Martin Heinen
MFbed: Update the German documentation set.
books/faq/book.sgml 1.602 -> 1.617
share/sgml/mailing-lists.ent 1.28 -> 1.32
share/sgml/teams.ent 1.11 -> 1.12
Obtained from: The FreeBSD German Documentation Project.
2004-05-17 23:08:48 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Update the German documentation set.
books/handbook/basics/chapter.sgml 1.118 -> 1.121
books/handbook/book.sgml 1.141 -> 1.143
books/handbook/kernelconfig/chapter.sgml 1.125 -> 1.129
books/handbook/bibliography/chapter.sgml 1.60 -> 1.61
books/handbook/cutting-edge/chapter.sgml 1.194 -> 1.196
books/faq/book.sgml 1.601 -> 1.602
books/handbook/Makefile add the Glossary
share/sgml/glossary/freebsd-glossary.sgml new translation
books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml 1.329 -> 1.332
share/sgml/bookinfo.ent add the Glossary
books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml 1.106 -> 1.111
books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml 1.191 -> 1.196
share/sgml/teams.ent 1.10 -> 1.11
books/handbook/serialcomms/chapter.sgml 1.83 -> 1.84
books/handbook/mail/chapter.sgml 1.88 -> 1.92
books/fdp-primer/see-also/chapter.sgml header update
books/handbook/ppp-and-slip/chapter.sgml 1.121 -> 1.130
share/sgml/transtable.xml header update
books/fdp-primer/psgml-mode/chapter.sgml header update
books/fdp-primer/book.sgml header update
books/handbook/x11/chapter.sgml 1.131 -> 1.132
share/sgml/mailing-lists.ent 1.27 -> 1.28
books/handbook/eresources/chapter.sgml 1.134 -> 1.135
books/handbook/pgpkeys/chapter.sgml 1.201 -> 1.204
2004-01-03 13:11:33 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Update the German Handbook and the FAQ.
books/handbook/basics/chapter.sgml 1.114 -> 1.118
books/handbook/chapters.ent 1.23 -> 1.25
books/handbook/desktop/chapter.sgml header update
books/handbook/bibliography/chapter.sgml 1.58 -> 1.60
share/sgml/translators.ent add Oliver Fischer [*]
books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml header update
books/handbook/cutting-edge/chapter.sgml 1.191 -> 1.194
books/faq/book.sgml 1.597 -> 1.601
books/handbook/Makefile 1.70 -> 1.74
books/handbook/printing/chapter.sgml 1.77 -> 1.82
books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml 1.327 -> 1.329
books/handbook/config/chapter.sgml header update
books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml header update
books/handbook/x11/chapter.sgml header update
share/sgml/mailing-lists.ent 1.25 -> 1.27
books/handbook/eresources/chapter.sgml 1.132 -> 1.134
books/handbook/mail/chapter.sgml header update
books/handbook/pgpkeys/chapter.sgml 1.199 -> 1.201
books/handbook/preface/preface.sgml header update
Submitted by: Oliver Fischer <>
2003-12-23 01:21:05 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Update the German FAQ: 1.592 -> 1.597.
2003-10-20 21:57:11 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Content update and various fixes.
books/faq/book.sgml 1.539 -> 1.592
books/handbook/Makefile include IPsec pictures
books/handbook/book.sgml 1.136 -> 1.340
books/handbook/advanced-networking/chapter.sgml 1.234 -> 1.240
books/handbook/boot/chapter.sgml 1.54 -> 1.55
books/handbook/basics/chapter.sgml 1.97 -> 1.109
books/handbook/kernelconfig/chapter.sgml 1.53 -> 1.56
books/handbook/ports/chapter.sgml 1.205 -> 1.206
books/handbook/desktop/chapter.sgml 1.26 -> 1.29
books/handbook/bibliography/chapter.sgml 1.56 -> 1.57
books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml 1.169 -> 1.185
books/handbook/cutting-edge/chapter.sgml 1.187 -> 1.188
books/handbook/introduction/chapter.sgml 1.94 -> 1.95
books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml 1.320 -> 1.324
books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml 1.87 -> 1.100
books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml 1.149 -> 1.182
books/handbook/serialcomms/chapter.sgml 1.80 -> 1.82
books/handbook/mail/chapter.sgml 1.78 -> 1.84
books/handbook/users/chapter.sgml header update
books/handbook/ppp-and-slip/chapter.sgml 1.118 -> 1.121
books/handbook/l10n/chapter.sgml 1.91 -> 1.93
books/handbook/printing/chapter.sgml 1.19 -> 1.20
books/handbook/config/chapter.sgml 1.117 -> 1.122
books/handbook/x11/chapter.sgml 1.127 -> 1.129
books/handbook/eresources/chapter.sgml 1.128 -> 1.131
books/handbook/pgpkeys/chapter.sgml 1.196 -> 1.198
books/handbook/preface/preface.sgml 1.16 -> 1.17
share/sgml/catalog include trademarks.ent
share/sgml/trademarks.ent new translation
share/sgml/trademarks.sgml new translation
2003-09-04 11:12:39 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Update German translations.
books/faq/book.sgml 1.538 -> 1.539
share/sgml/teams.ent 1.7 -> 1.9
books/handbook/book.sgml 1.132 -> 1.133
books/handbook/advanced-networking/chapter.sgml 1.216 -> 1.222
books/handbook/basics/chapter.sgml 1.95 -> 1.97
books/handbook/kernelconfig/chapter.sgml fixes only
books/handbook/ports/chapter.sgml 1.186 -> 1.200
books/handbook/desktop/chapter.sgml 1.21 -> 1.24
books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml 1.149 -> 1.169
books/handbook/introduction/chapter.sgml 1.83 -> 1.84
books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml 1.294 -> 1.295
books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml 1.148 -> 1.149
books/handbook/serialcomms/chapter.sgml 1.76 -> 1.79
books/handbook/mail/chapter.sgml 1.76 -> 1.78
books/handbook/ppp-and-slip/chapter.sgml 1.104 -> 1.108
books/handbook/printing/chapter.sgml 1.68 -> 1.73
books/handbook/config/chapter.sgml 1.90 -> 1.109
books/handbook/x11/chapter.sgml 1.110 -> 1.119
books/handbook/eresources/chapter.sgml 1.122 -> 1.123
fixes for books/handbook/introduction/chapter.sgml
Submitted by: Sascha Edelburg <>
2003-06-01 18:32:49 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Content update and various fixes.
books/handbook/advanced-networking/chapter.sgml 1.206 -> 1.216
books/handbook/boot/chapter.sgml fixes only
books/handbook/basics/chapter.sgml fixes only
books/handbook/book.sgml 1.131 -> 1.132
share/sgml/freebsd.dsl header update
books/handbook/kernelconfig/chapter.sgml 1.106 -> 1.111
books/handbook/ports/chapter.sgml 1.185 -> 1.186
books/handbook/desktop/chapter.sgml fixes only
books/handbook/bibliography/chapter.sgml 1.49 -> 1.50
books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml 1.145 -> 1.149
books/handbook/cutting-edge/chapter.sgml fixes only
share/sgml/catalog header update
books/faq/book.sgml 1.532 -> 1.538
books/handbook/Makefile add images
books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml 1.291 -> 1.294
books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml 1.86 -> 1.87
books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml 1.143 -> 1.148
books/handbook/serialcomms/chapter.sgml 1.73 -> 1.76
books/handbook/mail/chapter.sgml fixes only
books/handbook/ppp-and-slip/chapter.sgml 1.102 -> 1.104
books/handbook/l10n/chapter.sgml 1.88 -> 1.89
books/handbook/printing/chapter.sgml 1.67 -> 1.68
books/handbook/config/chapter.sgml 1.88 -> 1.90
books/handbook/x11/chapter.sgml 1.108 -> 1.110
share/sgml/mailing-lists.ent 1.20 -> 1.24
books/handbook/eresources/chapter.sgml 1.119 -> 1.122
books/handbook/pgpkeys/chapter.sgml 1.190 -> 1.192
New translations:
Submitted by: Sascha Edelburg <>
New sections "ISDN" and "diskless".
Submitted by: Johann Kois <>
2003-05-25 23:35:57 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Content update and various fixes:
share/sgml/freebsd.dsl 1.17 -> 1.18
share/sgml/catalog.dsl 1.2 -> 1.3
share/sgml/l10n.ent new
books/faq/book.sgml 1.531 -> 1.532
books/faq/Makefile 1.8 -> 1.10
books/handbook/kernelconfig/chapter.sgml 1.104 -> 1.106
books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml 1.287 -> 1.291
books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml 1.141 -> 1.143
books/handbook/l10n/chapter.sgml fixes only
2003-04-27 20:43:37 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Update German translations.
books/faq/book.sgml 1.530 -> 1.531
books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml 1.286 -> 1.287
2003-04-18 14:40:45 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Update German translations.
books/faq/book.sgml 1.529 -> 1.530
books/handbook/ports/chapter.sgml 1.184 -> 1.185
books/handbook/desktop/chapter.sgml 1.18 -> 1.21
books/handbook/bibliography/chapter.sgml 1.45 -> 1.49
books/handbook/cutting-edge/chapter.sgml 1.182 -> 1.184
books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml 1.284 -> 1.286
books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml 1.85 -> 1.86
books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml 1.140 -> 1.141
books/handbook/ppp-and-slip/chapter.sgml 1.100 -> 1.102
books/handbook/l10n/chapter.sgml 1.87 -> 1.88
books/handbook/x11/chapter.sgml 1.107 -> 1.108
books/handbook/eresources/chapter.sgml 1.117 -> 1.119
Update header:
books/handbook/advanced-networking/chapter.sgml 1.205 -> 1.206
2003-04-13 22:20:42 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Content update and various fixes.
books/faq/book.sgml 1.521 -> 1.529
share/sgml/mailing-lists.ent 1.12 -> 1.20
books/handbook/advanced-networking/chapter.sgml 1.202 -> 1.205
books/handbook/book.sgml 1.130 -> 1.131
books/handbook/desktop/chapter.sgml 1.16 -> 1.18
books/handbook/bibliography/chapter.sgml 1.44 -> 1.45
books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml 1.139 -> 1.140
books/handbook/mail/chapter.sgml 1.74 -> 1.76
books/handbook/eresources/chapter.sgml 1.113 -> 1.117
2003-04-10 19:22:25 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Content update and various fixes.
books/faq/book.sgml 1.520 -> 1.521
books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml 1.283 -> 1.284
books/handbook/l10n/chapter.sgml fixes only
books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml fixes only
2003-04-06 14:53:52 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Update German translations.
books/faq/book.sgml 1.514 -> 1.520
share/sgml/teams.ent 1.6 -> 1.7
share/sgml/mailing-lists.ent 1.11 -> 1.12
books/handbook/kernelconfig/chapter.sgml 1.100 -> 1.104
books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml 1.144 -> 1.145
books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml 1.281 -> 1.283
books/handbook/eresources/chapter.sgml 1.107 -> 1.113
2003-04-04 07:03:44 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFBed: Remove trailing whitespace.
2003-03-09 21:46:58 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Catch up with original versions and remove trailing whitespace.
share/sgml/mailing-lists.ent 1.10 -> 1.11
books/faq/book.sgml 1.510 -> 1.514
books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml 1.269 -> 1.274
books/handbook/config/chapter.sgml 1.85 -> 1.88
books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml 1.141 -> 1.143
books/handbook/l10n/chapter.sgml 1.86 -> 1.87
books/handbook/printing/chapter.sgml 1.65 -> 1.67
books/handbook/kernelconfig/chapter.sgml 1.98 -> 1.99
books/handbook/desktop/chapter.sgml 1.15 -> 1.16
books/handbook/ppp-and-slip/chapter.sgml 1.98 -> 1.100
books/handbook/pgpkeys/chapter.sgml 1.185 -> 1.188
2003-03-09 21:43:29 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Content update and various fixes
share/sgml/freebsd.dsl spelling fixes
books/handbook/mail/chapter.sgml spelling fixes
both spotted by: stb
books/faq/book.sgml 1.506 -> 1.510
share/sgml/mailing-lists.ent 1.9 -> 1.10
books/handbook/kernelconfig/chapter.sgml 1.95 -> 1.98
books/handbook/ports/chapter.sgml 1.183 -> 1.184
books/handbook/desktop/chapter.sgml 1.13 -> 1.15
books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml 1.131 -> 1.141
books/handbook/cutting-edge/chapter.sgml 1.173 -> 1.178
books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml 1.257 -> 1.266
books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml 1.84 -> 1.85
books/handbook/x11/chapter.sgml 1.105 -> 1.107
2003-02-04 00:34:27 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Content update and various fixes
books/faq/book.sgml 1.503 -> 1.506
books/handbook/boot/chapter.sgml 1.52 -> 1.53
books/handbook/basics/chapter.sgml 1.88 -> 1.93
books/handbook/book.sgml 1.126 -> 1.128
books/handbook/desktop/chapter.sgml 1.9 -> 1.13
books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml fixes only
books/handbook/cutting-edge/chapter.sgml 1.169 -> 1.171
books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml 1.251 -> 1.254
books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml 1.134 -> 1.135
books/handbook/l10n/chapter.sgml fixes only
books/handbook/mail/chapter.sgml 1.68 -> 1.70
books/handbook/config/chapter.sgml 1.77 -> 1.79
books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml 1.80 -> 1.82
books/handbook/ppp-and-slip/chapter.sgml 1.95 -> 1.96
books/handbook/pgpkeys/chapter.sgml 1.177 -> 1.178
books/handbook/preface/preface.sgml fixes only
Header update, no content changed:
2003-01-10 15:36:49 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Content update and various fixes
books/faq/book.sgml: fixes only
books/handbook/basics/chapter.sgml: 1.87 -> 1.88
books/handbook/kernelconfig/chapter.sgml: fixes only
books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml: 1.129 -> 1.130
books/handbook/cutting-edge/chapter.sgml: 1.165 -> 1.169
books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml: 1.133 -> 1.134
books/handbook/mail/chapter.sgml: fixes only
books/handbook/config/chapter.sgml: fixes only
2002-12-31 12:56:49 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Content update and various fixes
books/faq/book.sgml: 1.500 -> 1.503
books/handbook/boot/chapter.sgml: 1.49 -> 1.52
books/handbook/kernelconfig/chapter.sgml: 1.89 -> 1.93
books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml: 1.116 -> 1.129
books/handbook/cutting-edge/chapter.sgml: 1.155 -> 1.165
books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml: 1.249 -> 1.251
books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml: 1.121 -> 1.133
books/handbook/mail/chapter.sgml: 1.63 -> 1.68
books/handbook/config/chapter.sgml: 1.71 -> 1.77
books/handbook/eresources/chapter.sgml: 1.104 -> 1.106
books/handbook/ppp-and-slip/chapter.sgml: 1.94 -> 1.95
books/handbook/pgpkeys/chapter.sgml: 1.173 -> 1.177
2002-12-23 12:47:15 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Fix broken links and spelling.
2002-12-07 17:39:14 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Content update and various fixes
books/faq/book.sgml: 1.494 -> 1.500
books/handbook/boot/chapter.sgml: 1.46 -> 1.49
books/handbook/kernelconfig/chapter.sgml: 1.84 -> 1.89
books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml: 1.114 -> 1.116
books/handbook/cutting-edge/chapter.sgml: 1.154 -> 1.155
books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml: 1.117 -> 1.120
books/handbook/serialcomms/chapter.sgml: 1.68 -> 1.71
books/handbook/ppp-and-slip/chapter.sgml: 1.93 -> 1.94
share/sgml/mailing-lists.ent 1.8 -> 1.9
share/sgml/teams.ent 1.5 -> 1.6
books/handbook/mail/chapter.sgml fixes only
books/handbook/config/chapter.sgml fixes only
2002-12-05 17:01:44 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: content update
books/faq/book.sgml: 1.490 -> 1.494
books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml: 1.247 -> 1.249
books/handbook/serialcomms/chapter.sgml: 1.66 -> 1.68
Approved by: alex (mentor)
2002-11-24 17:16:52 +00:00
Martin Heinen
MFbed: Fix broken relative links (triggered by Ulf K. <>),
fix some typos.
Approved by: alex (mentor)
2002-11-14 19:02:13 +00:00
Martin Heinen
books/faq/book.sgml: 1.488 -> 1.490
books/handbook/boot/chapter.sgml: 1.44 -> 1.46
books/handbook/cutting-edge/chapter.sgml: 1.140 -> 1.149
books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml: 1.112 -> 1.114
books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml: 1.245 -> 1.247
books/handbook/eresources/chapter.sgml: 1.101 -> 1.102
Approved by: alex (mentor)
2002-11-12 22:14:57 +00:00
Martin Heinen
books/faq/book.sgml: 1.487 -> 1.488
books/handbook/basics/chapter.sgml: 1.81 -> 1.84
books/handbook/boot/chapter.sgml: 1.39 -> 1.40
books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml: 1.244 -> 1.245
share/sgml/teams.ent: 1.4 -> 1.5
share/sgml/freebsd.dsl: 1.16 -> 1.17
Approved by: alex (mentor)
2002-10-28 07:28:36 +00:00
Martin Heinen
Sync with the FreeBSD German Documentation Project
Content update and various fixes for:
FAQ 1.481 -> 1.487
basics/chapter.sgml 1.77 -> 1.81
config/chapter.sgml 1.59 -> 1.69
cutting-edge/chapter.sgml 1.139 -> 1.140
desktop/chapter.sgml 1.8 -> 1.7
disks/chapter.sgml 1.110 -> 1.112
eresources/chapter.sgml 1.100 -> 1.101
l10n/chapter.sgml 1.82 -> 1.84
mirrors/chapter.sgml 1.242 -> 1.244
ports/chapter.sgml 1.179 -> 1.181
ppp-and-slip/chapter.sgml 1.91 -> 1.93
security/chapter.sgml 1.115 -> 1.117
users/chapter.sgml 1.35 -> 1.37
Approved by: alex (mentor)
Obtained from: The FreeBSD German Documentation Project
2002-10-17 16:26:25 +00:00
Martin Heinen
Sync with FreeBSD German Documentation Project
Content update and various fixes for:
FAQ 1.473 -> 1.481
basics/chapter.sgml 1.76 -> 1.77
config/chapter.sgml 1.57 -> 1.59
cutting-edge/chapter.sgml 1.137 -> 1.139
disks/chapter.sgml 1.107 -> 1.110
eresources/chapter.sgml 1.93 -> 1.100
kernelconfig/chapter.sgml 1.82 -> 1.84
l10n/chapter.sgml 1.79 -> 1.82
mirrors/chapter.sgml 1.234 -> 1.242
security/chapter.sgml 1.114 -> 1.115
serialcomms/chapter.sgml 1.65 -> 1.66
users/chapter.sgml 1.34 -> 1.35
Approved by: alex (mentor)
Obtained from: FreeBSD German Documentation Project
2002-10-06 11:08:07 +00:00
Alexander Langer
Sync with 1.473
Work by: Martin Heinen <>, ue & others
Obtained from: FreeBSD German Doc Project
2002-09-11 14:09:49 +00:00
Udo Erdelhoff
MFbed: two last-minute translation fixes (replace 8-bit Umlauts with
their SGML entities)
2002-05-26 19:55:15 +00:00
Udo Erdelhoff
Continuing the translation update sweep:
MFen: 1.423 -> 1.443
2002-05-26 13:32:07 +00:00
Udo Erdelhoff
Add 'original version' Marker
2002-04-06 18:52:47 +00:00
Udo Erdelhoff
MFbed: various translation fixes
2002-04-06 18:48:38 +00:00
Udo Erdelhoff
MFen 1.421
2002-03-25 21:04:20 +00:00
Udo Erdelhoff
MFbed: Misc language fixes
2002-03-22 18:06:31 +00:00
Udo Erdelhoff
- mark 1.416 as done (no-op whitespace fix)
- Fix use of mailing liste entities
- use German version of the team entities
2002-03-17 12:09:11 +00:00
Udo Erdelhoff
MFen 1.416.
2002-03-16 05:09:42 +00:00
Udo Erdelhoff
MFen 1.410
2002-03-10 13:19:58 +00:00
Alexey Zelkin
Move non-committers email address entities (re, faq, etc.) into
own entities file (teams.ent)
2002-02-06 17:05:51 +00:00
Alexander Langer
Sync with original rev 1.271
Obtained from: FreeBSD German Documentation Project
2001-12-20 22:37:13 +00:00
Udo Erdelhoff
Catch up with revision 1.269 of the original
2001-10-02 05:41:34 +00:00
Andrey A. Chernov
ISO_* -> ISO* rename
2001-06-11 01:20:40 +00:00
Udo Erdelhoff
Bring the German FAQ translation up-to-date and beyond:
- Updates from the international versions up to 1.199
- Switch to Docbook 4.1
- Add a bibliography
- Use the new biblio-xref-title code
- replace a lot of markup fixes with the fixes from the international version
Obtained from: FreeBSD German Documentation Project
2001-05-20 22:39:47 +00:00
Udo Erdelhoff
MFG: German FAQ revisions 1.135 up to 1.145
(more or less equal to english FAQ revision 1.190)
Reviewed by: alex, silence on de-bsd-translators
Translation by: ue
2001-05-07 17:36:53 +00:00
Alexander Langer
Last change merged up changes up to 1.174, not 1.173.
2001-04-16 09:26:56 +00:00
Alexander Langer
Merge in all changes up to English rev. 1.173.
Obtained from: FreeBSD German Documentation Project
Work done by: Udo Erdelhoff <>
2001-04-15 23:06:06 +00:00
Alexander Langer
Sync with FreeBSD German Documentation Project: Update to original 1.150
2001-03-10 17:16:15 +00:00
Alexander Langer
Sync with English 1.147.
Obtained from: FreeBSD German Documentation Project
2001-03-04 17:46:38 +00:00
Alexander Langer
Merge changes from up to rev. 1.143 of English version.
Submitted by: Udo Erdelhoff <>
Obtained from: FreeBSD German Documentation Project
2001-02-24 14:58:29 +00:00
Alexander Langer
Add a German FAQ, based on the last English revision (1.140).
Obtained from: FreeBSD German Documentation Project
Translated by: Robert S. F. Drehmel <>,
Dirk Gouders <>,
Udo Erdelhoff <>
2001-02-01 21:29:56 +00:00