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# Catstodon
## Introduction
This Mastodon fork is based on the [glitch-soc Fork of Mastodon](
- To install, take a look at []( The instructions and features are the same, except for the differences outlined below.
- Contributing guidelines are available [here](
## Differences
2 years ago
- Some files are adjusted specifically for the catcatnya instance. Specifically, these:
- public/android-chrome-192x192.png
- public/apple-touch-icon.png
- public/browserconfig.xml
- public/favicon.ico
- public/mstile-150x150.png
2 years ago
- sounds/boop.mp3
- sounds/boop.ogg
You might want to revert these to the upstream files (or your own versions!) if you decide to use this fork for your own instance.
- The web frontend emoji picker is a blobcat instead of the joy emoji.