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Eugen Rochko f8d2dbdefa
New Crowdin updates (#16183)
* New translations en.yml (Kannada)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Kannada)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Icelandic)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Romanian)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Hungarian)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Hebrew)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Hebrew)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Armenian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Finnish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Finnish)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Basque)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Armenian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Korean)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Georgian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Georgian)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Armenian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Japanese)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Italian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Italian)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Armenian)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Greek)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Lithuanian)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Arabic)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Afrikaans)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Afrikaans)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (French)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (French)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (French)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Romanian)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (German)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (German)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (German)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Danish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Danish)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Czech)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Catalan)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Catalan)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Lithuanian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Icelandic)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Turkish)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Turkish)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Swedish)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Vietnamese)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Icelandic)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Galician)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Galician)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Vietnamese)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Vietnamese)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Vietnamese)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Urdu (Pakistan))
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Urdu (Pakistan))
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Albanian)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Punjabi)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Punjabi)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Norwegian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Norwegian)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Polish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Dutch)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Macedonian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Macedonian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Polish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Albanian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Slovak)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Slovenian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Slovenian)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Slovak)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Russian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Russian)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Portuguese)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Portuguese)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Standard Moroccan Tamazight)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Greek)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Korean)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Japanese)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Persian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Occitan)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (French)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (German)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Polish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Polish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Italian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (German)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (German)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Corsican)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Portuguese)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Portuguese)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Italian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Italian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Portuguese)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Portuguese)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Russian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Russian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Czech)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Danish)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Vietnamese)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Japanese)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Japanese)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Indonesian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Turkish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Korean)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Galician)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Albanian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (German)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Basque)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Vietnamese)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Basque)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Basque)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Basque)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Icelandic)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]

* New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]

* New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]

* New translations devise.en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Persian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Polish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.json (Swedish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]

* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]

* New translations en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]

* i18n-tasks normalize

* yarn manage:translations
3 years ago
controllers Change trending hashtags to be affected be reblogs (#16164) 3 years ago
javascript New Crowdin updates (#16183) 3 years ago
lib Fix blocking someone not clearing up list feeds (#16205) 3 years ago
models Fix FollowRecommendationsScheduler failing because of unpopulated views (#16189) 3 years ago
serializers Fix breaking change about format of accounts.created_at (#16186) 3 years ago
services Fix blocking someone not clearing up list feeds (#16205) 3 years ago
views Change trending hashtags to be affected be reblogs (#16164) 3 years ago