the Internet or your company network.<p></p>
<a href="http://www.rtd.com/">RTD</a> provides an ISP billing
package for ISPs using FreeBSD called
<a href="http://www.rtd.com/software/uta.html">UTA</a><p></p>
<a href="http://www.coolworld.com">Coolworld.Com, Inc.</a>
provides a billing package for ISP's called Internet Billing.
This package was designed to handle all the billing needs for
Internet service providers. It runs under MS-Windows. One
piece of the software is a client/server set with a daemen that
runs on a UNiX server (including FreeBSD) that allows the client
to do all for their user management under a windows frontend.<p></p>
<li><a href="http://www.xinside.com"><strong>X Inside, Inc.</strong></a>
offers software enhancements for FreeBSD.
<em>Accelerated-X Server</em> completely supports 356
graphics adapters from over 40 vendors, including many
partially supported or not included with XFree86.
<a href="ftp://ftp.xinside.com/accelx/freebsd/demo.html">Download</a>
a free demonstration from <a href="ftp://ftp.xinside.com/">
ftp.xinside.com</a>. Utilize 3D graphics with <em>Accelerated-X
OpenGL</em>. <em>Accelerated-X Multi-Head</em> allows 8 monitors
from a single server. Full Motif 2.0 runtime and development kits
are also available. For more information email <a
or call +1 (303) 298-7478.<p></p>
<li><a href="http://www.tummy.com/xvscan"><strong>XVScan</strong></a>
allows you to use your HP ScanJet scanner under FreeBSD. It is a
commercial product based on John Bradley's xv.
<li><a href="http://www.zeus.co.uk/"><strong>Zeus Technology Limited
</strong></a> offer <b>Zeus Server</b> for FreeBSD. Zeus Server is
an advanced, powerful full-featured commercial grade webserver
designed with exceptional performance, minimal machine resource
requirements and ease of administration in mind. <i>Free</i>
evaluation copies may be
<a href="http://www.zeus.co.uk/">downloaded</a>.
<h2>Hardware and complete systems</h2>
<a href="http://www.apache.com/"><strong>Apache Digital
Corporation</strong></a> creates custom high-performance PC
based systems optimized for the FreeBSD operating system.
We have many <a
systems</a> to choose from as well as an on-line <a
system design form</a> to help you create your custom
dream system. Please feel free to contact <a
href="mailto:info@apache.com">info@apache.com</a> for
more information. <p></p>
<li><a href="http://www.cyclades.com"><strong>Cyclades Corporation
</strong></a> sells a variety of high performance, multiport serial
cards which FreeBSD supports in its standard releases (due largely
to their generous cooperation in providing us with hardware and
technical assistance).
<li><a href="http://www.etinc.com/"><strong>Emerging Technologies,
Inc.</strong></a> has high speed serial communications adapters
allowing FreeBSD systems to utilize leased lines at
speeds from 56k to T1. The adapters include a complete
set of drivers and utilities that allow a FreeBSD machine
to communicate directly with virtually any IP router via
synchronous PPP, Frame Relay or X.25, and directly to
CISCO brand routers with CISCO serial encapsulation. Full
documentation and support are included. Several hardware
choices are available ranging from an economical single
port adapter card to a dual T1 line model with dual 25mhz
dedicated processors. To contact Emerging Techologies,
send E-mail to <a href="mailto:info@etinc.com">info@etinc.com</a>.
<li><a href="http://www.geli.com/index.html"><strong>Geli
Engineering</strong></a> offers economical Pentium
workstation clusters that use the FreeBSD operating system.<p></p></li>
<li><a href="http://www.tioga.com/~init/">The Init Organization</a>
specializes in Intranet networking servers running FreeBSD. We can
custom design and construct high performance servers to fill any need.
The Init Organization also provides network support and management,
IS support and training, corporate-wide e-mail gateways, domain name
registration and hosting, world wide web site development, and more.
Please send e-mail to <a href="mailto:info@init.org">info@init.org</a>,
or visit
<a href="http://www.tioga.com/~init/">http://www.tioga.com/~Init/</a>.
<li><a href="http://www.moxa.com/"><strong>MOXA</strong></a> makes
economically priced multi-port serial cards which are compatible with
FreeBSD's sio serial driver. The C104 / C168 family of 2/4/8 serial
port cards feature custom ASIC design, speeds up to 921.6Kbps, surge
protection, independent and software configurable I/O ports and IRQs.
<li><a href="http://www.stallion.com"><strong>Stallion Technolgies
Inc</strong></a> offers a range of multiport serial boards for the ISA,
EISA, MCA and PCI buses. Although Stallion does not officially support
drivers for FreeBSD, there is an unsupported, freely available driver
available from their <a
FTP site</a>.
This driver supports the Stallion EasyIO and EasyConnection 8/32
multiport boards. For local pricing and availability information,
contact Stallion via their WWW page.
<li><a href="http://freebsd.swt.com/"><strong>SW Technology</strong></a>
offers quality Pentium machines with FreeBSD pre-installed.
<li><A HREF="http://www.zyzzyva.com/"><STRONG>Zyzzyva Enterprises</STRONG>
</A> presents the <A HREF="http://www.zyzzyva.com/iron/">Z-Router</A>
as an affordable alternative for businesses and organizations seeking
cost-effective router and webserver solutions that provide
ease-of-maintenance and flexibility to meet changing connection demands.
Our industrial quality systems run on the FreeBSD operating system.
The Z-Router provides a secure web interface to system maintenance
through a convenient online <A HREF="http://www.zyzzyva.com/.zconfig">
configuration management tool</A>.<BR>
Email: <A HREF="mailto:info@zyzzyva.com">
info@zyzzyva.com</A>. Voice: 402.438.1848. FAX: 402.438.1869.
<h2>Documentation and miscellaneous accessories</h2>
<li><a href="http://www.bookpool.com/">The Bookpool</a> offers
30% discounts on the new edition of
<em>The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System</em>,
a must-have for any FreeBSD bookshelf.

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1996-09-24 17:45:42 $">
<!ENTITY title "The BSD Daemon">
<!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "includes.sgml"> %includes;
<p>The little red fellow that graces many of these pages is
the BSD Daemon. In the context of Unix systems, daemons
are process that run in the background attending to various
tasks without human intervention. In the general sense,
daemon is an older form of the word demon. In the <em>Unix
System Administration Handbook</em>, Evi Nemeth has this to
say about daemons:</p>
<blockquote>"Many people equate the word ``daemon'' with the
word ``demon,'' implying some kind of Satanic connection
between UNIX and the underworld. This is an egregious
misunderstanding. ``Daemon'' is actually a much older form
of ``demon''; daemons have no particular bias towards good
or evil, but rather serve to help define a person's
character or personality. The ancient Greeks' concept of a
``personal daemon'' was similar to the modern concept of a
``guardian angel'' --- ``eudaemonia'' is the state of being
helped or protected by a kindly spirit. As a rule, UNIX
systems seem to be infested with both daemons and demons."
<p>The earliest (and most popular) renditions of the BSD Daemon were
created by John Lassiter. More recent FreeBSD-specific
renditions have done by
<a href="http://www.mt.cs.keio.ac.jp/person/hosokawa.html">
Tatsumi Hosokawa</a>, but the basic inspiration was definitely John's.
The copyright holder and creator of the daemon image is
<a href="mailto:mckusick@mckusick.com">Marshall Kirk McKusick</a>.
A short <a href="http://www.zilker.net/users/beastie/index.html">pictorial
history</a> is also available.</p>
<p>Finally, it should also be noted that, despite Kirk's professed aversion
to this fact, there is close to unanimous agreement that the daemon's
name, should he have one at all, is <strong>Chuck</strong>. Don't ask
me how that name was arrived at, it just stuck.
<p>BSD Daemon Copyright 1988 by Marshall Kirk McKusick. All
Rights Reserved.</p>
<p>Permission to use the daemon may be obtained from:</p>
<blockquote>Marshall Kirk McKusick<br> 1614 Oxford St<br>
Berkeley, CA 94709-1608<br> USA</blockquote>
<p>or via email at <a

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<a href="../"><img src="../gifs/home.gif" alt="FreeBSD Home
Page" border="0" align="right"></a>
<a href="../mailto.html">www@freebsd.org</a>

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1996-09-24 17:45:42 $">
<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD Documentation Project">
<!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "includes.sgml"> %includes;
<p>Unix has frequently, and rightfully so, been criticized
for being difficult to learn. While the tool based
approach to a computing system is powerful, users are often
stymied by the terse style of the manual pages that
describe each tool in detail but rarely provide hints about
how, when or why the tool can be used in day to day
operations. Many excellent books have been written to show
the tools in a context and a number are highly recommended
for anyone using FreeBSD. However, since every Unix system
has its own quirks, a number of gaps exist in the
documentation as a whole.</p>
<p>The mission of the FreeBSD Documentation Project is to
fill this documentation gap. Specifically:</p>
<li>To cover features, procedures, and other quirks that
are unique to FreeBSD and thus not to be found in
commonly available Unix user, administrator and
programmer guides available on the market. The most
important of these are:<p></p>
<li>Hardware support and troubleshooting<p></p></li>
<li>System configuration and tuning<p></p></li>
<li>To provide documentation covering the most commonly
used aspects of FreeBSD, whether or not the topics are
covered in other user, administrator and programmer
guides. This includes topics such as:<p></p>
<li>Network configuration and troubleshooting<p></p></li>
<li>ISP services<p></p></li>
<li>General system adminstration<p></p></li>
<p>To realize the above goals, the Documentation Project is
focused on two specific pieces of documentation:</p>
<li><a href = "FAQ/freebsd-faq.html">The
<li><a href = "handbook/handbook.html">The
FreeBSD Handbook</a></li>
<p>The goal of the <a href =
"FAQ/freebsd-faq.html">FAQ</a> is to address in a
short question and answer format the most common questions
that are asked, or <em>should be</em> asked on the various
mailing lists and newsgroups devoted to the discussion of
FreeBSD. The format does not permit long winded and
comprehensive answers.</p>
<p>Topics that need a more in depth discussion than the FAQ
can provide are addressed in the <a href =
"handbook/handbook.html">FreeBSD Handbook</a>.
The current incarnation of the handbook is largely a
skeletal framework with many empty chapters and sections
waiting to be filled by words of wisdom.</p>
<h2>Contributing to the project</h2>
<p>Like the rest of the FreeBSD project, the documentation
project depends on the tireless contributions of users. To
facilitate the project, a mailing list has been created for
the discussion of documentation issues and communication
among authors. Anyone wishing to contribute to materials
or editorial time should subscribe by sending mail to <a
with a message body of:</p>
<blockquote>subscribe freebsd-doc</blockquote>
<p>(See <a href="handbook/eresources:mail.html">Mailing
lists</a> in the handbook for complete information on the
FreeBSD mailing lists.)</p>
<p>We welcome both corrections and additions to existing
documentation as well as submissions of entirely new
sections. All documents should reflect the state of
FreeBSD 2.0.5R unless there is a compelling reason to cover
a different release. In such a case, the version to which
the information applies must be clearly stated.</p>
<h3>Submitting corrections</h3>
<p>When providing corrections or additions to existing
documentation, the preferred method is <em>context
diff</em> relative to the text as it appears in
FreeBSD-current. (see the <code>diff(1)</code> manual page
for details on generating a context diff). The
FreeBSD-current text for the handbook can be found in:</p>
<p>while the FAQ can be found at:</p>
<p>Diffs should be directed to <a
href="mailto:doc@freebsd.org">doc@freebsd.org</a> for
<h3>Submitting new material</h3>
<p>If you can claim expertise on some topic of interest to
other FreeBSD users and the topic is not covered by either
the FAQ or the Handbook, we would love to incorporate your
wisdom into one or the other. If you wish to contribute
but are not sure what is needed, have a good look through
the <a href="handbook/handbook.html">handbook</a> and the
<a href="FAQ/freebsd-faq.html">FAQ</a> and see what
<em>you</em> think is missing. In particular, the handbook
has a fairly complete outline but sections marked with an
asterisk (*) are currently empty and waiting for an eager
<p>At this time, the preferred format for submitting new
materials is SGML conforming to the linuxdoc DTD. The DTD
and tools for converting appropriately tagged documents
into LaTeX, HTML and ascii text are available in FreeBSD
2.1 and -current. See the <code>sgmlfmt(1)</code> manual
page for details. Due to shortcomings of the linuxdoc DTD,
the project hopes to move to a more flexible DTD such as
DocBook in the future. Any changes will be announced on
the freebsd-doc <a
<p>If you do not feel comfortable with SGML, the next best
format is LaTeX because it can be converted to SGML with a
minimum of hassle. Failing that, plain ASCII submissions
are always welcome.</p>
<p>Some general editorial guidelines:</p>
<li>Do not use contractions.<p></p></li>
<li>Provide concrete examples.<p></p></li>
<li>Use cross references. In the HTML version of the
document, these become hypertext links.<p></p></li>
<li>Do not duplicate other sections of the document, even
if they have yet to be written. If you feel the existing
section provides insufficient information to support your
topic, think about whether the additional information
should go in the section you are writing, or if it should
be added to the other end of the cross reference.
Contact the author of the referenced section if you
suspect the latter.<p></p></li>

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1996-09-24 17:45:42 $">
<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD Documentation">
<!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "includes.sgml"> %includes;
<h2><a href="handbook/handbook.html">The FreeBSD Handbook</a></h2>
<p>This is an evolving, comprehensive on-line resource for
FreeBSD users. Please address comments and contributions
to <a
<h2><a href="FAQ/FAQ.html">Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)</a></h2>
<p>If you have a question, chances are that someone else has
the same question. The most common of these have been
compiled here in a brief question-answer format. </p>
<h2><a href="tutorials/index.html">Tutorials</a> &i.new;</h2> <!-- May 22 -->
<p>Here lie assorted documents about FreeBSD and FreeBSD related
software and hardware.</p>
<h2><a href="handbook/bibliography.html">Books</a></h2>
<p>Online documentation is useful, but any serious FreeBSD
user should consider getting some of the books
listed here. Most books that cover BSD systems apply well
to FreeBSD.</p>
<h2><a href="http://late5.e-technik.uni-erlangen.de/cgi-bin/bsddocquery.pl">Manual
<p>The manual pages for FreeBSD 2.0 and XFree86 release 3.1,
courtesy of <A
<h2><a href="http://minnie.cs.adfa.oz.au/FreeBSD-srctree/FreeBSD.html">The Source Code</a></h2>
<p>If you like digging your fingers into source code, here is
a hypetext version of the FreeBSD <em>kernel</em> source.
This is brought to you courtesy of <a
<h2><a href="docproj.html">The FreeBSD Documentation Project</a></h2>
<p>Like FreeBSD itself, this documentation is the product of
a volunteer effort. The goals of the project are outlined
here, as are the procedures for submitting corrections and
new material.</p>

@ -0,0 +1,879 @@
<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1996-09-24 17:45:42 $">
<!ENTITY title "The FreeBSD Gallery">
<!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "includes.sgml"> %includes;
<img src="gifs/power-button.gif" alt="" align="left" border="0">
<img src="gifs/powerlogo.gif" alt="" align="right" border="0">
<p>All over the world, FreeBSD is powering innovative
Internet applications and services. This gallery is a
showcase of organizations and individuals who have put
FreeBSD to work for them. Browse and find out more about
what FreeBSD can do for <strong>you</strong>!
<p>To have your site added to this list, simply fill out <a
href="cgi/gallery.cgi">this form</a>.
<p>The "Powered by FreeBSD" logos above may be <a
href="gifs/powerlogo.gif">downloaded</a> and displayed
on personal or commercial home pages served by FreeBSD
machines. Use of this logo or the likeness of the
<a href="daemon.html">BSD
Daemons</a> for profitable gain requires the consent of
<a href="mailto:taob@io.org">Brian Tao</a> (creator of the "power"
logo) and <a href="mailto:mckusick@mckusick.com">Marshall
Kirk McKusick's</a> (trademark holder for the BSD Daemon image).
<h2>Commercial organizations</h2>
<!-- A -->
<li><a href="http://www.cyberatl.net/~accel"><strong>Accel-Systems
</strong> - Disaster Recovery technology provider.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.ag.com.br/"><strong>AG Sistemas</strong> -
Software Development and Internet Information Provider.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.</a>
<li><a href="http://ai2a.net/"><strong>ai2a.net</strong> -
$5/mo dialup access, Indiana</a>
<li><a href="http://www.alpcom.it/"><strong>ALPcom</strong> -
ISP in Turin, Italy.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.alldomains.com/"><strong>Alldomains.com</strong>
- Complete source of International Domain Name Information.
<li><a href="http://www.ai.net/"><strong>American Information Network
</strong> - High Performance Web and Internet Connectivity.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.atu.com"><strong>Anchorage Alaska's
municipal telecommunications utility.</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://www.and.com/"><strong>And
<li><a href="http://www.aug.com/"><strong>Auglink Communications
</strong> - ISP in St. Augustine, Florida, USA.</a>
&i.new; <!-- Sep 13 -->
<!-- B -->
<li><a href="http://www.bayscenes.com/"><strong>BayScene</strong> -
web sites for individuals and small businesses in
Northern California</a>
<li><a href="http://www.bbsoptions.com.br"><strong>BBS
Options</strong> - ISP in Florianopolis city, Santa
Catarina state, Brazil</a>
<li><a href="http://www.bemarnet.es/"><strong>BemarNet's
Managment</strong> - Makes business easier...</a>
<li><a href="http://www.best.com/"><strong>BEST Internet
Communications, Inc.</strong></a></li>
href="http://braznet.com.br/"><strong>Br@zNet</strong> -
ISP in Blumenau city, Santa Catarina state, Brazil</a>
<li><a href="http://www.bsi.com.br"><strong>BSI</strong> - Provedor
de Acesso Internet (Brazil)</a>
<!-- C -->
<li><a href="http://www.calweb.com/"><strong>CalWEB Communications,
<li><a href="http://www.censoft.com/"><strong>Century Software,
Inc.</strong> - Terminal emulation and TCP/IP networking
software developer</a>
<li><a href="http://www.chaski.com/"><strong>Chaski Telecommunications
</strong> - Web design and hosting services.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.clubnet.net/"><strong>ClubNET Inc.</strong> -
ISP in Diamond Bar, California</a>
<li><a href="http://www.coastline.net/"><strong>Coastline Internet
<li><a href="http://www.commpro.com"><strong>CommPro International
</strong> - ISP in Tustin CA, USA.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.c2.net/"><strong>Community ConneXion</strong> -
Internet Privacy Provider.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.cibutler.com/"><strong>Computer Innovations
</strong> - Enterprise Class Internet Solution Provider in
Butler PA.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.ConNet80.com/"><strong>ConNet 80</strong> -
PDX's Internet Fast Lane for High Performance Computing</a>
<li><a href="http://www.cst.com.au/"><strong>Creative Software
Technologies</strong> - Multimedia conferencing and internet
<li><a href="http://www.cultnet.fi/"><strong>CultNet Finland</strong> -
ISP in Helsinki, Finland.</a>
&i.new; <!-- Sep 1 -->
<!-- D -->
<li><a href="http://dcwi.com/"><strong>DCWI: Distributed
Communication & Worldwide Information</strong> - ISP</a>
<li><a href="http://www.digiworks.com/"><strong>DigiWorks</strong> -
Full range of Web services and consulting for Mac, PC, and Unix</a>
<li><a href="http://www.divdev.com/"><strong>Diversified Development,
Inc</strong> - Internet / Systems Development Consulting Services.</a>
<!-- E -->
<li><a href="http://www.easy.re.kr/"><strong>EASY Research
<li><a href="http://www.ebo.net"><strong>EBO, Inc.</strong> -
Internet Marketing Consultants and World Wide Web
<li><a href="http://www.enteract.com"><strong>EnterAct, L.L.C.</strong>
- ISP in Chicago, IL USA</a>
<li><a href="http://www.ejka.se/"><strong>EJKA IT System AB</strong> -
ISP in Wermland, Sweden.</a>
<!-- F -->
<li><a href="http://www.fl.net.au"><strong>First Link Internet
Services</strong> - ISP in Sydney, Australia</a>
<li><a href="http://www.flnet.com/"><strong>Florida Network
Technologies, Inc.</strong> - Full ISP with dialup as
low as $11.99!</a>
<li><a href="http://www.fred.net/"><strong>FredNet</strong> -
Internet Service Provider serving Frederick and Washington
County, MD USA</a>
<li><a href="http://www.frii.com/"><strong>Front Range Internet, Inc.
</strong> - Internet access to northern and central Colorado.</a>
<!-- G -->
<li><a href="http://WWW.GBData.COM/"><strong>GB Data Systems</strong> -
FreeBSD/ISP consulting company in Houston, TX.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.gfmurray.com/"><strong>GF Murray Co.</strong>
- Distribute-then-print & just-in-time digital printing</a>
<li><a href="http://www.goglobal.com"><strong>The Global Real
Estate Registry</strong> - A Web Advertising Company</a>
<li><a href="http://www.gns.com.br"><strong>Global Network Solutions
Tecnologia</strong> - ISP in Brazil.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.Glock.COM/"><strong>Glock
Telecommunications</strong> - Network installation and
administration consultants.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.grayphics.com/"><strong>Grayphics Digital Imaging
</strong> - Prepress service bureau.</a>
<!-- H -->
<li><a href="http://www.harborcom.net/"><strong>Harbor Communications
</strong> - ISP.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.hawkenet.com/"><strong>The HawkeNet
Project</strong> - Consultation, programming and Web Development</a>
<li><a href="http://www.herald.net/"><strong>Herald Communications
</strong> - ISP in Dallas, TX. USA</a>
&i.new; <!-- Sep 1 -->
<!-- I -->
<li><a href="http://www.idiom.com"><strong>Idiom Consulting</strong>
- ISP</a>
<li><a href="http://www.imagecomp.com"><strong>Imageworks
Computing</strong> - Computer Services, Multimedia
Catalog, Best Internet Selling Tool</a>
<li><a href="http://www.incoma.ru/"><strong>InComA</strong> -
Frame Relay, X.25, TCP/IP Network Provider in Russia</a>
<li><a href="http://www.icinet.net/"><strong>
InfoNet Communications Inc.</strong> - We build ISPs from the
bottom up!</a>
<li><a href="http://www.infosouth.com/"><strong>InfoSouth, Inc.
</strong>- ISP in Atlanta GA, USA.</a>
&i.new; <!-- Aug 26 -->
<li><a href="http://www.telkom.go.id/"><strong>Indonesian
Telecom</strong> - Information Technology Division</a>
<li><a href="http://www.infoservice.com.pl"><strong>InfoService
S.A.</strong> - mainly polish language</a>
<li><a href="http://www.pelican.net/"><strong>Interactive Data, Inc.
</strong>- ISP in North Myrtle Beach, SC.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.intrastar.net/"><strong>Intrasteller
Internet Service</strong> - ISP in East Texas, USA.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.iaehv.nl/"><strong>Internet Access
Eindhoven</strong> - The ISP for the south of Holland</a>
<li><a href="http://www.iagi.net/"><strong>Internet Access
Group, Inc.</strong></a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.ia.com.hk"><strong>Internet Access HK
<li><a href="http://www.internet-ireland.ie"><strong>Internet
Ireland</strong> - ISP, Web Presence Designers and Consultants in
Dublin, Ireland.</a>
<li><A HREF="http://us.imdb.com/"><strong>Internet Movie Database
<li><a href="http://camera.ionet.net"><strong>Internet
Oklahoma</strong> - Internet Relay Chat Server &
<li><a href="http://www.interspace.com.au/"><strong>Interspace Australia
</strong> - 95 cents/hour net access, Melbourne, Australia.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.intersurf.net/"><strong>InterSurf
Online, Inc.</strong> - Full Internet Access for
<li><a href="http://www.interworld.net/"><strong>Interworld
Communications</strong> - Internet provider in El
Segundo, California</a>
<!-- J -->
<li><a href="http://www.jcc.co.id/"><strong>Jakarta
Convention Center</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://www.job-link.com/home/games.html">
<strong>Job-Link KALI</strong> - Dedicated KALI Game server for
FREE Internet play</a>
<li><a href="http://www.jlc.net/"><strong>John Leslie
Consulting</strong> - ISP in Souhegan Valley, New Hampshire</a>
<!-- K -->
<li><a href="http://www.katrinet.se/"><strong>K@trinet</strong> -
ISP and FreeBSD mirror site in Sweden.</a>
<!-- L -->
<li><a href="http://www.lansystems.co.uk/"><strong>Lan Systems</strong> -
Network Consultants.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.lidstop.com/"><strong>The LID STOP</strong> -
The Original Cookware Lid Organizer.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.livecam.com/"><strong>Sokol & Associates</strong>
<!-- M -->
<li><a href="http://www.macroent.com"><strong>Macroent.Com</strong> -
Consulting Services in Houston TX.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.mag-net.com"><strong>Mag-Net BBS Ltd.
</strong> - ISP</a>
<li><a href="http://www.aaa-mainstreet.nl/"><strong>Mainstreet</strong>
- ISP in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.</a>
href="http://www.mauigateway.com"><strong>Maui Gateway</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://www.gld.com/"><strong>MCS Internet
Services</strong> ISP, Goldsboro, NC</a>
<li><a href="http://www.medinet.si/"><strong>Medinet d.o.o</strong> -
ISP in Maribor, Slovenia</a>
&i.new; <!-- Aug 26 -->
<li><a href="http://www.megamedia.pt"><strong>MegaMedia</strong> -
Solu&#231;&#245;es Multimedia, SA</a>
<li><a href="http://www.MediaCity.com/"><strong>MediaCity
International</strong> - ISP</a>
<li><a href="http://www.mtsvcs.com/"><strong>Mercury Technology Services,
Inc</strong> - Communications</a>
<!-- N -->
<li><a href="http://www.neosoft.com/"><strong>NeoSoft</strong> ISP,
Houston Texas</a>
<li><a href="http://www.netcorps.com/"><strong>Net Corps</strong> -
ISP and WEB design service in Walnut Creek CA, USA.</a>
&i.new; <!-- Aug 28 -->
<li><a href="http://www.netpics.com/"><strong>NetPics</strong> -
USENET to WWW gateway for adult images.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.netramp.net/"><strong>NetRamp
Solutions</strong> - nationwide ISP located in Tulsa,
<li><a href="http://www.nlink.com.br/"><strong>Netlink Internet Services
</strong> - ISP in Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.nightflight.com"><strong>NightFlight</strong> -
HomePage provider, business and non-profit.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.nilenet.com/"><strong>NileNet, Ltd.</strong> -
ISP in Denver, Colorado</a>
&i.new; <!-- Sep 13 -->
<!-- O -->
<li><a href="http://www.oneway.com.tw/"><strong>OneWay</strong> -
Translation and network services in Taiwan</a>
<li><a HREF="http://www.orthanc.com/"><strong>Orthanc
Systems</strong> - Computer and Network
<!-- P -->
<li><a href="http://www.pair.com/"><strong>Pair Networks</strong> -
Web Presence Provider for cost-effective account hosting</a>
<li><a href="http://www.passage.net/"><strong>Passage Networking, Inc.
</strong> - Internet and Novell Networking for Tuscaloosa, AL</a>
<li><a href="http://www.pernet.net"><strong>PERnet Communications,
Inc.</strong> - Largest local ISP in Southeast Texas</a>
<li><a href="http://www.phoenix.net/~leigh/dalnet/"><strong>
Phoenix DataNET's DALnet Southern US IRC Hub.</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://www.prismnet.com/"><strong>PrismNet, Inc</strong> -
ISP in Austin, TX.</a>
<li> <a href="http://www.provale.com.br"><strong>Provale Informatica
Ltd.</strong> - ISP, Guaratingueta, Brazil</a>
<li><a href="http://www.pussycat.net/"><strong>The Pussycat Network
<li><a href="http://www.pvnet.com.mx/"><strong>PVNet</strong> -
ISP in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.</a>
<!-- Q -->
<li><a href="http://www.quanta.com/"><strong>Quanta
Communications, Inc.</strong> - ISP, Rye, New
<!-- R -->
<li><a href="http://www.rf.net/"><strong>rf.net</strong> -
Wireless Internet connectivity for the San Francisco Bay Area</a>
<li><a href="http://www.r-i-b-s.com/"><strong>Roma's Internet
Business Services</strong> - ISP in Fontana, CA. USA</a>
&i.new; <!-- Aug 28 -->
<!-- S -->
<li><a href="http://www.safemail.com/"><strong>SafeMail, Inc.</strong> -
ISP. WWW/Internet Business Consulting</a>
<li><a href="http://www.sanet.ge/"><strong>SA*Net</strong> - ISP
in Georgia (Euroasia).</a>
<li><a href="http://www.serv.net/"><strong>ServNet</strong> -
Affordable, Reliable, Experienced Internet Service (Seattle)</a>
<li><a href="http://www.inetworld.net"><strong>Simply
Internet</strong> - ISP, San Diego California</a>
<li><a href="http://www.solo.net/SoloNet/"><strong>
SoloNet Internet Services.</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://www.nrkp.stadab.se/"><strong>
Stadab Norrköping</strong> - ISP in Sweden.</a>
&i.new; <!-- Aug 20 -->
<li><a href="http://www.superior.net"><strong>Superior Net</strong> -
ISP, New York NY.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.synwork.com"><strong>Syn-Work Media, Inc
</strong> - WWW Development & Hosting, Life Safety, Systems
<li><a href="http://www.synthcom.com"><strong>Synthcom Systems,
Inc.</strong> - Synthesizer and musical instrument related
<!-- T -->
<li><a href="http://www.inna.net"><strong>TBI, Ltd.</strong> - ISP,
Gloucester, Virginia.</a>
<li><a href="http://theway.com"><strong>TheWay</strong> - Windows
and FreeBSD tech support and entertainment
<li><a href="http://www.thuntek.net"><strong>Thunder Network
Technologies, Inc.</strong> - ISP in New Mexico, USA.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.ticketweb.com/"><strong>TicketWeb</strong> -
The Online Ticketing Alternative.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.tioga.com/"><strong>Tioga Communications, Inc
</strong> - Web presence and unix shell accounts.</a>
<li><A HREF="http://www.tlk.com/"><STRONG>TLK</STRONG> -
Dial-Up Routers, ISDN and modems</A>
<li><a href="http://www.topend.com.au/"><strong>Topend.Com.AU</strong> -
ISP in the Northern Territory Of Australia.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.transbay.net/"><strong>TransBay.Net</strong> -
ISP in Berkeley, CA. (Also U.C. Computer)</a>
<!-- U -->
<li><a href="http://www.ucnet.hinet.net/"><strong>UCNET</strong> -
Internet/Intranet Cousulting Services, Taiwan</a>
<!-- V -->
<li><a href="http://www.vaultbbs.com"><strong>Vault Information
Services</strong> - ISP and Consulting Services</a>
<li><a href="http://www.vividnet.com"><strong>Vivid Internet
Production</strong> - ISP in Walnut, California</a>
<!-- W -->
<li><a href="http://www.cdrom.com/"><strong>Walnut Creek
<li><a href="http://www.webleicester.co.uk/"><strong>The Web Factory
(Leicester) Ltd</strong> - ISP in Leicester, UK</a>
<li><a href="http://www.webspan.net"><strong>Webspan
Inc.</strong> - New Jersey's premier internet
<li><a href="http://www.widesoft.com.br"><strong>Widesoft Internet
</strong> - Internet Service for Brazil</a>
<li><a href="http://www.win.net/"><strong>WinNet
Commmunications, Inc.</strong></a></li>
<!-- X -->
<li><a href="http://www.xtdl.com/"><strong>XTDL</strong> -
New Hampshire's leading Internet Service
<!-- Y -->
<li><a href="http://www.yahoo.com/"><strong>Yahoo!</strong> - Uses
FreeBSD for WWW services and development.</a>
<!-- Z -->
<h2>Non-commercial organizations</h2>
<li><a href="http://www.innotts.co.uk/nadt/"><strong>
Addiction Information Services</strong> - Drug and Alcohol
problem treatment services for the UK East Midlands.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.and.or.jp/"><strong>Advanced Network Daemons
</strong> - An amateur creative group</a>
<li><a href="http://www.sa.apana.org.au/"><strong>APANA SA</strong> -
Austrlian Public Access Network Association (SA Region)</a>
<li><a href="http://www.assind.krenet.it/"><strong>
Associazione Industriali Perugia</strong>, Italy.</a>
<li><a href="http://b1000.brunel.ac.uk:8080/"><strong>B-1000
Radio Brunel</strong> - broadcasting across campus over the
computer network</a>
<li><a href="http://www.vanserve.org/"><strong>B.C. Burn
Network Society</strong> - Information networking for
burn victims</a>
<li><a href="http://www.bofh.org.il/"><strong>BOFH, Israel.</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://loch.in-brb.de/"><strong>Brandenburg
Individual Network e.V.</strong> - non-commercial ISP
in the country around Berlin</a>
<li><a href="http://www.CIDES.or.id/"><strong>Center for Information
& Development Studies</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://orca.ens.cetys.mx/"><strong>Cetys
universidad campus</strong> - Ensenada's distance education
program and internet services</a>
<li><a href="telnet://club.gdl.iteso.mx"><strong>Club BBS</strong> -
A spanish spoken 100+ user bulletin board</a>
State University Computing Services</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://www.daviess.k12.ky.us/"><strong>Daviess
County Public Schools, Kentucky</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://www.dee.uc.pt/"><strong>Department of Electrical
Engineering, University of Coimbra.</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://www.geocities.com/Athens/4016"><strong>
Datre Net.</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://www.gewis.win.tue.nl/"><strong>Eindhoven
University of Technology</strong> - Student Society GEWIS</a>
<li><a href="http://www.flex.org/"><strong>The Flexible Scheduling
Program</strong> - An alternative educational program for
High School students.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.freebsd.org/"><strong>FreeBSD
<li><a href="http://www.hal-pc.org/"><strong>HAL-PC</strong> -
Houston's computer club, 10,000+ members strong!</a>
<li><a href="http://www.mabi.de/"><strong>HGM e.V</strong> -
Non-profit ISP in Marburg/Biedenkopf, Hessen, GERMANY.</a>
&i.new; <!-- Sep 13 -->
<li><a href="http://web.ina.org.tw/"><strong>Information Network
Association of R.O.C.</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://www.cplire.ru/"><strong>Institute of
Radioengineering & Electronics, Russian Academy of Science.
<li><a href="http://www.cce.iastate.edu"><strong>Iowa State
University</strong> - Civil and Construction
Engineering Department</a>
<li><a href="http://www.islandia.is"><strong>Islandia</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://www.itb.ac.id/"><strong>Institut Teknologi
<li><a href="http://www.ee.itb.ac.id/"><strong>Institut Teknologi
Bandung</strong> - Department of Electrical Engineering</a>
<li><a href="http://www.iqm.unicamp.br"><strong>Instituto de
Quimica</strong> - UNICAMP</a>
<li><a href="http://www.lariat.org/"><strong>LARamie Internet
Access and Telecommunications</strong> - A non-profit
community network in Laramie, Wyoming.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.nla.gov.au/"><strong>National Library
of Australia</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://wwwbiblio.polito.it/"><strong>Library System
at Politecnico di Torino</strong> - Educational Site for searches
on our library server database (200000 record on four different
&i.new; <!-- Sep 10 -->
<li><a href="telnet://bbs.life.nthu.edu.tw"><strong>National
TsingHua University, Taiwan.</strong> - Life Science
BBS system.</a>
<li><a href="http://freebsd.csie.nctu.edu.tw/"><strong>NCTU
CSIE FreeBSD WebServer (Taiwan)</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://www.lima.ohio-state.edu/"><strong>
Ohio State University, Lima regional campus.</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://www.pobox.org.sg/"><strong>PObox</strong> -
Get a free permanent virtual email address in Singapore</a>
<li><a href="http://www.sadeya.cesca.es/"><strong>Sociedad
Astronómica de España y América</strong> - Astronomical
Society of Spain and America</a>
<li><a href="http://www.skywalker.net/"><strong>
The Star Wars Multimedia Archive</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://www.scnc.k12.mi.us/"><strong>The South-East Central
Network Consortium</strong> - 88 School districts, and 10
Intermediate School Districts.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.staidan.qld.edu.au"><strong>St. Aidan's
Anglican Girls School</strong></a>.
<li><a href="http://www.rucus.ru.ac.za/"><strong>Rhodes University
Computer Users Society (RUCUS)</strong></a>
School of Marine and Atmospheric Science</strong> -
Fisheries Science Group</a>
href="http://scotmhs.engr.subr.edu/"><strong>Scotlandville Magnet
High School</strong> - Providing k12 newsgroups and e-mail (via
Waffle BBS software) as well as full SLIP accounts and Internet
Brasileira de Quimica</strong> (Brazilian Chemical Society)</a>
<li><a href="http://soa.syr.edu/soa.html"><strong>Syracuse
University</strong> - School of Architecture</a>
<li><a href="http://snark.ukma.kiev.ua/"><strong>UKMA Internet Project
</strong>, University of Kiev-Mohyla Academy, Kiev, Ukraine</a>
<li><a href="http://www.osmre.gov/"><strong>United States Office of
Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://fciencias.ens.uabc.mx"><strong>Universidad
Autónoma de Baja California</strong> - Faculty of Sciences</a>
<li><a href="http://resnet.uoregon.edu/"><strong>University of Oregon
Residence Networking</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://www.jyu.fi/"><strong>University of Jyväskylä
</strong> - e-mail, news, irc, www, gopher and other services.</a>
<li><a href="http://www.uvsc.edu/"><strong>Utah Valley State
<li><a href="http://ve7tcp.ampr.org"><strong>VE7TCP</strong> -
Amateur Radio Web Site and Mailing List Host</A>
<li><a href="http://www.webring.org/"><strong>The Webring</strong> -
A new way to surf the web.</a>
&i.new; <!-- Sep 13 -->
<li><a href="http://www.uvt.ro/"><strong>West University
of Timisoara, Romania.</strong></a>
&i.new; <!-- Sep 04 -->
<li><a href="http://museum.osakawtc.or.jp/"><strong>WTC museum of
photography, Arts and Crafts network.</strong></a>
<li><a href="http://wso.williams.edu"><strong>Williams
College</strong> - Williams Students Online</a>
<h2>Personal sites</h2>
<li><a href="http://beastie.cs.und.ac.za/">Beastie</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.goof.com/">Goof Telecommunications
- Serving wayward mailing lists and web pages free of
<li><a href="http://minnie.cs.adfa.oz.au/">Minnie's BSD
news and information</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.kfu.com/~nsayer/zenith/"><strong>Nick
Sayer</strong> - FreeBSD on a Zenith Laptop</a>
<li><a href="http://www.alias.net"><strong>REMAILER Central
and PGP Keyserver</strong></a>
<li><a href=""><strong>VE7ZD</strong> - Connected
via a 56Kbps packet radio link</a>
href="http://www.w2xo.pgh.pa.us/"><strong>W2XO</strong> Amateur
Packet Radio Internet</a>
href="http://www.bik-gmbh.de/~cracauer/bsd.html"><strong> Martin
Cracauer's</strong> BSD Pages</a>

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<li><a href="gallery.html">The FreeBSD Gallery</a>
<li><a href="gallery.html">Commercial organizations</a>
<li><a href="gallery.html">Non-commercial organizations</a>
<li><a href="gallery.html">Personal sites</a>
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<p>All of the documentation and software included in the
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<p>Copyright 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992,
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<p>Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
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<li>Redistributions of source code must retain the above
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<blockquote>This product includes software developed by
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<p>The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and
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<p>In the following statement, the phrase ``this text''
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<p>Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in
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and Electronics Engineers, Inc. In the event of any
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<p>In the following statement, the phrase ``This material''
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<p>This material is reproduced with permission from American
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<p>The views and conclusions contained in the software and
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<p>FreeBSD is a is a rapidly developing operating system.
Keeping up on the latest developments can be a chore! To
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<h2>August 1996</h2>
<a href="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.2-960801-SNAP">2.2-960801</a>
<a href="releases/snapshots.html">snapshot</a> has been released.
Please see the
<a href="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.2-960801-SNAP/RELNOTES.TXT">
Release Notes</a> for more information.
<h2>July 1996</h2>
FreeBSD <a href="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.1.5-RELEASE">
2.1.5-RELEASE</a> is now out. Please see the
<a href="releases/2.1.5R/announce.html">announcement</a> or the
<a href="releases/2.1.5R/notes.html">Release Notes</a> for more
<h2>June 1996</h2>
<a href="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.1-960627-SNAP">2.1-960627</a>
<a href="releases/snapshots.html">snapshot</a> has been released.
It is equivalent to a 2.1.5-BETA release.<p></p>
The stuffed daemon plushies are now shipping from
<a href="mailto:LiebscherCo@t-online.de">Liebscher & Partner</a>.
Please contact the company via email for more details. A picture
of an early prototype is <a href="chuck.jpg">here</a>. Do note that
this <b>is</b> a prototype and that the final, shipping version has
had some improvements made to it.<p></p>
<a href="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.2-960612-SNAP">2.2-960612</a>
<a href="releases/snapshots.html">snapshot</a>
has been released. The new features of this snapshot are:<p></p>
<li>A considerable number of changes to the VM system have been made
to increase the stability under certain types of load. If you
had panics under the last snapshot, try this one and see if they
<li>The AHC driver now does considerably more in the way of handling
error conditions gracefully.</li>
<li>More cosmetic work on the installation, /stand/sysinstall now
genuinely useful after installation time (though still missing a man
page - urk!).</li>
<li>Basically, lots-o-fixes. If you're trying to use the 2.2 SNAPs
in more serious applications, please upgrade to this version.</li>
[Note: This release will not be made available on CDROM to 2.2-SNAP
<h2>May 1996</h2>
<a href="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.2-960501-SNAP">2.2-960501</a>
<a href="releases/snapshots.html">snapshot</a>
has been released. The new features of this snapshot are:<p></p>
<li>Early support for APM (automated power management) and PCCARD
(formerly PCMCIA) features of laptops. Many PCCARD devices
are supported, from modems to ethernet cards to SCSI adaptors.</li>
<li>Adaptec AIC7850 support has been added.</li>
<li>The Yellow Pages (NIS) support has had many optimizations made
and no longer has portions copyright under the GPL.</li>
<li>Various VM system enhancements and a few bugs fixed (gzip'd
binaries now work again, for example).</li>
<li>The system installation tool has been revamped with slightly
different menu behavior and a number of bugs have been fixed.
It's hoped that this installation will be more intuitive for new
users than previous ones (feedback welcomed, of course).</li>
<li>Much miscellaneous cleanup work with the header files and sources.
<h2>April 1996</h2>
<li><b>15-Apr-1996</b><br>A new
<a href="mailto:emulation@FreeBSD.org">FreeBSD-emulation</a>
mailing list has been created for discussing ongoing development efforts
for DOS, Windows, Linux and other forms of binary emulation.<p></p></li>
<li><b>14-Apr-1996</b><br><a href="http://www.bsdi.com/">
Berkeley Software Design, Inc.</a> has donated their DOS emulator
<b>rundos</b> to the BSD community! Work is now ongoing in integrating
this into FreeBSD, and interested parties can
<a href="mailto:majordomo@FreeBSD.org">join</a> the
<b>FreeBSD-emulation</b> mailing list to find out more about how
this work is progressing.<p></p></li>
<h2>March 1996</h2>
<a href="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.2-960323-SNAP">2.2-960323</a>
<a href="releases/snapshots.html">snapshot</a>
has been released. The new features of this snapshot are:<p></p>
<li>The Intel EtherExpress Pro/100B PCI ethernet card is now
<li>The 3COM 3C590 and 3C595 ethernet cards are now supported.</li>
<li>The ARNET (now Digiboard) Sync 570i high-speed serial card is
now supported.</li>
<li>The Linux emulation is now good enough to run the Linux version
of Netscape, with JAVA support (as well as a number of other Linux
<li>The Matrox Meteor frame grabber card is better supported.</li>
<li>It is now possible to burn CDROMs using the Plasmon or HP 4080i
CDR drives (see `wormcontrol(1)').</li>
<li>The pipe code has been substantially sped up, as have some
components of the VM system.</li>
<li>A /dev/random device (and associated "pool of entropy") has
been added for applications which require more unpredicatable
sequences of random numbers for security. See the random(4)
man page for more info.</li>
<li>Early NFS v3 support (not enabled by default).</li>
<li>An early implementation of the Device Filesystem (devfs)
is available (see mount_devfs). Device switch tables are now
also dynamically built.</li>
<li>Early IPX routing support.</li>
<h2>November 1995</h2>
<li><b>19-Nov-1995</b><br>FreeBSD 2.1 is now available at
ftp sites all around the world. See the <a
href="releases/index.html">Release information</a> for
href="releases/snapshots.html">Snapshot</a> 2.1.0-951104 is now
available. The purpose of this snapshot is:<p></p>
<li>To incorporate changes based on all the feedback
and bug reports received for the previous
snapshot's installation.</li>
<li>To incorporate the latest XFree86 release (3.1.2-S)
with security enhancements. There may be more fairly
minor changes here before 2.1 is put on CD, but this
is basically what will be shipping.</li>
<li>To get feedback on the new ``Novice Install'' split
out of the Express installation (which now truly <em>is</em>
an express installation).</li>
<li>To give folks something a little less buggy to load on new
systems while they are waiting for 2.1 to come out.</li>
<li>To fold in the latest versions of the FreeBSD
Handbook, updated for 2.1.</li>
<li>To correct some slight whiffy english in the online help.</li>
<li>To go back to the previous approach of just
uncommenting the ATAPI and wcd0 entries in GENERIC
for building atapi.flp. The idea of commenting out
the wd2 and wd3 entries in an effort to make things
better seems to have only made them worse in the last
SNAP. If this atapi.flp image works for you, great!
If not, I'm afraid that it's far too late to do
anything about at this stage so any failure reports
will be simply filed for post-2.1 analysis. Sorry
IDE CDROM hackers, but you had your chance!</li>
<h2>October 1995</h2>
<li><b>30-Oct-1995</b><br> The 2.1.0-951026 <a
href="releases/snapshots.html">Snapshot</a> has been
re-released with several bugfixes:<p></p>
<li>Atapi boot floppy now assumes it's alone by itself
on the second IDE controller - this seems to work a
lot better for most folks who were provided with
dedicated controllers when they purchased their IDE
CDROMS. People with IDE disks on multiple IDE
controllers should NOT use this floppy image. Stick
with boot.flp and build a custom kernel or something.</li>
<li>The apache WEB server installation makes fewer assumptions about
where you'll be putting things.</li>
<li>Installing the secure dist no longer requires that you also
install Kerberos in order to get things like telnet to work.</li>
<li>Boot floppy should now support the Adaptec 2940 ULTRA (this was
a side-effect more than a bug fix).</li>
<p>However, there are some outstanding bugs you should know
<li>sysinstall seems to croak in certain situations
if you run it after the system is installed.</li>
<li>The FTP retry code still isn't 100% there -
apparently it now doesn't handle reselection very
well. Sigh. I'm so truly sick of looking at that
part of the code that if somebody else wanted to have
a look, I wouldn't fight them off! It seems like
every time I fix one thing, I break something else.</li>
<li>The media selection screen protects itself from
re-entry in some situations when you'd really like it
to be allowed. Whoops!</li>
<li>Using more than one FreeBSD ``slice'' can cause problems.</li>
2.1.0-951026 is now available. New fixes/features
<li>All /etc/sysconfig information now written correctly.</li>
<li>WEB server option now works properly.</li>
<li>The package installation menu now works.</li>
<li>All the auto-installation instrumentation
(installation by config file) now works. It's
possible to install everything from start to finish
on a new system in a fully-automated fashion (if you
install a lot of systems, this is a big help).</li>
<li>You may now read the HTML Handbook and FAQ
documents directly from the boot floppy after
installation (as well as visit any other WEB site).</li>
<li>Failure to create a /usr is no longer an error,
just a warning.</li>
<li>The matcd driver was shrunk down some more,
<em>possibly</em> resulting in a return to 4MB
operation (please test this).</li>
<li>The latest ATAPI CDROM changes were merged in and
another atapi.flp boot image generated. Again,
please test.</li>
<li><b>22-Oct-1995</b><br>Updated floppies for <a
2.1.0-951020 are now available.<p></p></li>
<li><b>20-Oct-1995</b><br><em>Release cannidate</em> <a
2.1.0-951020 is now available.<p></p></li>
<li><b>06-Oct-1995</b><br> Updateded floppies for <a
2.1.0-951005 are now available.<p></p></li>
2.1.0-951005 is now available.<p></p></li>
<h2>September 1995</h2>
2.1.0-950928 is now available.</li>
<h2>August 1995</h2>
<li><b>19th:</b> An IDE CD-ROM driver has been added to
FreeBSD-current, thanks to Serge Vakulenko. If you are
running -current, the driver can be enabled by
adding:<blockquote><tt>options ATAPI<br>device
wcd0</tt></blockquote> to your kernel configuration file,
rebuilding the kernel and rebooting. Please let us know
if you have problems by sending a message to <a
<h2>July 1995</h2>
href="releases/snapshots.html">Snapshot</a> 950726 is
now available.</li>
<h2>June 1995</h2>
href="releases/snapshots.html">Snapshot</a> 950622 is
now available. Bugs fixed and new features include:<p></p>
<li>SLIP installation didn't ``ifconfig sl0''
<li>It was not possible to do certain operations
atomically, e.g. just write out fdisk information,
or just extract distributions. This can now be done
from the <b>Custom Install</b> menu.</li>
<li>There is now an <b>Express Install</b> menu that
leads you through all the necessary steps.</li>
<li><tt>/usr/src/bin</tt> is now properly extracted as
part of the source distribution.</li>
<li>A couple of panics in the kernel are now fixed.</li>
<li>DOS filesystems are now mounted read-only by
default until we figure out what it is about R/W DOS
filesystems that clobbers some systems.
<p>As always, this snapshot is offered as a complete
replacement for the previous release and is aimed at
new users installing the system from scratch. Still no
update mechanism yet, but there are rumors of a project
being formed to deal with this soon. If you've any
interest in being part of it, then please send mail to
<a href="mailto:hackers@freebsd.org">hackers@freebsd.org</a>.
I'll also be getting involved in the whole update
mechanism issue since it's been a gaping hole for far
too long now and I'd like to see a solution sooner
rather than later. I'm sure that many of our users
feel the same way!</p>
<li><b>12-Jun-1995</b><br> Because of some glitches in the
2.0.5 RELEASE boot disks, an update has been provide at
<li><b>10-Jun-1995</b><br> FreeBSD 2.0.5 RELEASE has been
released! See the <a href="releases/">announcement
and release notes</a> for more details.<p></p></li>
<li><b>5-Jun-1995</b><br> Even more installation bugs have been
fixed. Please check <a href="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.0.5-ALPHA/UPDATES/">
for the latest installation disks if you encounter
<li><b>1-Jun-1995</b><br> Following extensive feedback from
the ALPHA release, A new installation disk has been
generated with numerous bug fixes and enhancements. It
is available via anonymous ftp from <a href="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.0.5-ALPHA/UPDATES/">
<h2>May 1995</h2>
<li><b>30-May-1995</b><br> FreeBSD 2.0.5 ALPHA has been
released! See the <a href="releases/">announcement
and release notes</a> for more details.</li>
<h2>April 1995</h2>
<li><b>14-Apr-1995</b><br><a href="releases/snapshots.html">Snapshot</a> 950412 is now
available. New features include:<p></p>
<li>Even more bugs fixed.</li>
<li>Driver for Matsushita CDROM ("Sound blaster" CDROM) in second
revision - it now supports audio commands.</li>
<li>Driver for Adaptec 294x improved.</li>
<li>FDDI network interface support (DEC cards) improved.</li>
<li>Support for DEC 100Mbit "FAST" ethernet cards (DE 500-XA).</li>
<li>/etc files revamped fairly significantly - most customization
done through one file now, /etc/sysconfig.</li>
<li>Performance improvements to networking code (connection
information now hashed rather than being stored in a linear linked
<li>Package code improved - now supports package dependencies.</li>
<li>New version of "libforms".</li>
<p><b>Known problems:</b></p>
<li>If you want to run programs linked under 2.0, you
will need the file libgcc.so.261.0 which can be found
in the same directory as the snapshot release. The
file should be placed in in /usr/lib once you have
installed the release.</li>
<li>The hostname still isn't being set properly in
/etc/sysconfig for some reason - you should edit this
file after the initial installation and customize it
for your system. The comments in the file should
make the fields you need/want to change pretty
<h2>March 1995</h2>
<li><b>22-Mar-1995</b> <br><a href="releases/snapshots.html">Snapshot</a> 950322 is now
available. New features include:<p></p>
<li> NIS (YP) server/client support for FreeBSD much
<li> A number of panic bugs fixed.</li>
<li> Merged VM/Buffer cache much improved - hopefully last of the bugs
<li> Faster wd.c driver</li>
<li> Driver for Intel EtherExpress card</li>
<li> Driver for Matsushita CDROM ("Sound blaster" CDROM)</li>
<li> Better disk access algorithms ("clustering").</li>
<li> PCI support much improved. Interrupt sharing now works.</li>
<li> Driver for Adaptec 294x much improved</li>
<li> Boot -c writeback/save program (customized info saved across
<li> Soundcard support greatly cleaned up</li>
<li> Prototype support for ISDN</li>
<li> Support for the Creative Labs Video Spigot(tm) video card.</li>
<li> FDDI network interface support (DEC cards).</li>
<li> TCP/IP Firewall code much improved.</li>
<li> GCC 2.6.3 integrated</li>
<p>If you want to run programs linked under 2.0, you will need
the file libgcc.so.261.0 which can be found in the same
directory as the snapshot release. The file should be placed
in in /usr/lib once you have installed the release.</p></li>
<h2>February 1995</h2>
<a href="releases/snapshots.html">Snapshot</a> 950210 is now
available. New features include:<p></p>
<li> Screen swapping bug with syscons fixed</li>
<li> XFree86 3.1.1</li>
<li> NIS (YP) support for FreeBSD much improved</li>
<li> A number of panic bugs fixed.</li>
<li> Everything listed in the February 2nd SNAP README but
much improved!</li>
<li><b>2-Feb-1995:</b><br><a href="releases/snapshots.html">Snapshot</a>
950202 is now available. New features include:<p></p>
<li> Merged VM/Buffer cache much improved! General
stability now approaching 2.1 quality levels.</li>
<li> Lots more bug fixes</li>
<li> Syscons now supports scrollback - use scroll lock and
arrow/travel keys to move around in your scroll-back buffer.</li>
<li> NIS (YP) support for FreeBSD as server and client.</li>
<li> First cut at on-demand ppp dialing. Docs still in
Japanese, but we're working on that! See /usr/bin/ppp
for more details.</li>
<li> IP Firewall code much improved</li>
<li> AHA294x controller support now added</li>
<li> Sony CDU33a CDROM drive support added</li>
<li> Source distribution now split into logical pieces</li>
<li> Install much improved - still not what will be
in 2.1, but a lot easier to use nonetheless.</li>
<h2>January 1995</h2>
<li><b>12-Jan-1995</b><br><a href="releases/snapshots.html">Snapshot</a>
950112 is now available. New features include:<p></p>
<li>Merged VM/Buffer cache! Does it work? Is it
faster? Find out! This is the culmination of over 6
months of careful hacking.</li>
<li>Lots-o-bug fixes</li>
<li>Lots-o-bugs (probably)</li>
<li>Fixes to floppy driver - may fix some of the reported
<li>Genius GS-4500 Scanner driver; scan pictures from FreeBSD!</li>
<li>Fixes for U24F SCSI controller</li>
<li>Many fixes to Seagate driver - Future Domain people please
<li>GNU Info files resurrected from the dead (see infodist)</li>
<li>share/doc now quite a bit more functional.</li>
<li>A number of new syscons features - software settable cursor,
more modes for LCD displays, dynamic console allocation, woo
<li>Still no kernel srcdist, just one big srcdist still.
<li>Lots of changes to the installation - hopefully this one even
mostly works for once.</li>
<li>A billion other things I've forgotten for now but will
remember right after I save this document.</li>
<h2>December 1994</h2>
<li><b>7-Dec-1994</b> <br> If you are having trouble with
installing <a href="releases/">Release 2.0</a> please check
<a href="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE/floppies">
to see if you have the most recent installation floppies.
The all new installation procedure for 2.0 brought with
it a whole set of all new bugs. With the latest
installation floppies, we hope that these bugs are fixed.

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@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
# convert a ports INDEX file to HTML
# by John Fieber <jfieber@freebsd.org>
# Mon May 13 10:31:58 EST 1996
# This is the base of where we ftp stuff from
$base = "ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/FreeBSD-current";
$today = &getdate;
sub getdate {
@months = ("January", "February", "March", "April", "May","June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$year += 1900;
return "Updated $months[$mon] $mday, $year";
sub header {
local ($fh, $htext) = @_;
print $fh "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN\" [\n";
print $fh "<!ENTITY base CDATA '..'>";
print $fh "<!ENTITY date \"<em>$today</em>\">\n";
print $fh "<!ENTITY title '$htext'>";
print $fh "<!ENTITY blurb SYSTEM \"ports.inc\">\n";
print $fh "<!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM \"../includes.sgml\">\n";
print $fh "%includes;\n";
print $fh "]>\n";
print $fh "<html>&header;\n";
sub footer {
local ($fh, $ftext) = @_;
print $fh "\n$ftext\n";
print $fh "&footer;\n";
print $fh "</BODY>\n</HTML>\n";
sub main {
while (<>) {
($name, $loc, $prefix, $desc, $ldesc, $owner, $cats,
$keys, $bdep, $rdep) = split('\|');
@cat = split(" ", $cats);
$catkey{$name} = $cat[0];
$sep = "<B>:</B>";
foreach $i (@cat) {
# figure out the FTP url
$loc =~ s/\/usr/$base/;
# $loc =~ s/\/$name$//;
$ldesc =~ s/\/usr/$base/;
# The name description and maintainer
$data{$i} .= "<DT><B><A NAME=\"$name\">$name</A></B> <DD>$desc<BR>";
$ownerurl = $owner;
$ownerurl =~ s/&lt;/</g;
$owenrurl =~ s/&gt;/>/g;
$data{$i} .=
"<I>Maintained by:</I> <A HREF=\"mailto:$ownerurl\">$owner</A><BR>";
# If there are any dependencies, list them
if ($bdep ne "" || $rdep ne "") {
$data{$i} .= "<I>Requires:</I> ";
@dep = split(/ /, "$bdep $rdep");
foreach $j (@dep) {
$data{$i} .= " <A HREF=\"##$j##.html#$j\">$j</A>,";
# remove the trailing comma
chop $data{$i};
$data{$i} .= "<BR>";
# Links for browsing and downloading
$data{$i} .= "<A HREF=\"$ldesc\">Description</A> $sep ";
$data{$i} .= "<A HREF=\"$loc\">Browse</A> $sep ";
$data{$i} .= "<A HREF=\"$loc.tar.gz\">Download</A>";
# If the port is listed in more than one category, throw
# in some cross references
if ($#cat > 1) {
$data{$i} .= "<BR><EM>Also listed in:</EM> ";
foreach $j (@cat) {
if ($j ne $i) {
$data{$i} .= " <A HREF=\"$j.html\">\u$j</A>,";
# remove the trailing comma
$data{$i} .= "<P></P></DD>\n"
# Add an entry to the master index
$master[$portnumber] =
"<!-- $name --><STRONG><A HREF=\"$cat[0].html#$name\">$name</A></STRONG> " .
" -- <EM>$desc</EM><BR>\n";
open(MOUTF, ">index.sgml");
&header(MOUTF, "FreeBSD Ports");
# print MOUTF "<!--#include virtual=\"./ports.inc\" -->\n";
print MOUTF "&blurb;";
print MOUTF "<hr><P>There are currently $portnumber ports is the
FreeBSD Ports Collection.<br> <A HREF=\"$base/ports.tar.gz\">Download
a gzip'd tar file of all $portnumber ports</A> (about 2 megabytes) or
browse the following categories:\n";
print MOUTF "<UL>\n";
@foos = sort(keys %stats);
foreach $key (@foos) {
# For the master file...
print MOUTF
"<LI><A HREF=\"$key.html\">\u$key</A> <em>($stats{$key})</em></LI>";
# Create the category file
open(OUTF, ">$key.sgml");
&header(OUTF, "FreeBSD Ports: \u$key");
print OUTF "<DL>\n";
$d = join("\n", sort(split(/\n/, $data{$key})));
$d =~ s/##([^#]*)##/$catkey{$1}/g;
print OUTF $d;
print OUTF "</DL>\n";
&footer(OUTF, "<HR><A HREF=\"index.html\">Port Categories</A>" .
" -- <A HREF=\"master-index.html\">Index</A>");
print MOUTF "</UL>\n";
print MOUTF
"<UL><LI><A HREF=\"master-index.html\">Alphabetical list of all $portnumber ports</A></LI></UL>\n";
&footer(MOUTF, "");
# Create the master index file
open(MINDEX, ">master-index.sgml");
&header(MINDEX, "FreeBSD Ports Collection Index");
print MINDEX "<P>\n";
print MINDEX sort @master;
print MINDEX "</P>";
&footer(MINDEX, "<HR><A HREF=\"index.html\">Port Categories</A>");

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
<p>The FreeBSD Ports Collection offers a simple way for users and
administrators to install applications. Each ``port'' listed here
contains any patches necessary to make the original application source
code compile and run on FreeBSD. Installing an application is as
simple as downloading the port, unpacking it and typing <tt>make</tt>
in the port directory. The <tt>Makefile</tt> automatically fetches the
application source code, either from a local disk or via ftp,
unpacks it on your system, applies the patches, and compiles. If
all goes well, simply type <tt>make install</tt> to install the
<p>Below are the listings of ports currently available, arranged
by application type. Four links are available for each port listed:</p>
<dt><b>Description</b></dt><dd>This fetches a description
of the application from the FTP archive (ftp.freebsd.org).</dd>
<dt><b>Browse</b></dt><dd>This is a link to the FTP archive directory
for the port where you can examine the Makefile and patches.</dd>
<dt><b>Download</b></dt><dd>This is a link to a gzip'd tar file
containing the port. Be sure to tell your browser to <em>save</em>
rather than <em>display</em>!</dd>
<dt><b>Maintainer</b></dt><dd>The person responsible for maintaining
the port. If you have problems with a <em>specific</em> port,
contact this person.</dd>
<p>For more information, see <a href="../handbook/ports.html">The
ports collection</a> and <a
href="../handbook/porting.html">Porting applications</a> in the <a
href="../handbook">FreeBSD Handbook</a>.</p>

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
386BSD Release 0.1
Contributor List
Lynne Greer Jolitz
William F. Jolitz
_H_a_r_d_w_a_r_e _a_n_d _M_o_n_e_t_a_r_y _C_o_n_t_r_i_b_u_t_o_r_s
Many people and firms have provided hardware and/or money to
try and keep this unfunded project going despite a recession
and hard times -- usually by digging into their own pockets.
Each of these contributors gave, not only because they
believed that the continuation of 386BSD is vital to the
health of the research, educational, and development commun-
ities, but also because they realize that an individual can
and does make a difference!
Without the help of the people listed here, this release
would simply not have been possible. We would especially
like to thank Thos Sumner, whose loan of a 486/50 SCSI PC
made development go more rapidly. The rest of the 386BSD
user community should make special note of all these people
and firms and commend them for their generosity and
We hope that their leadership and vision will serve as shin-
ing examples to the entire 386BSD user community, and serve
to encourage others to actively participate in 386BSD.
Jan van den Bosch
Compaq Computer Corporation
Cyrix Corporation
Dixon Dick
Steven P. Donegan
Jon Erickson
Eric J. Haug
Bob McGhee
Jesus Monroy Jr.
Andrew Moore
Rich Murphey
Mark Ng
Kenji Okamoto
John Plocher
Mark R. Riordan
John B. Scalia
Steve Sizemore
Thos Sumner
David E. Tweten
386BSD CONTRIB LIST 1 July 1992
_S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _C_o_n_t_r_i_b_u_t_o_r_s
The following people have contributed key software programs,
modules and fixes, including novel work and ports of popular
public domain user programs. Some of this software was
directly contributed to us, while other items were made
available to all users via the network. Occasionally,
several people came up with a variety of approaches for a
single item. In this instance, we tried to choose the one
which we felt would best serve the rest of the 386BSD user
base for this release. However, the creativity and persever-
ance of all the software contributors trying to make 386BSD
better for the entire 386BSD user community was consider-
able. Each individual effort is worthy of pride.
We wish to personally thank all of these people, as they
have helped make 386BSD Release 0.1 a reality. We hope that
these contributors and all the rest of the 386BSD user com-
munity will continue to actively participate to make future
releases even better!
James Van Artsdalen
Scott Burris
Randall Dean
Chris Demetriou
Mark Eichin
Bruce Evans
Steve Ferguson
Jeffrey Goh
David Greenman
Amancio Hasty Jr
John W. Hatley
Eric J. Haug
Tom Ivar Helbekkmo
John D. Irwin
Peter Klingebiel
Paul Kranenburg
Daniel Lanciani
Karl Lehenbauer
Lee M. J. McLoughlin
Andrew J. Michael
Jesus Monroy Jr.
Daniel A. Muntz
Richard Murphey
Glen Overby
Brad Parker
Herb Pereyl
Ken Raeburn
Paul Richards
Guido van Rooij
Peng-Toh Sim
Wolfgang Solfrank
Dave Stanhope
386BSD CONTRIB LIST 2 July 1992
Mark Tinguely
Linus Torvalds
Richard Tobin
Rob Warnock
Christian Wiedmann
Pace Willisson
Joerg Wunsch
And all of the other 386BSD Software Contributors.
_S_u_p_p_o_r_t _a_n_d _A_d_v_i_c_e _C_o_n_t_r_i_b_u_t_o_r_s
Many people have continually encouraged us over the course
of these releases, and provided us with technical advice and
guidance. These people have also spent considerable time and
energy getting this software out to the rest of the 386BSD
community. While it is impossible for us to list everyone
who has been supportive of 386BSD, we wish to personally
thank some of the people who have been of special assistance
to us directly over the course of getting 386BSD out the
Bruce Blakely
Dave Campbell
Free Software Foundation
Paul Fromberg
Tom Genereaux
John Gilmore
Dave Harris
Jim Joyce
Dan Kionka
Dory Leifer
Per Lindqvist
Marshall Midden
Rich Morin
Silicon Valley Computer Society
John Sokol
Thos Sumner
Karen Trocki
Rob Warnock
and a special thanks to:
John Erickson, Tami Zemel, Ray Valdez, Monica Berg, Michael Floyd
and everyone else at Dr. Dobbs Journal.
Juergen Fey, Rainer Huttenloher, Gerd Oskar Bausewein
and everyone else at UNIX Magazin.
And all of the 386BSD User Community.
386BSD CONTRIB LIST 3 July 1992

@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
FreeBSD 1.1.5
Contributor List
Derived Software Contributors:
This software was originally derived from William F. Jolitz's 386BSD
release 0.1, though very little of the original 386BSD specific code
Please see the file CONTRIB.386BSD for the list of contributors from
Included in this release are some of the patches from the old 386BSD
patch kit version 0.2.4, and therefore the names of contributors from the
patch kit are also listed below.
Finally, there are portions of NetBSD that have been integrated into
FreeBSD as well, and we would therefore like to thank all the contributors
to NetBSD for their work.
Hardware Contributors:
A special thanks to Robert Bruce and Jack Velte of Walnut Creek CDROM
for providing a 486/DX2-66 EISA/VL system that is being used for the
development work. It would have been impossible to do this release
with out their support.
Dermot McDonnell for his donation of a Toshiba XM3401B CDROM
The FreeBSD Core Team (in alphabetical order):
Andrew A. Chernov <ache@astral.msk.su>
John Dyson <dyson@implode.rain.com>
David Greenman <davidg@Root.COM>
Rodney W. Grimes <rgrimes@cdrom.com>
Jordan K. Hubbard <jkh@freefall.cdrom.com>
Scott Mace <smace@neosoft.com>
Andrew Moore <alm@netcom.com>
Rich Murphey <rich@lamprey.utmb.edu>
Geoff Rehmet <csgr@cs.ru.ac.za>
Paul Richards <paul@isl.cf.ac.uk>
Andreas Schulz <ats@g386bsd.first.bmd.de>
Nate Williams <nate@bsd.coe.montana.edu>
Garrett A. Wollman <wollman@freefall.cdrom.com>
Additional FreeBSD Contributors (no particular order):
Atsushi Murai <amurai@spec.co.jp>
Keith Moore <?>
Adam Glass <glass@postgres.berkeley.edu>
Andrew Herbert <andrew@werple.apana.org.au>
Bob Wilcox <bob@obiwan.uucp>
Bruce Evans <bde@kralizec.zeta.org.au>
Charles Hannum <mycroft@ai.mit.edu>
Chris G. Demetriou <cgd@postgres.berkeley.edu>
Chris Torek <torek@ee.lbl.gov>
Christoph Robitschko <chmr@edvz.tu-graz.ac.at>
Curt Mayer <curt@toad.com>
Dave Burgess <burgess@hrd769.brooks.af.mil>
Dave Rivers <rivers@ponds.uucp>
David Dawes <dawes@physics.su.OZ.AU>
Frank Maclachlan <fpm@crash.cts.com>
Gary A. Browning <gab10@griffcd.amdahl.com>
Gary Clark II <gclarkii@radon.gbdata.com>
Guido van Rooij <guido@gvr.win.tue.nl>
Havard Eidnes <Havard.Eidnes@runit.sintef.no>
Holger Veit <Holger.Veit@gmd.de>
Ishii Masahiro, R. Kym Horsell
J.T. Conklin <jtc@winsey.com>
James Clark <jjc@jclark.com>
James da Silva <jds@cs.umd.edu> et al
Jim Wilson <wilson@moria.cygnus.com>
Joerg Wunsch <joerg_wunsch@uriah.sax.de>
Julian Elischer <julian@dialix.oz.au>
Julian Stacey <stacey@guug.de> <fallback: <julian@meepmeep.pcs.com>>
Keith Bostic <bostic@toe.CS.Berkeley.EDU>
Marc Frajola <marc@escargot.rain.com>
Mark Tinguely <tinguely@plains.nodak.edu> <tinguely@hookie.cs.ndsu.NoDak.edu>
Martin Birgmeier
Paul Kranenburg <pk@cs.few.eur.nl>
Paul Mackerras <paulus@cs.anu.edu.au>
Poul-Henning Kamp <phk@login.dkuug.dk>
Rob Shady <rls@id.net>
Sascha Wildner <swildner@channelz.GUN.de>
Sean Eric Fagan <sef@kithrup.com>
Serge V. Vakulenko <vak@zebub.msk.su>
Steven Wallace <swallace@ece.uci.edu>
Søren Schmidt <sos@login.dkuug.dk>
Terry Lee <terry@uivlsi.csl.uiuc.edu>
Theo Deraadt <deraadt@fsa.ca>
Yuval Yarom <yval@cs.huji.ac.il>
Patch kit patch contributors (no particular order):
Adam Glass <glass@postgres.berkeley.edu>
Adrian Hall <adrian@ibmpcug.co.uk>
Andrew A. Chernov <ache@astral.msk.su>
Andrew Herbert <andrew@werple.apana.org.au>
Andrew Moore <alm@netcom.com>
Andy Valencia <ajv@csd.mot.com> <jtk@netcom.com>
Arne Henrik Juul <arnej@Lise.Unit.NO>
Bakul Shah <bvs@bitblocks.com>
Barry Lustig <barry@ictv.com>
Bob Wilcox <bob@obiwan.uucp>
Branko Lankester
Brett Lymn <blymn@mulga.awadi.com.AU>
Bruce Evans <bde@kralizec.zeta.org.au>
Charles Hannum <mycroft@ai.mit.edu>
Chris G. Demetriou <cgd@postgres.berkeley.edu>
Chris Torek <torek@ee.lbl.gov>
Christoph Robitschko <chmr@edvz.tu-graz.ac.at>
Daniel Poirot <poirot@aio.jsc.nasa.gov>
Dave Burgess <burgess@hrd769.brooks.af.mil>
Dave Rivers <rivers@ponds.uucp>
David Dawes <dawes@physics.su.OZ.AU>
David Greenman <davidg@Root.COM>
Eric J. Haug <ejh@slustl.slu.edu>
Felix Gaehtgens <felix@escape.vsse.in-berlin.de>
Frank Maclachlan <fpm@crash.cts.com>
Gary A. Browning <gab10@griffcd.amdahl.com>
Geoff Rehmet <csgr@alpha.ru.ac.za>
Goran Hammarback <goran@astro.uu.se>
Guido van Rooij <guido@gvr.win.tue.nl>
Guy Harris <guy@auspex.com>
Havard Eidnes <Havard.Eidnes@runit.sintef.no>
Herb Peyerl <hpeyerl@novatel.cuc.ab.ca
Holger Veit <Holger.Veit@gmd.de>
Ishii Masahiro, R. Kym Horsell
J.T. Conklin <jtc@winsey.com>
Jagane D Sundar < jagane@netcom.com >
James Clark <jjc@jclark.com>
James Jegers <jimj@miller.cs.uwm.edu>
James W. Dolter
James da Silva <jds@cs.umd.edu> et al
Jay Fenlason <hack@datacube.com>
Jim Wilson <wilson@moria.cygnus.com>
Joerg Lohse <lohse@tech7.informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
Joerg Wunsch <joerg_wunsch@uriah.sax.de>
John Dyson - <formerly dyson@ref.tfs.com>
John Woods <jfw@eddie.mit.edu>
Jordan K. Hubbard <jkh@whisker.hubbard.ie>
Julian Elischer <julian@dialix.oz.au>
Julian Stacey <stacey@guug.de> <fallback: <julian@meepmeep.pcs.com>>
Karl Lehenbauer <karl@NeoSoft.com> <karl@one.neosoft.com>
Keith Bostic <bostic@toe.CS.Berkeley.EDU>
Ken Hughes
Kent Talarico <kent@shipwreck.tsoft.net>
Kevin Lahey <kml%rokkaku.UUCP@mathcs.emory.edu> <kml@mosquito.cis.ufl.edu>
Marc Frajola <marc@escargot.rain.com>
Mark Tinguely <tinguely@plains.nodak.edu> <tinguely@hookie.cs.ndsu.NoDak.edu>
Martin Renters <martin@innovus.com>
Michael Galassi <nerd@percival.rain.com>
Mike Durkin <mdurkin@tsoft.sf-bay.org>
Nate Williams <nate@bsd.coe.montana.edu>
Nick Handel <nhandel@NeoSoft.com> <nick@madhouse.neosoft.com>
Pace Willisson <pace@blitz.com>
Paul Kranenburg <pk@cs.few.eur.nl>
Paul Mackerras <paulus@cs.anu.edu.au>
Paul Popelka <paulp@uts.amdahl.com>
Peter da Silva <peter@NeoSoft.com>
Phil Sutherland <philsuth@mycroft.dialix.oz.au>
Poul-Henning Kamp <phk@login.dkuug.dk>
Ralf Friedl <friedl@informatik.uni-kl.de>
Rich Murphey <rich@lamprey.utmb.edu>
Rick Macklem <root@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca>
Robert D. Thrush <rd@phoenix.aii.com>
Rodney W. Grimes <rgrimes@cdrom.com>
Rog Egge <?>
Sascha Wildner <swildner@channelz.GUN.de>
Scott Burris <scott@pita.cns.ucla.edu>
Scott Reynolds <scott@clmqt.marquette.mi.us>
Sean Eric Fagan <sef@kithrup.com>
Simon J Gerraty <sjg@melb.bull.oz.au> <sjg@zen.void.oz.au>
Stephen McKay <robert@psych.psy.uq.oz.au>
Terry Lambert <terry@icarus.weber.edu>
Terry Lee <terry@uivlsi.csl.uiuc.edu>
Warren Toomey <wkt@csadfa.cs.adfa.oz.au>
Wiljo Heinen <wiljo@freeside.ki.open.de>
William Jolitz <withheld>
Wolfgang Solfrank <ws@tools.de>
Wolfgang Stanglmeier <wolf@dentaro.GUN.de>
Yuval Yarom <yval@cs.huji.ac.il>
$Id: CONTRIB.FreeBSD,v 1996-09-24 17:45:48 jfieber Exp $

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
386BSD Release 0.1
* Copyright (c) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 William F. Jolitz, TeleMuse
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
* must display the following acknowledgement:
* This software is a component of "386BSD" developed by
* William F. Jolitz, TeleMuse.
* 4. Neither the name of the developer nor the name "386BSD"
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.
386BSD Copyright 1 July 1992
386BSD Copyright 2 July 1992

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
This software contains software developed by the University of
California, Berkeley, and its contributors; by the Free Software
Foundation; by the University of Illinois; by the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; by the University of Vermont and State
Agricultural College; by Carnegie Mellon University; and by a large
number of contributors, whose names are listed in the notices below.
Portions of this software are subject to one or more of the following
copyright notices. Please see the individual files for the terms and
Copyright (C) 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1991, Regents of the
University of California
Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, Free
Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1976, Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
Copyright (C) 1980, 1981, Ken Harrenstien
Copyright (C) 1982, 1988, 1989, Walter Tichy
Copyright (C) 1983, 1986, 1992, 1993, Eric P. Allman
Copyright (C) 1983, Kenneth L. Greer
Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1992, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1984, 1987, Stephen L. Moshier
Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, Bob Corbett and Richard Stallman
Copyright (C) 1984, University of British Columbia
Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, Wayne A. Christopher
Copyright (C) 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, Adobe Systems, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1985, Stichting Mathematisch Centrum
Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, Ian F. Darwin
Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1989, Frame Technology, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1992, Daniel D. Lanciani
Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, Ed James
Copyright (C) 1986, Breslow
Copyright (C) 1986, Gary S. Brown
Copyright (C) 1986, Larry Wall
Copyright (C) 1986, Noah Morgan
Copyright (C) 1986, Stephen Satchell
Copyright (C) 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, Carnegie Mellon University
Copyright (C) 1987, 1988, 1989, Sony Corp.
Copyright (C) 1987, 1988, John Stanback
Copyright (C) 1987, 1988, Ronald S. Karr and Landon Curt Noll
Copyright (C) 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Copyright (C) 1987, David C. Elliott.
Copyright (C) 1987, IBM Corporation
Copyright (C) 1987, Stuart Cracraft
Copyright (C) 1987, United States Army
Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1994, Paul A. Vixie
Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, Adam de Boor
Copyright (C) 1988, 1990, University of Utah
Copyright (C) 1988, Julian Onions
Copyright (C) 1988, Mark Nudleman
Copyright (C) 1988, Rayan S. Zachariassen
Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, Frank Kardel
Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, William S. Jolitz
Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, Brian Berliner
Copyright (C) 1989, Berkeley Softworks
Copyright (C) 1989, Dale Schumacher
Copyright (C) 1989, Dave Taylor
Copyright (C) 1989, Kenneth Almquist
Copyright (C) 1989, Matthew Self
Copyright (C) 1989, Robert V. Baron
Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, AT&T Bell Laboratories and Bellcore
Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, John W. Eaton
Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, Paul Eggert
Copyright (C) 1990, 1993, Andrew Moore
Copyright (C) 1990, John Robert LoVerso
Copyright (C) 1990, Open Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1990, RSA Data Security, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, Chris Provenzano
Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, Ian Lance Taylor
Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, Per Bothner
Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, Per Cederqvist
Copyright (C) 1991, Gregory M. Christy
Copyright (C) 1991, Inge Wallin
Copyright (C) 1991, Joseph Friedman
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, David L. Mills
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, Christopher G. Demetriou
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, Garrett A. Wollman
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, HD Associates
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, Holger Veit
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, Jean-Loup Gailly
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994 Joerg Wunsch
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, John Brezak
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, Motorola, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, Jordan Hubbard
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, Soeren Schmidt
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, Theo de Raadt
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, University of Vermont and State Agricultural College
Copyright (C) 1992, Cygnus Support
Copyright (C) 1992, Diomidis Spinellis
Copyright (C) 1992, Henry Spencer
Copyright (C) 1992, Jeff Polk
Copyright (C) 1992, Terrence R. Lambert
Copyright (C) 1992, University of Guelph
Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, Andrew A. Chernov
Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, David Greenman
Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, John S. Dyson
Copyright (C) 1993, Adam Glass
Copyright (C) 1993, Atsushi Murai
Copyright (C) 1993, Brian Moore
Copyright (C) 1993, Daniel Boulet and RTMX Inc.
Copyright (C) 1993, David Muir Sharnoff
Copyright (C) 1993, David Parsons
Copyright (C) 1993, Gary Clark II
Copyright (C) 1993, Hannu Savolainen
Copyright (C) 1993, Herb Peyerl
Copyright (C) 1993, Herve Schauer Consultants
Copyright (C) 1993, Julian Elischer
Copyright (C) 1993, Julian Stacey
Copyright (C) 1993, K. J. Dryllerakis
Copyright (C) 1993, Martin Birgmeier
Copyright (C) 1993, Paul Kranenburg
Copyright (C) 1993, Paul Richards
Copyright (C) 1993, Thomas Koenig
Copyright (C) 1993, Winning Strategies, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1994, Christoph M. Robitschko
Copyright (C) 1994, University of Maryland
Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, jc@irbs.UUCP (John Capo),
vak@zebub.msk.su (Serge Vakulenko),
ache@astral.msk.su (Andrew A. Chernov)
$Id: COPYRIGHT.FreeBSD,v 1996-09-24 17:45:48 jfieber Exp $

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
Copyright (c) UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.
All or some portions of this software are derived from
material licensed to the University of California by
American Telephone and Telegraph Co. or UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.
and are reproduced herein with the permission of
UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.
Additionally, the following files contained herein constitute
trade secrets of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. and their contents
are not to be disclosed to any third party:
sys/kern/kern_exec.c [*]
sys/kern/kern_physio.c [**]
sys/kern/subr_rmap.c [*]
sys/kern/tty_subr.c [*]
sys/kern/vfs_bio.c [*]
usr.bin/cpio/cpio.c [*]
[*] These file are NOT contained in FreeBSD
[**] The version of this file in FreeBSD is belived to be clear of any USL
copyright and/or trade secret.
$Id: COPYRIGHT.USL,v 1996-09-24 17:45:49 jfieber Exp $

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
This file lists known problems with this release of FreeBSD
'hanging keyboard'
There are still problems with certain machines appearing to 'hang' on
bootup even though a prompt is there. The most common machines that
exhibit these problems are Gateway 2000 machines with PHOENIX bios's but
other machines with PHOENIX bios also exhibit this behavior.
The temporary solution until you can get the distribution
installed on your hard-drive is to 'bounce' on a key like shift or
num-lock (which works well since you can see when the keyboard comes
back to life) until the boot sequence is finished. The keyboard will
work fine for installing FreeBSD onto the hard-drive.
The gdb in the release will not work on shared objects nor will it
work with C++ executables. Please use the gdb in the ports area for
debugging shared and/or C++ code. This is just a work-around until
we can transition to the new version of gdb completely. See below.
This is the gdb from the ports area (if installed), also known as
gdb-4.11. There is a problem using gdb-4.11 to debug a core-file
generated by a binary which uses shared libraries. The problem is
basically due to the fact that the shared libraries are mmap'ed at
addresses in the memory space of the binary which are not accessible
to gdb-4.11 at the time that it tries to examine the core-file. This
usually manifests itself in "Cannot access memory at address <foo>"
messages at startup and "#0 <bar> in end ()" when you try to do
a backtrace ("bt").
Workaround: start gdb-4.11 without reference to the core-file,
e.g. "gdb fubar". Set a breakpoint in main and run the inferior
so that gdb-4.11 can resolve references to the shared libraries.
After this, use the "core-file" command to force gdb-4.11 to
load the core-file, e.g. "core-file fubar.core". Since all
shared library references were previously resolved gdb-4.11 can
now access the shared libraries and things like "bt" now work.
You will also be able to reference items previously on the stack
(from the core file), but all globals will show up as zero'd.
All these problems may be avoided if you compile the application
with -static.
The 3c509 driver will hang under heavy network loads and take your
machine off the network. (Though the machine will continue to run with
no network facilities)
Workaround: Try a "ifconfig ep0 down" and a "ifconfig ep0 up"
to get it running again.
The Bt445S and Bt747 controllers can cause problems when ISA DMA
is selected as an option. With the EISA controller the remedy is
easy - simply turn it off using your EISA configuration utility.
With the Bt445S, which is a VLB card, you must switch the undocumented
"SW10" on "SB2" to the off position. Also note that certain revisions
of the Buslogic board (Revision C or earlier, firmware revision <3.37)
will cause DATA CORRUPTION with systems containing more than 16MB of
memory. If you find this to be the case, temporarily remove your
extra memory and contact Buslogic for an upgrade!
fsck can go into an endless loop in the repair/fsck cycle on
a corrupted filesystem. The message "VALUES IN SUPER BLOCK
fsck compares the superblock with the alternate in the last
cylinder group? So if this block is corrupt, you have no chance
to get the filesystem repaired. You can answer on the question
"UPDATE STANDARD SUPERBLOCK" with yes and get always the same
error message on the next fsck.
$Id: KNOWNBUGS,v 1996-09-24 17:45:49 jfieber Exp $

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
The FreeBSD software is being mirrored at the following locations:
Country Site/Directory/Maintainer
======= =========================================================
Australia minnie.cs.adfa.oz.au:/BSD/FreeBSD-1.1-RELEASE
Australia ftp.physics.su.oz.au:/FreeBSD
David Dawes <dawes@physics.su.oz.au>
Australia ftp.une.edu.au:/pub/FreeBSD
Gordon Smith <Gordon.Smith@une.edu.au>
Austria ftp.tu-graz.ac.at:/pub/FreeBSD
Finland ftp.funet.fi:/pub/unix/FreeBSD
France ftp.ibp.fr:/pub/FreeBSD
Germany ftp.informatik.tu-muenchen.de:/pub/comp/os/bsd/FreeBSD
Germany ftp.uni-duisburg.de:/pub/unix/FreeBSD
Germany gil.physik.rwth-aachen.de:/pub/FreeBSD
Hong Kong ftp.cs.cuhk.hk:/pub/FreeBSD
Israel orgchem.weizmann.ac.il:/pub/FreeBSD
Netherlands ftp.nl.net:/pub/os/FreeBSD
Russia ftp.kiae.su:/FreeBSD
UK src.doc.ic.ac.uk:/packages/FreeBSD
USA gatekeeper.dec.com:/pub/BSD/FreeBSD
USA freebsd.uml.edu:/FreeBSD
USA wuarchive.wustl.edu:/systems/unix/FreeBSD
$Id: MIRROR.SITES,v 1996-09-24 17:45:49 jfieber Exp $

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
.include "../../web.mk"

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
The following contributors would like to make these personal
acknowledgements (in no particular order):
Garrett Wollman would like to thank Gary Barbour and Steve Ackerman of
Utah; Tim Raymond, Jim White, and Jim Ertle of UVM; Malcolm Carlock at
UNR; and John Wroclawski of MIT.
Nate Williams would like to thank Jaye Mathisen and the entire Computer
Science department of Montana State University for their help, hardware
and encouragement.
Jordan Hubbard would like to thank IEUNET for bringing the INTERNET to
Ireland, thus making his participation possible at all (albeit expensive)
and his Mom, who would probably be pleased if only she understood any of
this. Hi Mom.
$Id: PERSONAL.ACKS,v 1996-09-24 17:45:49 jfieber Exp $

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
In the absence of any other mechanism for counting the number of users
of FreeBSD, we like to as kindly suggest that you take a few minutes
to please register with the counter set up by
The justification for such "registration" is twofold: First, we sincerely do
wish to know just what the size and demographics of our user-base are
in order to better support its needs. Second, it's a sad fact that many
people rely on counters and statistics (even when highly dubious) rather
than actual experience when chosing an operating system, and the best we
can hope to do in such circumstances is to at least try to provide some
indication of how popular we are (or are not). This is not how we recommend
that people go about chosing an operating system, but the necessity of
"marketing" remains an undeniable fact of life.
The FreeBSD team does not necessarily feel that Harald's counter represents
the best approach to such statistics gathering, and its accuracy will only
be as good as people's willingness to register with it (which may not reflect
the actual OS population at any single point in time), but in the total absence
of any other mechanism for providing such useful statistics, it's certainly a
start and we thank Harald for his efforts in providing this service.
It's a community service, and of potential benefit to everyone (all *BSD
users), so let's see if we can't make it work!
Included below is the standard blurb from the counter.
Thanks in advance,
The FreeBSD team.
How to get registered
In brief:
[To register a running installation of FreeBSD]
Send E-mail to bsd-counter@uninett.no with the SUBJECT line
"I use FreeBSD at <place>"
The intention of this counting project is to count all users of UNIXes
that are:
- BSD-derived
- Freely available
The variants NetBSD, 386BSD and FreeBSD are currently distinguished.
(NOTE: Linux is NOT BSD-derived. If you use that, send mail to
linux-counter@uninett.no instead!!!)
The information is *not* used for any purpose but statistics, and unless
you request it, information about single persons are *never* made public.
(A list of users who have requested publication is available from the
FTP file ftp://aun.uninett.no/pub/misc/386bsd/persons)
How to register
Send E-mail to bsd-counter@uninett.no
The subject should be
I use FreeBSD|NetBSD|386BSD at <place>
Where FreeBSD, NetBSD or 386BSD is the particular variant you're using
and "place" can be school, work or home, or a combination of these.
You will get back a letter with 3 things:
- An acknowledgement
- A form that you can fill out and send in with more information
about yourself, your machine, and your 386bsd-using friends
- A report giving the current status of the counter
You can update your "vote" at any time, by sending an E-mail message
from the same account. Duplicates will be weeded out.
The current report, available by anonymous FTP to aun.uninett.no,
directory pub/misc/386bsd-counter, file "short", is given below.
For all questions, contact Harald.T.Alvestrand@uninett.no!
$Id: REGISTER.FreeBSD,v 1996-09-24 17:45:49 jfieber Exp $

@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
Release 1.1.5
1. Technical overview
FreeBSD is a freely available, full source 4.3 (+4.4 enhancements) BSD
release for Intel i386/i486 (or compatable) based PC's. It is based
on Bill Jolitz's 386BSD 0.1, with additions from "the patchkit",
NetBSD, CSRG, and the Free Software Foundation.
Since our first release of FreeBSD 1.0, many hundreds of bugs have been
fixed, features added, and the overall quality of the system improved
almost imeasurably. FreeBSD 1.1.5 represents the culmination of almost
18 months of work and many thousands of man hours put in by our all-volunteer
working group. We hope you enjoy it!
Many packages have also been upgraded or added, such as XFree86 2.1,
xview 3.2, elm, nntp, mh, InterViews and dozens of other miscellaneous
utilities have been ported and are now available as add-ons. See the next
section of this document for more details.
For a list of contributors, please see the files "CONTRIB.FreeBSD" and
"CONTRIB.386BSD", which should be bundled with your distribution.
Also see the new "REGISTER.FreeBSD" file for information on registering
with the "Free BSD user counter". We've also provided a list of who's
responsible for what (so that you may query them directly) in the
"ROSTER.FreeBSD" file; use of this file is encouraged to ensure faster
resolution of an problems you may have!
The core of FreeBSD does not contain DES code which would inhibit its
being exported outside the United States. There is an add-on package
to the core distribution, for use only in the United States, that
contains the programs that normally use DES. The auxilliary packages
provided separately can be used by anyone. A freely (from outside the U.S.)
exportable European distribution of DES for our non U.S. users also exists
and is described in the FreeBSD FAQ.
2. Supported Configurations
FreeBSD currently runs on a wide variety of ISA, EISA and PCI bus based
PC's, ranging from 386sx to Pentium class machines (though the 386sx is
not recommended). Support for generic IDE or ESDI drive configurations,
various SCSI controller, network and serial cards is also provided.
Following is a list of all currently known disk controllers and
ethernet cards known to work with FreeBSD. Other configurations may
very well work, and we have simply not received any indication of
2.1. Disk Controllers
WD1003 (any generic MFM/RLL)
WD1007 (any generic IDE/ESDI)
Adaptec 154x series ISA SCSI controller (as long as you have less than
16MB of main memory).
Adaptec 174x series EISA SCSI controller in standard and enhanced mode.
[Note that Buslogic was formerly known as "Bustec"]
Buslogic 545S.
Buslogic 445S VLB SCSI controller
Buslogic 742A and 747.
Buslogic 942A PCI
Please see special notes in /usr/src/KNOWNBUGS (filed under bt742a.c) for
details concerning possible buggy firmware and undocumented switch settings
that may be necessary for proper operation of your Bt445S controller.
DTC 3290 EISA SCSI controller in 1542 emulation mode.
Ultra Store 14F and 34F.
Seagate ST01/02 SCSI controllers.
Future Domain 8xx/950 series SCSI controllers.
With all supported SCSI controllers, full support is provided for
SCSI-I & SCSI-II peripherals, including Disks, tape drives (including
DAT) and CD ROM drives. Note: This and the mcd driver (Mitsumi CDROM
interface card) is the only way a CD ROM drive may be currently
attached to a FreeBSD system; we do not support SoundBlaster CDROM
interface, or other "mini SCSI" adapters.
Some controllers have limitations with the way they deal with >16MB of memory,
due to the fact that the ISA bus only has a DMA address space of 24 bits.
If you do your arithmetic, you'll see that this makes it impossible to do
direct DMA to any address >16MB. This limitation is even true of some
EISA controllers (which are normally 32 bit) when they're configured to
emulate an ISA card, which they then do in *all* respects. This problem
is avoided entirely by IDE controllers (which do not use DMA), true EISA
controllers (like the UltraStor or Adaptec 1742A) and most VLB (local bus)
controllers. In the cases where it's necessary, the system will use
"bounce buffers" to to talk to the controller so that you can still use
more than 16Mb of memory without difficulty.
2.2. Ethernet cards
SMC Elite 16 WD8013 ethernet interface, and most other WD8003E,
WD8003EBT, WD8003W, WD8013W, WD8003S, WD8003SBT and WD8013EBT
based clones.
Isolan AT 4141-0 (16 bit)
Isolink 4110 (8 bit)
Novell NE1000, NE2000, and NE2100 ethernet interface.
3Com 3C503 Etherlink II
3Com 3C509 Ethernet cards
Toshiba ethernet cards
SMC Elite Ultra
2.3. Misc
AST 4 port serial card using shared IRQ.
ARNET 8 port serial card using shared IRQ.
BOCA ATIO66 6 port serial card using shared IRQ.
STB 4 port card using shared IRQ.
Mitsumi (all models) CDROM interface and drive.
Adlib, Soundblaster, Soundblaster Pro, ProAudioSpectrum, Gravis UltraSound
and Roland MPU-401 sound cards.
FreeBSD currently does NOT support IBM's microchannel (MCA) bus, but
support is apparently close to materializing. Details will be posted
as the situation develops.
3. Obtaining FreeBSD.
You may obtain FreeBSD in a variety of ways:
1. FTP/Mail
You can ftp FreeBSD and any or all of its optional packages from
`freebsd.cdrom.com' - the offical FreeBSD release site.
For other locations that mirror the FreeBSD software see the file
MIRROR.SITES. Please ftp the distribution from the nearest site
to you netwise.
If you do not have access to the internet and electronic mail is your
only recourse, then you may still fetch the files by sending mail to
`ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com' - putting the keyword "help" in your message
to get more information on how to fetch files from freebsd.cdrom.com.
Note: This approach will end up sending many *tens of megabytes*
through the mail, and should only be employed as an absolute LAST
FreeBSD 1.1 may be ordered on CDROM from:
Walnut Creek CDROM
4041 Pike Lane, Suite D
Concord CA 94520
1-800-786-9907, +1-510-674-0783, +1-510-674-0821 (fax)
Or via the internet from orders@cdrom.com. There current catalog can
be obtained via ftp as ftp.cdrom.com:/cdrom/catalog.
Cost is $39.95. Shipping (per order not per disc) is $5 in the US, Canada,
or Mexico and $10.00 overseas. They accept Visa, Mastercard, American
Express, and ship COD to the United States. California residents please
add 8.25% sales tax.
Should you be dissatisfied for any reason, the CD comes with an
unconditional return policy.
Note that Walnut Creek CDROM does NOT provide technical support for FreeBSD,
you need to contact the FreeBSD team for that. Please see section 4 for
more information.
It should be noted, lest you get the wrong impression that "FreeBSD"
is anything but, that almost no one in the "core team" makes money
from distributions or anything else connected with FreeBSD. We simply
provide this information as a public service for those wishing to get
their releases from somewhere other than the net (and the easier it
is for you to obtain our software, the happier we are).
4. Reporting problems, making suggestions, submitting code.
Your suggestions, bug reports and contributions of code are always
valued - please do not hesitate to report any problems you may find
(preferably with a fix attached if you can!).
The prefered method to submit bug reports from a machine with internet
mail connectivity is to use the sendbug command. Bug reports will be
dutifully filed by our faithful bugfiler program and you can be sure
that we'll do our best to respond to all reported bugs as soon as
If, for some reason, you are unable to use the sendbug command to
submit a bug report, you can try to send it to:
Otherwise, for any questions or suggestions, please send mail to:
Additionally, being a volunteer effort, we are always happy to have
extra hands willing to help - there are already far more enhancements
to be done than we can ever manage to do by ourselves! To contact us
on technical matters, or with offers of help, you may send mail to:
Since these mailing lists can experience significant amounts of
traffic, if you've got slow or expensive mail access and you're
only interested in keeping up with significant FreeBSD events, you may
find it preferable to subscribe to:
All but the FreeBSD-bugs groups can be freely joined by anyone wishing to
do so. Send mail to MajorDomo@freefall.cdrom.com and include the keyword
`help' on a line by itself somewhere in the body of the message. This
will give you more information on joining the various lists, accessing
archives, etc.
5. Acknowledgements
FreeBSD represents the cumulative work of many dozens, if not
hundreds, of individuals from around the world who have worked very
hard to bring you this release. It would be very difficult, if not
impossible, to enumerate everyone who's contributed to FreeBSD, but
nonetheless we shall try (in alphabetical order, of course). If your
name is not mentioned, please be assured that its omission is entirely
The Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG), U.C. Berkeley.
Bill Jolitz, for his extensive work with 386BSD.
The FreeBSD "core" team:
Andrew A. Chernov
John Dyson
David Greenman
Rodney W. Grimes
Jordan K. Hubbard
Scott Mace
Andrew Moore
Rich Murphey
Geoff Rehmet
Paul Richards
Andreas Schulz
Nate Williams
Garrett A. Wollman
Special mention to:
Robert Bruce and Jack Velte of Walnut Creek CDROM, without
whose help (and continuing support) this release would never
have been possible.
Dermot McDonnell for his donation of a Toshiba XM3401B CDROM
The NetBSD group for their frequent assistance and commentary.
Additional FreeBSD helpers and beta testers:
Gary Browing Jon Cargille
J.T. Conklin Chris Demetriou
Julian Elischer Bruce Evans
Sean Eric Fagan Guy Helmer
Jeffrey Hsu Terry Lambert
Gary Moyer Jaye Mathisen
Curt Mayer L Jonas Olsson
Chris Provenzano Dave Rivers
Guido van Rooij Steven Wallace
Rick Weldon Terry Williams
Atsushi Murai
And everyone at Montana State University for their initial support.
Thanks to everyone, especially those not mentioned, and we sincerely
hope you enjoy this release of FreeBSD!
The FreeBSD Core Team
$Id: RELNOTES.FreeBSD,v 1996-09-24 17:45:49 jfieber Exp $

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
This file attempts to document just who is `responsible' for what in
the FreeBSD world. Since we're an all-volunteer group, the whole
concept of `responsibility' must, of course, be taken with a grain of
salt since the folks here may not always have time to deal with your
problem right away. With that in mind, you are encouraged to contact
these folks directly when your problem or suggestion clearly falls
into their area of responsibility. If your queries don't net any
positive results in, say, 48 hours, THEN you should try and contact
the group at large. In most cases, however, using these folks as
first-contacts will both cut down on our mail-overload and give you
faster service.
Thank you!
The FreeBSD Team
contrib = Contributed
doc = Documentation
lib = User-land library
misc = Misc user-land utility (contrib, other)
ports = Ported software in /usr/ports
prog = User-land program
share = Support data files
sys = Kernel and system code
tools = DOS support utilities
Category Person Email address
contrib/xntpd Garrett Wollman wollman@lcs.mit.edu
doc/FAQ FAQ Team freebsd-faq@freefall.cdrom.com
lib/libF77 L. Jonas Olsson ljo@po.cwru.edu
lib/libc Garrett Wollman wollman@lcs.mit.edu
lib/libcrypt (non-US) Geoff Rehmet csgr@cs.ru.ac.za
lib/libcurses Andrew Chernov ache@astral.msk.su
lib/libkrb Garrett Wollman wollman@lcs.mit.edu
lib/libm Andrew Moore alm@netcom.com
lib/libpthread Chris Provenzano proven@mit.edu
lib/libskey Guido van Rooij guido@gvr.win.tue.nl
lib/libtelnet Garrett Wollman wollman@lcs.mit.edu
misc/addit Gary Clark II gclarkii@freefall.cdrom.com
misc/configit Gary Clark II gclarkii@freefall.cdrom.com
misc/gnats Andrew Moore alm@netcom.com
misc/manctl Geoff Rehmet csgr@cs.ru.ac.za
ports/{not below} Andrew Moore alm@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/aXe Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/archivers Scott Mace smace@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/bash Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/blt Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/cpm Joerg Wunsch joerg_wunsch@uriah.sax.de
ports/dgd Adam David adam@veda.is
ports/elm Scott Mace smace@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/emacs Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/exmh Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/ezd Jeffrey Hsu hsu@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/franz Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/fvwm Geoff Rehmet csgr@cs.ru.ac.za
ports/golddig Jeffrey Hsu hsu@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/ile Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/ispell Piero Serini piero@strider.st.dsi.unimi.it
ports/jpeg Scott Mace smace@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/kermit Scott Mace smace@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/ksh Sean Vickery seanv@cs.uq.edu.au
ports/kterm Satoshi Asami asami@cs.berkeley.edu
ports/lynx Serge V.Vakulenko vak@cronyx.msk.su
ports/mprof Jeffrey Hsu hsu@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/mtools Steven Wallace swallace@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/netaudio Jeffrey Hsu hsu@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/nethack Sean Vickery seanv@cs.uq.edu.au
ports/pcvt J"org Wunsch joerg_wunsch@uriah.sax.de
ports/piewm Satoshi Asami asami@cs.berkeley.edu
ports/pkg_install Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/popper Andreas Schulz ats@g386bsd.first.gmd.de
ports/point Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/sather Jeffrey Hsu hsu@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/schemetoc Jeffrey Hsu hsu@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/scm Jeffrey Hsu hsu@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/seahaven Jeffrey Hsu hsu@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/sml Jeffrey Hsu hsu@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/sup Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/tcl Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/tcl-dp Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/tclX Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/tcsh Scott Mace smace@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/tk Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/vile Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/vim Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/wine Jeffrey Hsu hsu@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/wu-ftpd Justin T. Gibbs gibbs@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/xcdplayer Steven Wallace swallace@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/xjewel Jeffrey Hsu hsu@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/xlock Scott Mace smace@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/xmine J"org Wunsch joerg_wunsch@uriah.sax.de
ports/xphoon Satoshi Asami asami@cs.berkeley.edu
ports/xv Scott Mace smace@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/ytalk Geoff Rehmet csgr@cs.ru.ac.za
ports/zircon Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
ports/zsh Scott Mace smace@freefall.cdrom.com
prog/cc Poul-Henning Kamp phk@freefall.cdrom.com
prog/cc25 Poul-Henning Kamp phk@freefall.cdrom.com
prog/gdb Gary Jennejohn gj@pcs.dec.com
prog/man Jordan Hubbard jkh@freefall.cdrom.com
prog/telnet Garrett Wollman wollman@lcs.mit.edu
sys/fd J"org Wunsch joerg_wunsch@uriah.sax.de
sys/fd Serge V.Vakulenko vak@cronyx.msk.su
sys/i386 David Greenman davidg@root.com
sys/i386/isa/seagate Sean Vickery seanv@cs.uq.edu.au
sys/i386/isa/sound Steven Wallace swallace@freefall.cdrom.com
sys/i386/isa/bt742*.c Atsushi Murai amurai@spec.co.jp
sys/kern David Greenman davidg@root.com
sys/kern/ntp Garrett Wollman wollman@lcs.mit.edu
sys/lpt Geoff Rehmet csgr@cs.ru.ac.za
sys/net* David Greenman davidg@root.com
sys/netboot Martin Renters martin@innovus.com
sys/netinet Garrett Wollman wollman@lcs.mit.edu
sys/pcmcia Poul-Henning Kamp phk@freefall.cdrom.com
sys/scheduler John Dyson dyson@freefall.cdrom.com
sys/syscons So/ren Schmidt sos@freefall.cdrom.com
sys/vm David Greenman davidg@root.com
sys/vm John Dyson dyson@freefall.cdrom.com
sys/wt Serge V.Vakulenko vak@cronyx.msk.su
tools/booteasy Serge V.Vakulenko vak@cronyx.msk.su

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
Technical support for this product is NOT provided by Walnut Creek CDROM.
You need to contact one of the following companies and/or people for
technical support.
Accurate Automation Company
6005 S.E. Laurel Street
Milwaukie, OR 97222
Telephone: +1-503-653-7376
Email: rgrimes@agora.rain.com
Accurate Automation provides support for FreeBSD including installation,
system configuration, hardware and software trouble shooting, and related
issues. Rates depend upon the type of work being done. Hours are from
10:00 am to 10:00pm PST.
Gary Clark II
GB Data Consulting
3801 Polk
Houston, Texas 77003 USA
Telephone: +1-713-587-1644
Email: gclarkii@radon.gbdata.com
GB Data Consulting provides support for FreeBSD including installation, usage
and system administration. We also provide classes, on-site service and
distribution sets on floppy. Please email info@radon.gbdata.com or call for
rates and information.
Cronyx Ltd.
Research Computer Center,
Moscow State University,
Moscow 199899, Russia
Phone: +7-095-939-5678
Email: info@cronyx.msk.su
Cronyx Ltd. provides support for FreeBSD including installation,
configuration, Relcom network connection via UUCP, dialup and leased
line IP. We also provide X Windows configuration and localization,
as well as additional packages installation. Distribution sets on
floppies and tape cartridges available. System software development
including drivers for non-standard equipment.
Jordan Hubbard
Timberline Associates (est 1978)
Dublin, Ireland [And soon Boston / San Francisco]
Support hours: 1000 - 2300 GMT
Tel #: 00353-1-332796
Email: jkh@al.org
Telephone (or Internet) and on-site consulting for FreeBSD in Ireland,
the United States, United Kingdom and most parts of Europe. Services include
installation, system configuration, networking and custom software
projects, graphical user interfaces a specialty (actively involved with
The X Window System since Version 9 and contributor to the X Consortium).
Reasonable and flexible rates comensurate with location and duration of
assignment. Internet assignments are welcomed, and generally billed at
lower rates.
Vector Systems Ltd, Julian H. Stacey.
Post: Holz Strasse 27d, D 80469, Munich (Muenchen), Germany (Deutschland).
Tel.: +49 89 268616 09:00-22:00 TZ=GMT+1
Email: stacey@freefall.cdrom.com
Custom designs & support using FreeBSD + X-Windows + FSF/GNU, + own Unix & DOS
C tools. Systems engineering, hardware interfacing, multi lingual systems
(European, Cyrillic, Chinese), communications, scientific, industrial real
time programming. Source Tapes: QIC 525M, 150M, 60M.
Deutsch: Man kann mir in Deutsch schreiben, (oder mich anrufen).
Francais: Je comprend Francais, mais je n'ecris pas des responses en Francais.
Sean Vickery
2/449 Milton Road
Auchenflower Qld 4066
Telephone: +61 (0)7 870 5241
Email: seanv@cs.uq.edu.au
Sean offers support in most FreeBSD matters, including installation
and configuration. His rates are reasonable. As well as on-site
help, support is available over the phone and the net.
$Id: SUPPORT.TXT,v 1996-09-24 17:45:50 jfieber Exp $

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
This is my current TODO list for 1.1.5. Please feel free to add to
it, assuming that you've actually got some confidence that you or
someone else will be able to actually get to whatever it is (or it's
so critical that you don't think 1.1.5 could/should be released
without it).
Also, please bear in mind the following milestones we have to hit:
June 5th Feature Freeze (bug fixes and cleanup work only).
June 16th Code Freeze
June 20th Roll binaries - begin initial testing
June 23rd Announce availability of 1.1.5.
(*) = Task is completed
(@) = Task is abandoned
Task Urgency Who
Floppy driver fixes Low * Joerg Wunsch
Sound driver (GUS/Multicast/cleanup) Medium Steven W/Andrew C.
Curses library problems Medium * Steven W.
SIO driver - reported problems High * Andrew C/Bruce E/???
Syscons integration / new features High * Soren Schmidt/Jordan
Update FT driver Medium * Javier R/Steven G.
Update gdb High * Paul
Make pcfs less dangerous Low @ ???
Bruce's disklabel and bad144 fixes Medium * Andrew C.
Misc NetBSD drivers for weird devices Low @ Geoff
Multicast Support Medium * Jordan
Bounce Buffer fixes High * John/David
VM panics and assorted lossage High * John/David
Secure Key support Low * Guido
Install script enhancements Medium * Andrew M/Jordan
Fsck/umount cooperation with dirty bit Low @ Paul R.
PCFS data corruption with cp Medium * Steven W./ATS
PCFS extended DOS partition support Low @ ???
ISOFS over NSF fix Medium/High * ???
Libcompat Low * Joerg Wunsch

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
386BSD Release 0.1
Contributor List
Lynne Greer Jolitz
William F. Jolitz
_H_a_r_d_w_a_r_e _a_n_d _M_o_n_e_t_a_r_y _C_o_n_t_r_i_b_u_t_o_r_s
Many people and firms have provided hardware and/or money to
try and keep this unfunded project going despite a recession
and hard times -- usually by digging into their own pockets.
Each of these contributors gave, not only because they
believed that the continuation of 386BSD is vital to the
health of the research, educational, and development commun-
ities, but also because they realize that an individual can
and does make a difference!
Without the help of the people listed here, this release
would simply not have been possible. We would especially
like to thank Thos Sumner, whose loan of a 486/50 SCSI PC
made development go more rapidly. The rest of the 386BSD
user community should make special note of all these people
and firms and commend them for their generosity and
We hope that their leadership and vision will serve as shin-
ing examples to the entire 386BSD user community, and serve
to encourage others to actively participate in 386BSD.
Jan van den Bosch
Compaq Computer Corporation
Cyrix Corporation
Dixon Dick
Steven P. Donegan
Jon Erickson
Eric J. Haug
Bob McGhee
Jesus Monroy Jr.
Andrew Moore
Rich Murphey
Mark Ng
Kenji Okamoto
John Plocher
Mark R. Riordan
John B. Scalia
Steve Sizemore
Thos Sumner
David E. Tweten
386BSD CONTRIB LIST 1 July 1992
_S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _C_o_n_t_r_i_b_u_t_o_r_s
The following people have contributed key software programs,
modules and fixes, including novel work and ports of popular
public domain user programs. Some of this software was
directly contributed to us, while other items were made
available to all users via the network. Occasionally,
several people came up with a variety of approaches for a
single item. In this instance, we tried to choose the one
which we felt would best serve the rest of the 386BSD user
base for this release. However, the creativity and persever-
ance of all the software contributors trying to make 386BSD
better for the entire 386BSD user community was consider-
able. Each individual effort is worthy of pride.
We wish to personally thank all of these people, as they
have helped make 386BSD Release 0.1 a reality. We hope that
these contributors and all the rest of the 386BSD user com-
munity will continue to actively participate to make future
releases even better!
James Van Artsdalen
Scott Burris
Randall Dean
Chris Demetriou
Mark Eichin
Bruce Evans
Steve Ferguson
Jeffrey Goh
David Greenman
Amancio Hasty Jr
John W. Hatley
Eric J. Haug
Tom Ivar Helbekkmo
John D. Irwin
Peter Klingebiel
Paul Kranenburg
Daniel Lanciani
Karl Lehenbauer
Lee M. J. McLoughlin
Andrew J. Michael
Jesus Monroy Jr.
Daniel A. Muntz
Richard Murphey
Glen Overby
Brad Parker
Herb Pereyl
Ken Raeburn
Paul Richards
Guido van Rooij
Peng-Toh Sim
Wolfgang Solfrank
Dave Stanhope
386BSD CONTRIB LIST 2 July 1992
Mark Tinguely
Linus Torvalds
Richard Tobin
Rob Warnock
Christian Wiedmann
Pace Willisson
Joerg Wunsch
And all of the other 386BSD Software Contributors.
_S_u_p_p_o_r_t _a_n_d _A_d_v_i_c_e _C_o_n_t_r_i_b_u_t_o_r_s
Many people have continually encouraged us over the course
of these releases, and provided us with technical advice and
guidance. These people have also spent considerable time and
energy getting this software out to the rest of the 386BSD
community. While it is impossible for us to list everyone
who has been supportive of 386BSD, we wish to personally
thank some of the people who have been of special assistance
to us directly over the course of getting 386BSD out the
Bruce Blakely
Dave Campbell
Free Software Foundation
Paul Fromberg
Tom Genereaux
John Gilmore
Dave Harris
Jim Joyce
Dan Kionka
Dory Leifer
Per Lindqvist
Marshall Midden
Rich Morin
Silicon Valley Computer Society
John Sokol
Thos Sumner
Karen Trocki
Rob Warnock
and a special thanks to:
John Erickson, Tami Zemel, Ray Valdez, Monica Berg, Michael Floyd
and everyone else at Dr. Dobbs Journal.
Juergen Fey, Rainer Huttenloher, Gerd Oskar Bausewein
and everyone else at UNIX Magazin.
And all of the 386BSD User Community.
386BSD CONTRIB LIST 3 July 1992

@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
FreeBSD 1.1
Contributor List
Derived Software Contributors:
This software was derived from William F. Jolitz's 386BSD release 0.1.
Please see the file CONTRIB.386BSD for the list of contributors from
Included in this release are the patches from the patch kit version
0.2.4. The names of contributors from the patch kit are listed below.
There are portions of NetBSD that has been intergraged into FreeBSD
as well. We would like to thank all the contributors to NetBSD for
their work.
Hardware Contributors:
A special thanks to Robert Bruce and Jack Velte of Walnut Creek CDROM
for providing a 486/DX2-66 EISA/VL system that is being used for the
development work. It would have been impossible to do this release
with out their support.
Dermot McDonnell for his donation of a Toshiba XM3401B CDROM
FreeBSD core:
Andrew A. Chernov <ache@astral.msk.su>
Andrew Moore <alm@netcom.com>
Andreas Schulz <ats@g386bsd.first.bmd.de>
John Dyson <dyson@implode.rain.com>
Geoff Rehmet <csgr@cs.ru.ac.za>
David Greenman <davidg@Root.COM>
Jordan K. Hubbard <jkh@whisker.hubbard.ie>
Nate Williams <nate@bsd.coe.montana.edu>
Paul Richards <paul@isl.cf.ac.uk>
Rich Murphey <rich@lamprey.utmb.edu>
Rodney W. Grimes <rgrimes@cdrom.com>
Scott Mace <smace@neosoft.com>
Garrett A. Wollman <wollman@freefall.cdrom.com>
Additional FreeBSD Contributors:
Adam Glass <glass@postgres.berkeley.edu>
Andrew Herbert <andrew@werple.apana.org.au>
Bob Wilcox <bob@obiwan.uucp>
Bruce Evans <bde@kralizec.zeta.org.au>
Charles Hannum <mycroft@ai.mit.edu>
Chris G. Demetriou <cgd@postgres.berkeley.edu>
Chris Torek <torek@ee.lbl.gov>
Christoph Robitschko <chmr@edvz.tu-graz.ac.at>
Curt Mayer <curt@toad.com>
Dave Burgess <burgess@hrd769.brooks.af.mil>
Dave Rivers <rivers@ponds.uucp>
David Dawes <dawes@physics.su.OZ.AU>
Frank Maclachlan <fpm@crash.cts.com>
Gary A. Browning <gab10@griffcd.amdahl.com>
Gary Clark II <gclarkii@radon.gbdata.com>
Guido van Rooij <guido@gvr.win.tue.nl>
Havard Eidnes <Havard.Eidnes@runit.sintef.no>
Holger Veit <Holger.Veit@gmd.de>
Ishii Masahiro, R. Kym Horsell
J.T. Conklin <jtc@winsey.com>
James Clark <jjc@jclark.com>
James da Silva <jds@cs.umd.edu> et al
Jim Wilson <wilson@moria.cygnus.com>
Joerg Wunsch <joerg_wunsch@uriah.sax.de>
Julian Elischer <julian@dialix.oz.au>
Julian Stacey <stacey@guug.de> <fallback: <julian@meepmeep.pcs.com>>
Keith Bostic <bostic@toe.CS.Berkeley.EDU>
Marc Frajola <marc@escargot.rain.com>
Mark Tinguely <tinguely@plains.nodak.edu> <tinguely@hookie.cs.ndsu.NoDak.edu>
Martin Birgmeier
Paul Kranenburg <pk@cs.few.eur.nl>
Paul Mackerras <paulus@cs.anu.edu.au>
Poul-Henning Kamp <phk@login.dkuug.dk>
Rob Shady <rls@id.net>
Sascha Wildner <swildner@channelz.GUN.de>
Sean Eric Fagan <sef@kithrup.com>
Serge V. Vakulenko <vak@zebub.msk.su>
Steven Wallace <swallace@ece.uci.edu>
Søren Schmidt <sos@login.dkuug.dk>
Terry Lee <terry@uivlsi.csl.uiuc.edu>
Theo Deraadt <deraadt@fsa.ca>
Yuval Yarom <yval@cs.huji.ac.il>
Patch kit patch contributors:
Adam Glass <glass@postgres.berkeley.edu>
Adrian Hall <adrian@ibmpcug.co.uk>
Andrew A. Chernov <ache@astral.msk.su>
Andrew Herbert <andrew@werple.apana.org.au>
Andrew Moore <alm@netcom.com>
Andy Valencia <ajv@csd.mot.com> <jtk@netcom.com>
Arne Henrik Juul <arnej@Lise.Unit.NO>
Bakul Shah <bvs@bitblocks.com>
Barry Lustig <barry@ictv.com>
Bob Wilcox <bob@obiwan.uucp>
Branko Lankester
Brett Lymn <blymn@mulga.awadi.com.AU>
Bruce Evans <bde@kralizec.zeta.org.au>
Charles Hannum <mycroft@ai.mit.edu>
Chris G. Demetriou <cgd@postgres.berkeley.edu>
Chris Torek <torek@ee.lbl.gov>
Christoph Robitschko <chmr@edvz.tu-graz.ac.at>
Daniel Poirot <poirot@aio.jsc.nasa.gov>
Dave Burgess <burgess@hrd769.brooks.af.mil>
Dave Rivers <rivers@ponds.uucp>
David Dawes <dawes@physics.su.OZ.AU>
David Greenman <davidg@Root.COM>
Eric J. Haug <ejh@slustl.slu.edu>
Felix Gaehtgens <felix@escape.vsse.in-berlin.de>
Frank Maclachlan <fpm@crash.cts.com>
Gary A. Browning <gab10@griffcd.amdahl.com>
Geoff Rehmet <csgr@alpha.ru.ac.za>
Goran Hammarback <goran@astro.uu.se>
Guido van Rooij <guido@gvr.win.tue.nl>
Guy Harris <guy@auspex.com>
Havard Eidnes <Havard.Eidnes@runit.sintef.no>
Herb Peyerl <hpeyerl@novatel.cuc.ab.ca
Holger Veit <Holger.Veit@gmd.de>
Ishii Masahiro, R. Kym Horsell
J.T. Conklin <jtc@winsey.com>
Jagane D Sundar < jagane@netcom.com >
James Clark <jjc@jclark.com>
James Jegers <jimj@miller.cs.uwm.edu>
James W. Dolter
James da Silva <jds@cs.umd.edu> et al
Jay Fenlason <hack@datacube.com>
Jim Wilson <wilson@moria.cygnus.com>
Joerg Lohse <lohse@tech7.informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
Joerg Wunsch <joerg_wunsch@uriah.sax.de>
John Dyson - <formerly dyson@ref.tfs.com>
John Woods <jfw@eddie.mit.edu>
Jordan K. Hubbard <jkh@whisker.hubbard.ie>
Julian Elischer <julian@dialix.oz.au>
Julian Stacey <stacey@guug.de> <fallback: <julian@meepmeep.pcs.com>>
Karl Lehenbauer <karl@NeoSoft.com> <karl@one.neosoft.com>
Keith Bostic <bostic@toe.CS.Berkeley.EDU>
Ken Hughes
Kent Talarico <kent@shipwreck.tsoft.net>
Kevin Lahey <kml%rokkaku.UUCP@mathcs.emory.edu> <kml@mosquito.cis.ufl.edu>
Marc Frajola <marc@escargot.rain.com>
Mark Tinguely <tinguely@plains.nodak.edu> <tinguely@hookie.cs.ndsu.NoDak.edu>
Martin Renters <martin@innovus.com>
Michael Galassi <nerd@percival.rain.com>
Mike Durkin <mdurkin@tsoft.sf-bay.org>
Nate Williams <nate@bsd.coe.montana.edu>
Nick Handel <nhandel@NeoSoft.com> <nick@madhouse.neosoft.com>
Pace Willisson <pace@blitz.com>
Paul Kranenburg <pk@cs.few.eur.nl>
Paul Mackerras <paulus@cs.anu.edu.au>
Paul Popelka <paulp@uts.amdahl.com>
Peter da Silva <peter@NeoSoft.com>
Phil Sutherland <philsuth@mycroft.dialix.oz.au>
Poul-Henning Kamp <phk@login.dkuug.dk>
Ralf Friedl <friedl@informatik.uni-kl.de>
Rich Murphey <rich@lamprey.utmb.edu>
Rick Macklem <root@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca>
Robert D. Thrush <rd@phoenix.aii.com>
Rodney W. Grimes <rgrimes@cdrom.com>
Rog Egge
Sascha Wildner <swildner@channelz.GUN.de>
Scott Burris <scott@pita.cns.ucla.edu>
Scott Reynolds <scott@clmqt.marquette.mi.us>
Sean Eric Fagan <sef@kithrup.com>
Simon J Gerraty <sjg@melb.bull.oz.au> <sjg@zen.void.oz.au>
Stephen McKay <robert@psych.psy.uq.oz.au>
Terry Lambert <terry@icarus.weber.edu>
Terry Lee <terry@uivlsi.csl.uiuc.edu>
Warren Toomey <wkt@csadfa.cs.adfa.oz.au>
Wiljo Heinen <wiljo@freeside.ki.open.de>
William Jolitz <withheld>
Wolfgang Solfrank <ws@tools.de>
Wolfgang Stanglmeier <wolf@dentaro.GUN.de>
Yuval Yarom <yval@cs.huji.ac.il>
$Id: CONTRIB.FreeBSD,v 1996-09-24 17:45:50 jfieber Exp $

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
386BSD Release 0.1
* Copyright (c) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 William F. Jolitz, TeleMuse
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
* must display the following acknowledgement:
* This software is a component of "386BSD" developed by
* William F. Jolitz, TeleMuse.
* 4. Neither the name of the developer nor the name "386BSD"
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.
386BSD Copyright 1 July 1992
386BSD Copyright 2 July 1992

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
This software contains software developed by the University of
California, Berkeley, and its contributors; by the Free Software
Foundation; by the University of Illinois; by the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; by the University of Vermont and State
Agricultural College; by Carnegie Mellon University; and by a large
number of contributors, whose names are listed in the notices below.
Portions of this software are subject to one or more of the following
copyright notices. Please see the individual files for the terms and
Copyright (C) 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1991, Regents of the
University of California
Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, Free
Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1976, Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
Copyright (C) 1980, 1981, Ken Harrenstien
Copyright (C) 1982, 1988, 1989, Walter Tichy
Copyright (C) 1983, 1986, 1992, 1993, Eric P. Allman
Copyright (C) 1983, Kenneth L. Greer
Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1992, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1984, 1987, Stephen L. Moshier
Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, Bob Corbett and Richard Stallman
Copyright (C) 1984, University of British Columbia
Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, Wayne A. Christopher
Copyright (C) 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, Adobe Systems, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1985, Stichting Mathematisch Centrum
Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, Ian F. Darwin
Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1989, Frame Technology, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1992, Daniel D. Lanciani
Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, Ed James
Copyright (C) 1986, Breslow
Copyright (C) 1986, Gary S. Brown
Copyright (C) 1986, Larry Wall
Copyright (C) 1986, Noah Morgan
Copyright (C) 1986, Stephen Satchell
Copyright (C) 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, Carnegie Mellon University
Copyright (C) 1987, 1988, 1989, Sony Corp.
Copyright (C) 1987, 1988, John Stanback
Copyright (C) 1987, 1988, Ronald S. Karr and Landon Curt Noll
Copyright (C) 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Copyright (C) 1987, David C. Elliott.
Copyright (C) 1987, IBM Corporation
Copyright (C) 1987, Stuart Cracraft
Copyright (C) 1987, United States Army
Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1994, Paul A. Vixie
Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, Adam de Boor
Copyright (C) 1988, 1990, University of Utah
Copyright (C) 1988, Julian Onions
Copyright (C) 1988, Mark Nudleman
Copyright (C) 1988, Rayan S. Zachariassen
Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, Frank Kardel
Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, William S. Jolitz
Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, Brian Berliner
Copyright (C) 1989, Berkeley Softworks
Copyright (C) 1989, Dale Schumacher
Copyright (C) 1989, Dave Taylor
Copyright (C) 1989, Kenneth Almquist
Copyright (C) 1989, Matthew Self
Copyright (C) 1989, Robert V. Baron
Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, AT&T Bell Laboratories and Bellcore
Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, John W. Eaton
Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, Paul Eggert
Copyright (C) 1990, 1993, Andrew Moore
Copyright (C) 1990, John Robert LoVerso
Copyright (C) 1990, Open Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1990, RSA Data Security, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, Chris Provenzano
Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, Ian Lance Taylor
Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, Per Bothner
Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, Per Cederqvist
Copyright (C) 1991, Gregory M. Christy
Copyright (C) 1991, Inge Wallin
Copyright (C) 1991, Joseph Friedman
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, David L. Mills
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, Christopher G. Demetriou
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, Garrett A. Wollman
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, HD Associates
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, Holger Veit
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, Jean-Loup Gailly
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994 Joerg Wunsch
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, John Brezak
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, Motorola, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, Soeren Schmidt
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, Theo de Raadt
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, University of Vermont and State Agricultural College
Copyright (C) 1992, Cygnus Support
Copyright (C) 1992, Diomidis Spinellis
Copyright (C) 1992, Henry Spencer
Copyright (C) 1992, Jeff Polk
Copyright (C) 1992, Terrence R. Lambert
Copyright (C) 1992, University of Guelph
Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, Andrew A. Chernov
Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, David Greenman
Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, John S. Dyson
Copyright (C) 1993, Adam Glass
Copyright (C) 1993, Atsushi Murai
Copyright (C) 1993, Brian Moore
Copyright (C) 1993, Daniel Boulet and RTMX Inc.
Copyright (C) 1993, David Muir Sharnoff
Copyright (C) 1993, David Parsons
Copyright (C) 1993, Gary Clark II
Copyright (C) 1993, Hannu Savolainen
Copyright (C) 1993, Herb Peyerl
Copyright (C) 1993, Herve Schauer Consultants
Copyright (C) 1993, Julian Elischer
Copyright (C) 1993, Julian Stacey
Copyright (C) 1993, K. J. Dryllerakis
Copyright (C) 1993, Martin Birgmeier
Copyright (C) 1993, Paul Kranenburg
Copyright (C) 1993, Paul Richards
Copyright (C) 1993, Thomas Koenig
Copyright (C) 1993, Winning Strategies, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1994, Christoph M. Robitschko
Copyright (C) 1994, University of Maryland
Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, jc@irbs.UUCP (John Capo),
vak@zebub.msk.su (Serge Vakulenko),
ache@astral.msk.su (Andrew A. Chernov)
$Id: COPYRIGHT.FreeBSD,v 1996-09-24 17:45:51 jfieber Exp $

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
The FreeBSD software is being mirrored at the following locations:
Country Site/Directory/Maintainer
======= =========================================================
Australia minnie.cs.adfa.oz.au:/BSD/FreeBSD-1.1-RELEASE
Australia ftp.physics.su.oz.au:/FreeBSD
David Dawes <dawes@physics.su.oz.au>
Australia ftp.une.edu.au:/pub/FreeBSD
Gordon Smith <Gordon.Smith@une.edu.au>
Austria ftp.tu-graz.ac.at:/pub/FreeBSD
Finland ftp.funet.fi:/pub/unix/FreeBSD
France ftp.ibp.fr:/pub/FreeBSD
Germany ftp.informatik.tu-muenchen.de:/pub/comp/os/bsd/FreeBSD
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Netherlands ftp.nl.net:/pub/os/FreeBSD
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UK src.doc.ic.ac.uk:/packages/FreeBSD
USA gatekeeper.dec.com:/pub/BSD/FreeBSD
USA freebsd.uml.edu:/FreeBSD
USA wuarchive.wustl.edu:/systems/unix/FreeBSD
$Id: MIRROR.SITES,v 1996-09-24 17:45:51 jfieber Exp $

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
.include "../../web.mk"

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
The following contributors would like to make these personal
acknowledgements (in no particular order):
Garrett Wollman would like to thank Gary Barbour and Steve Ackerman of
Utah; Tim Raymond, Jim White, and Jim Ertle of UVM; Malcolm Carlock at
UNR; and John Wroclawski of MIT.
Nate Williams would like to thank Jaye Mathisen and the entire Computer
Science department of Montana State University for their help, hardware
and encouragement.
Jordan Hubbard would like to thank IEUNET for bringing the INTERNET to
Ireland, thus making his participation possible at all (albeit expensive)
and his Mom, who would probably be pleased if only she understood any of
this. Hi Mom.
$Id: PERSONAL.ACKS,v 1996-09-24 17:45:51 jfieber Exp $

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
Release 1.1
1. Technical overview
FreeBSD is a freely available, full source 4.3 (+4.4 enhancements) BSD
release for Intel i386/i486 (or compatable) based PC's. It is based
heavily on Bill Jolitz's 386BSD 0.1, with additions from "the patchkit",
NetBSD, CSRG, and the Free Software Foundation.
Many hundreds of bugs from the 386BSD 0.1 distribution were fixed,
and many out-of-date pieces of software were upgraded to their current
releases in the GAMMA distribution. This 1.1 distribution fixes
many of the first-run problems our BETA and GAMMA users reported back
to us.
Additionally, many packages such as XFree86 2.1, xview 3.2, elm, nntp,
mh, InterViews and dozens of other miscellaneous utilities have been ported
and are now available as add-ons. See then next section of this document
for more details.
For a list of contributors, please see the files "CONTRIB.FreeBSD" and
"CONTRIB.386BSD", which should be bundled with your distribution.
The core of FreeBSD does not contain DES code which would inhibit its
being exported outside the United States. There is an add-on package
to the core distribution, for use only in the United States, that
contains the programs that normally use DES. The auxilliary packages
provided separately can be used by anyone. A freely (from outside the U.S.)
exportable European distribution of DES for our non U.S. users also exists
and is described in the FreeBSD FAQ.
2. Supported Configurations
FreeBSD currently runs on a wide variety of ISA and EISA bus based
PC's, ranging from 386sx to 486 class machines (though the 386sx is
not recommended). Support for generic IDE or ESDI drive configurations,
various SCSI controller, network and serial cards is also provided.
Following is a list of all currently known disk controllers and
ethernet cards known to work with FreeBSD. Other configurations may
very well work, and we have simply not received any indication of
2.1. Disk Controllers
WD1003 (any generic MFM/RLL)
WD1007 (any generic IDE/ESDI)
Adaptec 154x series ISA SCSI controller (as long as you have less than
16MB of main memory).
Adaptec 174x series EISA SCSI controller in standard and enhanced mode.
[Note that Buslogic was formerly known as "Bustec"]
Buslogic 545S.
Buslogic 445S VLB SCSI controller
Buslogic 742A and 747.
Please see special notes in /usr/src/KNOWNBUGS (filed under bt742a.c) for
details concerning possible buggy firmware and undocumented switch settings
that may be necessary for proper operation of your controller.
DTC 3290 EISA SCSI controller in 1542 emulation mode.
Ultra Store 14F and 34F.
Seagate ST01/02 SCSI controllers.
Future Domain 8xx/950 series SCSI controllers.
With all supported SCSI controllers, full support is provided for
SCSI-I & SCSI-II peripherals, including Disks, tape drives (including
DAT) and CD ROM drives. Note: This and the mcd driver (Mitsumi CDROM
inteface card) is the only way a CD ROM drive may be currently
attached to a FreeBSD system; we do not support SoundBlaster CDROM
interface, or other "mini SCSI" adapters.
Some controllers have limitations with the way they deal with >16MB of memory,
due to the fact that the ISA bus only has a DMA address space of 24 bits.
If you do your arithmetic, you'll see that this makes it impossible to do
direct DMA to any address >16MB. This limitation is even true of some
EISA controllers (which are normally 32 bit) when they're configured to
emulate an ISA card, which they then do in *all* respects. This problem
is avoided entirely by IDE controllers (which do not use DMA), true EISA
controllers (like the UltraStor or Adaptec 1742A) and most VLB (local bus)
controllers. In these cases, the system will use "bounce buffers" to
to talk to the controller, and is generally the default.
2.2. Ethernet cards
SMC Elite 16 WD8013 ethernet interface, and most other WD8003E,
WD8003EBT, WD8003W, WD8013W, WD8003S, WD8003SBT and WD8013EBT
based clones.
Isolan AT 4141-0 (16 bit)
Isolink 4110 (8 bit)
Novell NE1000, NE2000, and NE2100 ethernet interface.
3Com 3C503 Etherlink II
3Com 3C509 Ethernet cards
Toshiba ethernet cards
SMC Elite Ultra
2.3. Misc
AST 4 port serial card using shared IRQ.
ARNET 8 port serial card using shared IRQ.
BOCA ATIO66 6 port serial card using shared IRQ.
STB 4 port card using shared IRQ.
Mitsumi (all models) CDROM interface and drive.
Adlib, Soundblaster, Soundblaster Pro, ProAudioSpectrum, Gravis UltraSound
and Roland MPU-401 sound cards.
FreeBSD currently does NOT support IBM's microchannel (MCA) bus, but
support is apparently close to materializing. Details will be posted
as they develop.
3. Obtaining FreeBSD.
You may obtain FreeBSD in a variety of ways:
1. FTP/Mail
You can ftp FreeBSD and any or all of its optional packages from
`freebsd.cdrom.com' - the offical FreeBSD release site.
For other locations that mirror the FreeBSD software see the file
MIRROR.SITES. Please ftp the distribution from the nearest site
to you netwise.
If you do not have access to the internet and electronic mail is your
only recourse, then you may still fetch the files by sending mail to
`ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com' - putting the keyword "help" in your message
to get more information on how to fetch files from freebsd.cdrom.com.
Note: This approach will end up sending many *tens of megabytes*
through the mail, and should only be employed as an absolute LAST
FreeBSD may be ordered on CDROM from:
Walnut Creek CDROM
4041 Pike Lane, Suite D
Concord CA 94520
1-800-786-9907, +1-510-674-0783, +1-510-674-0821 (fax)
Or via the internet from orders@cdrom.com. There current catalog can
be obtained via ftp as ftp.cdrom.com:/cdrom/catalog.
Cost is $39.95. Shipping (per order not per disc) is $5 in the US, Canada,
or Mexico and $10.00 overseas. They accept Visa, Mastercard, American
Express, and ship COD to the United States. California residents please
add 8.25% sales tax.
Should you be dissatisfied for any reason, the CD comes with an
unconditional return policy.
Note that Walnut Creek CDROM does NOT provide technical support for FreeBSD,
you need to contact the FreeBSD team for that. Please see section 4 for
more information.
It should be noted, lest you get the wrong impression that "FreeBSD"
is anything but, that almost no one in the "core team" makes money
from distributions or anything else connected with FreeBSD. We simply
provide this information as a public service for those wishing to get
their releases from somewhere other than the net (and the easier it
is for you to obtain our software, the happier we are).
4. Reporting problems, making suggestions, submitting code.
Your suggestions, bug reports and contributions of code are always
valued - please do not hesitate to report any problems you may find
(preferably with a fix attached if you can!).
The prefered method to submit bug reports from a machine with internet
mail connectivity is to use the sendbug command. Bug reports will be
dutifully filed by our faithful bugfiler program and you can be sure
that we'll do our best to respond to all reported bugs as soon as
If, for some reason, you are unable to use the sendbug command to
submit a bug report, you can try to send it to:
Otherwise, for any questions or suggestions, please send mail to:
Additionally, being a volunteer effort, we are always happy to have
extra hands willing to help - there are already far more enhancements
to be done than we can ever manage to do by ourselves! To contact us
on technical matters, or with offers of help, you may send mail to:
Since these mailing lists can experience significant amounts of
traffic, if you've got slow or expensive mail access and you're
only interested in keeping up with significant FreeBSD events, you may
find it preferable to subscribe to:
All but the FreeBSD-bugs groups can be freely joined by anyone wishing to
do so. Send mail to MajorDomo@freefall.cdrom.com and include the keyword
`help' on a line by itself somewhere in the body of the message. This
will give you more information on joining the various lists, accessing
archives, etc.
5. Acknowledgements
FreeBSD represents the cumulative work of many dozens, if not
hundreds, of individuals from around the world who have worked very
hard to bring you this release. It would be very difficult, if not
impossible, to enumerate everyone who's contributed to FreeBSD, but
nonetheless we shall try (in alphabetical order, of course). If your
name is not mentioned, please be assured that its omission is entirely
The Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG), U.C. Berkeley.
Bill Jolitz, for his extensive work with 386BSD.
The FreeBSD "core" group:
Andrew A. Chernov
John Dyson
David Greenman
Rodney W. Grimes
Jordan K. Hubbard
Scott Mace
Andrew Moore
Rich Murphey
Geoff Rehmet
Paul Richards
Andreas Schulz
Nate Williams
Garrett A. Wollman
Special mention to:
Robert Bruce and Jack Velte of Walnut Creek CDROM, without
whose help (and continuing support) this release would never
have been possible.
Dermot McDonnell for his donation of a Toshiba XM3401B CDROM
The NetBSD group for their frequent assistance and commentary.
Additional FreeBSD helpers and beta testers:
Gary Browing Jon Cargille
J.T. Conklin Chris Demetriou
Julian Elischer Bruce Evans
Sean Eric Fagan Guy Helmer
Jeffrey Hsu Terry Lambert
Gary Moyer Jaye Mathisen
Curt Mayer L Jonas Olsson
Chris Provenzano Dave Rivers
Guido van Rooij Steven Wallace
Rick Weldon Terry Williams
And everyone at Montana State University for their initial support.
Thanks to everyone, especially those not mentioned, and we sincerely
hope you enjoy this release of FreeBSD!
The FreeBSD Core Group
$Id: RELNOTES.FreeBSD,v 1996-09-24 17:45:51 jfieber Exp $

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
Technical support for this product is NOT provided by Walnut Creek CDROM.
You need to contact one of the following companies and/or people for
technical support.
Accurate Automation Company
6005 S.E. Laurel Street
Milwaukie, OR 97222
Telephone: +1-503-653-7376
Email: rgrimes@agora.rain.com
Accurate Automation provides support for FreeBSD including installation,
system configuration, hardware and software trouble shooting, and related
issues. Rates depend upon the type of work being done. Hours are from
10:00 am to 10:00pm PST.
Gary Clark II
GB Data Consulting
3801 Polk
Houston, Texas 77003 USA
Telephone: +1-713-587-1644
Email: gclarkii@radon.gbdata.com
GB Data Consulting provides support for FreeBSD including installation, usage
and system administration. We also provide classes, on-site service and
distribution sets on floppy. Please email info@radon.gbdata.com or call for
rates and information.
Cronyx Ltd.
Research Computer Center,
Moscow State University,
Moscow 199899, Russia
Phone: +7-095-939-5678
Email: info@cronyx.msk.su
Cronyx Ltd. provides support for FreeBSD including installation,
configuration, Relcom network connection via UUCP, dialup and leased
line IP. We also provide X Windows configuration and localization,
as well as additional packages installation. Distribution sets on
floppies and tape cartridges available. System software development
including drivers for non-standard equipment.
Jordan Hubbard
Timberline Associates (est 1978)
Dublin, Ireland [And soon Boston / San Francisco]
Support hours: 1000 - 2300 GMT
Tel #: 00353-1-332796
Email: jkh@al.org
Telephone (or Internet) and on-site consulting for FreeBSD in Ireland,
the United States, United Kingdom and most parts of Europe. Services include
installation, system configuration, networking and custom software
projects, graphical user interfaces a specialty (actively involved with
The X Window System since Version 9 and contributor to the X Consortium).
Reasonable and flexible rates comensurate with location and duration of
assignment. Internet assignments are welcomed, and generally billed at
lower rates.
Vector Systems Ltd, Julian H. Stacey.
Post: Holz Strasse 27d, D 80469, Munich (Muenchen), Germany (Deutschland).
Tel.: +49 89 268616 09:00-22:00 TZ=GMT+1
Email: stacey@freefall.cdrom.com
Custom designs & support using FreeBSD + X-Windows + FSF/GNU, + own Unix & DOS
C tools. Systems engineering, hardware interfacing, multi lingual systems
(European, Cyrillic, Chinese), communications, scientific, industrial real
time programming. Source Tapes: QIC 525M, 150M, 60M.
Deutsch: Man kann mir in Deutsch schreiben, (oder mich anrufen).
Francais: Je comprend Francais, mais je n'ecris pas des responses en Francais.
Sean Vickery
2/449 Milton Road
Auchenflower Qld 4066
Telephone: +61 (0)7 870 5241
Email: seanv@cs.uq.edu.au
Sean offers support in most FreeBSD matters, including installation
and configuration. His rates are reasonable. As well as on-site
help, support is available over the phone and the net.
$Id: SUPPORT.TXT,v 1996-09-24 17:45:51 jfieber Exp $

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<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1996-09-24 17:45:52 $">
<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD 2.0.5 ALPHA Announcement">
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<b>Date:</b> Tue, 30 May 1995 01:44:26 -0700<br>
<b>From:</b> "Jordan K. Hubbard" &lt;jkh@freefall.cdrom.com&gt;<br>
<b>To:</b> announce@FreeBSD.org<br>
<b>Subject:</b> Announcing FreeBSD 2.0.5 ALPHA!
<p>It gives me great pleasure to announce the release of FreeBSD 2.0.5-ALPHA!
<p>2.0.5A represents a significant improvement over FreeBSD 2.0R and is our
release-candidate for 2.0.5R later on this week. We're doing a short ALPHA
release in order to shake out any glaring bugs before rolling 2.0.5R and
moving on to 2.1R, which is the bigger goal. If you're looking for 2.1R,
then THIS ISN'T IT. It's an interim release aimed at people who want
something newer and better than 2.0R to run and don't feel like waiting
for late July, which is when 2.1R is scheduled to go into BETA test.
<p>That said, I think most people will enjoy 2.0.5 quite a bit, and while
it's not up to the "full release quality" we hope to have for 2.1R, it's
certainly more stable and generally nicer to use than 2.0R!
<p>2.0.5A is currently available on the following sites:
<dd><a href="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.0.5-ALPHA">ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.0.5-ALPHA</a>
<dt>Secondary: <dd><a href="ftp://freefall.cdrom.com/pub/FreeBSD/2.0.5-ALPHA">ftp://freefall.cdrom.com/pub/FreeBSD/2.0.5-ALPHA</a>
<p>And should be up on the following MIRROR sites shortly:
<dt>Australia <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.physics.usyd.edu.au/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.physics.usyd.edu.au/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>Finland <dd><a href="ftp://nic.funet.fi/pub/unix/FreeBSD">ftp://nic.funet.fi/pub/unix/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>France <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.ibp.fr/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.ibp.fr/pub/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>Germany <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.fb9dv.uni-duisburg.de/pub/unix/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.fb9dv.uni-duisburg.de/pub/unix/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>Germany <dd><a href="ftp://gil.physik.rwth-aachen.de/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://gil.physik.rwth-aachen.de/pub/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>Germany <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.uni-paderborn.de/freebsd">ftp://ftp.uni-paderborn.de/freebsd</a>
<dt>Israel <dd><a href="ftp://orgchem.weizmann.ac.il/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://orgchem.weizmann.ac.il/pub/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>Hong Kong <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.hk.super.net/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.hk.super.net/pub/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>Korea <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.cau.ac.kr/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.cau.ac.kr/pub/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>Netherlands <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.nl.net/pub/os/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.nl.net/pub/os/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>Russia <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.kiae.su/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.kiae.su/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>Sweden <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.luth.se/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.luth.se/pub/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>Taiwan <dd><a href="ftp://netbsd.csie.nctu.edu.tw/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://netbsd.csie.nctu.edu.tw/pub/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>Thailand <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.nectec.or.th/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.nectec.or.th/pub/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>USA <dd><a href="ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/BSD/FreeBSD">ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/BSD/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>USA <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.cybernetics.net/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.cybernetics.net/pub/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>USA <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/systems/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/systems/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>USA <dd><a href="ftp://kryten.atinc.com/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://kryten.atinc.com/pub/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>USA <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.dataplex.net/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.dataplex.net/pub/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>Japan <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.tokyonet.ad.jp/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.tokyonet.ad.jp/pub/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>Japan <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.tut.ac.jp/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.tut.ac.jp/FreeBSD</a>
Ashida Hiroyuki &lt;ashida@ftp.tut.ac.jp&gt;
<dt>Japan <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.sra.co.jp/pub/os/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.sra.co.jp/pub/os/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>Japan <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.ee.uec.ac.jp/pub/os/mirror/ftp.freebsd.org">ftp://ftp.ee.uec.ac.jp/pub/os/mirror/ftp.freebsd.org</a>
<dt>Japan <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.mei.co.jp/free/PC-UNIX/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.mei.co.jp/free/PC-UNIX/FreeBSD</a>
TANIGUCHI Syuuhei &lt;tanig@isl.mei.co.jp&gt;
<dt>Japan <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.waseda.ac.jp/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.waseda.ac.jp/pub/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>Japan <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.pu-toyama.ac.jp/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.pu-toyama.ac.jp/pub/FreeBSD</a>
Yoshihiko USUI &lt;usui@pu-toyama.ac.jp&gt;
<dt>Japan <dd><a href="ftp://ftpsv1.u-aizu.ac.jp/pub/os/FreeBSD">ftp://ftpsv1.u-aizu.ac.jp/pub/os/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>UK <dd><a href="ftp://src.doc.ic.ac.uk/packages/unix/FreeBSD">ftp://src.doc.ic.ac.uk/packages/unix/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>UK <dd><a href="ftp://unix.hensa.ac.uk/pub/walnut.creek/FreeBSD">ftp://unix.hensa.ac.uk/pub/walnut.creek/FreeBSD</a>
<dt>UK <dd><a href="ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/BSD/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/BSD/FreeBSD</a>
<p>NOTE: If you're installing directly from ftp you can simply grab the
boot.flp image from the floppies directory, write it to a floppy
and go from there. There is <em>no need</em> to grab any of the other files;
the installation will perform this step automatically!
<p>Please also read the various README and <a href=notes.html>RELNOTES</a> files in the release for
more information on 2.0.5 - no sense in repeating it all here if most
of you are simply going to download and read it anyway!
<p>I'd like to also extend special thanks to Poul-Henning Kamp &amp; Gary Palmer
for exerting an especially large amount of effort this time in helping
me get the new installation together. Thanks also to Rod Grimes for
playing "source tree pit bull" when I needed him to, thus keeping the
number of headaches I had to suffer in pulling in various last-minute
changes to an absolute minimum. Thanks, guys! This couldn't have
been done without you!
<p> Jordan<br>
for the FreeBSD Project.

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<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD 2.0.5 ALPHA Release Notes">
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Release 2.0.5
1. Technical overview
FreeBSD is a freely available, full source 4.4 BSD Lite based release
for Intel i386/i486/Pentium (or compatible) based PC's. It is based
primarily on software from U.C. Berkeley's CSRG group, with some
enhancements from NetBSD, 386BSD, and the Free Software Foundation.
Since our release of FreeBSD 2.0 some 8 months ago, the performance,
feature set, and stability of FreeBSD has improved dramatically. The
largest change is a revamped VM system with a merged VM/file buffer
cache that not only increases performance, but reduces FreeBSD's
memory footprint, making a 4MB configuration a more acceptible
minimum. Other enhancements include full NIS client and server
support, transaction TCP support, dial-on-demand PPP, an improved SCSI
subsystem, early ISDN support, support for FDDI and Fast Ethernet
(100Mbit) adapters, improved support for the Adaptec 2940 (WIDE and
narrow) and many hundreds of bug fixes.
We've also taken the comments and suggestions of many of our users to
heart and have attempted to provide what we hope is a more sane and
easily understood installation process. Your feedback on this
(constantly evolving) process is especially welcome!
In addition to the base distributions, FreeBSD offers a new ported
software collection with some 270 commonly sought-after programs. The
list of ports ranges from http (WWW) servers, to games, languages,
editors and almost everything in between. The entire ports collection
requires only 10MB of storage, all ports being expressed as "deltas"
to their original sources. This makes it much easier for us to update
ports, and greatly reduces the disk space demands made by the older
1.0 ports collection. To compile a port, you simply change to the
directory of the program you wish to install, type make and let the
system do the rest. The full original distribution for each port you
build is retrieved dynamically off of CDROM or a local ftp site, so
you need only enough disk space to build the ports you want. Each
port is also provided as a pre-compiled "package" which can be
installed with a simple command (pkg_add) by those who do not wish to
compile their own ports from source. See the file:
for a more complete description of the ports collection.
Since our first release of FreeBSD 1.0 nearly two years ago, FreeBSD
has changed almost entirely. A new port from the Berkeley 4.4 code
base was done, which brought the legal status of the system out of the
shadows with the blessing of Novell (the new owners of USL and UNIX). The
port to 4.4 has also brought in a host of new features, filesystems
and enhanced driver support. With our new unencumbered code base, we
have every reason to hope that we'll be able to release quality
operating systems without further legal encumbrance for some time to
FreeBSD 2.0.5 represents the culmination of 2 years of work and many
thousands of man hours put in by an international development team.
We hope you enjoy it!
For a list of contributors and a general project description, please see
the file "CONTRIB.FreeBSD" which should be bundled with your binary
Also see the "REGISTER.FreeBSD" file for information on registering
with the "Free BSD user counter". This counter is for ALL freely
available variants of BSD, not just FreeBSD, and we urge you to register
yourself with it.
The core of FreeBSD does not contain DES code which would inhibit its
being exported outside the United States. There is an add-on package
to the core distribution, for use only in the United States, that
contains the programs that normally use DES. The auxiliary packages
provided separately can be used by anyone. A freely (from outside the
U.S.) exportable European distribution of DES for our non-U.S. users also
exists and is described in the FreeBSD FAQ.
If password security for FreeBSD is all you need, and you have no
requirement for copying encrypted passwords from different hosts
(Suns, DEC machines, etc) into FreeBSD password entries, then
FreeBSD's MD5 based security may be all you require! We feel that our
default security model is more than a match for DES, and without any
messy export issues to deal with. If you're outside (or even inside)
the U.S., give it a try!
1.1 What's new in 2.0.5?
The following features were added or substantially improved between
the release of 2.0 and this 2.0.5 release. In order to facilitate
better communication, the person, or persons, responsible for each
enhancement is noted. Any questions regarding the new functionality
should be directed to them first.
Merged VM-File Buffer Cache
A merged VM/buffer cache design greatly enhances overall system
performance and makes it possible to do a number of more optimal
memory allocation strategies that were not possible before.
Owner: David Greenman (davidg@FreeBSD.org) and
John Dyson (dyson@implode.root.com)
Network PCB hash optimization
For systems with a great number of active TCP connections (WEB and ftp
servers, for example), this greatly speeds up the lookup time required
to match an incoming packet up to its associated connection.
Owner: David Greenman (davidg@FreeBSD.org)
Name cache optimization
The name-cache would cache all files of the same name to the same bucket,
which would put for instance all ".." entries in the same bucket. We added
the parent directory version to frustrate the hash, and improved the
management of the cache in various other ways while we were at it.
Owner: Poul-Henning Kamp (phk@FreeBSD.org)
David GreenMan (davidg@FreeBSD.org)
Less restrictive swap-spaces
The need to compile the names of the swap devices into the kernel has been
removed. Now swapon will accept any block devices, up to the maximum
number of swap devices configured in the kernel.
Owner: Poul-Henning Kamp (phk@FreeBSD.org)
David GreenMan (davidg@FreeBSD.org)
Hard Wired SCSI Devices
Prior to 2.0.5, FreeBSD performed dynamic assignment of unit numbers
to SCSI devices as they were probed, allowing a SCSI device failure to
possibly change unit number assignment and prevent filesystems on
still functioning disks from mounting. Hard wiring allows static
allocation of unit numbers (and hence device names) to scsi devices
based on SCSI ID and bus. SCSI configuration occurs in the kernel
config file. Samples of the configuration syntax can be found in the
scsi(4) man page or the LINT kernel config file.
Owner: Peter Dufault (dufault@hda.com)
Sources involved: sys/scsi/* usr.sbin/config/*
Slice Support
FreeBSD now supports a "slice" abstraction which makes it more
completely interoperable with other operating system partitions. This
support will allow FreeBSD to inhabit DOS extended partitions.
Owner: Bruce Evans (bde@FreeBSD.org)
Sources involved: sys/disklabel.h sys/diskslice.h sys/dkbad.h
kern/subr_diskslice.c kern/subr_dkbad.c
i386/isa/wd.c scsi/sd.c dev/vn/vn.c
Support for Ontrack Disk Manager Version 6.0
Support has been added for disks which use Ontrack Disk Manager. The
fdisk program does NOT know about it however, so make all changes
using the install program on the boot.flp or the Ontrack Disk Manager
tool under DOS.
Owner: Poul-Henning Kamp (phk@FreeBSD.org)
Bad144 is back and working
Bad144 works again, though the semantics are slightly different than
before in that the bad-spots are kept relative to the slice rather
than absolute on the disk.
Owner: Bruce Evans (bde@FreeBSD.org)
Poul-Henning Kamp (phk@FreeBSD.org)
SCSI and CDROM Devices
Matsushita/Panasonic (Creative) CD-ROM driver
The Matsushita/Panasonic CR-562 and CR-563 drives are now supported
when connected to a Sound Blaster or 100% compatible host adapter. Up
to four host adapters are supported for a total of 16 CD-ROM drives.
The audio functions are supported with the Karoke variable speed
Owner: Frank Durda IV bsdmail@nemesis.lonestar.org
Sources involved: isa/matcd
Adaptec 2742/2842/2940 SCSI driver
The original 274x/284x driver has evolved considerably since the 2.0
release. We now offer full support for the 2940 series as well as the
Wide models of these cards. The arbitration bug (as well as many
others) that caused the driver problems with fast devices has been
corrected and there is even experimental tagged queuing support
(kernel option "AHC_TAGENABLE"). John Aycock has also released the
sequencer code under a "Berkeley style" copyright making the driver
entirely clean of the GPL.
Owner: Justin Gibbs (gibbs@FreeBSD.org)
Sources involved: isa/aic7770.c pci/aic7870.c i386/scsi/*
NCR5380/NCR53400 SCSI ("ProAudio Spectrum") driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: Serge Vakulenko (vak@cronyx.ru)
Sources involved: isa/ncr5380.c
Sony CDROM driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: Mikael Hybsch (micke@dynas.se)
Sources involved: isa/scd.c
Serial Devices
SDL Communications Riscom/8 Serial Board Driver
Owner: Andrey Chernov (ache@FreeBSD.org)
Sources involved: isa/rc.c isa/rcreg.h
Cyclades Cyclom-y Serial Board Driver
Owner: Bruce Evans (bde@FreeBSD.org)
Submitted by: Andrew Werple (andrew@werple.apana.org.au) and
Heikki Suonsivu (hsu@cs.hut.fi)
Obtained from: NetBSD
Sources involved: isa/cy.c
Cronyx/Sigma sync/async serial driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: Serge Vakulenko
Sources involved: isa/cronyx.c
Diskless booting
Diskless booting in 2.0.5 is much improved. The boot-program is in
src/sys/i386/boot/netboot, and can be run from an MSDOS system or
burned into an EPROM. Local swapping is also possible. WD, SMC, 3COM
and Novell ethernet cards are currently supported.
DEC DC21140 Fast Ethernet driver
This driver supports any of the numerous NICs using the DC21140 chipset
including the 100Mb DEC DE-500-XA and SMC 9332.
Owner: core
Submitted by: Matt Thomas (thomas@lkg.dec.com)
Sources involved: pci/if_de.c pci/dc21040.h
Owner: core
Submitted by: Matt Thomas (thomas@lkg.dec.com)
Sources involved: pci/if_pdq.c pci/pdq.c pci/pdq_os.h pci/pdqreg.h
3Com 3c505 (Etherlink/+) NIC driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: Dean Huxley (dean@fsa.ca)
Obtained from: NetBSD
Sources involved: isa/if_eg.c
Fujitsu MB86960A family of NICs driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: M.S. (seki@sysrap.cs.fujitsu.co.jp)
Sources involved: isa/if_fe.c
Intel EtherExpress driver
Owner: Rodney W. Grimes (rgrimes@FreeBSD.org)
Sources involved: isa/if_ix.c isa/if_ixreg.h
3Com 3c589 driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: "HOSOKAWA Tatsumi" (hosokawa@mt.cs.keio.ac.jp),
Seiji Murata (seiji@mt.cs.keio.ac.jp) and
Noriyuki Takahashi (hor@aecl.ntt.jp)
Sources involved: isa/if_zp.c
IBM Credit Card Adapter driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: "HOSOKAWA Tatsumi" (hosokawa@mt.cs.keio.ac.jp),
Sources involved: isa/pcic.c isa/pcic.h
EDSS1 and 1TR6 ISDN interface driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: Dietmar Friede (dfriede@drnhh.neuhaus.de) and
Juergen Krause (jkr@saarlink.de)
Sources involved: gnu/isdn/*
Miscellaneous Drivers
Joystick driver
Owner: Jean-Marc Zucconi (jmz@FreeBSD.org)
Sources involved: isa/joy.c
National Instruments "LabPC" driver
Owner: Peter Dufault (dufault@hda.com)
Sources involved: isa/labpc.c
WD7000 driver
Owner: Olof Johansson (offe@ludd.luth.se)
Pcvt Console driver
Owner: Joerg Wunsch (joerg@FreeBSD.org)
Submitted by: Hellmuth Michaelis (hm@altona.hamburg.com)
Sources involved: isa/pcvt/*
BSD-audio emulator for VAT driver
Owner: Amancio Hasty (ahasty@FreeBSD.org) and
Paul Traina (pst@FreeBSD.org)
Sources involved: isa/sound/vat_audio.c isa/sound/vat_audioio.h
National Instruments AT-GPIB and AT-GPIB/TNT GPIB driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: Fred Cawthorne (fcawth@delphi.umd.edu)
Sources involved: isa/gpib.c isa/gpib.h isa/gpibreg.h
Genius GS-4500 hand scanner driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: Gunther Schadow (gusw@fub46.zedat.fu-berlin.de)
Sources involved: isa/gsc.c isa/gscreg.h
CORTEX-I Frame Grabber
Owner: core
Submitted by: Paul S. LaFollette, Jr. (
Sources involved: isa/ctx.c isa/ctxreg.h
Video Spigot video capture card
Owner: Jim Lowe
1.2 Experimental features
The unionfs and LFS file systems are known to be severely broken in
2.0.5. This is in part due to old bugs that we haven't had time to
resolve yet and the need to update these file systems to deal with the
new VM system. We hope to address these issues in a later release of
FreeBSD now supports running iBCS2 compatible binaries (currently SCO
UNIX 3.2.2 &amp; 3.2.4 and ISC 2.2 COFF format are supported). The iBCS2
emulator is in its early stages, but it is functional, we haven't been
able to do exhaustive testing (lack of commercial apps), but almost
all of SCO's 3.2.2 binaries are working, so is an old INFORMIX-2.10
for SCO. Further testing is nessesary to complete this project. There
is also work under way for ELF &amp; XOUT loaders, and most of the svr4
syscall wrappers have been written.
Owner: Soren Schmidt (sos) &amp; Sean Eric Fagan (sef)
Sources involved: sys/i386/ibcs2/* + misc kernel changes.
2. Supported Configurations
FreeBSD currently runs on a wide variety of ISA, VLB, EISA and PCI bus
based PC's, ranging from 386sx to Pentium class machines (though the
386sx is not recommended). Support for generic IDE or ESDI drive
configurations, various SCSI controller, network and serial cards is
also provided.
Following is a list of all disk controllers and ethernet cards currently
known to work with FreeBSD. Other configurations may very well work, and
we have simply not received any indication of this.
2.1. Disk Controllers
WD1003 (any generic MFM/RLL)
WD1007 (any generic IDE/ESDI)
Adaptec 152x series ISA SCSI controllers
Adaptec 154x series ISA SCSI controllers
Adaptec 174x series EISA SCSI controller in standard and enhanced mode.
Adaptec 274X/284X/2940 (Narrow/Wide/Twin) series ISA/EISA/PCI SCSI controllers
Adaptec AIC-6260 and AIC-6360 based boards, which includes
the AHA-152x and SoundBlaster SCSI cards.
** Note: You cannot boot from the SoundBlaster cards
as they have no on-board BIOS, which is necessary for mapping
the boot device into the system BIOS I/O vectors.
They're perfectly usable for external tapes, CDROMs, etc,
however. The same goes for any other AIC-6x60 based card
without a boot ROM. Some systems DO have a boot ROM, which
is generally indicated by some sort of message when the system
is first powered up or reset. Check your system/board documentation
for more details.
[Note that Buslogic was formerly known as "Bustec"]
Buslogic 545S &amp; 545c
Buslogic 445S/445c VLB SCSI controller
Buslogic 742A, 747S, 747c EISA SCSI controller.
Buslogic 946c PCI SCSI controller
Buslogic 956c PCI SCSI controller
NCR 53C810 and 53C825 PCI SCSI controller.
NCR5380/NCR53400 ("ProAudio Spectrum") SCSI controller.
DTC 3290 EISA SCSI controller in 1542 emulation mode.
UltraStor 14F, 24F and 34F SCSI controllers.
Seagate ST01/02 SCSI controllers.
Future Domain 8xx/950 series SCSI controllers.
With all supported SCSI controllers, full support is provided for
SCSI-I &amp; SCSI-II peripherals, including Disks, tape drives (including
DAT) and CD ROM drives.
The following CD-ROM type systems are supported at this time:
(cd) SCSI (also includes ProAudio Spectrum and SoundBlaster SCSI)
(mcd) Mitsumi proprietary interface
(matcd) Matsushita/Panasonic (Creative) proprietary interface
(scd) Sony proprietary interface
Note: CD-Drives with IDE interfaces are not supported at this time.
Some controllers have limitations with the way they deal with &gt;16MB of
memory, due to the fact that the ISA bus only has a DMA address space
of 24 bits. If you do your arithmetic, you'll see that this makes it
impossible to do direct DMA to any address &gt;16MB. This limitation is
even true of some EISA controllers (which are normally 32 bit) when
they're configured to emulate an ISA card, which they then do in *all*
respects. This problem is avoided entirely by IDE controllers (which
do not use DMA), true EISA controllers (like the UltraStor, Adaptec
1742A or Adaptec 2742) and most VLB (local bus) controllers. In the
cases where it's necessary, the system will use "bounce buffers" to
talk to the controller so that you can still use more than 16Mb of
memory without difficulty.
2.2. Ethernet cards
SMC Elite 16 WD8013 ethernet interface, and most other WD8003E,
WD8003EBT, WD8003W, WD8013W, WD8003S, WD8003SBT and WD8013EBT
based clones. SMC Elite Ultra is also supported.
DEC EtherWORKS III NICs (DE203, DE204, and DE205)
DEC EtherWORKS II NICs (DE200, DE201, DE202, and DE422)
DEC DC21140 based NICs (SMC???? DE???)
Fujitsu MB86960A family of NICs
Intel EtherExpress
Isolan AT 4141-0 (16 bit)
Isolink 4110 (8 bit)
Novell NE1000, NE2000, and NE2100 ethernet interface.
3Com 3C501 cards
3Com 3C503 Etherlink II
3Com 3c505 Etherlink/+
3Com 3C507 Etherlink 16/TP
3Com 3C509, 3C579, 3C589 (PCMCIA) Etherlink III
Toshiba ethernet cards
PCMCIA ethernet cards from IBM and National Semiconductor are also
2.3. Misc
AST 4 port serial card using shared IRQ.
ARNET 8 port serial card using shared IRQ.
BOCA ATIO66 6 port serial card using shared IRQ.
Cyclades Cyclom-y Serial Board.
STB 4 port card using shared IRQ.
Mitsumi (all models) CDROM interface and drive.
SDL Communications Riscom/8 Serial Board.
Soundblaster SCSI and ProAudio Spectrum SCSI CDROM interface and drive.
Matsushita/Panasonic (Creative SoundBlaster) CDROM interface and drive.
Adlib, SoundBlaster, SoundBlaster Pro, ProAudioSpectrum, Gravis UltraSound
and Roland MPU-401 sound cards.
FreeBSD currently does NOT support IBM's microchannel (MCA) bus, but
support is apparently close to materializing. Details will be posted
as the situation develops.
3. Obtaining FreeBSD.
You may obtain FreeBSD in a variety of ways:
1. FTP/Mail
You can ftp FreeBSD and any or all of its optional packages from
`ftp.freebsd.org' - the offical FreeBSD release site.
For other locations that mirror the FreeBSD software see the file
MIRROR.SITES. Please ftp the distribution from the nearest site
to you netwise.
If you do not have access to the internet and electronic mail is your
only recourse, then you may still fetch the files by sending mail to
`ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com' - putting the keyword "help" in your message
to get more information on how to fetch files from freebsd.cdrom.com.
Note: This approach will end up sending many *tens of megabytes*
through the mail, and should only be employed as an absolute LAST
FreeBSD 2.0.5 may be ordered on CDROM from:
Walnut Creek CDROM
4041 Pike Lane, Suite D
Concord CA 94520
1-800-786-9907, +1-510-674-0783, +1-510-674-0821 (fax)
Or via the internet from orders@cdrom.com or http://www.cdrom.com.
Their current catalog can be obtained via ftp as:
Cost is $39.95. Shipping (per order not per disc) is $5 in the US,
Canada, or Mexico and $10.00 overseas. They accept Visa, Mastercard,
American Express, and ship COD within the United States. California
residents please add 8.25% sales tax.
Should you be dissatisfied for any reason, the CD comes with an
unconditional return policy.
Reporting problems, making suggestions, submitting code.
Your suggestions, bug reports and contributions of code are always
valued - please do not hesitate to report any problems you may find
(preferably with a fix attached if you can!).
The preferred method to submit bug reports from a machine with
internet mail connectivity is to use the send-pr command. Bug reports
will be dutifully filed by our faithful bugfiler program and you can
be sure that we'll do our best to respond to all reported bugs as soon
as possible.
If, for some reason, you are unable to use the send-pr command to
submit a bug report, you can try to send it to:
Otherwise, for any questions or suggestions, please send mail to:
Additionally, being a volunteer effort, we are always happy to have
extra hands willing to help - there are already far more enhancements
to be done than we can ever manage to do by ourselves! To contact us
on technical matters, or with offers of help, you may send mail to:
Since these mailing lists can experience significant amounts of
traffic, if you have slow or expensive mail access and you are
only interested in keeping up with significant FreeBSD events, you may
find it preferable to subscribe to:
All but the freebsd-bugs groups can be freely joined by anyone wishing
to do so. Send mail to MajorDomo@FreeBSD.org and include the keyword
`help' on a line by itself somewhere in the body of the message. This
will give you more information on joining the various lists, accessing
archives, etc. There are a number of mailing lists targeted at
special interest groups not mentioned here, so send mail to majordomo
and ask about them!
6. Acknowledgements
FreeBSD represents the cumulative work of many dozens, if not
hundreds, of individuals from around the world who have worked very
hard to bring you this release. It would be very difficult, if not
impossible, to enumerate everyone who's contributed to FreeBSD, but
nonetheless we shall try (in alphabetical order, of course). If your
name is not mentioned, please be assured that its omission is entirely
The Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG), U.C. Berkeley.
Bill Jolitz, for his initial work with 386BSD.
The FreeBSD Core Team
(in alphabetical order by first name):
Andreas Schulz &lt;ats@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Andrey A. Chernov &lt;ache@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Bruce Evans &lt;bde@FreeBSD.org&gt;
David Greenman &lt;davidg@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Garrett A. Wollman &lt;wollman@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Gary Palmer &lt;gpalmer@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Geoff Rehmet &lt;csgr@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Jack Vogel &lt;jackv@FreeBSD.org&gt;
John Dyson &lt;dyson@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Jordan K. Hubbard &lt;jkh@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Justin Gibbs &lt;gibbs@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Paul Richards &lt;paul@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Poul-Henning Kamp &lt;phk@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Rich Murphey &lt;rich@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Rodney W. Grimes &lt;rgrimes@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Satoshi Asami &lt;asami@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Søren Schmidt &lt;sos@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Special mention to:
Walnut Creek CDROM, without whose help (and continuing support)
this release would never have been possible.
Dermot McDonnell for his donation of a Toshiba XM3401B CDROM
Additional FreeBSD helpers and beta testers:
J.T. Conklin Julian Elischer
Frank Durda IV Peter Dufault
Sean Eric Fagan Jeffrey Hsu
Terry Lambert L Jonas Olsson
Chris Provenzano Dave Rivers
Guido van Rooij Steven Wallace
Atsushi Murai Scott Mace
Nate Williams
And everyone at Montana State University for their initial support.
Jordan would also like to give special mention to Poul-Henning Kamp
and Gary Palmer, both of whom put in long hours helping him to
construct the new installation utility. Poul, being a proud new
father, was especially pressed for time yet somehow managed to put in
significant amount of effort anyway and this release could not have
happened without him. Thank you both!
Thanks also to everyone else who helped, especially those not
mentioned, and we sincerely hope you enjoy this release of FreeBSD!
The FreeBSD Core Team
Id: RELNOTES.FreeBSD,v 1.7 1995/05/28 19:49:57 jkh Exp

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DOCS= announce.sgml notes.sgml
.include "../../web.mk"

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<!ENTITY base CDATA "../..">
<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1996-09-24 17:45:53 $">
<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD 2.0.5 RELEASE Announcement">
<!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "../../includes.sgml"> %includes;
<b>Date:</b> Sat, 10 Jun 1995 13:01:12 -0700<br>
<b>From:</b> "Jordan K. Hubbard" &lt;jkh@freefall.cdrom.com&gt;<br>
<b>To:</b> announce@freefall.cdrom.com, hackers@freefall.cdrom.com<br>
<b>Subject:</b> Announcing FreeBSD 2.0.5 RELEASE!
<p>It is my usual pleasure (and, to a small degree, relief!
:) to announce the release of FreeBSD 2.0.5R - the final
release in the 2.0.5 series.
<p>This release provides both what I hope will be an exciting
glimpse of some of the new technologies and directions we
have planned for 2.1R and a stable and much
easier-to-install alternative to 2.0R.
<p>Highlights of this release are:
<li>Multi-lingual documentation files.
<li>Completely menu driven installation.
<li>More installation media types.
<li>Support for a much larger range of PC hardware.
<li>Easy mounting of DOS partitions and CD devices
mounted automatically.
<li>"Canned" installation types for easy installs.
<li>Easy post-configuration menu
<p>And many other new features and bug fixes.
<p>The ports and packages collection has also been bundled
with 2.0.5R to prevent synchronization errors. While this
does result in a larger overall distribution, it at least
ensures more consistent results when installing ports and
<p>More information on the release may be found in the
RELNOTES and README files, so I'll simply leave you all to
see for yourself!
<p>The usual locations:
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.0.5-RELEASE">ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.0.5-RELEASE</a>
<li><a href="ftp://freefall.cdrom.com/pub/FreeBSD/2.0.5-RELEASE">ftp://freefall.cdrom.com/pub/FreeBSD/2.0.5-RELEASE</a>
<p>As well as the usual mirrors, once they pick it up.
<p>It is also available on CD from Walnut Creek CDROM, the
project's principle sponsors. Please see the release notes
for ordering information.
<p>Any feedback should be sent to <a
I will be leaving the country shortly (about 3 hours :) and
will try to read my email as often as possible, but for
quicker replies please send to the mailing list.
<p>Thank you!
<p> Jordan
<p><b>Date:</b> Mon, 12 Jun 1995 00:33:07 -0700<br>
<b>From:</b> Gary Palmer &lt;gpalmer@westhill.cdrom.com&gt;<br>
<b>To:</b> announce@FreeBSD.ORGD<br>
<b>Subject:</b> 2.0.5-RELEASE update
<p>Yes, you have guessed it. As a result of the recent
feedback we have had about the origional 2.0.5-RELEASE, we
have gone poking and found a couple of bugs on the
origional boot.flp image. There is now a
<tt>/pub/FreeBSD/2.0.5-RELEASE/UPDATES</tt> directory on <a
and <a
with a version of boot.flp which will fix the following
<li>The kernel was too big to boot on 4Mb machines.
<li>It was possible to specify the filesystem mount points
in such a way that the program would mount the filesystem
before the parent filesystem was mounted (e.g. it would
mount /usr/local and then /usr)
<p>As the CDROM has not gone to replication yet, this updated
floppy image will be appearing on the CDROM.
<p>Sorry to all those who had problems with the first boot
floppy set - I will personally nail Jordan to his chair and
nail the chair to the floor in front of his computer the
next time we roll a release!

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<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1996-09-24 17:45:52 $">
<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD 2.0.5 ALPHA Release Notes">
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Release 2.0.5
1. Technical overview
FreeBSD is a freely available, full source 4.4 BSD Lite based release
for Intel i386/i486/Pentium (or compatible) based PC's. It is based
primarily on software from U.C. Berkeley's CSRG group, with some
enhancements from NetBSD, 386BSD, and the Free Software Foundation.
Since our release of FreeBSD 2.0 some 8 months ago, the performance,
feature set, and stability of FreeBSD has improved dramatically. The
largest change is a revamped VM system with a merged VM/file buffer
cache that not only increases performance, but reduces FreeBSD's
memory footprint, making a 4MB configuration a more acceptable
minimum. Other enhancements include full NIS client and server
support, transaction TCP support, dial-on-demand PPP, an improved SCSI
subsystem, early ISDN support, support for FDDI and Fast Ethernet
(100Mbit) adapters, improved support for the Adaptec 2940 (WIDE and
narrow) and many hundreds of bug fixes.
We've also taken the comments and suggestions of many of our users to
heart and have attempted to provide what we hope is a more sane and
easily understood installation process. Your feedback on this
(constantly evolving) process is especially welcome!
In addition to the base distributions, FreeBSD offers a new ported
software collection with some 270 commonly sought-after programs. The
list of ports ranges from http (WWW) servers, to games, languages,
editors and almost everything in between. The entire ports collection
requires only 10MB of storage, all ports being expressed as "deltas"
to their original sources. This makes it much easier for us to update
ports, and greatly reduces the disk space demands made by the older
1.0 ports collection. To compile a port, you simply change to the
directory of the program you wish to install, type make and let the
system do the rest. The full original distribution for each port you
build is retrieved dynamically off of CDROM or a local ftp site, so
you need only enough disk space to build the ports you want. (Almost)
every port is also provided as a pre-compiled "package" which can be
installed with a simple command (pkg_add) by those who do not wish to
compile their own ports from source. See the file:
for a more complete description of the ports collection.
Since our first release of FreeBSD 1.0 nearly two years ago, FreeBSD
has changed almost entirely. A new port from the Berkeley 4.4 code
base was done, which brought the legal status of the system out of the
shadows with the blessing of Novell (the new owners of USL and UNIX). The
port to 4.4 has also brought in a host of new features, filesystems
and enhanced driver support. With our new unencumbered code base, we
have every reason to hope that we'll be able to release quality
operating systems without further legal encumbrance for some time to
FreeBSD 2.0.5 represents the culmination of 2 years of work and many
thousands of man hours put in by an international development team.
We hope you enjoy it!
A number of additional documents which you may find very helpful in
the process of installing and using FreeBSD may also be found in
the "FAQ" directory, either under /usr/share/FAQ on an installed
system or at the top level of the CDROM or FTP distribution from
where you're reading this file. Please consult FAQ/Text/ROADMAP
for a brief description of the resources provided by the FAQ directory.
For a list of contributors and a general project description, please see
the file "CONTRIB.FreeBSD" which should be bundled with your binary
Also see the "REGISTER.FreeBSD" file for information on registering
with the "Free BSD user counter". This counter is for ALL freely
available variants of BSD, not just FreeBSD, and we urge you to register
yourself with it.
The core of FreeBSD does not contain DES code which would inhibit its
being exported outside the United States. There is an add-on package
to the core distribution, for use only in the United States, that
contains the programs that normally use DES. The auxiliary packages
provided separately can be used by anyone. A freely (from outside the
U.S.) exportable European distribution of DES for our non-U.S. users also
exists and is described in the FreeBSD FAQ.
If password security for FreeBSD is all you need, and you have no
requirement for copying encrypted passwords from different hosts
(Suns, DEC machines, etc) into FreeBSD password entries, then
FreeBSD's MD5 based security may be all you require! We feel that our
default security model is more than a match for DES, and without any
messy export issues to deal with. If you're outside (or even inside)
the U.S., give it a try!
1.1 What's new in 2.0.5?
The following features were added or substantially improved between
the release of 2.0 and this 2.0.5 release. In order to facilitate
better communication, the person, or persons, responsible for each
enhancement is noted. Any questions regarding the new functionality
should be directed to them first.
Merged VM-File Buffer Cache
A merged VM/buffer cache design greatly enhances overall system
performance and makes it possible to do a number of more optimal
memory allocation strategies that were not possible before.
Owner: David Greenman (davidg@FreeBSD.org) and
John Dyson (dyson@implode.root.com)
Network PCB hash optimization
For systems with a great number of active TCP connections (WEB and ftp
servers, for example), this greatly speeds up the lookup time required
to match an incoming packet up to its associated connection.
Owner: David Greenman (davidg@FreeBSD.org)
Name cache optimization
The name-cache would cache all files of the same name to the same bucket,
which would put for instance all ".." entries in the same bucket. We added
the parent directory version to frustrate the hash, and improved the
management of the cache in various other ways while we were at it.
Owner: Poul-Henning Kamp (phk@FreeBSD.org)
David Greenman (davidg@FreeBSD.org)
Less restrictive swap-spaces
The need to compile the names of the swap devices into the kernel has been
removed. Now swapon will accept any block devices, up to the maximum
number of swap devices configured in the kernel.
Owner: Poul-Henning Kamp (phk@FreeBSD.org)
David Greenman (davidg@FreeBSD.org)
Hard Wired SCSI Devices
Prior to 2.0.5, FreeBSD performed dynamic assignment of unit numbers
to SCSI devices as they were probed, allowing a SCSI device failure to
possibly change unit number assignment and prevent filesystems on
still functioning disks from mounting. Hard wiring allows static
allocation of unit numbers (and hence device names) to scsi devices
based on SCSI ID and bus. SCSI configuration occurs in the kernel
config file. Samples of the configuration syntax can be found in the
scsi(4) man page or the LINT kernel config file.
Owner: Peter Dufault (dufault@hda.com)
Sources involved: sys/scsi/* usr.sbin/config/*
Slice Support
FreeBSD now supports a "slice" abstraction which makes it more
completely interoperable with other operating system partitions. This
support will allow FreeBSD to inhabit DOS extended partitions.
Owner: Bruce Evans (bde@FreeBSD.org)
Sources involved: sys/disklabel.h sys/diskslice.h sys/dkbad.h
kern/subr_diskslice.c kern/subr_dkbad.c
i386/isa/wd.c scsi/sd.c dev/vn/vn.c
Support for Ontrack Disk Manager Version 6.0
Support has been added for disks which use Ontrack Disk Manager. The
fdisk program does NOT know about it however, so make all changes
using the install program on the boot.flp or the Ontrack Disk Manager
tool under DOS.
Owner: Poul-Henning Kamp (phk@FreeBSD.org)
Bad144 is back and working
Bad144 works again, though the semantics are slightly different than
before in that the bad-spots are kept relative to the slice rather
than absolute on the disk.
Owner: Bruce Evans (bde@FreeBSD.org)
Poul-Henning Kamp (phk@FreeBSD.org)
SCSI and CDROM Devices
Matsushita/Panasonic (Creative) CD-ROM driver
The Matsushita/Panasonic CR-562 and CR-563 drives are now supported
when connected to a Sound Blaster or 100% compatible host adapter. Up
to four host adapters are supported for a total of 16 CD-ROM drives.
The audio functions are supported, along with access to the raw (2352 byte)
data frames of any compact disc. Audio discs may be played using Karoke
variable speed functions.
Owner: Frank Durda IV bsdmail@nemesis.lonestar.org
Sources involved: isa/matcd
Adaptec 2742/2842/2940 SCSI driver
The original 274x/284x driver has evolved considerably since the 2.0
release. We now offer full support for the 2940 series as well as the
Wide models of these cards. The arbitration bug (as well as many
others) that caused the driver problems with fast devices has been
corrected and there is even experimental tagged queuing support
(kernel option "AHC_TAGENABLE"). John Aycock has also released the
sequencer code under a "Berkeley style" copyright making the driver
entirely clean of the GPL.
Owner: Justin Gibbs (gibbs@FreeBSD.org)
Sources involved: isa/aic7770.c pci/aic7870.c i386/scsi/*
NCR5380/NCR53400 SCSI ("ProAudio Spectrum") driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: Serge Vakulenko (vak@cronyx.ru)
Sources involved: isa/ncr5380.c
Sony CDROM driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: Mikael Hybsch (micke@dynas.se)
Sources involved: isa/scd.c
Serial Devices
SDL Communications Riscom/8 Serial Board Driver
Owner: Andrey Chernov (ache@FreeBSD.org)
Sources involved: isa/rc.c isa/rcreg.h
Cyclades Cyclom-y Serial Board Driver
Owner: Bruce Evans (bde@FreeBSD.org)
Submitted by: Andrew Werple (andrew@werple.apana.org.au) and
Heikki Suonsivu (hsu@cs.hut.fi)
Obtained from: NetBSD
Sources involved: isa/cy.c
Cronyx/Sigma sync/async serial driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: Serge Vakulenko
Sources involved: isa/cronyx.c
Diskless booting
Diskless booting in 2.0.5 is much improved. The boot-program is in
src/sys/i386/boot/netboot, and can be run from an MSDOS system or
burned into an EPROM. Local swapping is also possible. WD, SMC, 3COM
and Novell ethernet cards are currently supported.
DEC DC21140 Fast Ethernet driver
This driver supports any of the numerous NICs using the DC21140 chipset
including the 100Mb DEC DE-500-XA and SMC 9332.
Owner: core
Submitted by: Matt Thomas (thomas@lkg.dec.com)
Sources involved: pci/if_de.c pci/dc21040.h
Owner: core
Submitted by: Matt Thomas (thomas@lkg.dec.com)
Sources involved: pci/if_pdq.c pci/pdq.c pci/pdq_os.h pci/pdqreg.h
3Com 3c505 (Etherlink/+) NIC driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: Dean Huxley (dean@fsa.ca)
Obtained from: NetBSD
Sources involved: isa/if_eg.c
Fujitsu MB86960A family of NICs driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: M.S. (seki@sysrap.cs.fujitsu.co.jp)
Sources involved: isa/if_fe.c
Intel EtherExpress driver
Owner: Rodney W. Grimes (rgrimes@FreeBSD.org)
Sources involved: isa/if_ix.c isa/if_ixreg.h
3Com 3c589 driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: "HOSOKAWA Tatsumi" (hosokawa@mt.cs.keio.ac.jp),
Seiji Murata (seiji@mt.cs.keio.ac.jp) and
Noriyuki Takahashi (hor@aecl.ntt.jp)
Sources involved: isa/if_zp.c
IBM Credit Card Adapter driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: "HOSOKAWA Tatsumi" (hosokawa@mt.cs.keio.ac.jp),
Sources involved: isa/pcic.c isa/pcic.h
EDSS1 and 1TR6 ISDN interface driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: Dietmar Friede (dfriede@drnhh.neuhaus.de) and
Juergen Krause (jkr@saarlink.de)
Sources involved: gnu/isdn/*
Miscellaneous Drivers
Joystick driver
Owner: Jean-Marc Zucconi (jmz@FreeBSD.org)
Sources involved: isa/joy.c
National Instruments "LabPC" driver
Owner: Peter Dufault (dufault@hda.com)
Sources involved: isa/labpc.c
WD7000 driver
Owner: Olof Johansson (offe@ludd.luth.se)
Pcvt Console driver
Owner: Joerg Wunsch (joerg@FreeBSD.org)
Submitted by: Hellmuth Michaelis (hm@altona.hamburg.com)
Sources involved: isa/pcvt/* usr.sbin/pcvt/*
BSD-audio emulator for VAT driver
Owner: Amancio Hasty (ahasty@FreeBSD.org) and
Paul Traina (pst@FreeBSD.org)
Sources involved: isa/sound/vat_audio.c isa/sound/vat_audioio.h
National Instruments AT-GPIB and AT-GPIB/TNT GPIB driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: Fred Cawthorne (fcawth@delphi.umd.edu)
Sources involved: isa/gpib.c isa/gpib.h isa/gpibreg.h
Genius GS-4500 hand scanner driver
Owner: core
Submitted by: Gunther Schadow (gusw@fub46.zedat.fu-berlin.de)
Sources involved: isa/gsc.c isa/gscreg.h
CORTEX-I Frame Grabber
Owner: core
Submitted by: Paul S. LaFollette, Jr.
Sources involved: isa/ctx.c isa/ctxreg.h
Video Spigot video capture card
Owner: Jim Lowe
1.2 Experimental features
The unionfs and LFS file systems are known to be severely broken in
2.0.5. This is in part due to old bugs that we haven't had time to
resolve yet and the need to update these file systems to deal with the
new VM system. We hope to address these issues in a later release of
FreeBSD now supports running iBCS2 compatible binaries (currently SCO
UNIX 3.2.2 &amp; 3.2.4 and ISC 2.2 COFF format are supported). The iBCS2
emulator is in its early stages, but it is functional, we haven't been
able to do exhaustive testing (lack of commercial apps), but almost
all of SCO's 3.2.2 binaries are working, so is an old INFORMIX-2.10
for SCO. Further testing is nessesary to complete this project. There
is also work under way for ELF &amp; XOUT loaders, and most of the svr4
syscall wrappers have been written.
FreeBSD also implements enough of its Linux compatibility that we
can now run Linux DOOM! See the ``xperimnt'' directory (on your local
FTP server or CDROM) for full docs on how to set this up.
Owner: Soren Schmidt (sos) &amp; Sean Eric Fagan (sef)
Sources involved: sys/i386/ibcs2/* + misc kernel changes.
2. Supported Configurations
FreeBSD currently runs on a wide variety of ISA, VLB, EISA and PCI bus
based PC's, ranging from 386sx to Pentium class machines (though the
386sx is not recommended). Support for generic IDE or ESDI drive
configurations, various SCSI controller, network and serial cards is
also provided.
Following is a list of all disk controllers and ethernet cards currently
known to work with FreeBSD. Other configurations may very well work, and
we have simply not received any indication of this.
2.1. Disk Controllers
WD1003 (any generic MFM/RLL)
WD1007 (any generic IDE/ESDI)
Adaptec 152x series ISA SCSI controllers
Adaptec 154x series ISA SCSI controllers
Adaptec 174x series EISA SCSI controller in standard and enhanced mode.
Adaptec 274X/284X/2940 (Narrow/Wide/Twin) series ISA/EISA/PCI SCSI controllers
Adaptec AIC-6260 and AIC-6360 based boards, which includes
the AHA-152x and SoundBlaster SCSI cards.
** Note: You cannot boot from the SoundBlaster cards as they have no
on-board BIOS, which is necessary for mapping the boot device into the
system BIOS I/O vectors. They're perfectly usable for external tapes,
CDROMs, etc, however. The same goes for any other AIC-6x60 based card
without a boot ROM. Some systems DO have a boot ROM, which is generally
indicated by some sort of message when the system is first powered up
or reset. Check your system/board documentation for more details.
[Note that Buslogic was formerly known as "Bustec"]
Buslogic 545S &amp; 545c
Buslogic 445S/445c VLB SCSI controller
Buslogic 742A, 747S, 747c EISA SCSI controller.
Buslogic 946c PCI SCSI controller
Buslogic 956c PCI SCSI controller
NCR 53C810 and 53C825 PCI SCSI controller.
NCR5380/NCR53400 ("ProAudio Spectrum") SCSI controller.
DTC 3290 EISA SCSI controller in 1542 emulation mode.
UltraStor 14F, 24F and 34F SCSI controllers.
Seagate ST01/02 SCSI controllers.
Future Domain 8xx/950 series SCSI controllers.
With all supported SCSI controllers, full support is provided for
SCSI-I &amp; SCSI-II peripherals, including Disks, tape drives (including
DAT) and CD ROM drives.
The following CD-ROM type systems are supported at this time:
(cd) SCSI (also includes ProAudio Spectrum and SoundBlaster SCSI)
(mcd) Mitsumi proprietary interface
(matcd) Matsushita/Panasonic (Creative) proprietary interface
(scd) Sony proprietary interface
Note: CD-Drives with IDE interfaces are not supported at this time.
Some controllers have limitations with the way they deal with &gt;16MB of
memory, due to the fact that the ISA bus only has a DMA address space
of 24 bits. If you do your arithmetic, you'll see that this makes it
impossible to do direct DMA to any address &gt;16MB. This limitation is
even true of some EISA controllers (which are normally 32 bit) when
they're configured to emulate an ISA card, which they then do in *all*
respects. This problem is avoided entirely by IDE controllers (which
do not use DMA), true EISA controllers (like the UltraStor, Adaptec
1742A or Adaptec 2742) and most VLB (local bus) controllers. In the
cases where it's necessary, the system will use "bounce buffers" to
talk to the controller so that you can still use more than 16Mb of
memory without difficulty.
2.2. Ethernet cards
SMC Elite 16 WD8013 ethernet interface, and most other WD8003E,
WD8003EBT, WD8003W, WD8013W, WD8003S, WD8003SBT and WD8013EBT
based clones. SMC Elite Ultra is also supported.
DEC EtherWORKS III NICs (DE203, DE204, and DE205)
DEC EtherWORKS II NICs (DE200, DE201, DE202, and DE422)
DEC DC21140 based NICs (SMC???? DE???)
Fujitsu MB86960A family of NICs
Intel EtherExpress
Isolan AT 4141-0 (16 bit)
Isolink 4110 (8 bit)
Novell NE1000, NE2000, and NE2100 ethernet interface.
3Com 3C501 cards
3Com 3C503 Etherlink II
3Com 3c505 Etherlink/+
3Com 3C507 Etherlink 16/TP
3Com 3C509, 3C579, 3C589 (PCMCIA) Etherlink III
Toshiba ethernet cards
PCMCIA ethernet cards from IBM and National Semiconductor are also
2.3. Misc
AST 4 port serial card using shared IRQ.
ARNET 8 port serial card using shared IRQ.
BOCA ATIO66 6 port serial card using shared IRQ.
Cyclades Cyclom-y Serial Board.
STB 4 port card using shared IRQ.
Mitsumi (all models) CDROM interface and drive.
SDL Communications Riscom/8 Serial Board.
SoundBlaster SCSI and ProAudio Spectrum SCSI CDROM interface and drive.
Matsushita/Panasonic (Creative SoundBlaster) CDROM interface and drive.
Adlib, SoundBlaster, SoundBlaster Pro, ProAudioSpectrum, Gravis UltraSound
and Roland MPU-401 sound cards.
FreeBSD currently does NOT support IBM's microchannel (MCA) bus, but
support is apparently close to materializing. Details will be posted
as the situation develops.
3. Obtaining FreeBSD
You may obtain FreeBSD in a variety of ways:
1. FTP/Mail
You can ftp FreeBSD and any or all of its optional packages from
`ftp.freebsd.org' - the official FreeBSD release site.
For other locations that mirror the FreeBSD software see the file
MIRROR.SITES. Please ftp the distribution from the nearest site
to you netwise.
If you do not have access to the internet and electronic mail is your
only recourse, then you may still fetch the files by sending mail to
`ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com' - putting the keyword "help" in your message
to get more information on how to fetch files from ftp.freebsd.org.
Note: This approach will end up sending many *tens of megabytes*
through the mail, and should only be employed as an absolute LAST
FreeBSD 2.0.5 may be ordered on CDROM from:
Walnut Creek CDROM
4041 Pike Lane, Suite D
Concord CA 94520
1-800-786-9907, +1-510-674-0783, +1-510-674-0821 (fax)
Or via the internet from orders@cdrom.com or http://www.cdrom.com.
Their current catalog can be obtained via ftp as:
Cost per CD is $39.95, or $24.95 with a FreeBSD subscription. With
a subscription, you will automatically receive updates as they
are released. Your credit card will be billed when each disk is shipped
and you may cancel your subscription at any time without further obligation.
Walnut Creek CDROM also sells a full line of FreeBSD related merchandise such
as T-shirts ($14.95, available in "child", Large and XL sizes), coffee mugs
($9.95), tattoos ($0.25 each) and posters ($3.00).
Shipping (per order not per disc) is $5 in the US, Canada or
Mexico and $9.00 overseas. They accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover,
American Express or checks in U.S. Dollars and ship COD within the
United States. California residents please add 8.25% sales tax.
Should you be dissatisfied for any reason, the CD comes with an
unconditional return policy.
Reporting problems, making suggestions, submitting code
Your suggestions, bug reports and contributions of code are always
valued - please do not hesitate to report any problems you may find
(preferably with a fix attached if you can!).
The preferred method to submit bug reports from a machine with
internet mail connectivity is to use the send-pr command. Bug reports
will be dutifully filed by our faithful bugfiler program and you can
be sure that we'll do our best to respond to all reported bugs as soon
as possible.
If, for some reason, you are unable to use the send-pr command to
submit a bug report, you can try to send it to:
Otherwise, for any questions or suggestions, please send mail to:
Additionally, being a volunteer effort, we are always happy to have
extra hands willing to help - there are already far more enhancements
to be done than we can ever manage to do by ourselves! To contact us
on technical matters, or with offers of help, you may send mail to:
Since these mailing lists can experience significant amounts of
traffic, if you have slow or expensive mail access and you are
only interested in keeping up with significant FreeBSD events, you may
find it preferable to subscribe to:
All but the freebsd-bugs groups can be freely joined by anyone wishing
to do so. Send mail to MajorDomo@FreeBSD.org and include the keyword
`help' on a line by itself somewhere in the body of the message. This
will give you more information on joining the various lists, accessing
archives, etc. There are a number of mailing lists targeted at
special interest groups not mentioned here, so send mail to majordomo
and ask about them!
6. Acknowledgements
FreeBSD represents the cumulative work of many dozens, if not
hundreds, of individuals from around the world who have worked very
hard to bring you this release. It would be very difficult, if not
impossible, to enumerate everyone who's contributed to FreeBSD, but
nonetheless we shall try (in alphabetical order, of course). If your
name is not mentioned, please be assured that its omission is entirely
The Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG), U.C. Berkeley.
Bill Jolitz, for his initial work with 386BSD.
The FreeBSD Core Team
(in alphabetical order by first name):
Andreas Schulz &lt;ats@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Andrey A. Chernov &lt;ache@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Bruce Evans &lt;bde@FreeBSD.org&gt;
David Greenman &lt;davidg@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Garrett A. Wollman &lt;wollman@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Gary Palmer &lt;gpalmer@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Geoff Rehmet &lt;csgr@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Jack Vogel &lt;jackv@FreeBSD.org&gt;
John Dyson &lt;dyson@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Jordan K. Hubbard &lt;jkh@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Justin Gibbs &lt;gibbs@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Paul Richards &lt;paul@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Poul-Henning Kamp &lt;phk@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Rich Murphey &lt;rich@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Rodney W. Grimes &lt;rgrimes@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Satoshi Asami &lt;asami@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Søren Schmidt &lt;sos@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Special mention to:
Walnut Creek CDROM, without whose help (and continuing support)
this release would never have been possible.
Dermot McDonnell for his donation of a Toshiba XM3401B CDROM
Additional FreeBSD helpers and beta testers:
J.T. Conklin Julian Elischer
Frank Durda IV Peter Dufault
Sean Eric Fagan Jeffrey Hsu
Terry Lambert L Jonas Olsson
Chris Provenzano Dave Rivers
Guido van Rooij Steven Wallace
Atsushi Murai Scott Mace
Nate Williams
And everyone at Montana State University for their initial support.
Jordan would also like to give special thanks to Poul-Henning Kamp and
Gary Palmer, both of whom put in long hours helping him to construct
the new installation utility. Poul, being a proud new father, was
especially pressed for time and yet somehow managed to put in
a significant amount of effort anyway. This release could not have
happened without him! Thank you both!
Thanks also to everyone else who helped, especially those not
mentioned, and we sincerely hope you enjoy this release of FreeBSD!
The FreeBSD Core Team
Id: RELNOTES.FreeBSD,v 1.7 1995/05/28 19:49:57 jkh Exp

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<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD 2.0 Announcement">
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To: announce@freefall.cdrom.com<br>
Subject: 2.0 RELEASE is now available on ftp.freebsd.org!<br>
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 1994 06:35:37 -0800<br>
From: "Jordan K. Hubbard" &lt;jkh@freefall.cdrom.com&gt;
The FreeBSD Project team is very pleased to announce their release of
FreeBSD 2.0; a full 32 bit 4.4 BSD Lite based operating system for
Intel PCs (i386, i486 and Pentium class).
Since our first release of FreeBSD 1.0 some 18 months ago, FreeBSD has
changed almost entirely. A new port from the Berkeley 4.4 code base
was done, which brought the legal status of the system out of the
shadows with the blessing of Novell (new owners of USL and UNIX). The
port to 4.4 also brought in a host of new features, filesystems and
enhanced driver support. With our new unencumbered code base, we have
every reason to hope that we'll be able to release quality operating
systems without further legal encumbrance for some time to come!
FreeBSD 2.0 represents the culmination of almost 2 years of work and
many thousands of man hours put in by an international development
team. We hope you enjoy it!
FreeBSD 2.0 also features an advanced installation that enables one to
install from tape, CD, NFS or FTP over SLIP, ethernet or the parallel
port, and DOS floppies or hard disk partitions. This is, we feel, our
easiest to use installation yet! Many many suggestions from the
previous 2.0 ALPHA release were incorporated, and RELEASE is now far
less dangerous [we hope :-)]than ALPHA was!
FreeBSD 2.0 also supports more friendly co-habitation with other
operating systems, allowing you to easily mount DOS filesystems and
install a multi-OS boot manager without having to leave the
installation utility. All planned installation methods are now also
supported. A trouble-shooting guide for those in, well, trouble may
also be of help and is featured on the boot floppy.
For more information on what's new with FreeBSD, or what general
features it offers, we strongly suggest that you simply download our
boot floppy and boot from it. You can easily read the release notes
on it using a simple menu, and with no danger to the contents of your
hard disk (unless you deliberately chose "proceed with installation",
in which case your fate is in your own hands! :-).
An upgrade path from ALPHA-&gt;RELEASE will also be provided shortly for
the benefit of those who were kind enough to help us test the early
snapshot of 2.0. Watch the announce list for its availability, or
simply be impatient and extract the 2.0R bindist over your ALPHA one!
Those wishing to obtain this version of 2.0 on CDROM should contact
our sponsors, Walnut Creek CDROM (info@cdrom.com) or any of the other
CD vendors who will, no doubt, be doing their own releases.
If you're currently running 1.x and are looking for an upgrade path,
we're sorry to say that only full installations are supported at this
time. Simply back up your password and user files before reinstalling
from the 2.0 media, then bring them back. If public demand is high
enough, and we can figure out a way of easily doing it, we'll offer
something, but it should be understood that the differences between
1.x and 2.0 are *large*, and it's not certain that we'll be able to do
it at all.
Those unable or unwilling to download the boot floppy may also get the
release notes by mail - send mail to &lt;info@FreeBSD.org&gt; for an
automated reply. Updated information will also be provided on a more
or less continuous basis in our WEB pages:
FreeBSD 2.0 RELEASE is or will be available for ftp in the following
<li>Primary ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
<li>U.S-2 ftp://ftp.dataplex.net/pub/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
<li>U.S-3 ftp://kryten.atinc.com/pub/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
<li>U.S-4 ftp://ref.tfs.com/pub/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
<li>Taiwan ftp://netbsd.csie.nctu.edu.tw/pub/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
<li>Australia ftp://ftp.physics.usyd.edu.au/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
<li>France ftp://ftp.ibp.fr/pub/freeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
<li>Finland ftp://nic.funet.fi:/pub/unix/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
<li>Russia ftp://ftp.kiae.su/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
(Translated for the non-URL literate: FreeBSD is available for anonymous
ftp on ftp.freebsd.org in the pub/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE directory)
It will also, no doubt, be available on a number of mirror sites as
soon as they pick it up. However, ftp.freebsd.org is on a T3 line and
supports 300 simultaneous users (it's a FreeBSD machine :-), so it's
unlikely that you'll have too much trouble getting it from this site
until the mirrors do so.
If you are directly Internet connected, it is also NOT necessary to
load the bindist from this site! Simply download the 2 boot floppies,
begin the installation, and select the FTP installation method - it
will do the rest for you, transparently.
Finally, we'd like to publically *thank* Walnut Creek CDROM, without
whos continuing support and extreme generousity, we'd probably be long
gone! They've been of immense help to us.
Thanks must also go to Poul-Henning Kamp, our fearless and long
suffering release engineer for 2.0. While all of us have sacrificed
much sleep to the cause, he has a new wife but has somehow managed to
do so as well! :-)
And to all of our users (this is probably starting to sound like the
academy awards :-), a similar thank you! We couldn't have done it
without your constant flow of commentary, patches, donations of code
and moral support. As corny as it sounds, we do it all for you folks!
[Though the ego gratification is nice too :-)]
Thanks to all, and we sincerely hope you enjoy this release!
Comments, as always, to hackers@FreeBSD.org.
[on behalf of the FreeBSD Project team]

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FreeBSD 2.0
Contributor List
Derived Software Contributors:
This software was originally derived from William F. Jolitz's 386BSD
release 0.1, though almost none of the original 386BSD specific code
remains. This software has been essentially reimplemented on top of
4.4 BSD Lite, from the Computer Science Research Group (CSRG) at
the University of California, Berkeley and associated academic
There are also portions of NetBSD that have been integrated into FreeBSD
as well, and we would therefore like to thank all the contributors
to NetBSD for their work. Despite some occasionally rocky moments in
the relations between the two groups, we both want essentially the same
thing: More BSD based operating systems on people's computers! We
wish the NetBSD group every success in their endevors.
Hardware Contributors:
A special thank-you to Walnut Creek CDROM for providing the 486/DX2-66 EISA/VL
system that is being used for our development work, to say nothing of
the network access and other donations of hardware resources. It would have
been impossible to do this release without their support.
Thanks also to Dermot McDonnell for his donation of a Toshiba XM3401B CDROM
drive. It's been most useful!
The FreeBSD Core Team (in alphabetical order):
Andreas Schulz &lt;ats@g386bsd.first.bmd.de&gt;
Andrew A. Chernov &lt;ache@astral.msk.su&gt;
Bruce Evans &lt;bde@FreeBSD.org&gt;
David Greenman &lt;davidg@Root.COM&gt;
Garrett A. Wollman &lt;wollman@freefall.cdrom.com&gt;
Gary Palmer &lt;gpalmer@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Geoff Rehmet &lt;csgr@cs.ru.ac.za&gt;
Jack Vogel &lt;jackv@FreeBSD.org&gt;
John Dyson &lt;dyson@implode.rain.com&gt;
Jordan K. Hubbard &lt;jkh@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Paul Richards &lt;paul@isl.cf.ac.uk&gt;
Poul-Henning Kamp &lt;phk@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Rich Murphey &lt;rich@lamprey.utmb.edu&gt;
Rodney W. Grimes &lt;rgrimes@cdrom.com&gt;
Soren Schmidt &lt;sos@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Additional FreeBSD Contributors (no particular order):
Adam Glass &lt;glass@postgres.berkeley.edu&gt;
Andrew Herbert &lt;andrew@werple.apana.org.au&gt;
Andrew Moore &lt;alm@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Atsushi Murai &lt;amurai@spec.co.jp&gt;
Bob Wilcox &lt;bob@obiwan.uucp&gt;
Bruce Evans &lt;bde@kralizec.zeta.org.au&gt;
Charles Hannum &lt;mycroft@ai.mit.edu&gt;
Chris G. Demetriou &lt;cgd@postgres.berkeley.edu&gt;
Chris Torek &lt;torek@ee.lbl.gov&gt;
Christoph Robitschko &lt;chmr@edvz.tu-graz.ac.at&gt;
Curt Mayer &lt;curt@toad.com&gt;
Dave Burgess &lt;burgess@hrd769.brooks.af.mil&gt;
Dave Rivers &lt;rivers@ponds.uucp&gt;
David Dawes &lt;dawes@physics.su.OZ.AU&gt;
Frank Maclachlan &lt;fpm@crash.cts.com&gt;
Gary A. Browning &lt;gab10@griffcd.amdahl.com&gt;
Gary Clark II &lt;gclarkii@radon.gbdata.com&gt;
Guido van Rooij &lt;guido@gvr.win.tue.nl&gt;
Havard Eidnes &lt;Havard.Eidnes@runit.sintef.no&gt;
Holger Veit &lt;Holger.Veit@gmd.de&gt;
Ishii Masahiro, R. Kym Horsell
J.T. Conklin &lt;jtc@winsey.com&gt;
James Clark &lt;jjc@jclark.com&gt;
James da Silva &lt;jds@cs.umd.edu&gt; et al
Jim Wilson &lt;wilson@moria.cygnus.com&gt;
Joerg Wunsch &lt;joerg_wunsch@uriah.sax.de&gt;
Julian Elischer &lt;julian@dialix.oz.au&gt;
Julian Stacey &lt;stacey@guug.de&gt; &lt;fallback: &lt;julian@meepmeep.pcs.com&gt;&gt;
Keith Bostic &lt;bostic@toe.CS.Berkeley.EDU&gt;
Keith Moore &lt;?&gt;
Marc Frajola &lt;marc@escargot.rain.com&gt;
Mark Tinguely &lt;tinguely@plains.nodak.edu&gt; &lt;tinguely@hookie.cs.ndsu.NoDak.edu&gt;
Martin Birgmeier
Paul Kranenburg &lt;pk@cs.few.eur.nl&gt;
Paul Mackerras &lt;paulus@cs.anu.edu.au&gt;
Poul-Henning Kamp &lt;phk@login.dkuug.dk&gt;
Rob Shady &lt;rls@id.net&gt;
Sascha Wildner &lt;swildner@channelz.GUN.de&gt;
Scott Mace &lt;smace@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Sean Eric Fagan &lt;sef@kithrup.com&gt;
Serge V. Vakulenko &lt;vak@zebub.msk.su&gt;
Steven Wallace &lt;swallace@ece.uci.edu&gt;
Søren Schmidt &lt;sos@login.dkuug.dk&gt;
Terry Lee &lt;terry@uivlsi.csl.uiuc.edu&gt;
Theo Deraadt &lt;deraadt@fsa.ca&gt;
Ugen J.S.Antsilevich &lt;ugen@NetVision.net.il&gt;
Yuval Yarom &lt;yval@cs.huji.ac.il&gt;
386BSD Patch kit patch contributors (no particular order):
Adam Glass &lt;glass@postgres.berkeley.edu&gt;
Adrian Hall &lt;adrian@ibmpcug.co.uk&gt;
Andrew A. Chernov &lt;ache@astral.msk.su&gt;
Andrew Herbert &lt;andrew@werple.apana.org.au&gt;
Andrew Moore &lt;alm@netcom.com&gt;
Andy Valencia &lt;ajv@csd.mot.com&gt; &lt;jtk@netcom.com&gt;
Arne Henrik Juul &lt;arnej@Lise.Unit.NO&gt;
Bakul Shah &lt;bvs@bitblocks.com&gt;
Barry Lustig &lt;barry@ictv.com&gt;
Bob Wilcox &lt;bob@obiwan.uucp&gt;
Branko Lankester
Brett Lymn &lt;blymn@mulga.awadi.com.AU&gt;
Bruce Evans &lt;bde@kralizec.zeta.org.au&gt;
Charles Hannum &lt;mycroft@ai.mit.edu&gt;
Chris G. Demetriou &lt;cgd@postgres.berkeley.edu&gt;
Chris Torek &lt;torek@ee.lbl.gov&gt;
Christoph Robitschko &lt;chmr@edvz.tu-graz.ac.at&gt;
Daniel Poirot &lt;poirot@aio.jsc.nasa.gov&gt;
Dave Burgess &lt;burgess@hrd769.brooks.af.mil&gt;
Dave Rivers &lt;rivers@ponds.uucp&gt;
David Dawes &lt;dawes@physics.su.OZ.AU&gt;
David Greenman &lt;davidg@Root.COM&gt;
Eric J. Haug &lt;ejh@slustl.slu.edu&gt;
Felix Gaehtgens &lt;felix@escape.vsse.in-berlin.de&gt;
Frank Maclachlan &lt;fpm@crash.cts.com&gt;
Gary A. Browning &lt;gab10@griffcd.amdahl.com&gt;
Geoff Rehmet &lt;csgr@alpha.ru.ac.za&gt;
Goran Hammarback &lt;goran@astro.uu.se&gt;
Guido van Rooij &lt;guido@gvr.win.tue.nl&gt;
Guy Harris &lt;guy@auspex.com&gt;
Havard Eidnes &lt;Havard.Eidnes@runit.sintef.no&gt;
Herb Peyerl &lt;hpeyerl@novatel.cuc.ab.ca
Holger Veit &lt;Holger.Veit@gmd.de&gt;
Ishii Masahiro, R. Kym Horsell
J.T. Conklin &lt;jtc@winsey.com&gt;
Jagane D Sundar &lt; jagane@netcom.com &gt;
James Clark &lt;jjc@jclark.com&gt;
James Jegers &lt;jimj@miller.cs.uwm.edu&gt;
James W. Dolter
James da Silva &lt;jds@cs.umd.edu&gt; et al
Jay Fenlason &lt;hack@datacube.com&gt;
Jim Wilson &lt;wilson@moria.cygnus.com&gt;
Joerg Lohse &lt;lohse@tech7.informatik.uni-hamburg.de&gt;
Joerg Wunsch &lt;joerg_wunsch@uriah.sax.de&gt;
John Dyson - &lt;formerly dyson@ref.tfs.com&gt;
John Woods &lt;jfw@eddie.mit.edu&gt;
Jordan K. Hubbard &lt;jkh@whisker.hubbard.ie&gt;
Julian Elischer &lt;julian@dialix.oz.au&gt;
Julian Stacey &lt;stacey@guug.de&gt; &lt;fallback: &lt;julian@meepmeep.pcs.com&gt;&gt;
Karl Lehenbauer &lt;karl@NeoSoft.com&gt; &lt;karl@one.neosoft.com&gt;
Keith Bostic &lt;bostic@toe.CS.Berkeley.EDU&gt;
Ken Hughes
Kent Talarico &lt;kent@shipwreck.tsoft.net&gt;
Kevin Lahey &lt;kml%rokkaku.UUCP@mathcs.emory.edu&gt; &lt;kml@mosquito.cis.ufl.edu&gt;
Marc Frajola &lt;marc@escargot.rain.com&gt;
Mark Tinguely &lt;tinguely@plains.nodak.edu&gt; &lt;tinguely@hookie.cs.ndsu.NoDak.edu&gt;
Martin Renters &lt;martin@innovus.com&gt;
Michael Galassi &lt;nerd@percival.rain.com&gt;
Mike Durkin &lt;mdurkin@tsoft.sf-bay.org&gt;
Nate Williams &lt;nate@bsd.coe.montana.edu&gt;
Nick Handel &lt;nhandel@NeoSoft.com&gt; &lt;nick@madhouse.neosoft.com&gt;
Pace Willisson &lt;pace@blitz.com&gt;
Paul Kranenburg &lt;pk@cs.few.eur.nl&gt;
Paul Mackerras &lt;paulus@cs.anu.edu.au&gt;
Paul Popelka &lt;paulp@uts.amdahl.com&gt;
Peter da Silva &lt;peter@NeoSoft.com&gt;
Phil Sutherland &lt;philsuth@mycroft.dialix.oz.au&gt;
Poul-Henning Kamp &lt;phk@login.dkuug.dk&gt;
Ralf Friedl &lt;friedl@informatik.uni-kl.de&gt;
Rich Murphey &lt;rich@lamprey.utmb.edu&gt;
Rick Macklem &lt;root@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca&gt;
Robert D. Thrush &lt;rd@phoenix.aii.com&gt;
Rodney W. Grimes &lt;rgrimes@cdrom.com&gt;
Rog Egge &lt;?&gt;
Sascha Wildner &lt;swildner@channelz.GUN.de&gt;
Scott Burris &lt;scott@pita.cns.ucla.edu&gt;
Scott Reynolds &lt;scott@clmqt.marquette.mi.us&gt;
Sean Eric Fagan &lt;sef@kithrup.com&gt;
Simon J Gerraty &lt;sjg@melb.bull.oz.au&gt; &lt;sjg@zen.void.oz.au&gt;
Stephen McKay &lt;robert@psych.psy.uq.oz.au&gt;
Terry Lambert &lt;terry@icarus.weber.edu&gt;
Terry Lee &lt;terry@uivlsi.csl.uiuc.edu&gt;
Warren Toomey &lt;wkt@csadfa.cs.adfa.oz.au&gt;
Wiljo Heinen &lt;wiljo@freeside.ki.open.de&gt;
William Jolitz &lt;withheld&gt;
Wolfgang Solfrank &lt;ws@tools.de&gt;
Wolfgang Stanglmeier &lt;wolf@dentaro.GUN.de&gt;
Yuval Yarom &lt;yval@cs.huji.ac.il&gt;
Id: CONTRIB.FreeBSD,v 1.1 1994/11/18 12:03:25 jkh Exp

@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
<!ENTITY base CDATA "../..">
<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1996-09-24 17:45:54 $">
<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD 2.0 Installation Guide">
<!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "../../includes.sgml"> %includes;
Welcome to FreeBSD 2.0, the complete 4.4 BSD Lite based OS for Intel (or
compatible) based PCs.
There are several documents on the floppy and a couple of on-line help
screens that will greatly assist you in installing your system as you go
along. Nonetheless, initial user testing has shown that some of the
terminology used may be difficult for newcomers to UN*X to understand, so
we've prepared this step-by-step guide explaining a typical installation.
You may find it useful to print this out and keep it handy as you go
through the installation, or at least read through it once carefully so
that some of the prompts and questions you encounter do not come as
complete surprises.
Before you do anything, make two 1.44MB floppies from the two image files
you'll find in the floppies/ directory - boot.flp and cpio.flp. If you're
reading this under DOS, you can do it in 1 easy step, or 3 in case this
doesn't (for some weird reason) work:
1. If you're reading this file after typing "go", simply ESC back out for
a moment and select the "makeflp" batch file to make the two floppies.
This will invoke the DOS formatter to format the floppies and then
attempt to write the two disk images onto them. If this doesn't work,
follow steps 2 through 4:
2. Use the DOS format command to format 2 NEW floppies. A lot of problems
have been caused by people using old and defective floppies, and much
grief can often be saved by simply using new, or at least trusted,
3. Insert the first floppy and type:
tools\dos-tool\rawrite floppies\boot.flp a:
4. Insert the second floppy and type
tools\dos-tool\rawrite floppies\cpio.flp a:
You're now prepared to boot from the boot floppy and begin the installation.
The installation starts with the following screen:
+-------------------------- Welcome to FreeBSD! ---------------------------+
| Use ALT-F2 and ALT-F1 to toggle between debugging |
| information screen (ALT-F2) or this dialog screen (ALT-F1) |
| |
| Please select one of the following options: |
| +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2. Release Notes Read the 2.0 Release Notes (recommended). | |
| | 3. Troubleshooting Read this in case of trouble. | |
| | 4. Partitions and MBRs Verbose description of how these work. | |
| | 5. COPYRIGHT Read FreeBSD Copyright Information. | |
| | 6. Install Proceed with full installation. | |
| | 7. Fixit Repair existing installation (`fixit' mode). | |
| | 8. Quit Don't do anything, just reboot. | |
| +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
| &lt; OK &gt; &lt;Cancel&gt; |
You can move the arrow keys up and down to highlight the various options,
selecting an option by hitting return when its line is highlighted. You
can also type the number of the option you want (1 - 7) and hit return.
It's recommended that you read the README at a minimum, though the Release
Notes are also helpful. This may seem a like a lot to read, but if you are
new to FreeBSD then these notes are invaluable for explaining the system
and are highly recommended.
When you're done reading docs, select Install (5) to proceed to the next
This next screen is the disk editor screen, which looks like this:
FreeBSD 2.0-RELEASE Installation -- Diskspace editor
Disks Total FreeBSD |You should now assign some
|space to root, swap, and
0: sd0 2006 MB 0 MB |(optionally) /usr partitions
1: sd1 496 MB 0 MB |Root (/) should be a minimum
|of 18MB with a 30MB /usr
Filesystems Type Size Action Mountpoint |or 50MB without a /usr.
|Swap space should be a
|minimum of 12MB or RAM * 2
|Be sure to also (A)ssign a
|mount point to each one or
|it will NOT be enabled.
|We suggest that you invoke
|(F)disk, (W)rite the bootcode
|then (D)isklabel your disk.
|If installing on a drive
|other than 0, also read the
Commands available:
(H)elp (T)utorial (F)disk (D)isklabel (P)roceed (Q)uit
Enter Command&gt;
As we can see, this system has two drives, sd0 and sd1. On an IDE system,
these would show up as "wd0" and "wd1" (or, on a single drive system, just
sd0 or wd0). We can see that neither of them has any space assigned to
FreeBSD (they each show 0MB under the FreeBSD column), so we follow the
instructions on the right hand side of the screen and invoke the (F)disk
editor by typing `f':
Enter Command&gt; F
We're now prompted with the drive number to (F)disk, so we enter 0 for
the first drive:
Enter number of disk to Fdisk&gt; 0
This now brings us to the FDISK editor screen, which looks like this:
FreeBSD 2.0-RELEASE Installation -- Diskspace editor -- FDISK
Disk: sd0 Geometry: 2006 Cyl * 32 Hd * 64 Sect = 2006Mb = 4108600 Sect
1 Boot?=No Type=Primary 'big' DOS (&gt; 32MB)
Phys=(c0/h1/s1..c299/h63/s32) Sector=(32..614399)
Size=300 MB, 299 Cylinders + 31 Tracks + 32 Sectors
2 Unused
3 Unused
4 Unused
Commands available:
(H)elp (T)utorial (D)elete (E)dit (R)eread (W)rite MBR (Q)uit
(U)se entire disk for FreeBSD (G)eometry Write MBR (B)ootcode
Enter Command&gt;
We see that drive 0 has a DOS partition (also called a "slice" in FreeBSD
parlance, to distinguish it from a FreeBSD partition) on it which is 300MB
in size (don't worry if the numbers you see are much smaller than these - I
have a pretty large 2.1GB disk! :-). Let's also say we want to allocate
the rest to FreeBSD, so to do this we want to (E)dit one of the existing
slices. We can see that 2, 3, and 4 are unused so let's pick the first
unused one, which is 2 (if we wanted to replace an existing operating
system slice with FreeBSD, we'd pick its number instead). We first type
`E' to edit a slice entry:
Enter Command&gt; E
And we're prompted for a slice to edit. We type 2:
Edit which Slice&gt; 2
Now we're prompted for the size of the new slice, the default for which is
all remaining space on the disk. Let's say that we don't want to allocate
ALL the space on the disk, but want to reserve 400MB for some other future
OS. The total amount of free space left is 1706MB, which is the default
value selected for us, so we backspace over it and enter 1306:
Size of slice in MB&gt; 1306
Now we're asked for the type of the slice. The type is what tells the PC
what sort of slice this is. DOS primary slices are, for example, type 6.
FreeBSD slices are type 0xa5 (hexadecimal). If we wanted to reserve space
at this time for some other type of OS like Linux or OS/2, and we knew
their slice type (0x82 for Linux and 0x0A for OS/2, just in case you're
interested), we could also do that from this editor, but we're only
interested in FreeBSD for now so we accept the default.
Type of slice (0xa5=FreeBSD)&gt; 0xa5
The next prompt asks if we want to make this slice bootable by
default, which we do so we accept the default:
Bootflag (0x80 for YES)&gt; 0x80
At this point we come back to the main screen, which now shows a new entry
for slice 2:
FreeBSD 2.0-RELEASE Installation -- Diskspace editor -- FDISK
Disk: sd0 Geometry: 2006 Cyl * 32 Hd * 64 Sect = 2006Mb = 4108600 Sect
1 Boot?=No Type=Primary 'big' DOS (&gt; 32MB)
Phys=(c0/h1/s1..c299/h63/s32) Sector=(32..614399)
Size=300 MB, 299 Cylinders + 31 Tracks + 32 Sectors
2 Boot?=Yes Type=FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD
Phys=(c300/h0/s1..c1023/h31/s0) Sector=(614400..3289087)
Size=1306 MB, 1306 Cylinders
3 Unused
4 Unused
Commands available:
(H)elp (T)utorial (D)elete (E)dit (R)eread (W)rite MBR (Q)uit
(U)se entire disk for FreeBSD (G)eometry Write MBR (B)ootcode
Enter Command&gt;
At this point we're happy with the slices on the first drive, so we type
`w' to write the new information out. It also prompts to make *sure* we
really want to do this, so we backspace over the default of `N' and type
`y'&lt;return&gt;. And this point, we also can decide whether or not we want a
"boot manager" installed. A boot manager is a little utility that prompts
you for the operating system you want to boot every time you reset or power
on your PC, and can be a very handy way of sharing your computer between
FreeBSD and some other OS, like Linux or DOS. We decide that we want to
have this feature, so we `b' to write the special MBR (B)ootcode out to the
disk. This does not harm any of the other operating systems on the disk,
as it's written to a special area. Now we exit this screen by typing `q',
for (Q)uit.
This brings us back to the main prompt. If we wanted to allocate any
additional slices on other drives, we also could re-invoke the (F)disk
editor by typing `f' again and giving a different drive number at the
prompt, but we'll assume for now that we've only got one disk and want to
go on. Typing `d' now enters the (D)isklabel screen, which prompts us for
the drive to write a disklabel onto, like the FDISK editor. We type `0'
for the first drive and hit return. This brings us to the DISKLABEL editor
screen, which looks like this:
FreeBSD 2.0-RELEASE Installation -- Diskspace editor -- DISKLABEL
Part Start End Blocks MB Type Action Mountpoint
a 0 0 0 0 unused
b 0 0 0 0 unused
c 1433600 4108287 2674688 1306 unused &lt;Entire FreeBSD slice&gt;
d 0 4108599 4108600 2006 unused &lt;Entire Disk&gt;
e 0 0 0 0 unused
f 0 0 0 0 unused
g 0 0 0 0 unused
h 32 614399 614368 300 MSDOS
Total size: 2674688 blocks 1306Mb
Space allocated: 0 blocks 0Mb
Commands available:
(H)elp (T)utorial (E)dit (A)ssign (D)elete (R)eread (W)rite (Q)uit
(P)reserve (S)lice
Enter Command&gt;
The BSD partitions, a - h, are FreeBSD's way of dividing up a physical
slice into multiple file systems. Every FreeBSD system should have, at
minimum, a root file system and a swap partition allocated. The root
file system is called "/", and is generally put on partition `a' by
convention. Swap partitions always go on `b', and the `c' and `d'
partitions are special and point to the entire FreeBSD slice and the entire
disk, respectively. `c' and `d' cannot and should not be allocated to
actual file systems.
We also see that partition h points conveniently to the DOS slice,
which we can also assign to a location in our file system hierarchy
to conveniently share files between FreeBSD and DOS. More on this in
a moment.
A typical file system layout might look like this:
/ 20MB
swap 32MB
/usr 120MB
/, or the root file system, contains system files and some temporary space.
It should be at least 18MB in size, though a little extra doesn't hurt.
Swap space is one of those "it never hurts to have too much" sorts of
items, though if your system isn't too heavily used then it's probably not
that important to have lots and lots of it. A good rule of thumb for swap
is that you want a minimum of 12MB of it, and the overall calculation
should be the amount of memory you have multiplied by two. That is to
say that if you have 16MB of memory, then 32MB of swap is good.
If you've got several drives, you can also allocate some swap on each one
and spread the load out a little. On my personal system, I've got 32MB of
main memory and 64MB of swap on both drives for a total of 128MB of swap.
This gives me 4X memory for total program swapping, which gives me the
ability to run some pretty big programs! Emacs and the X Window System, in
particular, can be real swap hogs.
In any case, we'll assume for the moment that we're still configuring the
ideal system and we'll allocate 64MB of swap space, using the MEM * 2
equation. If you only had 8MB of memory, you'd allocate 16MB of swap
The second file system of importance is /usr, which contains further system
binaries and all of the bundled user binaries. /usr should be at least
80MB in size to hold all of the important binaries, though if you plan on
having a big /usr/local or on loading the X Window System (also known as
XFree86 3.1) distribution then you should either create separate
file systems for them, or you should make /usr a lot bigger.
It's also possible to skip making /usr altogether and simply make a large
root (/) file system. Since /usr fits "underneath" /, a missing /usr won't
cause any problems if / is large enough to hold the contents for both. In
any case, it's a user decision and tends to be driven by convention more
than anything else. For the purposes of this installation guide, we'll
assume a 200MB /usr, 100MB of space allocated for local binaries, which
we'll mount on /usr/local, and the rest for user home directories, which
we'll mount on /usr/users. Don't be put off by the size of these numbers!
You can make a system fit into less space, but since we're dividing up the
ideal 2GB dream disk, we might as well do it right! ;-)
Getting back to the relevant part of the DISKLABEL screen again, we remember
that it looked like this:
Part Start End Blocks MB Type Action Mountpoint
a 0 0 0 0 unused
b 0 0 0 0 unused
c 1433600 4108287 2674688 1306 unused &lt;Entire FreeBSD slice&gt;
d 0 4108599 4108600 2006 unused &lt;Entire Disk&gt;
e 0 0 0 0 unused
f 0 0 0 0 unused
g 0 0 0 0 unused
h 32 614399 614368 300 MSDOS
So we'll first allocate some space on partition `a' for that root partition
by typing `e', for (E)dit partition. This asks us which partition we want
to change the size of, so we type `a':
Change size of which partition&gt; a
And it prompts us for the amount of space, so we'll pick 20MB for a nice
comfortable root file system:
Size of partition in MB&gt; 20
Now we see the display change to:
Part Start End Blocks MB Type Action Mountpoint
a 1433600 1474559 40960 20 4.2BSD
The system shows us where the partition starts and stops and indicates that
it's a 4.2BSD file system, which is correct (it's really a 4.4 BSD file
system, in actuality, but the two are similar enough to share the same
We do the same for swap by typing `e' again and modify the `b' partition
by filling in 64 for the size, to allocate 64MB of swap.
Finally, remembering that `c' and `d' are special, and not for our use, we
change the size of `e' to 200 for our future /usr, `f' to 100 for our
/usr/local, and `g' to the rest of the disk for /usr/users. When we're
done, the top of the disklabel screen should look like this:
Part Start End Blocks MB Type Action Mountpoint
a 1433600 1474559 40960 20 4.2BSD
b 1474560 1605631 131072 64 swap
c 1433600 4108287 2674688 1306 unused &lt;Entire FreeBSD slice&gt;
d 0 4108599 4108600 2006 unused &lt;Entire Disk&gt;
e 1605632 2015231 409600 200 4.2BSD
f 2015232 2220031 204800 100 4.2BSD
g 2220032 4108287 1888256 922 4.2BSD
h 32 614399 614368 300 MSDOS
We left `h' alone, since we actually want to be able to share files with
our DOS partition. At this point, we want to type `w' for (W)rite to write
out the new size information to disk.
You probably also noticed by now that "/", "/usr" and the other file system
names we've been talking about don't appear anywhere in the above list.
Where are they? This brings us to the next stage, which is to (A)ssign the
new partitions to actual file system mount points. A file system in
FreeBSD doesn't actually appear anywhere until we "mount" it someplace, a
convention from the old days when disks were actually large removable packs
that a system operator physically mounted on a large washing-machine sized
disk drive spindle! As you can see, not much has changed today! :-)
We'll proceed then by starting at the top with the first partition and
assigning it to the root file system (/) by typing `a', for (A)ssign, and
then typing `a' again, for partition a:
Assign which partition&gt; a
When it asks us for the name of the mount point, we type /:
Directory mountpoint&gt; /
And the display adjusts accordingly to show us the new state of affairs:
Part Start End Blocks MB Type Action Mountpoint
a 1433600 1474559 40960 20 4.2BSD newfs /
The Action field also now shows "newfs", which means that the partition
will be created anew. For root file systems, this is the default and cannot
be changed, but other partitions can be optionally "Preserved" by typing
`p' for (P)reserve. There are very few situations in which we'd want to do
this, but if, say, we were actually installing a disk from an older FreeBSD
machine which we wanted to mount into our new system but NOT erase, we
could do it this way. For now, let's assume that this is a new
installation and we want all the file systems to be created from scratch.
We thus go through and assign the rest of the file systems to their
respective /usr, /usr/local and /usr/users mountpoints. We also assign the
`b' partition, which doesn't take a mountpoint (and won't prompt for one
when we (A)ssign it), but needs us to tell it that we're ready to use it
for swap.
When we're done, the top of the screen should look something like this:
Part Start End Blocks MB Type Action Mountpoint
a 1433600 1474559 40960 20 4.2BSD newfs /
b 1474560 1605631 131072 64 swap swap swap
c 1433600 4108287 2674688 1306 unused &lt;Entire FreeBSD slice&gt;
d 0 4108599 4108600 2006 unused &lt;Entire Disk&gt;
e 1605632 2015231 409600 200 4.2BSD newfs /usr
f 2015232 2220031 204800 100 4.2BSD newfs /usr/local
g 2220032 4108287 1888256 922 4.2BSD newfs /usr/users
h 32 614399 614368 300 MSDOS
As a final bonus, we'll assign the DOS partition to be mounted on /dos. We
do this with (A)ssign as we did the others, and we also notice that the
system is smart enough to see that it's not a FreeBSD partition and we
DON'T want to newfs it, we want to simply mount it:
h 32 614399 614368 300 MSDOS mount /dos
At this point, our system is all set up and ready to go!
We type `q' to go back to the main menu and then type `p' to (P)roceed to
the next phase of installation.
We're now given one last chance to back out of the install, and we hit
return if we're sure, otherwise we type &lt;Tab&gt; to select "No" and hit return
to consider our settings again before going on.
The rest of the installation is pretty much self-explanatory. After the
file systems are initially created and populated, you'll be prompted to
reboot from the hard disk. Do so and provide the cpio floppy when asked.
When the initial flurry of welcome and informational prompts has died down,
you'll come to a screen asking you to load one or more distributions. At
the minimum, select "bindist" to load the basic system. If you're loading
from other than CDROM media, follow the appropriate paths through the
installation process.
If you're loading from CDROM, select CDROM as the media type and select the
type of CDROM you've got (SCSI or Mitsumi). When it asks you for an
installation subdirectory, simply hit return if you've got the 2.0 CD from
Walnut Creek CDROM. You may select additional optional packages to load
after the bindist extracts, provided that you've got the space for it. Use
the "?diskfree" menu option from time to time to keep an eye on your free
space. When you're done, you'll be asked a few more basic questions and
then that's it! You've got FreeBSD on your hard disk.
If you should need to partition another drive or install other packages
later, you may re-invoke the sysinstall program by typing /sbin/sysinstall.
The same familiar prompts will then come up.
Good luck!
Jordan Hubbard
for Walnut Creek CDROM
and the FreeBSD Project.

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<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1996-09-24 17:45:54 $">
<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD 2.0 Release Notes">
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Release 2.0
1. Technical overview
FreeBSD is a freely available, full source 4.4 BSD Lite based release
for Intel i386/i486/Pentium (or compatible) based PC's. It is based
primarily on software from U.C. Berkeley's CSRG group, with some
enhancements from NetBSD, 386BSD, and the Free Software Foundation.
Since our first release of FreeBSD 1.0 some 18 months ago, FreeBSD
has changed almost entirely. A new port from the Berkeley 4.4 code
base was done, which brought the legal status of the system out of the
shadows with the blessing of Novell (new owners of USL and UNIX). The
port to 4.4 has also brought in a host of new features, filesystems
and enhanced driver support. With our new unencumbered code base, we
have every reason to hope that we'll be able to release quality
operating systems without further legal encumbrance for some time to
FreeBSD 2.0 represents the culmination of almost 2 years of work and
many thousands of man hours put in by an international development team.
We hope you enjoy it!
Many packages have also been upgraded or added, such as XFree86 3.1,
xview 3.2, elm, nntp, mh, InterViews and dozens of other miscellaneous
utilities have been ported and are now available as add-ons. See the
ports collection (or the package collection) for a complete summary.
For a list of contributors, please see the file "CONTRIB.FreeBSD",
which should be bundled with your bindist distribution.
Also see the new "REGISTER.FreeBSD" file for information on registering
with the "Free BSD user counter". We've also provided a list of who's
responsible for what (so that you may query them directly) in the
"ROSTER.FreeBSD" file; use of this file is encouraged to ensure faster
resolution of any problems you may have!
The core of FreeBSD does not contain DES code which would inhibit its
being exported outside the United States. There is an add-on package
to the core distribution, for use only in the United States, that
contains the programs that normally use DES. The auxilliary packages
provided separately can be used by anyone. A freely (from outside the
U.S.) exportable European distribution of DES for our non U.S. users also
exists and is described in the FreeBSD FAQ.
If password security for FreeBSD is all you need, and you have no
requirement for copying encrypted passwords from different hosts (Suns,
DEC machines, etc) into FreeBSD password entries, then FreeBSD's MD5
based security may be all you require! We feel that our default security
model is more than a match for DES, and without any messy export issues
to deal with. If you're outside (or even inside) the U.S., give it a try!
1.1 What's new in 2.0?
4.4 Lite
As previously stated, this release is based entirely on CSRG's
latest (and last) BSD release - 4.4 Lite. This features a number
of improvements over 4.2BSD (Net/2), not least of which are:
o Legal approval of Novell &amp; U.C. Berkeley. After the settlement
of the longstanding lawsuit between USL/UCB/Novell/BSDI, all
parties were (strongly) encouraged to move to 4.4 Lite in order
to avoid future legal entanglements. The fact that we've now done
so should make this release much more attractive to potential
commercial users.
o Many new filesystem types, such as stackable filesystems, union
filesystems, "portals", kernfs, a simple log-structured filesystem, a
new version of NFS (NQNFS), etc. While some of these new filesystems
are also rather unpolished and will require significant additional
work to be truly robust, they're a good start.
o 64bit offsets, allowing filesystems of up to 2^63 bytes in size.
o Further work towards full POSIX compliance.
IP multicast support
The IP multicast support has been upgraded from the woefully ancient
1.x code in 4.4-Lite to the most current and up-to-date 3.3 release
from Steve D. and Ajit. The non-forwarding code is known to work (for
some limited test cases). The multicast forwarder and user-mode
multicast routing process are known to compile, but have not been
significantly tested (hopefully this will happen before 2.0 release).
Owner: wollman
Sources involved: sys/netinet, usr.sbin/mrouted
Loadable Kernel Modules
David Greenman incorporated NetBSD's port of Terry Lambert's loadable
kernel module support. Garrett Wollman wrote the support for loadable
file systems, and Søren Schmidt did the same for loadable execution
Owner: core
Sources involved: sys/kern, sbin/modload, sbin/modunload,
Loadable filesystems
Most filesystems are now dynamically loadable on demand, with the
exception of the UFS family (FFS, LFS, and MFS). With the exception
of NFS, all such filesystems can be unloaded when all references are
unmounted. To support this functionality, the getvfsbyname(3)
family of functions has been added to the C library and the lsvfs(1)
command provides the same information at the shell level. Be aware of
the following current restrictions:
- /usr/bin may not reside on a dynamically loaded filesystem.
- There must be a writable /tmp directory available
before filesystems are loaded (moving / to the top of your
/etc/fstab file will accomplish this).
- Some of the more esoteric filesystems simply don't work when loaded
dynamically (though they often don't work "static", either.)
Owner: wollman
Sources involved: sys/*fs, lkm/*fs, usr.bin/lsvfs, lib/libc/gen
Since version 1.1.5, FreeBSD has supported the S/Key one time password
scheme. The version used is derived from the logdaemon package of Wietse
Some of the features new in 2.0 are:
- New access control table format to impose the use of S/Keys
based on: hostname, ip address, port, username, group id.
- S/Key support can be disabled by not having the access control
The second item explains the absence of skey.access in the installed /etc.
To enable S/Key support, create a file skey.access in /etc and fill it
according to your needs. See also skey.access(5) and the example in
Owner: pst, guido
Sources involved: lib/libskey, usr.bin/key* (plus patches to others)
TCP/IP over parallel (printer) port
You can now run TCP/IP over a standard LapLink(tm) cable, if both ends
have an interrupt-driven printerport. The interface is named "lp0"
where '0' is the same as the lpt# unit number. This is not compatible
with PLIP. If you run NFS, try setting MTU to 9180, otherwise leave
it at 1500 unless you have a good reason to change it. Speed varies
with the CPU-type, with up to 70 kbyte/sec having been seen and 50
kbyte/sec being the norm.
Owner: phk
Sources involved: isa/lpt.c
ProAudioSpectrum SCSI driver
If you have a PAS board with a CD-ROM, and the MS-DOS driver is called
TSLCDR.SYS, then the "pas" driver should work on your card. You can
attach disks, cdroms and tapes, but due to the nature of the hardware
involved, the transfer rate is limited to &lt; 690 kbyte/sec. For CD-ROM
use, this is generally more than enough.
Owner: phk
Sources involved: isa/pas.c
Adaptec 2742/2842 SCSI driver
Despite the non-cooperation of Adaptec in providing technical
information, we now have a driver for the AHA-274x and AHA-284x
series SCSI controller family. This driver uses the GPL'd
Linux sequencer code, so until we find an alternative, this
will be part of the kernel that requires source code to be
distributed with it at all times. This shouldn't be a problem
for any of FreeBSD's current users.
Owner: gibbs
Sources involved: isa/aic7770.c sys/gnu/misc/*
Gzip'd binaries
We have an experimental implementation for direct execution of gzip'ed
binaries in this release. When enabled, it allows you to simply gzip
your binaries, remove the '.gz' extension and make the file
executable. There is a big speed and memory consumption penalty for
doing this, but for laptop users it may be worthwhile. The maximum
savings are generally around 10 Mb of disk space.
Owner: phk
Sources involved: kern/imgact_gzip.c kern/inflate.c
Diskless booting
Diskless booting in 2.0 is much improved since 1.1.5. The
boot-program is in src/sys/i386/boot/netboot, and can be run from an
MSDOS system or burned into an EPROM. Local swapping is also
possible. WD, SMC, 3COM and Novell ethernet cards are currently
Owner: Martin Renters &amp; phk
Sources involved: i386/boot/netboot, sys/nfs/nfs_vfsops.h
Device configuration database
The kernel now keeps better track of which device drivers are active and
where the devices are attached; this information is made available to
user programs via the new sysctl(3) management interface. Current
applications include lsdev(8), which lists the currently configured
devices. In the future, we expect to use this code to automatically
generate a configuration file for you at installation time.
Owner: wollman
Sources involved: sys/i386, sys/scsi, sys/kern/kern_devconf.c,
sys/sys/devconf.h, usr.sbin/lsdev
Kernel management interface
With 4.4-Lite, we now have a better management interface for the endless
series of kernel variables and parameters which were previously manipulated
by reading and writing /dev/kmem. Many programs have been rewritten to
use this interface, although many old-style programs still remain. Some
variables which were never accessible before are now available through
the sysctl(1) program. In addition to the standard 4.4BSD MIB variables,
we have added support for YP/NIS domains (kern.domainname), controlling
the update daemon (kern.update), retrieving the OS release date
(kern.osreldate), determining the name of the booted kernel (kern.bootfile),
and checking for hardware floating-point support (hw.floatingpoint).
We have also added support to make management queries of devices and
Owner: core
Sources involved: sys, usr.bin/sysctl
iBCS2 support
FreeBSD now supports running iBCS2 compatible binaries (currently
SCO UNIX 3.2.2 &amp; 3.2.4 and ISC 2.2 COFF format are supported).
The iBCS2 emulator is in its early stages, but it is functional, we
haven't been able to do exhaustive testing (lack of commercial apps),
but almost all of SCO's 3.2.2 binaries are working, so is an old
INFORMIX-2.10 for SCO. Further testing is nessesary to complete this
project. There is also work under way for ELF &amp; XOUT loaders, and
most of the svr4 syscall wrappers have been written.
Owner: Soren Schmidt (sos) &amp; Sean Eric Fagan (sef)
Sources involved: sys/i386/ibcs2/* + misc kernel changes.
2. Supported Configurations
FreeBSD currently runs on a wide variety of ISA, VLB, EISA and PCI bus
based PC's, ranging from 386sx to Pentium class machines (though the
386sx is not recommended). Support for generic IDE or ESDI drive
configurations, various SCSI controller, network and serial cards is
also provided.
Following is a list of all currently known disk controllers and
ethernet cards known to work with FreeBSD. Other configurations may
very well work, and we have simply not received any indication of
2.1. Disk Controllers
WD1003 (any generic MFM/RLL)
WD1007 (any generic IDE/ESDI)
[Note: the new Extended IDE controllers in newer PC's work, although no
extended features are used.]
Adaptec 152x series ISA SCSI controllers
Adaptec 154x series ISA SCSI controllers
Adaptec 174x series EISA SCSI controller in standard and enhanced mode.
Adaptec 2742/2842 series ISA/EISA SCSI controllers
Adaptec AIC-6260 and AIC-6360 based boards, which includes
the AHA-152x and SoundBlaster SCSI cards.
** Note: You cannot boot from the Soundblaster cards
as they have no on-board BIOS, which is necessary for mapping
the boot device into the system BIOS I/O vectors.
They're perfectly usable for external tapes, CDROMs, etc,
however. The same goes for any other AIC-6x60 based card
without a boot ROM. Some systems DO have a boot ROM, which
is generally indicated by some sort of message when the system
is first powered up or reset. Check your system/board documentation
for more details.
[Note that Buslogic was formerly known as "Bustec"]
Buslogic 545S &amp; 545c
Buslogic 445S/445c VLB SCSI controller
Buslogic 742A, 747S, 747c EISA SCSI controller.
Buslogic 946c PCI SCSI controller
NCR 53C810 and 53C825 PCI SCSI controller.
DTC 3290 EISA SCSI controller in 1542 emulation mode.
UltraStor 14F, 24F and 34F SCSI controllers.
Seagate ST01/02 SCSI controllers.
Future Domain 8xx/950 series SCSI controllers.
With all supported SCSI controllers, full support is provided for
SCSI-I &amp; SCSI-II peripherals, including Disks, tape drives (including
DAT) and CD ROM drives. Note: This and the mcd driver (Mitsumi CDROM
interface card) are the only way a CD ROM drive may be currently
attached to a FreeBSD system; we do not support SoundBlaster
(non-SCSI) CDROM interface, or other "non-SCSI" adapters. The
ProAudio Spectrum SCSI and SoundBlaster SCSI controllers are
Some controllers have limitations with the way they deal with &gt;16MB of
memory, due to the fact that the ISA bus only has a DMA address space of
24 bits. If you do your arithmetic, you'll see that this makes it
impossible to do direct DMA to any address &gt;16MB. This limitation is
even true of some EISA controllers (which are normally 32 bit) when
they're configured to emulate an ISA card, which they then do in *all*
respects. This problem is avoided entirely by IDE controllers (which do
not use DMA), true EISA controllers (like the UltraStor or Adaptec
1742A) and most VLB (local bus) controllers. In the cases where it's
necessary, the system will use "bounce buffers" to talk to the
controller so that you can still use more than 16Mb of memory without
2.2. Ethernet cards
SMC Elite 16 WD8013 ethernet interface, and most other WD8003E,
WD8003EBT, WD8003W, WD8013W, WD8003S, WD8003SBT and WD8013EBT
based clones. SMC Elite Ultra is also supported.
DEC EtherWORKS III NICs (DE203, DE204, and DE205)
DEC EtherWORKS II NICs (DE200, DE201, DE202, and DE422)
Isolan AT 4141-0 (16 bit)
Isolink 4110 (8 bit)
Novell NE1000, NE2000, and NE2100 ethernet interface.
3Com 3C501 cards
3Com 3C503 Etherlink II
3Com 3C507 Etherlink 16/TP
3Com 3C509 and 3C579 Etherlink III
Toshiba ethernet cards
PCMCIA ethernet cards from IBM and National Semiconductor are also
2.3. Misc
AST 4 port serial card using shared IRQ.
ARNET 8 port serial card using shared IRQ.
BOCA ATIO66 6 port serial card using shared IRQ.
STB 4 port card using shared IRQ.
Mitsumi (all models) CDROM interface and drive.
Soundblaster SCSI and ProAudio Spectrum SCSI CDROM interface and drive.
Adlib, Soundblaster, Soundblaster Pro, ProAudioSpectrum, Gravis UltraSound
and Roland MPU-401 sound cards.
FreeBSD currently does NOT support IBM's microchannel (MCA) bus, but
support is apparently close to materializing. Details will be posted
as the situation develops.
3. Obtaining FreeBSD.
You may obtain FreeBSD in a variety of ways:
1. FTP/Mail
You can ftp FreeBSD and any or all of its optional packages from
`freebsd.cdrom.com' - the offical FreeBSD release site.
For other locations that mirror the FreeBSD software see the file
MIRROR.SITES. Please ftp the distribution from the nearest site
to you netwise.
If you do not have access to the internet and electronic mail is your
only recourse, then you may still fetch the files by sending mail to
`ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com' - putting the keyword "help" in your message
to get more information on how to fetch files from freebsd.cdrom.com.
Note: This approach will end up sending many *tens of megabytes*
through the mail, and should only be employed as an absolute LAST
FreeBSD 2.0 may be ordered on CDROM from:
Walnut Creek CDROM
4041 Pike Lane, Suite D
Concord CA 94520
1-800-786-9907, +1-510-674-0783, +1-510-674-0821 (fax)
Or via the internet from orders@cdrom.com. Their current catalog can
be obtained via ftp as ftp.cdrom.com:/cdrom/catalog.
Cost is $39.95. Shipping (per order not per disc) is $5 in the US, Canada,
or Mexico and $10.00 overseas. They accept Visa, Mastercard, American
Express, and ship COD to the United States. California residents please
add 8.25% sales tax.
Should you be dissatisfied for any reason, the CD comes with an
unconditional return policy.
Note that Walnut Creek CDROM does NOT provide technical support for FreeBSD,
you need to contact the FreeBSD team for that. Please see section 5 for
more information.
4. Preparing for the installation.
1. Floppy Installation
If you must install from floppy disks, either due to space contraints
on your hard disk or just because you enjoy doing things the hard
way, you must first prepare some floppies for the install.
You will need either 10 1.44MB floppies or 12 1.2MB floppies to
store just the bindist (binary distribution). These *must* be
formatted using MS-DOS, using either the FORMAT command in MS-DOS
or the File Manager in Microsoft Windows to prepare the floppies
(though factory preformatted floppies will also well well, provided
that they haven't been previously used for something else).
After you've formatted the floppy disks, you'll need to copy the
files onto them. There are 56 total files for the bindist itself,
plus three small files (CKSUMS, do_cksum.sh, and extract.sh) for
the install program to use. ALL of these files must be copies onto
the floppies. Each of the bindist files are named "bindist.??",
where the "??" is replaced by the letter sequence aa through cd.
Copy these files onto the floppies, placing the three small install
files onto the final floppy. The order in which you copy the files
to floppy is not important, but it makes labelling the disks easier
if you go in some sort of alphabetical order.
After you've done this, the floppy disks are ready for the install
program to use.
Later on, after you get the binary distribution installed and everything
is going great, the same instructions will apply for the other
distributions, such as the manpages distribution or the XFree86 distribution.
The number of floppies required will, of course, change for bigger or
smaller distributions.
2. Hard Disk Installation
To prepare for installation from an MS-DOS partition, you should simply
copy the files from the distribution into a directory with the same
name as the distribution. For example, if you are preparing to
install the bindist set, then make a directory on your C: drive named
C:\BINDIST and copy the files there. This will allow the installation
program to find the files automatically.
3. QIC/SCSI Tape Installation.
Installing from tape is probably the easiest method, short of an
on-line install using ftp or installing from a CDROM. The installation
program expects the files to be simply tar'red onto the tape, so after
getting all of the files for distribution you're interested in, simply
tar them onto the tape with something like:
cd &lt;where the *.?? files are&gt;
tar cvf /dev/rwt0 (or /dev/rst0) .
from a directory with just the distribution files in it. Make sure
that you remember to put CKSUMS, do_cksum.sh, and extract.sh files
in this directory as well!
If you wish to install multiple *dist releases from one tape, do the
1. cd to the parent directory of the distributions and put them on tape
like so:
tar cvf /dev/rwt0 (or /dev/rst0) bindist srcdist ...
2. Install the first distribution on the tape using the tape installation
method as normal. Afterwards, *do not* erase the contents of the temporary
directory. Get a shell with ESC-ESC and cd to the temporary directory
yourself. For each additional *dist you want to load, cd to its
subdirectory and type `sh ./extract.sh'.
5. Reporting problems, making suggestions, submitting code.
Your suggestions, bug reports and contributions of code are always
valued - please do not hesitate to report any problems you may find
(preferably with a fix attached if you can!).
The preferred method to submit bug reports from a machine with internet
mail connectivity is to use the send-pr command. Bug reports will be
dutifully filed by our faithful bugfiler program and you can be sure
that we'll do our best to respond to all reported bugs as soon as
If, for some reason, you are unable to use the send-pr command to
submit a bug report, you can try to send it to:
Otherwise, for any questions or suggestions, please send mail to:
Additionally, being a volunteer effort, we are always happy to have
extra hands willing to help - there are already far more enhancements
to be done than we can ever manage to do by ourselves! To contact us
on technical matters, or with offers of help, you may send mail to:
Since these mailing lists can experience significant amounts of
traffic, if you've got slow or expensive mail access and you're
only interested in keeping up with significant FreeBSD events, you may
find it preferable to subscribe to:
All but the FreeBSD-bugs groups can be freely joined by anyone wishing
to do so. Send mail to MajorDomo@FreeBSD.org and include the keyword
`help' on a line by itself somewhere in the body of the message. This
will give you more information on joining the various lists, accessing
archives, etc. There are a number of mailing lists targeted at
special interest groups not mentioned here, so send mail to majordomo
and ask about them!
6. Acknowledgements
FreeBSD represents the cumulative work of many dozens, if not
hundreds, of individuals from around the world who have worked very
hard to bring you this release. It would be very difficult, if not
impossible, to enumerate everyone who's contributed to FreeBSD, but
nonetheless we shall try (in alphabetical order, of course). If your
name is not mentioned, please be assured that its omission is entirely
The Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG), U.C. Berkeley.
Bill Jolitz, for his extensive work with 386BSD.
The FreeBSD "core" team:
Andrew A. Chernov
John Dyson
Bruce Evans
David Greenman
Rodney W. Grimes
Jordan K. Hubbard
Poul-Henning Kamp
Rich Murphey
Gary Palmer
Geoff Rehmet
Paul Richards
Soren Schmidt
Andreas Schulz
Jack Vogel
Garrett A. Wollman
Special mention to:
Robert Bruce and Jack Velte of Walnut Creek CDROM, without
whose help (and continuing support) this release would never
have been possible.
Dermot McDonnell for his donation of a Toshiba XM3401B CDROM
The NetBSD group for their frequent assistance and commentary.
Additional FreeBSD helpers and beta testers:
J.T. Conklin Julian Elischer
Sean Eric Fagan Jeffrey Hsu
Terry Lambert L Jonas Olsson
Chris Provenzano Dave Rivers
Guido van Rooij Steven Wallace
Atsushi Murai Scott Mace
Andrew Moore Nate Williams
And everyone at Montana State University for their initial support.
Thanks to everyone, especially those not mentioned, and we sincerely
hope you enjoy this release of FreeBSD!
The FreeBSD Core Team
Id: RELNOTES.FreeBSD,v 1.21 1994/12/02 20:27:11 jkh Exp

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<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1996-09-24 17:45:54 $">
<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD 2.0 ALPHA Announcement">
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<p>To: hackers@freefall.cdrom.com<br>
Subject: For those that didn't see this in announce - 2.0 ALPHA is released!<br>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 01:31:42 -0800<br>
From: "Jordan K. Hubbard" &lt;jkh@freefall.cdrom.com&gt;</p>
<p>The FreeBSD Project team is very pleased to announce their release of
FreeBSD 2.0 ALPHA; a full 32 bit 4.4 BSD Lite based operating system
for Intel PCs (i386, i486 and Pentium class).</p>
<p>Since our first release of FreeBSD 1.0 some 18 months ago, FreeBSD has
changed almost entirely. A new port from the Berkeley 4.4 code base
was done, which brought the legal status of the system out of the
shadows with the blessing of Novell (new owners of USL and UNIX). The
port to 4.4 also brought in a host of new features, filesystems and
enhanced driver support. With our new unencumbered code base, we have
every reason to hope that we'll be able to release quality operating
systems without further legal encumbrance for some time to come!</p>
<p>FreeBSD 2.0 represents the culmination of almost 2 years of work and
many thousands of man hours put in by an international development
team. We hope you enjoy it!</p>
<p>FreeBSD 2.0 ALPHA also features an advanced installation that enables
one to install from tape, CD, SLIP or ethernet (NFS or FTP). FreeBSD
2.0 BETA, planned for the 2nd week of November, will also support
installation from floppy or DOS partition (sorry, it didn't quite make
the ALPHA!) and offer even more "plug-n-play" features for editing
disklabels and such. This is, nonetheless, our easiest to use
installation yet, and we hope that with your feedback and suggestions,
our final 2.0 Release version will be even nicer still!</p>
<p>For more information on what's new with FreeBSD, or what general
features it offers, we strongly suggest that you simply download our
boot floppy and boot from it. You can easily read the release notes
on it using a simple menu, and with no danger to the contents of your
hard disk (unless you deliberately chose "proceed with installation",
in which case your fate is in your own hands! :-).</p>
<p>Those truly wishing to wait for the final release version of 2.0 are,
of course, encouraged to do so, but I think that many of you will find
this to be our most polished "ALPHA" release yet! Give it a try! An
upgrade path from ALPHA-&gt;RELEASE will also be provided, and we do NOT
plan any major changes between now and the final release in December.
We generally try to err on the side of conservatism in our releases,
and the 2.0 release cycle is no exception. Those wishing to obtain
2.0 on CDROM will have to wait until the 2.0 Release date, at which
point it will be made available by Walnut Creek CDROM (info@cdrom.com)
and other CDROM publishers.</p>
<p>If you're currently running 1.x and are looking for an upgrade path,
we're sorry to say that only full installations are supported at this
time. Simply back up your password and user files before reinstalling
from the 2.0 media, then bring them back. If public demand is high
enough, and we can figure out a way of easily doing it, we'll offer
something, but it should be understood that the differences between
1.x and 2.0 are <em>large</em>, and it's not certain that we'll be able to do
it at all.</p>
<p>Those unable or unwilling to download the boot floppy may also get the
release notes by mail - send mail to &lt;info@FreeBSD.org&gt; for an
automated reply. Updated information will also be provided on a more
or less continuous basis in our <a href="/When">WEB pages</a></p>
<p>FreeBSD 2.0A is available for ftp in <a href="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.0-ALPHA/">ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.0-ALPHA/</a></p>
<p>It will also, no doubt, be available on a number of mirror sites as
soon as they pick it up. However, ftp.freebsd.org is on a T3 line and
supports 300 simultaneous users (it's a FreeBSD machine :-), so it's
unlikely that you'll have too much trouble getting it from this site
until the mirrors do so.</p>
<p>If you are directly Internet connected, it is also NOT necessary to
load the bindist from this site! Simply download the 2 boot floppies,
begin the installation, and select the FTP installation method - it
will do the rest for you, transparently.</p>
<p>Finally, we'd like to publically <em>thank</em> <a
href="http://www.cdrom.com/">Walnut Creek CDROM</a>, without whos
continuing support and extreme generousity, we'd probably be long
gone! They've been of immense help to us. Thank you, Walnut
Creek CDROM!</p>
<p>Thanks must also go to Poul-Henning Kamp, our fearless and long
suffering release engineer for 2.0. While all of us have sacrificed
much sleep to the cause, he has a new wife but has somehow managed to
do so as well! :-)</p>
<p>And to all of our users (this is probably starting to sound like the
academy awards :-), a similar thank you! We couldn't have done it
without your constant flow of commentary, patches, donations of code
and moral support. As corny as it sounds, we do it all for you folks!
[Though the ego gratification is nice too :-)]</p>
<p>Thanks to all, and we sincerely hope you enjoy this release!</p>
<p>Comments, as always, to hackers@FreeBSD.org.</p>
<p> Jordan<br>
[on behalf of the FreeBSD Project team]

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<p>FreeBSD <a href="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.1.5-RELEASE">
2.1.5-RELEASE</a> is now available on ftp.freebsd.org and various
FTP mirror sites throughout the world. It can also be ordered on
<a href="http://www.cdrom.com/titles/freebsd.html">CD</a> from
from <a href="http://www.cdrom.com/">Walnut Creek CDROM</a>.</p>
<p>FreeBSD 2.1.5 represents the culmination of over a year's worth of
work on the <a href="/handbook/stable.html">2.1-STABLE</a> branch of
FreeBSD since it began with FreeBSD 2.0.5. In the 7 months since 2.1
was released, many many bug fixes, updates and careful enhancements
have been made, the results of which you now see here.</p>
<p>The STABLE branch was conceived out of the need to allow FreeBSD to
grow and support long-term development projects (like devfs, NFSv3,
IPX, PCCARD, etc.) while at the same time not jeopardizing the
stability of its existing user base. FreeBSD 2.1.5 marks the finishing
point for that effort and, barring any small "slipstream" releases done
to solve significant problems, no further releases along the 2.1-STABLE
branch are anticipated. The concept of "stable" and "experimental"
tracks is not being abandoned, we'll simply be doing this somewhat
differently in the future.</p>
<p>For more information on the 2.1.5 release itself, please consult the
<a href="notes.html">Release Notes</a>.
<p>The official sources for FreeBSD are available via anonymous FTP from:
<a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD">ftp.freebsd.org</a>.
Or via the WEB at:
<a href="http://www.freebsd.org/releases/index.html">www.freebsd.org</a>.
And on CD-ROM from Walnut Creek CDROM:
Walnut Creek CDROM
4041 Pike Lane, #D
Concord CA, 94520 USA
Phone: +1 510 674-0783
Fax: +1 510 674-0821
Tech Support: +1 510 603-1234
Email: <a href="mailto:info@cdrom.com">info@cdrom.com</a>
WWW: <a href="http://www.cdrom.com/">http://www.cdrom.com</a>
<p>Additionally, FreeBSD is available via anonymous FTP from the
following mirror sites. If you choose to obtain FreeBSD via anonymous
FTP, please try to use a site near you:</p>
<p>In case of problems, please contact <a href="mailto:hostmaster@au.freebsd.org">hostmaster@au.freebsd.org</a>.
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.au.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.au.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp2.au.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp2.au.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp3.au.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp3.au.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp4.au.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp4.au.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<p>In case of problems, please contact <a href="mailto:hostmaster@br.freebsd.org">hostmaster@br.freebsd.org</a>.
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.br.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.br.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp2.br.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp2.br.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp3.br.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp3.br.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp4.br.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp4.br.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp5.br.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp5.br.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp6.br.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp6.br.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp7.br.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp7.br.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<p>In case of problems, please contact <a href="mailto:hostmaster@ca.freebsd.org">hostmaster@ca.freebsd.org</a>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.ca.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.ca.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<h2>Czech Republic</h2>
<li><a href="ftp://sunsite.mff.cuni.cz/OS/FreeBSD">ftp://sunsite.mff.cuni.cz/OS/FreeBSD</a><p></p>
Problem Contact: <a href="mailto:jj@sunsite.mff.cuni.cz">jj@sunsite.mff.cuni.cz</a></li>
<p>In case of problems, please contact <a href="mailto:hostmaster@ee.freebsd.org">hostmaster@ee.freebsd.org</a>.
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.ee.freebsd.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.ee.freebsd.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<p>In case of problems, please contact <a href="mailto:hostmaster@fi.freebsd.org">hostmaster@fi.freebsd.org</a>.
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.fi.freebsd.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.fi.freebsd.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.ibp.fr/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.ibp.fr/pub/FreeBSD</a><p></p>
Problem Contact: <a href="mailto:Remy.Card@ibp.fr">Remy.Card@ibp.fr</a>.</li>
<p>In case of problems, please contact <a href="mailto:hostmaster@de.freebsd.org">hostmaster@de.freebsd.org</a>.
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.de.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.de.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp2.de.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp2.de.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp3.de.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp3.de.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp4.de.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp4.de.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp5.de.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp5.de.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp6.de.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp6.de.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp7.de.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp7.de.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<h2>Hong Kong</h2>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.hk.super.net/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.hk.super.net/pub/FreeBSD</a><p></p>
Problem Contact: <a href="mailto:ftp-admin@HK.Super.NET">ftp-admin@HK.Super.NET</a>.</li>
<p>In case of problems, please contact <a href="mailto:hostmaster@ie.freebsd.org">hostmaster@ie.freebsd.org</a>.
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.ie.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.ie.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://orgchem.weizmann.ac.il/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://orgchem.weizmann.ac.il/pub/FreeBSD</a><p></p>
Problem Contact: <a href="serg@klara.weizmann.ac.il">serg@klara.weizmann.ac.il</a>.</li>
<li><a href="ftp://xray4.weizmann.ac.il/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://xray4.weizmann.ac.il/pub/FreeBSD</a><p></p>
Problem Contact: <a href="serg@klara.weizmann.ac.il">serg@klara.weizmann.ac.il</a>.</li>
<p>In case of problems, please contact <a href="mailto:hostmaster@jp.freebsd.org">hostmaster@jp.freebsd.org</a>.
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.jp.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.jp.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp2.jp.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp2.jp.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp3.jp.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp3.jp.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp4.jp.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp4.jp.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp5.jp.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp5.jp.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp6.jp.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp6.jp.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<p>In case of problems, please contact <a href="mailto:hostmaster@kr.freebsd.org">hostmaster@kr.freebsd.org</a>.
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.kr.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.kr.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp2.kr.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp2.kr.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<p>In case of problems, please contact <a href="mailto:hostmaster@nl.freebsd.org">hostmaster@nl.freebsd.org</a>.
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.nl.freebsd.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.nl.freebsd.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://SunSITE.icm.edu.pl/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://SunSITE.icm.edu.pl/pub/FreeBSD</a><p></p>
Problem Contact: <a href="mailto:ftp@SunSITE.icm.edu.pl">ftp@SunSITE.icm.edu.pl</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.ua.pt/pub/misc/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.ua.pt/pub/misc/FreeBSD</a><p></p>
Problem Contact: <a href="mailto:archie@ua.pt">archie@ua.pt</a></li>
<p>In case of problems, please contact <a href="mailto:hostmaster@ru.freebsd.org">hostmaster@ru.freebsd.org</a>.
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.ru.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.ru.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp2.ru.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp2.ru.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<h2>South Africa</h2>
<p>In case of problems, please contact <a href="mailto:hostmaster@za.freebsd.org">hostmaster@za.freebsd.org</a>.
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.za.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.za.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp2.za.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp2.za.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp3.za.FreeBSD.ORG/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp3.za.FreeBSD.ORG/FreeBSD</a></li>
<p>In case of problems, please contact the <a href="mailto:hostmaster@se.freebsd.org">hostmaster@se.freebsd.org</a>.
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.se.freebsd.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.se.freebsd.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<p>In case of problems, please contact <a href="mailto:hostmaster@tw.freebsd.org">hostmaster@tw.freebsd.org</a>.
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.tw.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.tw.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp2.tw.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp2.tw.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp3.tw.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp3.tw.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.nectec.or.th/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.nectec.or.th/pub/FreeBSD</a><p></p>
Problem Contact: <a href="mailto:ftpadmin@ftp.nectec.or.th">ftpadmin@ftp.nectec.or.th</a></li>
<p>In case of problems, please contact <a href="mailto:hostmaster@freebsd.org">hostmaster@freebsd.org</a>.
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp2.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp2.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp3.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp3.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp4.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp4.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp5.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp5.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp6.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp6.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<p>In case of problems, please contact <a href="mailto:hostmaster@uk.freebsd.org">hostmaster@uk.freebsd.org</a>.
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.uk.FreeBSD.ORG/packages/unix/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.uk.FreeBSD.ORG/packages/unix/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp2.uk.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/walnut.creek/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp2.uk.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/walnut.creek/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp3.uk.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/BSD/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp3.uk.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/BSD/FreeBSD</a></li>
<p>The latest versions of export-restricted code for FreeBSD (2.0C or
later) (eBones and secure) are being made available at the following
locations. If you are outside the U.S. or Canada, please get secure
(DES) and eBones (Kerberos) from one of the following foreign
distribution sites:
<h2>South Africa</h2>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.internat.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.internat.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp2.internat.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp2.internat.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.br.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD">ftp://ftp.br.FreeBSD.ORG/pub/FreeBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="ftp://nic.funet.fi/pub/unix/FreeBSD/eurocrypt">ftp://nic.funet.fi/pub/unix/FreeBSD/eurocrypt</a></li>

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0. What is this release?
FreeBSD 2.1.5R is the follow-on release to 2.1R and focuses primarily
on fixing bugs, closing security holes and conservative enhancements.
For more information on bleeding-edge development, please see
1. What's New since 2.1.0-RELEASE?
Quite a few things have changed since the last major release
of FreeBSD. To make it easier to identify specific changes,
we've broken them into several major categories:
Device Drivers:
Support for the Adaptec AIC7850 on-board SCSI adapter.
Support for Specialix SI and XIO serial cards.
Support for the Stallion EasyIO, EasyConnection 8/32 and
EasyConnection 8/64, as well as the older Onboard and Brumby serial
Support for the Intel EtherExpress Pro/100B PCI ethernet card.
Real PCI Buslogic support (new driver and probing order).
Support for the ARNET (now Digiboard) Sync 570i high-speed serial card.
Better support for the Matrox Meteor frame grabber card.
Support for the Connectix Quickcam (parallel port camera).
Worm driver - it is now possible to burn CDROMs using the Plasmon or
HP 4080i CDR drives (see `wormcontrol(1)'). NOTE: If your drive
probes as a CD rather than a WORM, some additional patches may be
required from -current to get it working for you. We decided not to
bring these changes over by default as they make too many changes to
the SCSI subsystem (not necessarily bad changes, but more risky).
Kernel features:
Various VM system enhancements and more than a few bugs fixed.
A concatenated disk driver for simple types of RAID applications.
See the man page for ccd(4) for more information.
Real PCI bus probing (before ISA) and support for various PCI bridges.
The Linux emulation is now good enough to run the Linux version of
Netscape, with JAVA support (as well as a number of other Linux
Userland code updates:
The system installation tool has been revamped with slightly different
menu behavior and a number of bugs have been fixed. It's hoped that
this installation will be more intuitive for new users than previous
ones (feedback welcomed, of course) as well as more useful in the
post-install scenario (I know, I keep saying this :-).
Many improvements to the NIS code.
The ncftp program is no longer part of the default system - it has been
replaced by a library (/usr/src/lib/libftpio) and a more powerful program
which uses it called ``fetch'' (/usr/src/usr.bin/fetch). You may find
ncftp as part of the ports collection (in /usr/ports/net/ncftp) if you
still wish to use it, though fetch is slightly more capable in that
it can fetch from both FTP and HTTP servers (ftp://... or http://... URLs).
See the man page for more details.
2. Technical overview
FreeBSD is a freely available, full source 4.4 BSD Lite based release
for Intel i386/i486/Pentium (or compatible) based PC's. It is based
primarily on software from U.C. Berkeley's CSRG group, with some
enhancements from NetBSD, 386BSD, and the Free Software Foundation.
Since our release of FreeBSD 2.0 over a year ago, the performance,
feature set and stability of FreeBSD has improved dramatically. The
largest change is a revamped VM system with a merged VM/file buffer
cache that not only increases performance but reduces FreeBSD's memory
footprint, making a 5MB configuration a more acceptable minimum.
Other enhancements include full NIS client and server support,
transaction TCP support, dial-on-demand PPP, an improved SCSI
subsystem, early ISDN support, support for FDDI and Fast Ethernet
(100Mbit) adapters, improved support for the Adaptec 2940 (WIDE and
narrow) and 3940 SCSI adaptors along with many hundreds of bug fixes.
We've taken the comments and suggestions of many of our users to
heart and have attempted to provide what we hope is a more sane and
easily understood installation process. Your feedback on this
(constantly evolving) process is especially welcome!
In addition to the base distributions, FreeBSD offers a new ported
software collection with over 450 commonly sought-after programs. The
list of ports ranges from http (WWW) servers, to games, languages,
editors and almost everything in between. The entire ports collection
requires only 10MB of storage, all ports being expressed as "deltas"
to their original sources. This makes it much easier for us to update
ports and greatly reduces the disk space demands made by the ports
collection. To compile a port, you simply change to the directory of
the program you wish to install, type make and let the system do the
rest. The full original distribution for each port you build is
retrieved dynamically off of CDROM or a local ftp site, so you need
only enough disk space to build the ports you want. (Almost) every
port is also provided as a pre-compiled "package" which can be
installed with a simple command (pkg_add). See also the new Packages
option in the Configuration menu for an especially convenient interface
to the package collection.
A number of additional documents which you may find helpful in the
process of installing and using FreeBSD may now also be found in the
/usr/share/doc directory. You may view the manuals with any HTML
capable browser by saying:
To read the handbook:
&lt;browser&gt; file:/usr/share/doc/handbook/handbook.html
To read the FAQ:
&lt;browser&gt; file:/usr/share/doc/FAQ/freebsd-faq.html
You can also visit the master (and most frequently updated) copies at
The export version of FreeBSD does not contain DES code which would
inhibit its being exported outside the United States. There is an
add-on package to the core distribution which contains the programs
and libraries that normally use DES. A freely exportable (from
outside the U.S.) distribution of DES for our non-U.S. users also
exists at ftp://ftp.internat.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD.
If password security for FreeBSD is all you need and you have no
requirement for copying encrypted passwords from different hosts
(Suns, DEC machines, etc) into FreeBSD password entries, then
FreeBSD's MD5 based security may be all you require! We feel that our
default security model is more than a match for DES, and without any
messy export issues to deal with. If you're outside (or even inside)
the U.S., give it a try! This snapshot also includes support for
mixed password files - either DES or MD5 passwords will be accepted,
making it easier to transition from one scheme to the other.
3. Supported Configurations
FreeBSD currently runs on a wide variety of ISA, VLB, EISA and PCI bus
based PC's, ranging from 386sx to Pentium Pro class machines (though the
386sx is not recommended). Support for generic IDE or ESDI drive
configurations, various SCSI controller, network and serial cards is
also provided.
What follows is a list of all disk controllers and ethernet cards
currently known to work with FreeBSD. Other configurations may also
work, but we have simply not received any confirmation of this.
3.1. Disk Controllers
WD1003 (any generic MFM/RLL)
WD1007 (any generic IDE/ESDI)
Adaptec 152x series ISA SCSI controllers
Adaptec 154x series ISA SCSI controllers
Adaptec 174x series EISA SCSI controller in standard and enhanced mode.
Adaptec 274X/284X/2940/3940 (Narrow/Wide/Twin) series ISA/EISA/PCI SCSI
Adaptec AIC-6260 and AIC-6360 based boards, which includes
Adaptec AIC7850 on-board SCSI controllers.
the AHA-152x and SoundBlaster SCSI cards.
** Note: You cannot boot from the SoundBlaster cards as they have no
on-board BIOS, such being necessary for mapping the boot device into the
system BIOS I/O vectors. They're perfectly usable for external tapes,
CDROMs, etc, however. The same goes for any other AIC-6x60 based card
without a boot ROM. Some systems DO have a boot ROM, which is generally
indicated by some sort of message when the system is first powered up
or reset, and in such cases you *will* also be able to boot from them.
Check your system/board documentation for more details.
[Note that Buslogic was formerly known as "Bustec"]
Buslogic 545S &amp 545c
Buslogic 445S/445c VLB SCSI controller
Buslogic 742A, 747S, 747c EISA SCSI controller.
Buslogic 946c PCI SCSI controller
Buslogic 956c PCI SCSI controller
NCR 53C810 and 53C825 PCI SCSI controller.
NCR5380/NCR53400 ("ProAudio Spectrum") SCSI controller.
DTC 3290 EISA SCSI controller in 1542 emulation mode.
UltraStor 14F, 24F and 34F SCSI controllers.
Seagate ST01/02 SCSI controllers.
Future Domain 8xx/950 series SCSI controllers.
WD7000 SCSI controller.
With all supported SCSI controllers, full support is provided for
SCSI-I &amp SCSI-II peripherals, including Disks, tape drives (including
DAT) and CD ROM drives.
The following CD-ROM type systems are supported at this time:
(cd) SCSI interface (also includes ProAudio Spectrum and
SoundBlaster SCSI)
(mcd) Mitsumi proprietary interface (all models)
(matcd) Matsushita/Panasonic (Creative SoundBlaster) proprietary
interface (562/563 models)
(scd) Sony proprietary interface (all models)
(wcd) ATAPI IDE interface (experimental and should be considered ALPHA
3.2. Ethernet cards
Allied-Telesis AT1700 and RE2000 cards
SMC Elite 16 WD8013 ethernet interface, and most other WD8003E,
WD8003EBT, WD8003W, WD8013W, WD8003S, WD8003SBT and WD8013EBT
based clones. SMC Elite Ultra is also supported.
DEC EtherWORKS III NICs (DE203, DE204, and DE205)
DEC EtherWORKS II NICs (DE200, DE201, DE202, and DE422)
DEC DC21040, DC21041, or DC21140 based NICs (SMC???? DE???)
Fujitsu MB86960A/MB86965A
Intel EtherExpress (not recommended due to driver instability)
Intel EtherExpress Pro/100B PCI Fast Ethernet
Isolan AT 4141-0 (16 bit)
Isolink 4110 (8 bit)
Novell NE1000, NE2000, and NE2100 ethernet interface.
3Com 3C501 cards
3Com 3C503 Etherlink II
3Com 3c505 Etherlink/+
3Com 3C507 Etherlink 16/TP
3Com 3C509, 3C579, 3C589 (PCMCIA) Etherlink III
Toshiba ethernet cards
PCMCIA ethernet cards from IBM and National Semiconductor are also
Note that NO token ring cards are supported at this time as we're
still waiting for someone to donate a driver for one of them. Any
3.3. Misc
AST 4 port serial card using shared IRQ.
ARNET 8 port serial card using shared IRQ.
ARNET (now Digiboard) Sync 570/i high-speed serial.
BOCA ATIO66 6 port serial card using shared IRQ.
Cyclades Cyclom-y Serial Board.
STB 4 port card using shared IRQ.
SDL Communications Riscom/8 Serial Board.
Adlib, SoundBlaster, SoundBlaster Pro, ProAudioSpectrum, Gravis UltraSound
and Roland MPU-401 sound cards.
FreeBSD currently does NOT support IBM's microchannel (MCA) bus.
4. Obtaining FreeBSD
You may obtain FreeBSD in a variety of ways:
4.1. FTP/Mail
You can ftp FreeBSD and any or all of its optional packages from
`ftp.freebsd.org' - the official FreeBSD release site.
For other locations that mirror the FreeBSD software see the file
MIRROR.SITES. Please ftp the distribution from the site closest (in
networking terms) to you. Additional mirror sites are always welcome!
Contact admin@freebsd.org for more details if you'd like to become an
official mirror site.
If you do not have access to the internet and electronic mail is your
only recourse, then you may still fetch the files by sending mail to
`ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com' - putting the keyword "help" in your message
to get more information on how to fetch files using this mechanism.
Please do note, however, that this will end up sending many *tens of
megabytes* through the mail and should only be employed as an absolute
LAST resort!
4.2. CDROM
FreeBSD 2.1-RELEASE and these 2.2 SNAPSHOT CDs may be ordered on CDROM from:
Walnut Creek CDROM
4041 Pike Lane, Suite D
Concord CA 94520
1-800-786-9907, +1-510-674-0783, +1-510-674-0821 (fax)
Or via the internet from orders@cdrom.com or http://www.cdrom.com.
Their current catalog can be obtained via ftp as:
Cost per -RELEASE CD is $39.95 or $24.95 with a FreeBSD subscription.
FreeBSD 2.2-SNAP CDs are $29.95 or $14.95 with a FreeBSD-SNAP subscription
(-RELEASE and -SNAP subscriptions are entirely seperate). With a
subscription, you will automatically receive updates as they are released.
Your credit card will be billed when each disk is shipped and you may cancel
your subscription at any time without further obligation.
Walnut Creek CDROM also sells a full line of FreeBSD related
merchandise such as T-shirts ($14.95, available in "child", Large and
XL sizes), coffee mugs ($9.95), tattoos ($0.25 each) and posters
Shipping (per order not per disc) is $5 in the US, Canada or Mexico
and $9.00 overseas. They accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American
Express or checks in U.S. Dollars and ship COD within the United
States. California residents please add 8.25% sales tax.
Should you be dissatisfied for any reason, the CD comes with an
unconditional return policy.
Reporting problems, making suggestions, submitting code
Your suggestions, bug reports and contributions of code are always
valued - please do not hesitate to report any problems you may find
(preferably with a fix attached, if you can!).
The preferred method to submit bug reports from a machine with
internet mail connectivity is to use the send-pr command. Bug reports
will be dutifully filed by our faithful bugfiler program and you can
be sure that we'll do our best to respond to all reported bugs as soon
as possible. Bugs filed in this way are also visible on our WEB site
in the support section and are therefore valuable both as bug reports
and as "signposts" for other users concerning potential problems to
watch out for.
If, for some reason, you are unable to use the send-pr command to
submit a bug report, you can try to send it to:
Otherwise, for any questions or suggestions, please send mail to:
Additionally, being a volunteer effort, we are always happy to have
extra hands willing to help - there are already far more desired
enhancements than we'll ever be able to manage by ourselves! To
contact us on technical matters, or with offers of help, please send
mail to:
Please note that these mailing lists can experience *significant*
amounts of traffic and if you have slow or expensive mail access and
are only interested in keeping up with significant FreeBSD events, you
may find it preferable to subscribe instead to:
All but the freebsd-bugs groups can be freely joined by anyone wishing
to do so. Send mail to MajorDomo@FreeBSD.org and include the keyword
`help' on a line by itself somewhere in the body of the message. This
will give you more information on joining the various lists, accessing
archives, etc. There are a number of mailing lists targeted at
special interest groups not mentioned here, so send mail to majordomo
and ask about them!
6. Acknowledgements
FreeBSD represents the cumulative work of many dozens, if not
hundreds, of individuals from around the world who have worked very
hard to bring you this release. It would be very difficult, if not
impossible, to enumerate everyone who's contributed to FreeBSD, but
nonetheless we shall try (in alphabetical order, of course). If you've
contributed something substantive to us and your name is not mentioned
here, please be assured that its omission is entirely accidental.
Please contact hackers@FreeBSD.org for any desired updates to the
lists that follow:
The Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG), U.C. Berkeley.
Bill Jolitz, for his initial work with 386BSD.
The FreeBSD Core Team
(in alphabetical order by last name):
Satoshi Asami &lt;asami@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Andrey A. Chernov &lt;ache@FreeBSD.org&gt;
John Dyson &lt;dyson@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Bruce Evans &lt;bde@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Justin Gibbs &lt;gibbs@FreeBSD.org&gt;
David Greenman &lt;davidg@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Jordan K. Hubbard &lt;jkh@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Poul-Henning Kamp &lt;phk@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Rich Murphey &lt;rich@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Gary Palmer &lt;gpalmer@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Søren Schmidt &lt;sos@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Peter Wemm &lt;peter@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Garrett A. Wollman &lt;wollman@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Jörg Wunsch &lt;joerg@FreeBSD.org&gt;
The FreeBSD Development Team, excluding core team members
(in alphabetical order by last name):
Ugen J.S. Antsilevich &lt;ugen@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Torsten Blum &lt;torstenb@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Gary Clark II &lt;gclarkii@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Adam David &lt;adam@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Peter Dufault &lt;dufault@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Frank Durda IV &lt;uhclem@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Julian Elischer &lt;julian@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Sean Eric Fagan &lt;sef@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Stefan Esser &lt;se@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Bill Fenner &lt;fenner@FreeBSD.org&gt;
John Fieber &lt;jfieber@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Marc G. Fournier &lt;scrappy@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Lars Fredriksen &lt;lars@freeBSD.org&gt;
Thomas Gellekum &lt;tg@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Thomas Graichen &lt;graichen@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Rod Grimes &lt;rgrimes@FreeBSD.org&gt;
John Hay &lt;jhay@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Eric L. Hernes &lt;erich@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Jeffrey Hsu &lt;hsu@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Gary Jennejohn &lt;gj@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Andreas Klemm &lt;andreas@FreeBSD.org&gt;
L Jonas Olsson &lt;ljo@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Scott Mace &lt;smace@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Atsushi Murai &lt;amurai@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Mark Murray &lt;markm@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Alex Nash &lt;alex@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Sujal Patel &lt;smpatel@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Bill Paul &lt;wpaul@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Joshua Peck Macdonald &lt;jmacd@FreeBSD.org&gt;
John Polstra &lt;jdp@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Mike Pritchard &lt;mpp@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Doug Rabson &lt;dfr@FreeBSD.org&gt;
James Raynard &lt;jraynard@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Geoff Rehmet &lt;csgr@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Martin Renters &lt;martin@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Paul Richards &lt;paul@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Ollivier Robert &lt;roberto@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Dima Ruban &lt;dima@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Wolfram Schneider &lt;wosch@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Andreas Schulz &lt;ats@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Karl Strickland &lt;karl@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Paul Traina &lt;pst@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Guido van Rooij &lt;guido@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Steven Wallace &lt;swallace@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Nate Williams &lt;nate@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Jean-Marc Zucconi &lt;jmz@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Additional FreeBSD helpers and beta testers:
Coranth Gryphon Dave Rivers
Kaleb S. Keithley Michael Smith
Terry Lambert David Dawes
Troy Curtis
Special mention to:
Walnut Creek CDROM, without whose help (and continuing support)
this release would never have been possible.
Dermot McDonnell for his donation of a Toshiba XM3401B CDROM
Chuck Robey for his donation of a floppy tape streamer for
Larry Altneu and Wilko Bulte for providing us with Wangtek
and Archive QIC-02 tape drives for testing and driver hacking.
CalWeb Internet Services for the loan of a P6/200 machine for
speedy package building.
Everyone at Montana State University for their initial support.
And to the many thousands of FreeBSD users and testers all over the
world, without whom this release simply would not have been possible.
We sincerely hope you enjoy this release of FreeBSD!
The FreeBSD Core Team

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DOCS= announce.sgml notes.sgml
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<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1996-09-24 17:45:55 $">
<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD 2.1 Announcement">
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Date: Sun, 19 Nov 1995 14:48:46 -0800<br>
From: "Jordan K. Hubbard" &lt;jkh@freebsd.org&gt;<br>
To: announce@freefall.cdrom.com<br>
Subject: 2.1.0-RELEASE now available!
<p>Could it be? Could the long-awaited release of FreeBSD
2.1 truly have arrived?</p>
<p>It gives me great pleasure to answer those questions with
a ``yes!''</p>
<p>FreeBSD 2.1.0-RELEASE is now available on <a
and various FTP <a
href="../../handbook/mirrors.html">mirror sites throughout
the world</a>. It can also be ordered on CD from <a
href="http://www.cdrom.com/">Walnut Creek CDROM</a>, from
where it will be shipping shortly.</p>
<p>FreeBSD 2.1 represents the culmination of 6 months worth
of work on the 2.1-STABLE branch of FreeBSD since the
previous release (FreeBSD 2.0.5).</p>
<p>The STABLE branch was conceived out of the need to allow
FreeBSD to grow and support long-term development projects
like devfs, NFSv3, IPX, PCCARD, etc. while at the same time
not jeopardizing the stability of its existing user base.
Experimental or high-impact changes are allowed into <a
which represents a sort of shared group development tree,
and only well tested or obvious fixes are allowed into
STABLE. In a few rare cases, where some bit of
functionality was entirely missing before, we've supplied
an ALPHA test quality version in STABLE on the premise that
some functionality is better than none at all (a good
example being the IDE CDROM driver).</p>
<p>For more information on the 2.1 release itself, please
consult the documentation that accompanies the <a

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Release 2.1
1. Technical overview
FreeBSD is a freely available, full source 4.4 BSD Lite based release
for Intel i386/i486/Pentium (or compatible) based PC's. It is based
primarily on software from U.C. Berkeley's CSRG group, with some
enhancements from NetBSD, 386BSD, and the Free Software Foundation.
Since our release of FreeBSD 2.0 over a year ago, the performance,
feature set and stability of FreeBSD has improved dramatically. The
largest change is a revamped VM system with a merged VM/file buffer
cache that not only increases performance but reduces FreeBSD's memory
footprint, making a 5MB configuration a more acceptable minimum.
Other enhancements include full NIS client and server support,
transaction TCP support, dial-on-demand PPP, an improved SCSI
subsystem, early ISDN support, support for FDDI and Fast Ethernet
(100Mbit) adapters, improved support for the Adaptec 2940 (WIDE and
narrow) and 3940 SCSI adaptors along with many hundreds of bug fixes.
We've also taken the comments and suggestions of many of our users to
heart and have attempted to provide what we hope is a more sane and
easily understood installation process. Your feedback on this
(constantly evolving) process is especially welcome!
In addition to the base distributions, FreeBSD offers a new ported
software collection with over 350 commonly sought-after programs. The
list of ports ranges from http (WWW) servers, to games, languages,
editors and almost everything in between. The entire ports collection
requires only 10MB of storage, all ports being expressed as "deltas"
to their original sources. This makes it much easier for us to update
ports and greatly reduces the disk space demands made by the ports
collection. To compile a port, you simply change to the directory of
the program you wish to install, type make and let the system do the
rest. The full original distribution for each port you build is
retrieved dynamically off of CDROM or a local ftp site, so you need
only enough disk space to build the ports you want. (Almost) every
port is also provided as a pre-compiled "package" which can be
installed with a simple command (pkg_add). See also the new Packages
option in the Configuration menu for an especially convenient interface
to the package collection.
A number of additional documents which you may find helpful in the
process of installing and using FreeBSD may now also be found in the
/usr/share/doc directory. You may view the manuals with any HTML
capable browser by saying:
To read the handbook:
&lt;browser&gt; file:/usr/share/doc/handbook/handbook.html
To read the FAQ:
&lt;browser&gt; file:/usr/share/doc/FAQ/freebsd-faq.html
You can also visit the master (and most frequently updated) copies at
The core of FreeBSD does not contain DES code which would inhibit its
being exported outside the United States. There is an add-on package
to the core distribution, for use only in the United States, that
contains the programs that normally use DES. The auxiliary packages
provided separately can be used by anyone. A freely (from outside the
U.S.) exportable distribution of DES for our non-U.S. users also
exists at ftp://ftp.internat.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD.
If password security for FreeBSD is all you need and you have no
requirement for copying encrypted passwords from different hosts
(Suns, DEC machines, etc) into FreeBSD password entries, then
FreeBSD's MD5 based security may be all you require! We feel that our
default security model is more than a match for DES, and without any
messy export issues to deal with. If you're outside (or even inside)
the U.S., give it a try!
Supported Configurations
FreeBSD currently runs on a wide variety of ISA, VLB, EISA and PCI bus
based PC's, ranging from 386sx to Pentium class machines (though the
386sx is not recommended). Support for generic IDE or ESDI drive
configurations, various SCSI controller, network and serial cards is
also provided.
What follows is a list of all disk controllers and ethernet cards
currently known to work with FreeBSD. Other configurations may also
work, but we have simply not received any confirmation of this.
Disk Controllers
WD1003 (any generic MFM/RLL)
WD1007 (any generic IDE/ESDI)
Adaptec 152x series ISA SCSI controllers
Adaptec 154x series ISA SCSI controllers
Adaptec 174x series EISA SCSI controller in standard and enhanced mode.
Adaptec 274X/284X/2940/3940 (Narrow/Wide/Twin) series ISA/EISA/PCI SCSI
Adaptec AIC-6260 and AIC-6360 based boards, which includes
the AHA-152x and SoundBlaster SCSI cards.
** Note: You cannot boot from the SoundBlaster cards as they have no
on-board BIOS, such being necessary for mapping the boot device into the
system BIOS I/O vectors. They're perfectly usable for external tapes,
CDROMs, etc, however. The same goes for any other AIC-6x60 based card
without a boot ROM. Some systems DO have a boot ROM, which is generally
indicated by some sort of message when the system is first powered up
or reset, and in such cases you *will* also be able to boot from them.
Check your system/board documentation for more details.
[Note that Buslogic was formerly known as "Bustek"]
Buslogic 545S &amp; 545c
Buslogic 445S/445c VLB SCSI controller
Buslogic 742A, 747S, 747c EISA SCSI controller.
Buslogic 946c PCI SCSI controller
Buslogic 956c PCI SCSI controller
NCR 53C810/15/25/60/75 PCI SCSI controller.
NCR5380/NCR53400 ("ProAudio Spectrum") SCSI controller.
DTC 3290 EISA SCSI controller in 1542 emulation mode.
UltraStor 14F, 24F and 34F SCSI controllers.
Seagate ST01/02 SCSI controllers.
Future Domain 8xx/950 series SCSI controllers.
WD7000 SCSI controller.
With all supported SCSI controllers, full support is provided for
SCSI-I &amp; SCSI-II peripherals, including Disks, tape drives (including
DAT) and CD ROM drives.
The following CD-ROM type systems are supported at this time:
(cd) SCSI interface (also includes ProAudio Spectrum and
SoundBlaster SCSI)
(mcd) Mitsumi proprietary interface (all models)
(matcd) Matsushita/Panasonic (Creative SoundBlaster) proprietary
interface (562/563 models)
(scd) Sony proprietary interface (all models)
(wcd) ATAPI IDE interface (experimental and should be considered ALPHA
Ethernet cards
Allied-Telesis AT1700 and RE2000 cards
SMC Elite 16 WD8013 ethernet interface, and most other WD8003E,
WD8003EBT, WD8003W, WD8013W, WD8003S, WD8003SBT and WD8013EBT
based clones. SMC Elite Ultra is also supported.
DEC EtherWORKS III NICs (DE203, DE204, and DE205)
DEC EtherWORKS II NICs (DE200, DE201, DE202, and DE422)
DEC DC21140 based NICs (SMC???? DE???)
Fujitsu FMV-181 and FMV-182
Intel EtherExpress
Isolan AT 4141-0 (16 bit)
Isolink 4110 (8 bit)
Novell NE1000, NE2000, and NE2100 ethernet interface.
3Com 3C501 cards
3Com 3C503 Etherlink II
3Com 3c505 Etherlink/+
3Com 3C507 Etherlink 16/TP
3Com 3C509, 3C579, 3C589 (PCMCIA) Etherlink III
Toshiba ethernet cards
PCMCIA ethernet cards from IBM and National Semiconductor are also
Note that NO token ring cards are supported at this time as we're
still waiting for someone to donate a driver for one of them. Any
Misc Hardware
AST 4 port serial card using shared IRQ.
ARNET 8 port serial card using shared IRQ.
BOCA ATIO66 6 port serial card using shared IRQ.
Cyclades Cyclom-y Serial Board.
STB 4 port card using shared IRQ.
SDL Communications Riscom/8 Serial Board.
Adlib, SoundBlaster, SoundBlaster Pro, ProAudioSpectrum, Gravis UltraSound
and Roland MPU-401 sound cards.
FreeBSD currently does NOT support IBM's microchannel (MCA) bus.
Reporting problems, making suggestions and submitting code:
Your suggestions, bug reports and contributions of code are always
valued - please do not hesitate to report any problems you may find
(preferably with a fix attached, if you can!).
The preferred method to submit bug reports from a machine with
internet mail connectivity is to use the send-pr command. Bug reports
will be dutifully filed by our faithful bugfiler program and you can
be sure that we'll do our best to respond to all reported bugs as soon
as possible. Bugs filed in this way are also visible on our WEB site
in the support section and are therefore valuable both as bug reports
and as "signposts" for other users concerning potential problems to
watch out for.
If, for some reason, you are unable to use the send-pr command to
submit a bug report, you can try to send it to:
Otherwise, for any questions or suggestions, please send mail to:
Additionally, being a volunteer effort, we are always happy to have
extra hands willing to help - there are already far more desired
enhancements than we'll ever be able to manage by ourselves! To
contact us on technical matters, or with offers of help, please send
mail to:
Please note that these mailing lists can experience *significant*
amounts of traffic and if you have slow or expensive mail access and
are only interested in keeping up with significant FreeBSD events, you
may find it preferable to subscribe instead to:
Any of the groups can be freely joined by anyone wishing to do so.
Send mail to MajorDomo@FreeBSD.org and include the keyword `help' on a
line by itself somewhere in the body of the message. This will give
you more information on joining the various lists, accessing archives,
etc. There are a number of mailing lists targeted at special interest
groups not mentioned here, so send mail to majordomo and ask about
6. Acknowledgements
FreeBSD represents the cumulative work of many dozens, if not
hundreds, of individuals from around the world who have worked very
hard to bring you this release. It would be very difficult, if not
impossible, to enumerate everyone who's contributed to FreeBSD, but
nonetheless we shall try (in alphabetical order, of course). If you've
contributed something substantive to us and your name is not mentioned
here, please be assured that its omission is entirely accidental.
Please contact hackers@FreeBSD.org for any desired updates to the
lists that follow:
The Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG), U.C. Berkeley.
Bill Jolitz, for his initial work with 386BSD.
The FreeBSD Core Team
(in alphabetical order by first name):
Andrey A. Chernov &lt;ache@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Bruce Evans &lt;bde@FreeBSD.org&gt;
David Greenman &lt;davidg@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Garrett A. Wollman &lt;wollman@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Gary Palmer &lt;gpalmer@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Jörg Wunsch &lt;joerg@FreeBSD.org&gt;
John Dyson &lt;dyson@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Jordan K. Hubbard &lt;jkh@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Justin Gibbs &lt;gibbs@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Peter Wemm &lt;peter@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Poul-Henning Kamp &lt;phk@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Rich Murphey &lt;rich@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Satoshi Asami &lt;asami@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Søren Schmidt &lt;sos@FreeBSD.org&gt;
Special mention to:
Walnut Creek CDROM, without whose help (and continuing support)
this release would never have been possible.
Dermot McDonnell for his donation of a Toshiba XM3401B CDROM
Additional FreeBSD helpers and beta testers:
Atsushi Murai Coranth Gryphon
Dave Rivers Frank Durda IV
Guido van Rooij Jeffrey Hsu
John Hay Julian Elischer
Kaleb S. Keithley Michael Smith
Nate Williams Peter Dufault
Rod Grimes Scott Mace
Stefan Esser Steven Wallace
Terry Lambert Wolfram Schneider
And everyone at Montana State University for their initial support.
And to the many thousands of FreeBSD users and testers all over the
world without whom this release simply would not have been possible.
We sincerely hope you enjoy this release of FreeBSD!
The FreeBSD Core Team

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<!ENTITY base CDATA "..">
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<!ENTITY title "Release Information">
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<h2><a href="&base/newsflash.html">Newsflash!</a></h2>
<p>Recent announcement about FreeBSD Releases</p>
<h2>Current Release</h2>
<li><b>Release 2.1.5 RELEASE</b> (July 14, 1996)
&a.latest.ann;Announcement</a> :
&a.latest.not;Release Notes</a>.
If you wish to obtain this release, please see <a
href="../where.html"><em>Obtaining and Installing
FreeBSD</em></a> for details.
<h2>Future Releases</h2>
<li>The next official release will be
<strong>2.2</strong> which will be derived from the
<b><a href="../handbook/current.html">FreeBSD-current</a></b>
branch of the development tree. Periodic
<b><a href="snapshots.html">snapshot</a></b> releases
will be made available before the release.</li>
<li>The <b><a href="../handbook/stable.html">FreeBSD-stable</a></b>
branch is also being loosely supported, with critical bug fixes
and installation system changes being brought in from time to time.
A 2.1.6 release will probably occur on this branch some
time in the next 2-3 months, just to clean up a last few remaining
nits from 2.1.5.</li>
<h2>Past Releases</h2>
<li><b>1.0</b> (December, 1993)</li>
<li><b>1.1</b> (May, 1994)
<a href="./1.1/RELNOTES.FreeBSD">Release notes</a>
<a href="./1.1.5/RELNOTES.FreeBSD">Release notes</a>
<li><b></b> (July, 1994)</li>
<li><b>2.0 ALPHA</b> (November 10, 1994)
<a href="./2.0A/announce.html">Announcement</a>
<li><b>2.0</b> (November 22, 1994)
<a href="./2.0/announce.html">Announcement</a> :
<a href="./2.0/notes.html">Release Notes</a>
<li><b>2.0.5 ALPHA</b> (May 30, 1995)
<a href="./2.0.5A/announce.html">Announcement</a> :
<a href="./2.0.5A/notes.html">Release Notes</a>
<li><b>Release 2.0.5 RELEASE</b> (June 10, 1995)
<a href="./2.0.5R/announce.html">Announcement</a> :
<a href="./2.0.5R/notes.html">Release Notes</a>.
<li><b>Release 2.1 RELEASE</b> (November 19, 1995)
<a href="./2.1R/announce.html">Announcement</a> :
<a href="./2.1R/notes.html">Release Notes</a>.

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<h2>What are snapshots?</h2>
<p>As part of an ongoing effort to improve the overall
release process <em>before</em> a release actually slips
out the door with problems that make folks mad, we are now
periodically producing interim <em>test</em> releases
called snapshots. These snapshots will be very similar to
full releases, except that they'll be somewhat more
minimal. In particular, before getting and installing a
snapshot release, be aware of following:
<li>We generally will not, for example, produce new
XFree86 distributions or worry much about the tools
directory, unless either of those two things are affected
by the changes being tested.
<li>The major release number will not be changed in the
main distribution for each snapshot. It will
<em>only</em> be changed on the boot floppies so that you
know when the snapshot was made. These are <em>not</em>
releases, these are <em>snapshots</em>, and it's
important that this distinction be preserved. People can
and will, of course, refer to snapshots by date in mail
or netnews, we just don't want them to start thinking
that Christmas came early and the next release is already
<li>Finally, we will not necessarily update the
documentation. If a README still refers to a previous release,
well, that's much less important to than getting the
real bug fixes and new features out for testing. Complaints
about that kind of thing will be quietly ignored. Again,
these are <em>snapshots</em>, not releases!
<p>Your feedback on these snapshots is, of course, greatly
welcome. They're not just for our benefit - those who are
coming to rely on FreeBSD for mission critical
applications should welcome a chance to get at more updated
bits in a structured fashion. You can also use these
snapshots as tangible evidence that your feedback is
getting incorporated and that you (hopefully) won't have
any unpleasant surprises in the next release. On the other hand, if
you do send us hate mail next release and it turns out that you
never even tried the snapshots, well, it cuts both ways!
<h2>Where to find snapshots</h2>
<p>Snapshots are available via anonymous from <a
The snapshot releases are in directories named in the
format <b>REL-YYMMDD-SNAP</b> where `<b>REL</b>' is the
release number, `<b>YY</b>' is the year, `<b>MM</b>' is
the month, and `<b>DD</b>' is the day the snapshot was
released. Each snapshot directory contains a
`<b>README</b>' file which outlines the changes for the
particular snapshot.</p>

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<h2>FreeBSD Mailing List Archives</h2>
<form action="cgi/search.cgi" method="GET">
<h3>Search for:</h3>
<p><em>Note: Use the operators AND or NOT to limit your
search. <a href="searchhints.html">Look here
for more hints</a>.</em></p>
<p><input type="text" name="words" size="50"> <input type="submit"></p>
<h3>In archive(s):</h3>
<p><em>Note: Searching more than three or four archives at once may
yield inaccurate results.</em></p>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-questions"
<b>Questions:</b> General questions<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-announce">
<b>Announce:</b> Important events / milestones<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-bugs">
<b>Bugs:</b> Reports and discussion of bugs<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-chat">
<b>Chat:</b> Random topics (sometimes) related to FreeBSD<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-commit">
<b>Commit:</b> Changes made to the FreeBSD source tree<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-current">
<b>Current:</b> Discussions concerning the use of
FreeBSD-current sources<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-doc">
<b>Doc:</b> Discussions concerning documentation<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-emulation">
<b>Emulation:</b> Emulating other systems on FreeBSD<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-fs">
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<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-hackers">
<b>Hackers:</b> Technical discussions and suggestions<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-hardware">
<b>Hardware:</b> Discussions concerning hardware as it
relates to FreeBSD<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-install">
<b>Install:</b> Discussions concerning the installation
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-isp">
<b>ISP:</b> Discussions for ISPs using FreeBSD<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-mobile">
<b>Mobile:</b> Using FreeBSD in a mobile environment<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-multimedia">
<b>Multimedia:</b> Discussions about FreeBSD as a
multimedia platform<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-platforms">
<b>Platforms:</b> Cross-platform FreeBSD issues
(non-Intel FreeBSD ports)<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-ports">
<b>Ports:</b> Discussions concerning FreeBSD's ports collection<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-scsi">
<b>SCSI:</b> Discussions about FreeBSD's SCSI support<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-security">
<b>Security:</b> FreeBSD computer security
issues (DES, Kerberos, etc.)<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-smp">
<b>SMP:</b> FreeBSD on multi-processor platforms<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-stable">
<b>Stable:</b> Discussion of the FreeBSD-stable branch
of the development tree.<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="source" value="freebsd-user-groups">
<b>User-Groups:</b> A forum for FreeBSD user groups</p>
<p>Limit the number of results to <input type="text"
name="max" value="25" size="5"></p>
<p><input type="submit"> <input type="reset"></p>

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<!ENTITY title "Searching Hints">
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<h2>If you got lots of irrelevant results...</h2>
<li>If you search for several words such as "<tt>quantum
hard drives</tt>", an OR is implied meaning that to be
counted as relevant, only one of the word has to appear
in a message. To find only messages with all three
words, change the search to "<tt>quantum and hard and
<li>If you still get lots of irrelevant messages, see if
they have something in common. If so, you can exclude
them with the <tt>not</tt> operator. For example
"<tt>quantum and hard and drives not ide</tt>" will
exclude any messages about ide quantum hard drives.</li>
<h2>If you don't think you got everything you should have...</h2>
<li>If one of your keywords has variant forms, be sure to
enter all relevant forms. If you are searching for
"<tt>buslogic</tt>", you might change it to "<tt>buslogic
or bustek</tt>".<p></p></li>
<li>Words with varying suffixes can be wildcarded.
Searching for "<tt>drive*</tt>" will pick up words such
as <tt>drive</tt>, <tt>drives</tt>, <tt>driver</tt>,
<tt>drivers</tt> and so on.<p></p></li>
<li>Try discarding words that could be implied by the
context of the message. For example "<tt>quantum and
hard and drive</tt>" might miss some relevant messages
that "<tt>quantum and drive</tt>" would get.</li>
<a href="search.html">Return to the search page</a>

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<h2><a href="handbook/eresources:mail.html">Mailing lists</a></h2>
<p>Mailing list are the primary support channel for FreeBSD
users, with numerous mailing list covering different
topic areas. When in doubt about what list to post a
question to, post to <a
<p>You can <a href="/search.html">search</a> the mailing list
archives at <a href="http://www.freebsd.org">www.freebsd.org.</a></p>
<p>For speakers of German, there are some german language mailing
lists available. See <a href="http://www.de.freebsd.org/de/">
http://www.de.freebsd.org/de/</a> or send mail to
<a href="mailto:majordomo@de.freebsd.org">majordomo@de.freebsd.org</a>
to join or find out more information about the lists.
<p>For speakers of Portuguese, there are some portuguese language mailing
lists available. See <a href="http://www.br.freebsd.org/list.html">
or send mail to <a href="mailto:listproc@br.freebsd.org">
listproc@br.freebsd.org</a> to join or find out more information about
the list.
<p>For speakers of Japanese, there are some japanese language mailing
lists available. See <a href="http://www.jp.freebsd.org/">
http://www.jp.freebsd.org/</a> or send mail to
<a href="mailto:majordomo@jp.freebsd.org">majordomo@jp.freebsd.org</a>
to join or find out more information about the lists.
<h2><a href="handbook/eresources:news.html">Newsgroups</a></h2>
<p>There are a few FreeBSD specific newsgroups, along with
numerous other newsgroups on topics of interest to FreeBSD
users, though the mailing lists remain the most reliable way to
get in touch with the FreeBSD developers. For miscellaneous
FreeBSD discussion, see <a href="news:comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc">
comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc</a>. For important announcements,
see <a href="news:comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.announce">
<h2><a href="http://www.freebsd.org/">WEB Resources</a></h2>
Our WEB pages remain one of the best sources of information,
and are also mirrored at many sites around the world. Most countries
also now have subdomains set up under <b>freebsd.org</b> to make such
local resources easier to find - when in doubt, try connecting to
www.<b>yourcountry</b>.freebsd.org (e.g.
<a href="http://www.de.freebsd.org/">www.de.freebsd.org</a> for
Germany or <a href="http://www.au.freebsd.org/">www.au.freebsd.org</a>
for Australia). The same is also true for <b>FTP</b> servers, by
the way.
<p>For information on recent FreeBSD progress and releases,
see the <a href="./When/newsflash.html">Newsflash</a> page.
Problem Report Database</h2>
<li><a href="http://www.freebsd.org/cgi-bin/query-pr-summary.cgi">
View the open problem reports</a>.</li>
<li><a href="http://www.freebsd.org/send-pr.html">Submit a Problem
<p> Problem reports may also be submitted to the
development team using the <a href="http://www.freebsd.org/send-pr.html">
send-pr(1)</a> command on a FreeBSD system or by sending an email
message to <a href="mailto:bugs@freebsd.org">bugs@freebsd.org</a>.
Please note that <a href="http://www.freebsd.org/send-pr.html">
send-pr</a> is preferred since messages sent to the mailing list are
<em>not</em> tracked as official problem reports!
href="http://www.freebsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb">CVS Repository</a></h2>
<p>CVS (the Concurrent Version System) is the tool we use for
keeping our sources under control. Every change (with
accompanying log message explaining its purpose) from
FreeBSD 2.0 to the present is stored here, and can be
easily viewed from here (click on the link). To obtain a
complete copy of the FreeBSD CVS respository, please use
either the <a href="handbook/sup.html">sup</a> or <a
href="handbook/ctm.html">CTM</a> tools or simply FTP it
from <a
<h2>User Groups</h2>
<li>BAFUG (Bay Area FreeBSD User Group) (contact info?)<p></p></li>
<li>BUG/HH (BSD user group Hamburg) meets on the last
Tuesday of the month at 7.00pm in the Chinese restaurant
<em>Lotus Bluete</em>, Loewenstrasse 22 in Hamburg
Eppendorf. Most members are FreeBSD users, although
users of all BSD flavors are welcome. Interested people
should send mail to <a
<A HREF="http://www.bik-gmbh.de/~cracauer/bsdhh-faq"> <BR>FAQ File
(in German)</A>
<li>The <a href="http://www.wuerzburg.de/brainstorm">Brainstorm</a>
users group meets in Wuerzburg, Germany and welcomes all users of
Unix, with some emphasis on helping new users of FreeBSD. They
meet every monday at 8.00pm in the "Cafe Klug", Muenzstrasse,
Wuerzburg. Mail
<a href="mailto:bs@rak.franken.de">bs@rak.franken.de</a>
for more information or follow the Brainstorm link.
<li>FUUNM (Free Unix Users of New Mexico) meets on the 2nd
Saturday of the month from 4:30-6:00pm at the Farris
Engineering Center, room 141, University of new Mexico.
This is not specifically a FreeBSD user group, but if you
are in the area, your presence is welcome. The group
operates a mailing list (<a
Contact <a href="mailto:alan@lundin.abq.nm.us">Alan
Lundin</a> for more information.<p></p></li>
Wisconson meets occasionaly and has a mailing list: <a
href="mailto:freebsd-mke-l@ns.sol.net">freebsd-mke-l@ns.sol.net</a>. send
mail to <a
to subscribe.<p></p></li>
<li>RUUG (Reno Unix Users Group) meets monthly in Reno
Nevada and discusses the use of FreeBSD and Linux.
Contact <a href="mailto:eblood@cs.unr.edu">Eric Blood</a>
or <a href="mailto:todd@crenshaw.reno.nv.us">Todd
Crenshaw</a> for more information.<p></p></li>
<li>Washington DC (contact info?)<p></p></li>
<h2>General UNIX Information</h2>
<li><a href="http://www.eecs.nwu.edu/unix.html">The UNIX
Reference Desk</a> at Northwestern University</li>
Unix Vault</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.polaris.net/ugu/">Unix Guru
<li><a href="http://cynjut.neonramp.com/">Dave Burgess' *BSD FAQ</a>
<li><a href="http://www.ora.com/">O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.</a></li>
<h2>The X Window System</h2>
<li><a href="http://www.xfree86.org/">The XFree86
Project</a> provides users of a variety of Intel based
Unix systems, including FreeBSD, with an excellent X
Window system.</li>
<li>The WINE project is working to provide the ability to
run MS-Windows software on Intel based Unix systems such
as FreeBSD, NetBSD and Linux. More information is
available from <a
<li>The <em>comp.answers</em> <a href="ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet-by-hierarchy/comp/answers/pc-hardware-faq">pc-hardware-faq</a> is a great
reference for people building their own machines.</li>
<li><a href="http://www.x86.org">Intel Secrets -- What
Intel Doesn't Want You To Know</a> - lots of information
about Intel chips.</li>
Offerman's Chip List</a> - reference material on chips
used in PC clones.</li>
<li><a href="http://www.asus.com.tw">ASUS</a> makes
motherboards that work well with FreeBSD.</li>
<li>The FreeBSD <a href="handbook/hw.html">hardware guide</a> makes
some specific recommendations for hardware that's known to work well
with FreeBSD.</li>
MultiMedia Page</a></li>
<h2>Related Operating System Projects</h2>
is a very close relative of FreeBSD.</li>
is derived from NetBSD and supported by a group of former
NetBSD developers.</li>
href="http://www.linux.org/"><strong>Linux</strong></a> is
another free Unix-like system.</li>
is a 4.4 BSD Lite based server and emulation library that
provides free unix functionality to a Mach based
<li>The <a
HURD</strong></a> project is another effort to develop a free
Unix-like operating system.</li>

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<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1996-09-24 17:46:00 $">
<!ENTITY title "Diskless X Server: a how to guide">
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<H3>By Jerry Kendall</H3>
<H3>(<a href="mailto:jerry@kcis.com">jerry@kcis.com</a>)</H3>
<p>With the help of some 'friends' on the FreeBSD-hackers list, I have
been able to create a diskless X terminal... The creation of the X terminal
required first creating a diskless system with minimal utilities mounted
via NFS. These same steps were used to create 2 seperate diskless systems.
The first is 'altair.kcis.com'. A diskless X terminal that I run on my
old 386DX-40. It has a 340Meg hard disk but, I did not want to change it.
So, it boots from 'antares.kcis.com' across a ethernet. The second system
is a 486DX2-66. I setup a diskless FreeBSD (complete) that uses no local
disk. The server in that case is a Sun 670MP running
SunOS 4.1.3. The same setup configuration was needed for both.</p>
NOTE: I am sure that there is stuff that needs to be added to this. Please send me any comments....
<h2>Creating the boot floppy (On the diskless system)</h2>
<p>Since the network boot loaders will not work with some of
the TSR's and such that MS-DOS uses, it is best to create
a dedicated boot floppy OR, if you can, create an MS-DOS menu
that will (via the config.sys/autoexec.bat files) ask what
configuration to load when the system starts. The later is the
method that I use and it works great. My MS-DOS (6.x) menu is below.</p>
---- config.sys ----
menuitem=normal, normal
menuitem=unix, unix
normal config.sys stuff
---- autoexec.bat ----
goto %config%
normal autoexec.bat stuff
goto end
cd \netboot
<h2>Getting the network boot programs (On the server)</h2>
<p>Compile the 'net-boot' programs that are located in
/usr/src/sys/i386/boot/netboot. You should read the comments
at the top of the makefile. Adjust as required. !!!! make a
backup of the original in case it gets fobar'd !!! When the build
is done, there should be 2 MS-DOS executables, 'nb8390.com' and
'nb3c509.com'. One of these two programs will be what you need
to run on the diskless server. It will load the kernel from the
boot server. At this point, put both programs on the MS-DOS
boot floppy created earlier.
<h2>Determine which program to run (On the diskless system)</h2>
<p>If you know the chipset that your ethernet adapter uses, this is
easy. If you have the NS8390 chipset, or a NS8390 based chipset,
use NB8390.COM. If you have a 3Com 509 based chipset, use the
NB3C509.COM boot program. If you are not sure which you have,
try using one, if it says 'No adapter found', try the other.
Beyond that, you are pretty much on your own.
<h2>Booting across the network</h2>
<p>Boot the diskless system with out any config.sys/autoexec.bat
files. try running the boot program for your ethernet adapter.</p>
My ethernet adapter is running in WD8013 16bit mode so
I run NB8390.COM
C:> cd \netboot
C:> nb8390
Boot from Network (Y/N) ? Y
BOOTP/TFTP/NFS bootstrap loader ESC for menu
Searching for adapter..
WD8013EBT base 0x0300, memory 0x000D8000, addr 00:40:01:43:26:66
Searching for server..</pre>
<p>At this point, my diskless system is trying to find a machine to act
as a boot server. Make note of the addr line above, you will need this
number later. Reset the diskless system and modify your config.sys and
autoexec.bat files to do these steps automatically for you. Perhaps in
a menu. If you had to run 'nb3c509.com' instead of 'nb8390.com' the
output is the same as above. If you got 'No adapter found' at the
'Searching for adapter..' message, verify that you did indeed set the
compile time defines in the makefile correctly.</p>
<h2>Allowing systems to boot across the network (On the
<p>Make sure the /etc/inetd.conf file has entries for tftp and bootps.
Mine are listed below:</p>
---- /etc/inetd.conf ----
tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/libexec/tftpd tftpd
# Additions by who ever you are
bootps dgram udp wait root /usr/libexec/bootpd bootpd /etc/bootptab
<p>If you have to change the /etc/inetd.conf file, send a HUP signal to
inetd. To do this, get the process ID of inetd with 'ps -ax | grep
inetd | grep -v grep'. Once you have it, send it a HUP signal. Do this
by 'kill -HUP &lt;pid&gt;'. This will force inetd to re-read its config file.</p>
<p>Did you remember to note the 'addr' line from the output of the boot
loader on the diskless system???? Guess what, here is where you need it.</p>
<p>Add an entry to /etc/bootptab (maybe creating the file). It should be
laid out identical to this:</p>
The lines are as follows:
'altair' the diskless systems name without the domain name.
'ht=ether' the hardware type of 'ethernet'.
'ha=004001432666' the hardware address (the number noted above).
'sm=' the subnet mask.
'hn' tells server to send client's hostname to the client.
'ds=' tells the client who the domain server is.
'ip=' tells the client what it's IP address is.
'gw=' tells the client what the default gateway is.
'vm=...' just leave it there...
****** Be sure to setup the IP addresses correctly, the addresses
above are my own......</p>
<p>Create the directory '/tftpboot' on the server it will contain the
configuration files for the diskless systems that the server will
serve. These files will be named 'cfg.&lt;ip&gt;' where &lt;ip&gt; is the IP
address of the diskless system. The config file for 'altair' is
/tftpboot/cfg. The contents is:</p>
---- /tftpboot/cfg. ----
hostname altair.kcis.com
<p>The line 'hostname altair.kcis.com' simply tells the diskless
system what its fully qualified domain name is.</p>
<p>The line 'rootfs' tells the
diskless system where its NFS mountable root filesystem is located.</p>
<p>NOTE:!!!!! The NFS mounted root filesystem will be mounted READ ONLY.</p>
<p>The hierarchy for the diskless system can be re-mounted allowing
read-write operations if required.</p>
<p>I use my spare 386DX-40 as a dedicated X terminal...</p>
<p>The hierarchy for 'altair' is:</p>
<p>The actual list of files is:</p>
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 779984 Dec 11 23:44 ./kernel
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root bin 299008 Dec 12 00:22 ./bin/sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 499 Dec 15 15:54 ./etc/rc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1411 Dec 11 23:19 ./etc/ttys
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 157 Dec 15 15:42 ./etc/hosts
-rw-r--r-- 1 root bin 1569 Dec 15 15:26 ./etc/XF86Config.altair
-r-x------ 1 bin bin 151552 Jun 10 1995 ./sbin/init
-r-xr-xr-x 1 bin bin 176128 Jun 10 1995 ./sbin/ifconfig
-r-xr-xr-x 1 bin bin 110592 Jun 10 1995 ./sbin/mount_nfs
-r-xr-xr-x 1 bin bin 135168 Jun 10 1995 ./sbin/reboot
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root bin 73728 Dec 13 22:38 ./sbin/mount
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 1992 Jun 10 1995 ./dev/MAKEDEV.local
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 24419 Jun 10 1995 ./dev/MAKEDEV
<p>Don't forget to 'MAKEDEV all' in the 'dev' directory.</p>
<p>My /etc/rc for 'altair' is:</p>
export PATH
# configure the localhost
/sbin/ifconfig lo0
# configure the ethernet card
/sbin/ifconfig ed0 netmask 0xffffff00
# mount the root filesystem via NFS
/sbin/mount antares:/DiskLess/rootfs/altair /
# mount the /usr filesystem via NFS
/sbin/mount antares:/DiskLess/usr /usr
/usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA -query antares -xf86config /etc/XF86Config.altair > /dev/null 2>&1
# Reboot after X exits
# We blew up....
exit 1
<p>Any comments and ALL questions welcome....</p>
Jerry Kendall<br>
<a href="mailto:jerry@kcis.com">jerry@kcis.com</a>

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<!DOCTYPE linuxdoc PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD linuxdoc//EN">
<!-- Recently, I wanted to figure out how to use some additional fonts that
I had accumulated. I finally figured out *how to do it* from the various
man pages and documentation. Since it might be of use to other users,
and I didn't see any reference to this topic in the FAQ or handbook, I
thought I'd try my hand at a simple cookbook tutorial addressing the
use of fonts. I have included my unanswered questions at the end of
the document.
Anyway, here's what I put together. This is my present understanding of
fonts and how to use them with FreeBSD. I am sure that there are errors or
misunderstandings, but it contains enough valid information to allow the
use of additional fonts with Ghostscript, X11 and Groff. This is my first
attempt to write anything along the lines of a tutorial/FAQ, so I am sure
it is pretty raw. There are probably better ways to do some of this stuff,
and I would welcome being corrected.
<title>Fonts and FreeBSD &mdash; A Tutorial
<author>Dave Bodenstab, &lt;imdave@synet.net&gt;
<date>Wed Aug 7, 1996
This document contains a description of the various font files that may
be used with FreeBSD and the syscons driver, X11, Ghostscript and Groff.
Cookbook examples are provided for switching the syscons display to
80x60 mode, and for using type 1 fonts with the above application programs.
There are many sources of fonts available, and one might ask how they might
be used with FreeBSD.
The answer can be found by carefully searching the documentation for the
component that one would like to use.
This is very time consuming, so this tutorial is an attempt to provide a shortcut
for others who might be interested.
<sect>Basic terminology
There are many different font formats and associated font file suffixes.
A few that will be addressed here are:
<tag/.pfa .pfb/ Postscript type 1 fonts. The <em/.pfa/ is the <bf/A/scii form
and <em/.pfb/ the <bf/B/inary form.
<tag/.afm/ The font metrics associated with a type 1 font.
<tag/.pfm/ The printer font metrics associated with a type 1 font.
<tag/.ttf/ A TrueType font
<tag/.fot/ An indirect reference to a TrueType font (not an actual font)
<tag/.fon .fnt/ Bitmapped screen fonts
The <em/.fot/ file is used by Windows as sort of a symbolic link to the actual
TrueType font (<em/.ttf/) file. The <em/.fon/ font files are also used by Windows.
I know of no way to use this font format with FreeBSD.
<sect>What font formats can I use?
Which font file format is useful depends on the application being used.
FreeBSD by itself uses no fonts. Application programs and/or drivers may
make use of the font files. Here is a small cross reference of
application/driver to the font type suffixes:
<tag/syscons/ .fnt
<tag/Ghostscript/ <em/.pfa/ <em/.pfb/ <em/.ttf/
<tag/X11/ <em/.pfa/ <em/.pfb/
<tag/Groff/ <em/.pfa/ <em/.afm/
<tag/Povray/ <em/.ttf/
The <em/.fnt/ suffix is used quite frequently. I suspect that whenever someone
wanted to create a specialized font file for their application, more often
than not they chose this suffix. Therefore, it is likely that files with
this suffix are not all the same format; specifically, the <em/.fnt/ files used
by syscons under FreeBSD may not be the same format as a <em/.fnt/ file one
encounters in the MSDOS/Windows environment. I have not made any attempt
at using other <em/.fnt/ files other than those provided with FreeBSD.
<sect>Setting a virtual console to 80x60 line mode
First, a 8x8 font must be loaded. <tt>/etc/sysconfig</tt> should contain the lines:
# Choose font 8x8 from /usr/share/syscons/fonts/* (or NO for default)
The command to actually switch the mode is <em/vidcontrol/(1):
bash$ vidcontrol VGA_80x60
Various screen orientated programs, such as <em/vi/(1), must be able to determine
the current screen dimensions. These can be set with <em/stty/(1):
bash$ stty crt rows 60 columns 80
To make this more seamless, one can embed these commands in the startup
scripts so it takes place when the system boots. One way to do this is:
<item> Modify <tt>/etc/sysconfig</tt> as above
<item> Add to <tt>/etc/rc.local</tt>:
for tty in /dev/ttyv?
vidcontrol VGA_80x60 <$tty >/dev/null 2>&1
<item> Add to <tt>/etc/profile</tt>:
TTYNAME=`basename \`tty\``
if expr "$TTYNAME" : 'ttyv' >/dev/null
stty crt rows 60 columns 80
References: <em/stty/(1), <em/vidcontrol/(1)
<sect>Using type 1 fonts with X11
X11 can use either the <em/.pfa/ or the <em/.pfb/ format fonts. The X11 fonts are
located in various subdirectories under <tt>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts</tt>. Each
font file is cross referenced to
its X11 name by the contents of the <tt/fonts.dir/ file in each directory.
There is already a directory named <tt/Type1/.
The most straight forward way to add a
new font is to put it into this directory. A better way is to keep all new
fonts in a separate directory and use a symbolic link to the additional
font. This allows one to more easily keep track of ones fonts without
confusing them with the fonts that were originally provided. For example:
# Create a directory to contain the font files
bash$ mkdir -p /usr/local/share/fonts/type1
bash$ cd /usr/local/share/fonts/type1
# Place the .pfa, .pfb and .afm files here
# One might want to keep readme files, and other documentation
# for the fonts here also
bash$ cp /cdrom/fonts/atm/showboat/showboat.pfb .
bash$ cp /cdrom/fonts/atm/showboat/showboat.afm .
# Maintain an index to cross reference the fonts
bash$ echo showboat - InfoMagic CICA, Dec 1994, /fonts/atm/showboat >>INDEX
Now, to use a new font with X11, one must make the font file available and
update the font name files. The X11 font names look like:
| | | | | | | | | | | | \ \
| | | | | \ \ \ \ \ \ \ +----+- character set
| | | | \ \ \ \ \ \ \ +- average width
| | | | \ \ \ \ \ \ +- spacing
| | | \ \ \ \ \ \ +- vertical res.
| | | \ \ \ \ \ +- horizontal res.
| | | \ \ \ \ +- points
| | | \ \ \ +- pixels
| | | \ \ \
foundry family weight slant width additional style
A new name needs to be created for each new font. If you have some information
from the documentation that accompanied the font, then it could serve as the basis
for creating the name. If there is no information, then you can get some idea
by using <em/strings/(1) on the font file. For example:
bash$ strings showboat.pfb | more
%!FontType1-1.0: Showboat 001.001
%%CreationDate: 1/15/91 5:16:03 PM
%%VMusage: 1024 45747
% Generated by Fontographer 3.1
% Showboat
1991 by David Rakowski. Alle Rechte Vorbehalten.
FontDirectory/Showboat known{/Showboat findfont dup/UniqueID known{dup
/UniqueID get 4962377 eq exch/FontType get 1 eq and}{pop false}ifelse
{save true}{false}ifelse}{false}ifelse
12 dict begin
/FontInfo 9 dict dup begin
/version (001.001) readonly def
/FullName (Showboat) readonly def
/FamilyName (Showboat) readonly def
/Weight (Medium) readonly def
/ItalicAngle 0 def
/isFixedPitch false def
/UnderlinePosition -106 def
/UnderlineThickness 16 def
/Notice (Showboat
1991 by David Rakowski. Alle Rechte Vorbehalten.) readonly def
end readonly def
/FontName /Showboat def
Using this information, a possible name might be:
The components of our name are:
<item>Foundry - lets just name all the new fonts <tt/type1/.
<item>Family - the name of the font.
<item>Weight - normal, bold, medium, semibold, etc. From the <em/strings/(1) output
above, it appears that this font has a weight of <em/medium/.
<item>Slant - <bf/r/oman, <bf/i/talic, <bf/o/blique, etc. Since the <em/ItalicAngle/
is zero, <em/roman/ will be used.
<item>Width - normal, wide, condensed, extended, etc. Until it can be examined,
the assumption will be <em/normal/.
<item>Additional style - usually omitted, but this will indicate that
the font contains decorative capital letters.
<item>Spacing - proportional or monospaced. <em/Proportional/ is used since <em/isFixedPitch/ is false.
All of these names are arbitrary, but one should strive to be compatible
with the existing conventions. A font is referenced by name with possible
wild cards by an X11 program, so the name chosen should make some sense.
One might begin by simply using
as the name,
and then use <em/xfontsel/(1) to examine it and adjust the name based on
the appearance of the font.
So, to complete our example:
# Make the font accessible to X11
bash$ cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1
bash$ ln -s /usr/local/share/fonts/type1/showboat.pfb .
# Edit fonts.dir and fonts.scale, adding the line describing the font
# and incrementing the number of fonts which is found on the first line.
bash$ ex fonts.dir
showboat.pfb -type1-showboat-medium-r-normal-decorative-0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
# fonts.scale seems to be identical to fonts.dir...
bash$ cp fonts.dir fonts.scale
# Tell X11 that things have changed
bash$ xset fp rehash
# Examine the new font
bash$ xfontsel -pattern -type1-*
References: <em/xfontsel/(1), <em/xset/(1), <em/The X Windows System in a Nutshell/,
O'Reilly & Associates
<sect>Using type 1 fonts with Ghostscript
Ghostscript references a font via its <tt/Fontmap/ file. This must be modified
in a similar way to the X11 <tt/fonts.dir/ file. Ghostscript can use either the
<em/.pfa/ or the <em/.pfb/ format fonts. Using the font from the previous example,
here is how to use it with Ghostscript:
# Put the font in Ghostscript's font directory
bash$ cd /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts
bash$ ln -s /usr/local/share/fonts/type1/showboat.pfb .
# Edit Fontmap so Ghostscript knows about the font
bash$ cd /usr/local/share/ghostscript/4.01
bash$ ex Fontmap
/Showboat (showboat.pfb) ; % From CICA /fonts/atm/showboat
# Use Ghostscript to examine the font
bash$ gs prfont.ps
Aladdin Ghostscript 4.01 (1996-7-10)
Copyright (C) 1996 Aladdin Enterprises, Menlo Park, CA. All rights
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Loading Times-Roman font from /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/tir_____.pfb...
/1899520 581354 1300084 13826 0 done.
GS>Showboat DoFont
Loading Showboat font from /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/showboat.pfb...
1939688 565415 1300084 16901 0 done.
>>showpage, press <return> to continue<<
>>showpage, press <return> to continue<<
>>showpage, press <return> to continue<<
References: <tt/fonts.txt/ in the Ghostscript 4.01 distribution
<sect>Using type 1 fonts with Groff
Now that the new font can be used by both X11 and Ghostscript, how can one
use the new font with groff? First of all, since we are dealing with type 1
postscript fonts, the groff device that is applicable is the <em/ps/ device.
A font file must be created for each font that groff can use. A groff font
name is just a file in <tt>/usr/share/groff_font/devps</tt>. With our example, the
font file could be <tt>/usr/share/groff_font/devps/SHOWBOAT</tt>. The file must be
created using tools provided by groff.
The first tool is <em/afmtodit/. This is not normally installed, so it must be
retrieved from the source distribution. I found I had to change the first
line of the file, so I did:
bash$ cp /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/groff/afmtodit/afmtodit.pl /tmp
bash$ ex /tmp/afmtodit.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -P-
This tool will create the groff font file from the metrics file (<em/.afm/ suffix.)
Continuing with our example:
# Many .afm files are in Mac format... ^M delimited lines
# We need to convert them to unix style ^J delimited lines
bash$ cd /tmp
bash$ cat /usr/local/share/fonts/type1/showboat.afm |
tr '\015' '\012' >showboat.afm
# Now create the groff font file
bash$ cd /usr/share/groff_font/devps
bash$ /tmp/afmtodit.pl -d DESC -e text.enc /tmp/showboat.afm generate/textmap SHOWBOAT
The font can now be referenced with the name SHOWBOAT.
If ghostscript is used to drive the printers on the system, then nothing
more needs to be done. However, if true postscript printers are used, then
the font must be down loaded to the printer in order for the font to be used
(unless the printer happens to have the showboat font built in or on an
accessible font disk.) The final step is to create a down loadable font.
The <em/pfbtops/ tool is used to create the <em/.pfa/ format of the font, and the
<tt/download/ file is modified to reference the new font. The <tt/download/ file
must reference the internal name of the font. This can easily be determined
from the groff font file as illustrated:
# Create the .pfa font file
bash$ pfbtops /usr/local/share/fonts/type1/showboat.pfb >showboat.pfa
Of course, if the <em/.pfa/ file is already available, just use a symbolic link
to reference it.
# Get the internal font name
bash$ fgrep internalname SHOWBOAT
internalname Showboat
# Tell groff that the font must be down loaded
bash$ ex download
Showboat showboat.pfa
To test the font:
bash$ cd /tmp
bash$ cat >example.t <<EOF
.sp 5
.ps 16
This is an example of the Showboat font:
.ps 48
.vs (\n(.s+2)p
.ps 16
.vs (\n(.s+2)p
.ft R
To use it for the first letter of a paragraph, it will look like:
.sp 50p
\s(48\f5H\s0\fRere is the first sentence of a paragraph that uses the
showboat font as its first letter.
Additional vertical space must be used to allow room for the larger
bash$ groff -Tps example.t >example.ps
# To use ghostscript/ghostview
bash$ ghostview example.ps
# To print it
bash$ lpr -Ppostscript example.ps
References: <tt>/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/groff/afmtodit/afmtodit.man</tt>, <em/groff_font/(1),
<em/groff_char/(1), <em/pfbtops/(1)
<sect>Can TrueType fonts be used?
The TrueType font format is used by Windows, Windows 95, Mac's,... It is
quite popular and there are a great number of fonts available in this format.
Unfortunately, there are only two applications that I am aware of that can
use this format: Ghostscript and povray. Ghostscript's support, according
to the documentation, is rudimentary and the results are likely to be inferior
to type 1 fonts.
However, groff would need a font description file, and I know of no tools
to construct the metrics from a TrueType font. In addition, the font would
have to be down loaded to postscript printers in the appropriate format,
and again, groff cannot handle TrueType fonts in this fashion.
X11 has no support for TrueType fonts that I am aware of.
The only program that I know of that has the ability to use TrueType fonts
is povray version 3, but I rather doubt many people will be creating documents
as a series of raytraced pages! :-)
<sect>Where can additional fonts be obtained?
Many fonts are available on the Internet. They are either entirely
free, or are share-ware. In addition, there are many inexpensive CDROMs
available that contain many fonts. Some Internet locations (as of August
1996) are:
ftp://ftp.winsite.com (Formerly CICA)
<sect>Additional questions
<item>What use are the <em/.pfm/ files?
<item>Can one generate the <em/.afm/ file from a <em/.pfa/ or <em/.pfb/?
<item>How to generate the groff character mapping files for postscript fonts
with non-standard character names?
<item>Can xditview and devX?? devices be setup to access all the new fonts?
<item>It would be good to have examples of using TrueType fonts with povray and

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<!ENTITY base CDATA "..">
<!ENTITY date "$Date: 1996-09-24 17:45:57 $">
<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD Tutorials">
<!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "../includes.sgml"> %includes;
<p>Here lie assorted documents on various aspects of FreeBSD,
FreeBSD software, and hardare. If you have comments or
would like to contribute a document, please contact us at
<a href="mailto:doc@freebsd.org">doc@FreeBSD.org</a>.</p>
<li><a href="newuser/newuser.html">For People New to Both FreeBSD <em>and</em> Unix</a>
(<a href="newuser/newuser-html.tar.gz">gzipd tar file</a>)</li>
<li><a href="mh/mh.html">An introduction to the MH mail software</a>
(<a href="mh/mh-html.tar.gz">gzipd tar file</a>)</li>
<li><a href="devel/devel.html">A User's Guide to FreeBSD Programming Tools</a>
(<a href="devel/devel-html.tar.gz">gzipd tar file</a>)</li>
<li><a href="ddwg/ddwg.html">Writing device drivers for FreeBSD</a>
(<a href="ddwg/ddwg-html.tar.gz">gzipd tar file</a>)</li>
<li><a href="multios/multios.html">Using FreeBSD with other operating systems</a>
(<a href="multios/multios-html.tar.gz">gzipd tar file</a>)</li>
<li><a href="fonts/fonts.html">Fonts and FreeBSD</a>
(<a href="fonts/fonts-html.tar.gz">gzipd tar file</a>)</li>
<li><a href="http://www.cypher.net/~black/ipalias.html">IP Aliasing</a></li>

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
DOC= mh
SRCS= mh.sgml
.include <bsd.sgml.mk>

@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
From matt@garply.com Wed May 22 08:25:18 1996
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 1996 11:02:50 -0600
From: Matt Midboe <matt@garply.com>
To: jfieber@freebsd.org
Subject: Introduction to MH for FreeBSD Handbook
Okay I've diverged from my original plan on the handbook and condensed it a
bit. If I find some time I am going to start working on something about how
to use sendmail, since I imagine that would be a bit more useful. Here is my
guide to using mh on freebsd. Let me know what changes it might need or
things that need to be clearer or shorter.
<!DOCTYPE linuxdoc PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD linuxdoc//EN">
<!-- This document explains some about the MUA MH -->
<title>An MH Primer
<author>Matt Midboe, <url url="mailto:matt@garply.com"
<date>v1.0, 16 January 1996
<abstract>This document contains an introduction to using MH on
<sect>Introduction<label id="mhintro">
<!-- This section is here to explain the philosophy behind MH Also
make sure that the user has installed the mh package -->
MH started back in 1977 at the RAND Corporation, where the initial
philosophies behind MH were developed. MH isn't so much a monolithic
email program but a philosophy about how best to develop tools for
reading email. The MH developers have done a great job adhering to the
KISS principle: Keep It Simple Stupid. Rather than have one large
program for reading, sending and handling email they have written
specialized programs for each part of your email life. One might liken
MH to the specialization that one finds in insects and nature. Each
tool in MH does one thing, and does it very well.
Beyond just the various tools that one uses to handle their email MH
has done an excellent job keeping the configuration of each of these
tools consistent and uniform. In fact, if you are not quite sure how
something is supposed to work or what the arguments for some command
are supposed to be then you can generally guess and be right. Each MH
command is consistent about how it handles reading the configuration
files and how it takes arguments on the command line. One useful thing
to remember is that you can always add a <tt/-help/ to the command to
have it display the options for that command.
The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you have
installed the MH package on your FreeBSD machine. If you installed
from CDROM you should be able to execute the following to load mh:
pkg_add /cdrom/packages/mh-6.8.3.tgz
You will notice that it created a /usr/local/lib/mh directory for you
as well as adding several binaries to the /usr/local/bin directory. If
you would prefer to compile it yourself then you can anonymous ftp it
from <url url="ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu/" name="ftp.ics.uci.edu"> or <url
url="ftp://louie.udel.edu/" name="louie.udel.edu">.
This primer is not a full comprehensive explanation of how MH
works. This is just intended to get you started on the road to
happier, faster mail reading. You should read the man pages for the
various commands. Also you might want to read the <url
url="news:comp.mail.mh" name="comp.mail.mh"> newsgroup. Also you can
read the <url
name="FAQ"> for MH. The best resource for MH is the O'Reilly and
Associates book written by Jerry Peek.
<sect>Reading Mail
<!-- This section covers how to use inc, msgchk, next, prev, rmm, and rmf -->
This section covers how to use <tt/inc/, <tt/show/, <tt/scan/,
<tt/next/, <tt/prev/, <tt/rmm/, <tt/rmf/, and <tt/msgchk/.
One of the best things about MH is the consistent interface between
programs. A few things to keep in mind when using these commands is
how to specify message lists. In the case of <em/inc/ this doesn't
really make any sense but with commands like <em/show/ it is useful to
A message list can consist of something like <tt/23 20 16/ which will
act on messages 23, 20 and 16. This is fairly simple but you can do
more useful things like <tt/23-30/ which will act on all the messages
between 23 and 30. You can also specify something like <tt/cur:10/
which will act on the current message and the next 9 messages. The
<tt/cur/, <tt/last/, and <tt/first/ messages are special messages that
refer to the current, last or first message in the folder.
<sect1><heading>inc, msgchk - read in your new email or check it<label id="inc"></>
If you just type in <em>inc</em> and hit return you will be well on your
way to getting started with MH. The first time you run <em>inc</em> it
will setup your account to use all the MH defaults and ask you about
creating a Mail directory. If you have mail waiting to be downloaded
you will see something that looks like:
29 01/15 Doug White Re: Another Failed to boot problem<<On Mon, 15 J
30 01/16 "Jordan K. Hubbar Re: FBSD 2.1<<> Do you want a library instead of
31 01/16 Bruce Evans Re: location of bad144 table<<>> >It would appea
32 01/16 "Jordan K. Hubbar Re: video is up<<> Anyway, mrouted won't run, ev
33 01/16 Michael Smith Re: FBSD 2.1<<Nate Williams stands accused of sa
This is the same thing you will see from a ``<ref id="scan">''. If you
just run <em>inc</em> with no arguments it will look on your computer for email
that is supposed to be coming to you.
A lot of people like to use POP for grabbing their email. MH can do
POP to grab your email. You will need to give <em>inc</em> a few command
line arguments.
inc -host mail.pop.org -user username -norpop
That tells <em>inc</> to go to <bf/mail.pop.org/ to download your
email, and that your username on their system is <bf/username/. The
<tt>-norpop</tt> option tells <em>inc</em> to use plain POP3 for
downloading your email. MH has support for a few different dialects of
POP. More than likely you will never ever need to use them
though. While you can do more complex things with inc such as audit
files and scan format files this will get you going.
The <em/msgchk/ command is used to get information on whether or not
you have new email. <em/msgchk/ takes the same <tt/-host/ and
<tt/-user/ options that <em/inc/ takes.
<sect1><heading>show, next and prev - displaying and moving through emails
<label id="show"></>
<em/show/ is to show a letter in your current folder. Like inc,
<em/show/ is a fairly straightfoward command. If you just type
<em/show/ and hit return then it displays the current message. You can
also give specific message numbers to show:
show 32 45 56
This would display message numbers 32, 45 and 56 right after each
other. Unless you change the default behavior <em/show/ basically just
does a more on the email message.
<em/next/ is used to move onto the next message and <em/prev/ will go
to the previous message. Both commands have an implied <em/show/
command so that when you go to the next message it automatically
displays it.
<sect1><heading>scan - shows you a scan of your messages<label id="scan"></>
<em/scan/ will display a brief listing of the messages in your current
folder. This is an example of what the <em/scan/ command will give you.
30+ 01/16 "Jordan K. Hubbar Re: FBSD 2.1<<> Do you want a library instead of
31 01/16 Bruce Evans Re: location of bad144 table<<>> >It would appea
32 01/16 "Jordan K. Hubbar Re: video is up<<> Anyway, mrouted won't run, ev
33 01/16 Michael Smith Re: FBSD 2.1<<Nate Williams stands accused of sa
Like just about everything in MH this display is very
configurable. This is the typical default display. It gives you the
message number, the date on the email, the sender, the subject line,
and a sentence fragment from the very beginning of the email if it can
fit it. The + means that message is the current message, so if you do
a <em/show/ it will display that message.
One useful option for scan is the <tt/-reverse/ option. This will list
your messages with the highest message number first and lowest message
number last. Another useful option with <em/scan/ is to to have it
read from a file. If you want to scan your incoming mailbox on FreeBSD
without having to <em/inc/ it you can do <tt>scan -file
/var/mail/username</tt>. This can be used with any file that is in the
<bf/mbox/ format.
<sect1><heading>rmm and rmf - remove the current message or folder
<label id="rmm"></>
<em/rmm/ is used to remove a mail message. The default is typically to
not actually remove the message but to rename the file to one that is
ignored by the MH commands. You will need to through periodically and
physically delete the "removed" messages.
The <em/rmf/ command is used to remove folders. This doesn't just
rename the files but actually removes the from the hard drive so you
should be careful when you use this command.
<sect1><heading>A typical session of reading with MH<label id="samplereading"></>
The first thing that you will want to do is <em/inc/ your new mail. So
at a shell prompt just type in <em/inc/ and hit return.
tempest% inc
Incorporating new mail into inbox...
36+ 01/19 "Stephen L. Lange Request...<<Please remove me as contact for pind
37 01/19 Matt Thomas Re: kern/950: Two PCI bridge chips fail (multipl
38 01/19 "Amancio Hasty Jr Re: FreeBSD and VAT<<>>> Bill Fenner said: > In
This shows you the new email that has been added to your mailbox. So
the next thing to do is <em/show/ the email and move around.
tempest% show
Received: by sashimi.wwa.com (Smail3.1.29.1 #2)
id m0tdMZ2-001W2UC; Fri, 19 Jan 96 13:33 CST
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 13:33:31 -0600 (CST)
From: "Stephen L. Lange" <stvlange@wwa.com>
To: matt@garply.com
Subject: Request...
Message-Id: <Pine.BSD.3.91.960119133211.824A-100000@sashimi.wwa.com>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Please remove me as contact for pindat.com
tempest% rmm
tempest% next
Received: from localhost (localhost []) by whydos.lkg.dec.com (8.6.11/8
.6.9) with SMTP id RAA24416; Fri, 19 Jan 1996 17:56:48 GMT
Message-Id: <199601191756.RAA24416@whydos.lkg.dec.com>
X-Authentication-Warning: whydos.lkg.dec.com: Host localhost didn't use HELO pro
To: hsu@clinet.fi
Cc: hackers@FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: kern/950: Two PCI bridge chips fail (multiple multiport ethernet
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 19 Jan 1996 00:18:36 +0100."
X-Mailer: exmh version 1.5omega 10/6/94
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 17:56:40 +0000
From: Matt Thomas <matt@lkg.dec.com>
Sender: owner-hackers@FreeBSD.org
Precedence: bulk
This is due to a typo in pcireg.h (to
which I am probably the guilty party).
The <em/rmm/ removed the current message and the <em/next/ command
moved me on to the next message. Now if I wanted to look at ten most
recent messages so I could read one of them here is what I would do:
tempest% scan last:10
26 01/16 maddy Re: Testing some stuff<<yeah, well, Trinity has
27 01/17 Automatic digest NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 16 Jan 1996 to 17 Jan 19
28 01/17 Evans A Criswell Re: Hey dude<<>From matt@tempest.garply.com Tue
29 01/16 Karl Heuer need configure/make volunteers<<The FSF is looki
30 01/18 Paul Stephanouk Re: [alt.religion.scientology] Raw Meat (humor)<
31 01/18 Bill Lenherr Re: Linux NIS Solaris<<--- On Thu, 18 Jan 1996 1
34 01/19 John Fieber Re: Stuff for the email section?<<On Fri, 19 Jan
35 01/19 support@foo.garpl [garply.com #1138] parlor<<Hello. This is the Ne
37+ 01/19 Matt Thomas Re: kern/950: Two PCI bridge chips fail (multipl
38 01/19 "Amancio Hasty Jr Re: FreeBSD and VAT<<>>> Bill Fenner said: > In
Then if I wanted to read message number 27 I would do a <tt/show 27/
and it would be displayed. As you can probably tell from this sample
session MH is pretty easy to use and looking through emails and
displaying them is fairly intuitive and easy.
<sect>Folders and Mail Searching
Anybody who gets lots of email definately wants to be able to
prioritize, stamp, brief, de-brief, and number their emails in a
variety of different ways. MH can do this better than just about
anything. One thing that we haven't really talked about is the concept
of folders. You have undoubtedly come across the folders concept using
other email programs. MH has folders too. MH can even do sub-folders
of a folder. One thing you should keep in mind with MH is that when
you ran <em/inc/ for the first time and it asked you if it could
create a Mail directory it began storing everything in that
directory. If you look at that directory you will find a directory
named <bf/inbox/. The <bf/inbox/ directory houses all of your incoming
mail that hasn't been thrown anywhere else.
Whenever you create a new folder a new directory is going to be
created underneath your MH Mail directory, and messages in that folder
are going to be stored in that directory. When new email comes in that
new email is thrown into your inbox directory with a file name that is
equivalent to the message number. So even if you didn't have any of
the MH tools to read your email you could still use standard unix
commands to munge around in those directories and just more your
files. It's this simplicity that really gives you a lot of power with
what you can do with your email.
Just as you can use message lists like <tt/23 16 42/ with most MH
commands there is a folder option you can specify with just about
every MH command. If you do a <tt/scan +freebsd/ it will scan your
freebsd folder, and your current folder will be changed to freebsd. If
you do a <tt/show +freebsd 23 16 42/ <em/show/ is going to switch to
your freebsd folder and display messages 23, 16 and 42. So remember
that +folder syntax. You will need to make sure you use it to make
commands process different folders. Remember you default folder for
mail is inbox so doing a <tt/folder +inbox/ should always get you back
to your mail. Of course, in MH's infinite flexibility this can be
changed but most places have probably left it as inbox.
<!-- This section covers how to use pick, folder{s}, and slocal
This needs to cover the general +folder format and an overview on the
directory structure here. -->
<sect1>pick - search email that matches certain criteria
<em/pick/ is one of the more complex commands in the MH system. So you
might want to read the pick man page for a more thorough
understanding. At its simplest level you can do something like
tempest% pick -search pci
This will tell <em/pick/ to look through every single line in every
message in your current folder and tell you which message numbers it
found the word pci in. You can then <em/show/ those messages and read
them if you wish or <em/rmm/ them. You would have to specify something
like <tt/show 15 42 55-57/ to display them though. A slightly more
useful thing to do is this:
tempest% pick -search pci -seq pick
5 hits
tempest% show pick
This will show you the same messages you just didn't have to work as
hard to do it. The <tt/-seq/ option is really an abbreviation of
<tt/-sequence/ and <bf/pick/ is just a sequence which contains the
message numbers that matched. You can use sequences with just about
any MH command. So you could have done an <tt/rmm pick/ and all those
messages would be removed instead. You sequence can be named
anything. If you run pick again it will overwrite the old sequence if
you use the same name.
Doing a <tt/pick -search/ can be a bit more time consuming than just
searching for message from someone, or to someone. So <em/pick/ allows
you to use the following predefined search criteria:
<item><tt/-to/ search based upon who the message is to
<item><tt/-cc/ search based on who is in the cc list
<item><tt/-from/ search for who sent the message
<item><tt/-subject/ search for emails with this subject
<item><tt/-date/ find emails with a matching dat
<item><tt>--<em>component</em></tt> search for any other component in
the header. (i.e. --reply-to to find all emails with a certain
reply-to in the header)
This allows you to do things like
pick -to freebsd-hackers@freebsd.org -seq hackers
to get a list of all the email send to the FreeBSD hackers mailing
list. <em/pick/ also allows you to group these criteria in differents
ways using the following options:
<item>... <tt/-and/ ...
<item>... <tt/-or/ ...
<item><tt/-not/ ...
<item><tt/-lbrace/ ... <tt/-rbrace/
These commands allow you to do things like
pick -to freebsd-hackers -and -cc freebsd-hackers
That will grab all the email in your inbox that was sent to
freebsd-hackers or cc'd to that list. The brace options allow you to
group search criteria together. This is sometimes very necessary as
in the following example
pick -lbrace -to freebsd-hackers -and -not -cc freebsd-questions -rbrace
-and -subject pci
Basically this says pick (to freebsd-hackers and not cc'd on
freebsd-questions) and the subject is pci. It should look through your
folder and find all messages send to the freebsd-hackers list that
aren't cc'd to the freebsd-questions list that contain something on
pci in the subject line. Ordinarily you might have to worry about
something called operator precedence. Remember in math how you
evaluate from left to right and you do multiplication and division
first and addition and subtraction second? MH has the same type of
rules for <em/pick/. It's fairly complex so you might want to study
the man page. This document is just to help you get acquainted with
<sect1>folder, folders, refile - three useful programs for folder maintenance
There are three programs which are primarily just for manipulating
your folders. The <em/folder/ program is used to switch between
folders, pack them, and list them. At its simplest level you can do a
<tt/folder +newfolder/ and you will be switched into
<bf/newfolder/. From there on out all your MH commands like <em/comp/,
<em/repl/, <em/scan/, and <em/show/ will act on that <bf/newfolder/
folder. Sometimes when you are reading and deleting messages you will
develop ``holes'' in your folders.
If you do a <em/scan/ you might just see messages
34, 35, 36, 43, 55, 56, 57, 80. If you do a <tt/folder -pack/ this
will renumber all your messages so that there are no holes. It doesn't
actually delete any messages though. So you may need to periodically
go through and physically delete <em/rmm/'d messages.
If you need statistics on your folders you can do a <em/folders/ or
<tt/folder -all/ to list all your folders, how many messages they
have, what the current message is in each one and so on. This line of
stats it displays for all your folders is the same one you get when
you change to a folder with <tt/folder +foldername/. A <em/folders/
command looks like this:
Folder # of messages ( range ); cur msg (other files)
announce has 1 message ( 1- 1).
drafts has no messages.
f-hackers has 43 messages ( 1- 43).
f-questions has 16 messages ( 1- 16).
inbox+ has 35 messages ( 1- 38); cur= 37.
lists has 8 messages ( 1- 8).
netfuture has 1 message ( 1- 1).
out has 31 messages ( 1- 31).
personal has 6 messages ( 1- 6).
todo has 58 messages ( 1- 58); cur= 1.
TOTAL= 199 messages in 13 folders.
The <em/refile/ command is what you use to move messages between
folders. When you do something like <tt/refile 23 +netfuture/ message
number 23 is moved into the netfuture folder. You could also do
something like <tt/refile 23 +netfuture/latest/ which would put
message number 23 in a subfolder called latest under the netfuture
folder. If you want to keep a message in the current folder and link
it you can do a <tt/refile -link 23 +netfuture/ which would keep 23 in
your current inbox but also list in your netfuture folder. You are
probably beginning to realize some of the really powerful things you
can do with MH.
<sect>Sending Mail
<!-- This section covers how to use comp, repl and forw -->
Email is a two way street for most people so you want to be able to
send something back. The way MH handles sending mail can be a bit
difficult to follow at first, but it allows for incredible
flexibility. The first thing MH does is to copy a components file into
your outgoing email. A components file is basically a skeleton email
letter with stuff like the To: and Subject: headers already in it.
You are then sent into your editor where you fill in the header
information and then type the body of your message below the dashed
lines in the message. Then to the <em/whatnow/ program. When you are at the
``What now?'' prompt you can tell it to <bf/send/, <bf/list/,
<bf/edit/, <bf/edit/, <bf/push/, and <bf/quit/. Most of these commands
are self-explanatory. So the message sending process involves copying
a component file, editing your email, and then telling the
<em/whatnow/ program what to do with your email.
<sect1><heading>comp, forw, reply - compose, forward or reply to a message to someone</>
The <em/comp/ program has a few useful command line options. The most
important one to know right now is the <tt/-editor/ option. When MH is
installed the default editor is usually a program called <em/prompter/
which comes with MH. It's not a very exciting editor and basically
just gets the job done. So when you go to compose a message to someone
you might want to use <tt/comp -editor /usr/bin/vi/ or <tt/comp
-editor /usr/local/bin/pico/ instead. Once you have run <em/comp/ you
are in your editor and you see something that looks like this:
You need to put the person you are sending the mail to after the To:
line. It works the same way for the other headers also, so you would
need to put your subject after the Subject: line. Then you would just
put the body of your message after the dashed lines. It may seem a bit
simplistic since a lot of email programs have special requesters that
ask you for this information but there really isn't any point to
that. Plus this really gives you excellent flexibility.
Subject:And on the 8th day God created the FreeBSD core team
Wow this is an amazing operating system. Thanks!
You can now save this message and exit your editor. You will see the
<tt/What now?/ prompt and you can type in <tt/send/ or <tt/s/ and hit
return. Then the freebsd core team will receive their just rewards. As
I mentioned earlier you can also send other commands, for example
<tt/quit/ if you don't want to send the message.
The <em/forw/ command is stunningly similar. The big difference
being that the message you are forwarding is automatically included in
the outgoing message. When you run <em/forw/ it will forward your
current message. You can always tell it to forward something else by
doing something like <tt/forw 23/ and then message number 23 will be
put in your outgoing message instead of the current message. Beyond
those small differences <em/forw/ functions exactly the same as
<em/comp/. You go through the exact same message sending process.
The <em/repl/ command will reply to whatever your current message is,
unless you give it a different message to reply to. <em/repl/ will do
its best to go ahead and fill in some of the email headers already. So
you will notice that the To: header already has the address of the
recipient in there. Also the Subject: line will already be filled
in. You then go about the normal message composition process and you
are done. One useful command line option to know here is the <tt/-cc/
option. You can use <bf/all/, <bf/to/, <bf/cc/, <bf/me/ after the
<tt/-cc/ option to have <em/repl/ automatically add the various
addresses to the cc list in the message. You have probably noticed
that the original message isn't included. This is because most MH
setups are configured to do this from the start.
<sect1> components, and replcomps - components files for comp and repl
The <em/components/ file is usually in <tt>/usr/local/lib/mh</tt>. You
can copy that file into your MH Mail directory and edit to contain
what you want it to contain. It is a fairly basic file. You have
various email headers at the top, a dashed line and then nothing. The
<em/comp/ command just copies this <em/components/ file and then edits
it. You can any kind of valid RFC822 header you want. For instance you
could have something like this in your <em/components/ file:
Fcc: out
X-Mailer: MH 6.8.3
X-Home-Page: http://www.freebsd.org/
MH would then copy this components file and throw you into your
editor. The <em/components/ file is fairly simple. If you wanted to
have a signature on those messages you would just put your signature
in that <em/components/ file.
The <em/replcomps/ file is a bit more complex. The default
<em/replcomps/ looks like this:
%(lit)%(formataddr %<{reply-to}%?{from}%?{sender}%?{return-path}%>)\
%<(nonnull)%(void(width))%(putaddr To: )\n%>\
%<(nonnull)%(void(width))%(putaddr cc: )\n%>\
%<{fcc}Fcc: %{fcc}\n%>\
%<{subject}Subject: Re: %{subject}\n%>\
%<{date}In-reply-to: Your message of "\
It's in the same basic format as the <em/components/ file but it
contains quite a few extra formatting codes. The %(lit) command makes
room for the address. The %(formataddr is a function that returns a
proper email address. The next part is %< which means if and the
{reply-to} means the reply-to field in the original message. So that
might be translated this way:
%<<bf/if/ {reply-to} <bf/the original message has a reply-to/
then give that to formataddr, %? <bf/else/ {from} <bf/take the
from address/, %? <bf/else/ {sender} <bf/take the sender address/, %?
<bf/else/ {return-path} <bf/take the return-path from the original
message/, %> <bf/endif/.
As you can tell MH formatting can get rather involved. You can
probably decipher what most of the other functions and variables
mean. All of the information on writing these format strings is in the
MH-Format man page. The really nice thing is that once you have built
your customized <em/replcomps/ file you won't need to touch it
again. No other email program really gives you the power and
flexibility that MH gives you.

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<!-- LinuxDoc file was created by LyX 0.8 (C) 1995 by Matthias Ettrich -->
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<title>Installing and Using FreeBSD With Other Operating Systems
<author><url name="Jay Richmond (jayrich@in.net)" url=
<abstract>This document discusses how to make FreeBSD coexist nicely with
other popular operating systems such as <BF>Linux</BF>, <BF>MS-DOS</BF>,
<BF>OS/2</BF>, and <BF>Windows 95</BF>. Special thanks to: Annelise
Anderson <htmlurl url="andrsn@stanford.edu" name="<andrsn@stanford.edu>"> Randall Hopper
<htmlurl url="rhh@ct.picker.com" name="<rhh@ct.picker.com>">and Jordan K.
Hubbard <htmlurl url="jkh@time.cdrom.com" name="<jkh@time.cdrom.com>">
<p>Most people can't fit these operating systems together comfortably
without having a larger hard disk, so special information on large EIDE drives is included. Because there are so many combinations of possible operating systems and hard disk configurations, the <ref name="examples section" id="5"> may be of the most use to you. It contains descriptions of specific working computer setups that use multiple operating systems.
<p>This document assumes that you have already made room on your hard disk
for an additional operating system. Any time you repartition your hard
drive, you run the risk of destroying the data on the original partitions. However, if your hard drive is completely occupied by DOS, you might find the FIPS utility (included on the FreeBSD CD-ROM in the &bsol;TOOLS directory or via ftp at <htmlurl
url="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.1.5-RELEASE/tools" name="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.1.5-RELEASE/tools">) useful. It lets you repartition your hard disk without destroying the data already on it. There is also a commercial program available called
Partition Magic, which lets you size and delete partitions without consequence.
<sect>Overview of Boot Managers
<label id="2"><p>These are just brief descriptions of some of the different boot managers you may encounter. Depending on your computer setup, you may find it useful to use more than one of them on the same system.
<p>Boot Easy: This is the default boot manager used with FreeBSD. It has
the ability to boot most anything, including BSD, OS/2 (HPFS), Windows 95 (FAT and FAT32**), and Linux. Partitions are selected with the function keys.
<p>OS/2 Boot Manager: This will boot FAT, HPFS, FFS (FreeBSD), and EXT2
(Linux). It will also boot FAT32** partitions. Partitions are selected using arrow keys. The OS/2 Boot Manager is the only one to use its own separate partition, unlike the others which
use the master boot record (MBR). Therefore, it must be installed below the 1024th cylinder to avoid booting problems. It can boot Linux using LILO when it is part of the boot sector, not the MBR. Go to
<htmlurl url="http://www.ssc.com/linux/howto.html" name="http://www.ssc.com/linux/howto.html"> on the World Wide Web for more information on booting Linux with OS/2's boot manager.
<p>OS-BS: This is an alternative to Boot Easy. It gives you more control
over the booting process, with the ability to set the default partition to boot and the booting timeout. The 'beta' version of this programs allows you to boot by selecting the OS with
your arrow keys. It is included on the FreeBSD CD in the &bsol;TOOLS directory, and via ftp at <htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.1.5-RELEASE/tools" name="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.1.5-RELEASE/tools">
<p>LILO, or LInux LOader: This is a limited boot manager. Will boot
FreeBSD, though some customization work is required in the LILO configuration file.
<p>** FAT32 is the replacement to the FAT filesystem included in
Microsoft's OEM SR2 Beta release, which is expected to utilitized on computers pre-loaded with Windows 95 towards the end of 1996. It converts the normal FAT file system and allows you to use smaller cluster sizes for larger hard drives. FAT32 also modifies the traditional FAT boot sector and allocation table,
making it incompatible with some boot managers.
<sect>A Typical Installation
<label id="3"><P>Let's say I have two large EIDE hard drives, and I want to install FreeBSD, Linux, and Windows 95 on them.
<P>Here's how I might do it using these hard disks:
<item>/dev/wd0 (first physical hard disk)
<item>/dev/wd1 (second hard disk)
<P>Both disks have 1416 cylinders.
<P>1. I boot from a MS-DOS or Windows 95 boot disk that contains the
FDISK.EXE utility and make a small 50 meg primary partition (35-40 for
Windows 95, plus a little breathing room) on the first disk. Also create
a larger partition on the second hard disk for my Windows applications
and data.
<P>2. I reboot and install Windows 95 (easier said than done) :) on the
"C:" partition.
<P>3. The next thing I do is install Linux. I'm not sure about all the
distributions of Linux, but slackware includes LILO (see <ref name="section 2" id="2">). When I am partitioning out my hard disk with Linux "fdisk," I would put all of Linux on
the first drive (maybe 300 megs for a nice root partition and some
swap space).
<P>4. After I install Linux, and are prompted about installing LILO,
make SURE that I install it on the boot sector of my root Linux
partition, not in the MBR (master boot record).
<P>5. The remaining hard disk space can go to FreeBSD. I also make
sure that my FreeBSD root slice does not go beyond the 1024th
cylinder. (The 1024th cylinder is 528 megs into the disk with our
hypothetical 720MB disks). I will use the rest of the hard drive
(about 270 megs) for the "/usr" and "/" slices if I wish. The rest
of the second hard disk (size depends on the amount of my
Windows application/data partition that I created in step 1 can go
to the "/usr/src" slice and swap space.
When viewed with the Windows 95 "fdisk" utility, my hard drives
should now look something like this:
Display Partition Information
Current fixed disk drive: 1
Partition Status Type Volume_Label Mbytes System Usage
C: 1 A PRI DOS 50 FAT** 7%
2 A Non-DOS (Linux) 300 43%
Total disk space is 696 Mbytes (1 Mbyte = 1048576 bytes)
Press Esc to continue
Display Partition Information
Current fixed disk drive: 2
Partition Status Type Volume_Label Mbytes System Usage
D: 1 A PRI DOS 420 FAT** 60%
Total disk space is 696 Mbytes (1 Mbyte = 1048576 bytes)
Press Esc to continue
** May say FAT16 or FAT32 if you are using the OEM SR2 update
(see <ref name="section 2" id="2">).
<P>6. Install FreeBSD. I make sure to boot with my first hard disk
set at "NORMAL" in the BIOS. If it is not, I'll have the enter my
true disk geometry at boot time (to get this, boot Windows 95 and
consult Microsoft Diagnostics (MSD.EXE), or check your BIOS) with
the parameter "hd0=1416,16,63" where 1416 is the number of
cylinders on my hard disk, 16 is the number of heads per track,
and 63 is the number of sectors per track on the drive.
<P>7. When partitioning out the hard disk, I make sure to install
"Boot Easy" on the first disk. I don't worry about the second disk,
nothing is booting off of it.
<P>8. When I reboot, "Boot Easy" should recognize my three
bootable partitions as DOS (Windows 95), Linux, and BSD (FreeBSD).
<sect>Special Considerations
<label id="4"><P>Most operating systems are very picky about where and how they are
placed on the hard disk. Windows 95 and DOS need to be on the first
primary partition on the first hard disk. OS/2 is the exception. It
can be installed on the first or second disk in a primary or extended
partition. If you are not sure, keep the beginning of the bootable
partitions below the 1024th cylinder.
<P>If you install Windows 95 on an existing BSD system, it will "destroy"
the MBR, and you will have to reinstall your previous boot manager.
Boot Easy can be reinstalled by using the BOOTINST.EXE utility
included in the &bsol;TOOLS directory on the CD-ROM, and via ftp at <htmlurl
name="ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.1.5-RELEASE/tools">. You can also
re-start the installation process and go to the partition editor.
>From there, mark the FreeBSD partition as bootable, select Boot Manager,
and then type W to (W)rite out the information to the MBR. You can now reboot, and
"Boot Easy" should then recognize Windows 95 as "DOS."
<P>Please keep in mind that OS/2 can read FAT and HPFS partitions,
but not FFS (FreeBSD) or EXT2 (Linux) partitions. Likewise,
Windows 95 can only read and write to FAT and FAT32 (see <ref name="section 2" id="2">) partitions.
FreeBSD can read most file systems, but currently cannot read HPFS
partitions. Linux can read HPFS partitions, but can't write to them.
Recent versions of the Linux kernel (2.x) can read and write to
Windows 95 VFAT partitions (VFAT is what gives Windows 95
long file names - it's pretty much the same as FAT). Linux can read and write to
most file systems. Got that? I hope so.
<label id="5"><P><EM>(section needs work, please send your example to <htmlurl
url="mailto:jayrich@in.net" name="jayrich@in.net">)</EM>.
<P>FreeBSD+Win95: If you installed FreeBSD after Windows 95, you
should see 'DOS' on the "Boot Easy" menu. This is Windows 95.
If you installed Windows 95 after FreeBSD, read <ref name="section 4" id="4"> above.
As long as your hard disk does not have 1024 cylinders you should not
have a problem booting. If one of your partitions goes beyond the
1024th cylinder however, and you get messages like "invalid system
disk" under DOS (Windows 95) and FreeBSD will not boot, try looking
for a setting in your BIOS called "&gt; 1024 cylinder support" or
"NORMAL/LBA" mode. DOS may need LBA (Logical Block Addressing) in
order to boot correctly. If the idea of switching BIOS settings every
time you boot up doesn't appeal to you, you can boot FreeBSD through
DOS via the FBSDBOOT.EXE utility on the CD (It should find your FreeBSD
partition and boot it.)
<P>FreeBSD+OS/2+Win95: Nothing new here. OS/2's boot manger
can boot all of these operating systems, so that shouldn't be a
<P>FreeBSD+Linux: You can also use "Boot Easy" to boot both operating
<P>FreeBSD+Linux+Win95: (see <ref name="section 3" id="3">)
<label id="sources"><sect>Other Sources of Help
<P>There are many Linux HOW-TO's that deal with multiple operating
systems on the same hard disk. They are available on the World
Wide Web at <htmlurl url="http://www.ssc.com/linux/howto.html"
<P>The Linux+OS/2+DOS Mini-HOWTO offers help on configuring the
OS/2 boot manager. It is also available on the WWW at:
<htmlurl url="http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/HOWTO/mini/Linux+OS2+DOS"
And the <htmlurl url="http://www.in.net/~jkatz/win95/Linux-HOWTO.html" name="http://www.in.net/~jkatz/Linux-HOWTO.html"> is also helpful.
<P>The NT Loader Hacking Guide provides good information on multibooting
Windows NT, '95, and DOS with other operating systems. It's available at
<htmlurl url="http://www.dorsai.org/~dcl/publications/NTLDR_Hacking"
<P>And Hale Landis's "How It Works" document pack contains some good info
on all sorts of disk geometry and booting related topics. Here are a few
links that might help you find it: <htmlurl
<htmlurl url="http://www.cs.yorku.ca/People/frank/docs/"
<P>Finally, don't overlook FreeBSD's kernel documentation on the booting
procedure, available in the kernel source distribution (it unpacks to
<htmlurl url="file:/usr/src/sys/i386/boot/biosboot/README.386BSD"
<sect>Technical Details
<P><EM>(Contributed by Randall Hopper <htmlurl
url="rhh@ct.picker.com" name="<rhh@ct.picker.com>">)</EM>
<P>This section attempts to give you enough basic information about
your hard disks and the disk booting process so that you can
troubleshoot most problems you might encounter when getting set up to
boot several operating systems. It starts in pretty basic terms, so you may want
to skim down in this section until it begins to look unfamiliar and then start
<sect1>Disk Primer
<P>Three fundamental terms are used to describe the location of
data on your hard disk: Cylinders, Heads, and Sectors. It's not
particularly important to know what these terms relate to except to
know that, together, they identify where data is physically on your
<P>Your disk has a particular number of cylinders, number of heads,
and number of sectors per cylinder-head (a cylinder-head also known
nown as a track). Collectively this information defines the
"physical disk geometry" for your hard disk. There are typically 512
bytes per sector, and 63 sectors per track, with the number of
cylinders and heads varying widely from disk to disk. Thus you can
figure the number of bytes of data that'll fit on your own disk by
(# of cylinders) * (# heads) * (63 sectors/track) * (512 bytes/sect)
<P>For example, on my 1.6 Gig Western Digital AC31600 EIDE hard disk,that's:
(3148 cyl) * (16 heads) * (63 sectors/track) * (512 bytes/sect)
<P>which is 1,624,670,208 bytes, or around 1.6 Gig.
<P>You can find out the physical disk geometry (number of
cylinders, heads, and sectors/track counts) for your hard disks using
ATAID or other programs off the net. Your hard disk probably came
with this information as well. Be careful though: if you're using
BIOS LBA (see <ref name="section 7.3" id="limits">), you
can't use just any program to get the physical geometry. This is because
many programs (e.g. MSD.EXE or FreeBSD fdisk) don't identify the physical
disk geometry; they instead report the "translated geometry" (virtual
numbers from using LBA). Stay tuned for what that means.
<P>One other useful thing about these terms. Given 3 numbers -- a
cylinder number, a head number, and a sector-within-track number --
you identify a specific absolute sector (a 512 byte block of data) on
your disk. Cylinders and Heads are numbered up from 0, and Sectors
are numbered up from 1.
<P>For those that are interested in more technical details, information on
disk geometry, boot sectors, BIOSes, etc. can be found all over the net.
Query Lycos, Yahoo, etc. for "boot sector" or "master boot record".
Among the useful info you'll find are Hale Landis's "How It Works"
document pack. See the <ref name="Other Sources of Help" id="sources">
section for a few pointers to this pack.
<P>Ok, enough terminology. We're talking about booting here.
<sect1><heading>The Booting Process<label id="booting"></heading>
<P>On the first sector of your disk (Cyl 0, Head 0, Sector 1) lives
the Master Boot Record (MBR). It contains a map of your disk. It
identifies up to 4 "partitions", each of which is a contiguous chunk
of that disk. FreeBSD calls partitions "slices" to avoid confusion
with it's own partitions, but we won't do that here. Each partition
can contain its own operating system.
<P>Each partition entry in the MBR has a "Partition ID", a "Start
Cylinder/Head/Sector", and an "End Cylinder/Head/Sector". The
Partition ID tells what type of partition it is (what OS) and the
Start/End tells where it is. Here's a smattering of some common
Partition IDs:
01 ...... Primary DOS12 (12-bit FAT)
04 ...... Primary DOS16 (16-bit FAT)
05 ...... Extended DOS
06 ...... Primary big DOS (&gt; 32MB)
0A ...... OS/2
83 ...... Linux (EXT2FS)
A5 ...... FreeBSD, NetBSD, 386BSD (UFS)
<P>Note that not all partitions are bootable (e.g. Extended DOS).
Some are -- some aren't. What makes a partition bootable is the
configuration of the "Partition Boot Sector" that exists at the
beginning of each partition.
<P>When you configure your favorite boot manager, it looks up the entries
in the MBR partition tables of all your hard disks and lets you name the
entries in that list. Then when you boot, the boot manager is invoked by
special code in the Master Boot Sector of the first probed hard disk on
your system. It looks at the MBR partition table entry corresponding to
the partition choice you made, uses the Start Cylinder/Head/Sector
information for that partition, loads up the Partition Boot Sector for that
partition, and gives it control. That Boot Sector for the partition itself
contains enough information to start loading the operating system on that
<P>One thing we just brushed past that's important to know. All of your
hard disks have MBRs. However, the one that's important is the one on the
disk that's first probed by the BIOS. If you have only IDE hard disks, its
the first IDE disk (e.g. primary disk on first controller). Similarly for
SCSI only systems. If you have both IDE and SCSI hard disks though, the
IDE disk is typically probed first by the BIOS, so the first IDE disk is
the first probed disk. The boot manager you will install will be hooked into
the MBR on this first probed hard disk that we've just described.
<sect1>Booting Limitations and Warnings
<label id="limits"><P>Now the interesting stuff that you need to watch out for.
<P><BF>1. The dreaded 1024 cylinder limit and how BIOS LBA helps</BF>
<P>The first part of the booting process is all done through the
BIOS, (if that's a new term to you, the BIOS is a software chip on
your system motherboard which provides startup code for your
computer). As such, this first part of the process is subject to the
limitations of the BIOS interface.
<P>The BIOS interface used to read the hard disk during this period
(INT 13H, Subfunction 2) allocates 10 bits to the Cylinder Number, 8
bits to the Head Number, and 6 bits to the Sector Number. This
restricts users of this interface (i.e. boot managers hooked into
your disk's MBR as well as OS loaders hooked into the Boot Sectors)
to the following limits:
1024 cylinders, max
256 heads , max
64 cylinders, max (actually 63 -- "0" isn't available)
<P>Now big hard disks have lots of cylinders but not a lot of
heads, so invariably with big hard disks the number of cylinders is
greater than 1024. Given this and the BIOS interface as is, you
can't boot off just anywhere on your hard disk. The boot code (the
boot manager and the OS loader hooked into all bootable partitions'
Boot Sectors) has to reside below cylinder 1024. In fact, if your
hard disk is typical and has 16 heads, this equates to:
1024 cyl/disk * 16 heads/disk * 63 sect/(cyl-head) * 512 bytes/sector
<P>which is around the often-mentioned 528MB limit.
<P>This is where BIOS LBA (Logical Block Addressing) comes in. BIOS LBA
gives the user of the BIOS API calls access to physical cylinders above
1024 though the BIOS interfaces by "redefining" a cylinder. That is, it
remaps your cylinders and heads, making it appear through the BIOS as
though the disk has "fewer" cylinders and "more" heads than it actually
does. In other words, it takes advantage of the fact that hard disks have
relatively few heads and lots of cylinders by shifting the balance between
number of cylinders and number of heads so that both numbers lie below the
above-mentioned limits (1024 cylinders, 256 heads).
<P>With BIOS LBA, the hard disk size limitation is virtually
removed (well, pushed up to 8 Gigabytes anyway). If you have an LBA
BIOS, you can put FreeBSD or any OS anywhere you want and not hit the
1024 cylinder limit.
<P>To use my my 1.6 Gig Western Digital as an example again, it's
physical geometry is:
(3148 cyl, 16 heads, 63 sectors/track, 512 bytes/sector)
<P>However, my BIOS LBA remaps this to:
( 787 cyl, 64 heads, 63 sectors/track, 512 bytes/sector)
<P>giving the same effective size disk, but with cylinder and head
counts within the BIOS API's range (Incidentally, I have both Linux and
FreeBSD existing on one of my hard disks above the 1024th physical
cylinder, and both operating systems boot fine, thanks to BIOS LBA).
<P><BF>2. Boot Managers and Disk Allocation</BF>
<P>Another gotcha to watch out when installing boot managers is
allocating space for your boot manager. It's best to be aware of
this issue up front to save yourself from having to reinstall one or
more of your OSs.
<P>If you followed the discussion in <ref name="section 7.2" id="booting">
about the Master Boot Sector (where the MBR is), Partition Boot Sectors, and the booting
process, you may have been wondering just exactly where on your hard
disk that nifty boot manager is going to live. Well, some boot
managers are small enough to fit entirely within the Master Boot
Sector (Cylinder 0, Head 0, Sector 0) along with the partition table.
Others need a bit more room and actually extend a few sectors past
the Master Boot Sector in the Cylinder 0 Head 0 track, since that's
typically free...typically.
<P>That's the catch. Some operating systems (FreeBSD included) let
you start their partitions right after the Master Boot Sector at
Cylinder 0, Head 0, Sector 2 if you want. In fact, if you give
FreeBSD's sysinstall a disk with an empty chunk up front or the whole
disk empty, that's where it'll start the FreeBSD partition by default
(at least it did when I fell into this trap :-). Then when you go to
install your boot manager, if it's one that occupies a few extra
sectors after the MBR, it'll overwrite the front of the first
partition's data. In the case of FreeBSD, this overwrites the
disk label, and renders your FreeBSD partition unbootable.
<P>The easy way to avoid this problem (and leave yourself the
flexibility to try different boot managers later) is just to always
leave the first full track on your disk unallocated when you
partition your disk. That is, leave the space from Cylinder 0, Head
0, Sector 2 through Cylinder 0, Head 0, Sector 63 unallocated, and
start your first partition at Cylinder 0, Head 1, Sector 1.
For what it's worth, when you create a DOS partition at the
front of your disk, DOS leaves this space open by default (this is
why some boot managers assume it's free). So creating a DOS
partition up at the front of your disk avoids this problem
altogether. I like to do this myself, creating 1 Meg DOS partition
up front, because it also avoids my primary DOS drive letters
shifting later when I repartition.
<P>For reference, the following boot managers use the
Master Boot Sector to store their code and data:
<item>OS-BS 1.35
<item>Boot Easy
<P>These boot managers use a few additional sectors after the
Master Boot Sector:
<item>OS-BS 2.0 Beta 8 (sectors 2-5)
<item>OS/2's boot manager
<P><BF>3. What if your machine won't boot?</BF>
<P>At some point when installing boot managers, you might leave the
MBR in a state such that your machine won't boot. This is unlikely,
but possible when re-FDISKing underneath an already-installed boot
<P>If you have a bootable DOS partition on your disk, you can boot
off a DOS floppy, and run:
<P>to put the original, simple DOS boot code back into the system. You can
then boot DOS (and DOS only) off the hard drive. Alternatively, just
re-run your boot manager installation program off a bootable floppy.

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
DOC= newuser
SRCS= newuser.sgml
.include <bsd.sgml.mk>

@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
<!DOCTYPE linuxdoc PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD linuxdoc//EN">
<title>For People New to Both FreeBSD <em>and</em> Unix
<author>Annelise Anderson
<htmlurl url="mailto:andrsn@hoover.stanford.edu"
<date>June 30, 1996
<abstract>Congratulations on installing FreeBSD!
This introduction is for people new to both FreeBSD
<em>and</em> Un*x---so it starts with basics. It assumes you're using
version 2.0.5 or later of FreeBSD as distributed by Walnut Creek
or FreeBSD.ORG, your system (for now) has a single user
(you)---and you're probably pretty good with DOS/Windows or OS/2.
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<sect>Logging in and Getting Out
<p>Log in (when you see <tt>login:</tt>) as a user you created during
installation or as <em>root</em>. (Your FreeBSD installation will already
have an account for root; root can go anywhere and do anything,
including deleting essential files, so be careful!)
To log out (and get a new <tt>login</tt> prompt) type
as often as necessary. Yes, press <em>enter</em> after commands, and remember
that Unix is case-sensitive---<tt>exit</tt>, not <tt>EXIT</tt>.
To shut down the machine type:
/sbin/shutdown -h now
Or to reboot type
/sbin/shutdown -r now
You can also reboot with
<tt>Ctrl-Alt-Delete</tt>. Give it a little time to do its work. This is
equivalent to <tt>/sbin/reboot</tt> in recent releases of FreeBSD, and is
much, much better than hitting the reset button. You don't want to
have to reinstall this thing, do you?
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<sect>Adding A User with Root Privileges
<p>If you didn't create any users when you installed the system and
are thus logged in as root, you should probably create a user now with
Don't use the <tt>-verbose</tt> option; the defaults are what you
want. Suppose you create a user <em>jack</em> with full name
<em>Jack Benimble</em>. Give jack a password if security (even
kids around who might pound on the keyboard) is an issue. When
it asks you if you want to invite jack into other groups, type
This will make it possible to log in as <em>jack</em> and use the <tt>su</tt> command to
become root. Then you won't get scolded any more for logging in as
root, and as root you'll have the same environment as jack
(this is good).
You can quit <tt>adduser</tt> any time by typing <tt>Ctrl-C</tt>, and at the end
you'll have a chance to approve your new user or simply type <tt>n</tt> for no.
You might want to create a second newuser (jill?) so that when you edit
jack's login files, you'll have a hot spare in case something goes wrong.
Once you've done this, use <tt>exit</tt> to get back to a login prompt and log
in as <em>jack</em>. In general, it's a good idea to do as
much work as possible as an ordinary user who doesn't have the
power---and risk---of root.
If you already created a user and you want the user to be able to <tt>su</tt>
to root, you can log in as root and edit the file <tt>/etc/group</tt>, adding
jack to the first line (the group wheel). But first you need to
practice <tt>vi</tt>, the text editor.
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<sect>Looking Around
<p>Logged in as an ordinary user, look around and try out some commands that
will access the sources of help and information within FreeBSD.
Here are some commands and what they do:
<tag/<tt>id</tt>/ Tells you who you are!
<tag/<tt>pwd</tt>/ Shows you where you are---the current
working directory.
<tag/<tt>ls</tt>/ Lists the files in the current directory.
<tag/<tt>ls -F</tt>/ Lists the files in the current directory
with a * after
executables, a / after directories, and an @ after symbolic
<tag/<tt>ls -l</tt>/ Lists the files in long format---size,
date, permissions.
<tag/<tt>ls -a</tt>/ Lists hidden (unless you're root) ``dot''
files with the others.
<tag/<tt>cd</tt>/ Changes directories. <tt>cd ..</tt> backs up
one level; note the
space after <tt>cd</tt>. <tt>cd /usr/local</tt>
goes there. <tt>cd ~</tt> goes to
the home directory of the person logged in---e.g.,
<tt>/usr/home/jack</tt>. Try <tt>cd /cdrom</tt>,
and then <tt>ls</tt>, to find out
if your cdrom is mounted and working.
<tag/<tt>view <em>filename</em></tt>/
Lets you look at a file (named <em>filename</em>
without changing
it. Try <tt>view /etc/fstab</tt>. <tt>:q</tt> to quit.
<tag/<tt>cat <em>filename</em></tt>/
Displays <em>filename</em> on screen. If it's too long and you
can see only the end of it, press <tt>ScrollLock</tt> and use
the <tt>up-arrow</tt> to move backward; you can
use <tt>ScrollLock</tt> with
man pages too. Press <tt>ScrollLock</tt> again
to quit scrolling.
You might want to try <tt>cat</tt> on some of the
dot files in your
home directory---<tt>cat .cshrc</tt>, <tt>cat .login</tt>,
<tt>cat .profile</tt>.
You'll notice aliases in <tt>.cshrc</tt>
for some of the <tt>ls</tt> commands (they're very convenient). You can create
other aliases by editing <tt>.cshrc</tt>. You can make these aliases
available to all users on the system by putting them in the system-wide
csh configuration file, <em>/etc/csh.cshrc</em>.
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<sect>Getting Help and Information
<p>Here are some useful sources of help. ``text'' stands for something of
your choice that you type in---usually a command or filename.
<tag/<tt>apropos <em>text</em></tt>/
Everything containing string <em>text</em>
in the whatis database.
<tag/<tt>man <em>text</em></tt>/
The man page for <em>text</em>.
The major source of documentation
for Un*x systems. <tt>man ls</tt> will tell you
all the ways to
use the <tt>ls</tt> command. Press <tt>Enter</tt> to
move through text, <tt>Ctrl-b</tt>
to go back a page, <tt>Ctrl-f</tt> to go forward,
<tt>q</tt> or <tt>Ctrl-c</tt> to quit.
<tag/<tt>which <em>text</em></tt>/
Tells you where in the user's path the command
<em>text</em> is found.
<tag/<tt>locate <em>text</em></tt>/
All the paths where the string <tt>text</tt> is found.
<tag/<tt>whatis <em>text</em></tt>/
Tells you what the command <tt>text</tt> does and its man page.
<tag/<tt>whereis <em>text</em></tt>/
Finds the file <em>text</em>, giving its full path.
You might want to try using <tt>whatis</tt> on some common useful
commands like <tt>cat</tt>, <tt>more</tt>, <tt>grep</tt>,
<tt>mv</tt>, <tt>find</tt>, <tt>tar</tt>, <tt>chmod</tt>,
<tt>chown</tt>, <tt>date</tt>, and <tt>script</tt>.
<tt>more</tt> lets you read a page at a time as it does in DOS,
e.g., <tt>ls -l | more</tt> or <tt>more <em>filename</em></tt>. The
<tt>*</tt> works as a wildcard---e.g., <tt>ls w*</tt> will show
you files beginning with w.
Are some of these not working very well? Both <tt>locate</tt>
and <tt>whatis</tt> depend on a database that's rebuilt weekly.
If your machine isn't going to be left on over the weekend (and
running FreeBSD), you might want to run the commands for daily,
weekly, and monthly maintenance now and then. Run them as root
and give each one time to finish before you start the next one,
for now.
If you get tired waiting, press <tt>Alt-F2</tt> to get another
virtual console, and log in again. After all, it's a multi-user,
multi-tasking system. Nevertheless these commands will probably
flash messages on your screen while they're running; you can type
<tt>clear</tt> at the prompt to clear the screen. Once they've run, you
might want to look at <tt>/var/mail/root</tt> and
Basically running such commands is part of system administration---and as
a single user of a Unix system, you're your own system administrator.
Virtually everything you need to be root to do is system administration.
Such responsibilities aren't covered very well even in those big fat books
on Unix, which seem to devote a lot of space to pulling down menus in
windows managers. You might want to get one of the two leading books
on systems administration, either Evi Nemeth et.al.'s <em>UNIX System
Administration Handbook</em> (Prentice-Hall, 1995, ISBN 0-13-15051-7)---the
second edition with the red cover; or &AElig;leen Frisch's <em>Essential System
Administration</em> (O'Reilly &amp; Associates, 1993, ISBN 0-937175-80-3).
I used Nemeth.
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<sect>Editing Text
<p>To configure your system, you need to edit text files. Most
of them will be in the <tt>/etc</tt> directory; and you'll need
to <tt>su</tt> to root to be able to change them. The text
editor is <tt>vi</tt>. Before you edit a file, you should
probably back it up. Suppose you want to edit
<tt>/etc/sysconfig</tt>. You could just use <tt>cd /etc</tt> to
get to the <tt>/etc</tt> directory and do:
cp sysconfig sysconfig.orig
This would copy <tt>sysconfig</tt> to <tt>sysconfig.orig</tt>,
and you could later copy <tt>sysconfig.orig</tt> to
<tt>sysconfig</tt> to recover the original. But even better
would be moving (renaming) and then copying back:
mv sysconfig sysconfig.orig<newline>
cp sysconfig.orig sysconfig
because the <tt>mv</tt> command preserves the original date and
owner of the file. You can now edit <tt>sysconfig</tt>. If you
want the original back, you'd then <tt>mv sysconfig syconfig.myedit</tt>
(assuming you want to preserve your edited version) and then
mv sysconfig.orig sysconfig
to put things back the way they were.
To edit a file, type
vi filename
Move through the text with the arrow keys. <tt>Esc</tt> (the
escape key) puts <tt>vi</tt> in command mode. Here are some
<tag/<tt>x</tt>/ delete letter the cursor is on
<tag/<tt>dd</tt>/ delete the entire line (even if
it wraps on the screen)
<tag/<tt>i</tt>/ insert text at the cursor
<tag/<tt>a</tt>/ insert text after the cursor
Once you type <tt>i</tt> or <tt>a</tt>, you can enter text.
<tt>Esc</tt> puts you back in command mode where you can type
<tag/<tt>:w</tt>/ to write your changes to disk and continue editing
<tag/<tt>:wq</tt>/ to write and quit
<tag/<tt>:q!</tt>/ to quit without saving changes
<tag><tt>/<em>text</em></tt></tag> to move the cursor
to <em>text</em>; <tt>/Enter</tt> (the enter
key) to find the next instance of <em>text</em>.
<tag/<tt>G</tt>/ to go to the end of the file
<tag/<tt><em>n</em>G</tt>/ to go to line <em>n</em> in
the file, where <em>n</em> is a number
<tag/<tt>Ctrl-L</tt>/ to redraw the screen
<tag/<tt>Ctrl-b</tt> and <tt>Ctrl-f</tt>/ go back
and forward a screen, as they
do with <tt>more</tt> and <tt>view</tt>.
Practice with <tt>vi</tt> in your home directory by creating a
new file with <tt>vi filename</tt> and adding and deleting text,
saving the file, and calling it up again. <tt>vi</tt> delivers
some surprises because it's really quite complex, and sometimes
you'll inadvertently issue a command that will do something you
don't expect. (Some people actually like <tt>vi</tt>---it's more
powerful than DOS EDIT---find out about the <tt>:r</tt> command.)
Use <tt>Esc</tt> one or more times to be sure you're in command
mode and proceed from there when it gives you trouble, save often
with <tt>:w</tt>, and use <tt>:q!</tt> to get out and start over
(from your last <tt>:w</tt>) when you need to.
Now you can <tt>cd</tt> to <tt>/etc</tt>, <tt>su</tt> to root,
use <tt>vi</tt> to edit the file <tt>/etc/group</tt>, and add a
user to wheel so the user has root privileges. Just add a comma
and the user's login name to the end of the first line in the
file, press <tt>Esc</tt>, and use <tt>:wq</tt> to write the file
to disk and quit. Instantly effective. (You didn't put a space
after the comma, did you?)
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<sect>Printing Files from DOS
<p>At this point you probably don't have the printer working, so here's a
way to create a file from a man page, move it to a floppy, and then
print it from DOS. Suppose you want to read carefully about changing
permissions on files (pretty important). You can use the command
man chmod to read about it. The command
man chmod &gt; chmod.txt
will send the man page to the <tt>chmod.txt</tt> file instead of showing it on
your screen. Now put a dos-formatted diskette in your floppy drive a,
<tt>su</tt> to root, and type
/sbin/mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt
to mount the floppy drive on <tt>/mnt</tt>.
Now (you no longer need to be root, and you can type <tt>exit</tt> to get
back to being user jack) you can go to the directory where you created
chmod.txt and copy the file to the floppy with:
cp chmod.txt /mnt
and use <tt>ls /mnt</tt> to get a directory listing of
<tt>/mnt</tt>, which should show the file <tt>chmod.txt</tt>.
You might especially want to make a file from <tt>/sbin/dmesg</tt> by typing
/sbin/dmesg &gt; dmesg.txt
and copying <tt>dmesg.txt</tt> to the floppy. <tt>/sbin/dmesg</tt> is the boot
log record,
and it's useful to understand it because it shows what FreeBSD found
when it booted up. If you ask questions on questions@freebsd.org or on
a USENET group---like ``FreeBSD isn't finding my tape drive, what do I
do?''---people will want to know what <tt>dmesg</tt> has to say.
You can now dismount the floppy drive (as root) to get the disk out with
/sbin/umount /mnt
or reboot to go to DOS. Copy these files to a DOS directory, call them
up with DOS EDIT, Windows Notepad, or a word processor, make a minor
change so the file has to be saved, and print as you normally would
from DOS or Windows. Hope it works! man pages come out best if printed
with the dos <tt>print</tt> command. (Copying files from FreeBSD to a mounted
dos partition is in some cases still a little risky.)
Getting the printer printing from FreeBSD involves
creating an appropriate entry in <tt>/etc/printcap</tt> and creating
a matching spool directory in <tt>/var/spool/output</tt>. If your
printer is on lpt0 (what dos calls LPT1), you may only need to
go to <tt>/var/spool/output</tt> and (as root) create the directory
lpd by typing:
mkdir lpd
Then the printer should respond if it's turned on when the
system is booted, and lp or lpr should send a file to the printer.
Whether or not the file actually prints depends on configuring it, which is
covered in the FreeBSD handbook.
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<sect>Other Useful Commands
<tag/<tt>df</tt>/ shows file space and mounted systems.
<tag/<tt>ps aux</tt>/ shows processes running. <tt>ps ax</tt> is a narrower form.
<tag/<tt>lsdev</tt>/ lists configured devices
<tag/<tt>devmenu</tt>/ a menu of devices---in color!
<tag/<tt>rm <em>filename</em></tt>/ remove <tt>filename</tt>
<tag/<tt>rm -R <em>dir</em></tt>/ removes a directory <tt>dir</tt> and all
<tag/<tt>ls -R</tt>/ lists files in the current
directory and all subdirectories;
I used a variant, <tt>ls -AFR &gt; where.txt</tt>,
to get a list of all
the files in <tt>/</tt> and (separately)
<tt>/usr</tt> before I found better
ways to find files.
<tag/<tt>passwd</tt>/ to change user's password (or root's password)
<tag/<tt>man hier</tt>/ man page on the Unix file system
Use find to locate filename in <tt>/usr</tt> or any of its subdirectories with
find /usr -name "<em>filename</em>"
You can use <tt>*</tt> as a wildcard in <tt>"<em>filename</em>"</tt>
(which should be in quotes). If you tell find to search in
<tt>/</tt> instead of <tt>/usr</tt> it will look for the file(s)
on all mounted file systems, including the cdrom and the dos
An excellent book that explains Unix commands and utilities is
Abrahams &amp; Larson, <em>Unix for the Impatient</em> (2nd ed.,
Addison-Wesley, 1996). There's also a lot of Unix information on
the Internet. Try the <url
url="http://www.eecs.nwu.edu/unix.html" name="Unix Reference
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<sect>Next Steps
<p>You should now have the tools you need to get around and edit
files, so you can get everything up and running. There is a
great deal of information in the FreeBSD handbook (which is
probably on your hard drive) and <url
url="http://www.freebsd.org" name="FreeBSD's web site">. A wide
variety of packages and ports are on the <htmlurl
url="http://www.cdrom.com" name="Walnut Creek"> cdrom as well as
the web site. The handbook tells you more about how to use them
(get the package if it exists, with <tt>pkg_add
/cdrom/packages/All/<em>packagename</em></tt>, where
<em>packagename</em> is the filename of the package). The cdrom
has lists of the packages and ports with brief descriptions in
<tt>cdrom/packages/index</tt>, <tt>cdrom/packages/index.txt</tt>,
and <tt>cdrom/ports/index</tt>, with fuller descriptions in
<tt>/cdrom/ports/*/*/pkg/DESCR</tt>, where the <tt>*</tt>s
represent subdirectories of kinds of programs and program names
If you find the handbook too sophisticated (what with
<tt>lndir</tt> and all) on installing ports from the cdrom,
here's what usually works:
Find the port you want, say <tt>kermit</tt>. There will be a directory
for it on the cdrom. Copy the subdirectory to
<tt>/usr/local</tt> (a good place for software you add that
should be available to all users) with:
cp -R /cdrom/ports/comm/kermit /usr/local
This should result in a <tt>/usr/local/kermit</tt> subdirectory
that has all the files that the <tt>kermit</tt> subdirectory on
the cdrom has.
Next, check <tt>/cdrom/ports/distfiles</tt> for a file with a name
that indicates it's the port you want. Copy that file to
<tt>/usr/ports/distfiles</tt>. (Create <tt>/usr/ports/distfiles</tt>
if it doesn't exist using <em>mkdir</em>.) In the case of <tt>kermit</tt>,
there is no distfile.
Then <tt>cd</tt> to the subdirectory of
<tt>/usr/local/kermit</tt> that has the file Makefile. Type
make all install
During this process the port will ftp to get any compressed files it
needs that it didn't find in <tt>/usr/ports/distfiles</tt>. If you
don't have your network running yet and there was no file for the
port in <tt>/cdrom/ports/distfiles</tt>, you will have to get the
distfile using another machine and copy it to
<tt>/usr/ports/distfiles</tt> from a floppy or your dos partition.
Read <tt>Makefile</tt> (with <tt>cat</tt> or <tt>more</tt> or
<tt>view</tt>) to find out where to go (the master distribution site)
to get the file and what its name is. Its name will be truncated
when downloaded to DOS, and after you get it into
<tt>/usr/ports/distfiles</tt> you'll have to rename it (with the
<tt>mv</tt> command) to its original name so it can be found. (Use
binary file transfers!) Then go back to <tt>/usr/local/kermit</tt>,
find the directory with <tt>Makefile</tt>, and type <tt>make all
The other thing that happens when installing ports or packages is that
some other program is needed. If the installation stops with a message
"can't find unzip" or whatever, you might need to install the package
or port for unzip before you continue.
Once it's installed type <tt>rehash</tt> to make FreeBSD
<tt>reread</tt> the files in the path so it knows what's there.
(If you get a lot of "path not found" messages when you use
<tt>whereis</tt> or which, you might want to make additions to
the list of directories in the path statement in <tt>.cshrc</tt>
in your home directory. The path statement in Unix does the same
kind of work it does in DOS, except the current directory is not
(by default) in the path for security reasons; if
the command you want is in the directory you're in, you need to
type <tt>./</tt> before the command to make it work; no space after the
You might want to get the most recent version of Netscape from their
<url url="ftp://ftp.netscape.com" name="ftp site">. (Netscape
requires the X window sytem.) The version you want is the "unknown
bsd" version. Just use <tt>gunzip <em>filename</em></tt> and <tt>tar
xvf <em>filename</em></tt> on it, move the binary to
<tt>/usr/local/bin</tt> or some other place binaries are kept,
<tt>rehash</tt>, and then put the following lines in <tt>.cshrc</tt>
in each user's home directory or (easier) in
<tt>/etc/csh.cshrc</tt>, the system-wide csh start-up file:
setenv XKEYSYMDB /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XKeysymDB<newline>
setenv XNLSPATH /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/nls
This assumes that the file <tt>XKeysymDB</tt> and the directory
<tt>nls</tt> are in
<tt>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11</tt>; if they're not, find them and put them there.
If you originally got Netscape as a port using the cdrom (or ftp),
don't replace <tt>/usr/local/bin/netscape</tt> with the new netscape binary;
this is just a shell script that sets up the environmental variables
for you. Instead rename the new binary to <tt>netscape.bin</tt> and replace the
binary, which is <tt>/usr/local/lib/netscape/netscape.bin</tt>.
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<p>As root, you can dismount the cdrom with <tt>/sbin/umount
/cdrom</tt>, take it out of the drive, insert another one, and
mount it with <tt>/sbin/mount_cd9660 /dev/cd0a /cdrom</tt>
assuming <tt>cd0a</tt> is the device name for your cdrom drive.
Using the live file system---the second of FreeBSD's cdrom disks---is
useful if you've got limited space. You might try using
<tt>emacs</tt> or playing games from the cdrom. This involves using
<tt>lndir</tt>, which gets installed with the X Window System, to tell the
program(s) where to find the necessary files, because they're in the
<tt>/cdrom</tt> file system instead of in <tt>/usr</tt> and its
subdirectories, which is where they're expected to be. Read <tt>man
You can delete a user (say, jack) by using the command <tt>vipw</tt>
to bring up the <tt>master.passwd</tt> file (do not use vi directly
on master.passwd); delete the line for jack and save the file. Then
edit <tt>/etc/group</tt>, eliminating jack wherever it appears.
Finally, go to <tt>/usr/home</tt> and use <tt>rm -R</tt> jack (to
get rid of user jack's home directory files).
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<sect>Comments Welcome
<p>If you use this guide I'd be interested in knowing where it was
unclear and what was left out that you think should be included, and
if it was helpful. My thanks to Eugene W. Stark, professor of
computer science at SUNY-Stony Brook, and John Fieber for helpful
Annelise Anderson <htmlurl url="mailto:andrsn@hoover.stanford.edu"

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